剖析虚幻渲染体系(06)- UE5特辑Part 1(特性和Nanite之Nanite基础与数据构建篇)

6.4 Nanite


在UE5 EA源码工程搜索“Nanite”字眼,发现了195个文件供3026处匹配:


  • Editor的Nanite Mesh构建过程。
  • Engine模块关于Nanite资源的管理、加载、组装等。
  • Renderer模块关于Nanite的渲染过程、优化技术。
  • Shader中Nanite的渲染步骤、算法。

6.4.1 Nanite基础

本节主要阐述Nanite相关的基本概念、类型和基础知识。 FMeshNaniteSettings

// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\EngineTypes.h

// 阴影图方法.
namespace EShadowMapMethod
    enum Type
        // 传统的阴影图. 逐组件裁剪, 在高多边形场景造成较差的性能.
        ShadowMaps UMETA(DisplayName = "Shadow Maps"),
        // 为阴影渲染几何体到虚拟深度图, 用简单设置便可提供高质量的次世代投影. 与Nanite配合使用时,可实现高效裁剪. 
        VirtualShadowMaps UMETA(DisplayName = "Virtual Shadow Maps (Beta)")

// 应用于Nanite数据构建时的配置.
struct FMeshNaniteSettings
    // 是否启用Nanite网格.
    uint8 bEnabled : 1;
    // 位置精度. 步长为2^(-PositionPrecision) cm. MIN_int32表示自动设置.
    int32 PositionPrecision;
    // 从LOD0的三角形百分比. 1.0表示没有任何减面, 0.0表示没有三角形.
    float PercentTriangles;

    FMeshNaniteSettings(): bEnabled(false), PositionPrecision(MIN_int32), PercentTriangles(0.0f){}
    FMeshNaniteSettings(const FMeshNaniteSettings& Other);
    bool operator==(const FMeshNaniteSettings& Other) const;
    bool operator!=(const FMeshNaniteSettings& Other) const;
}; StaticMesh

// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\StaticMesh.h

class UStaticMesh : public UStreamableRenderAsset, (......)
    // 静态网格的Nanite配置数据.
    FMeshNaniteSettings NaniteSettings;
    // 如果网格存在有效的Nanite渲染数据则返回true.
    bool HasValidNaniteData() const
        if (const FStaticMeshRenderData* SMRenderData = GetRenderData())
            return SMRenderData->NaniteResources.PageStreamingStates.Num() > 0;
        return false;
    // 超高分辨率的源模型相关的接口.
    FStaticMeshSourceModel& GetHiResSourceModel();
    const FStaticMeshSourceModel& GetHiResSourceModel() const;
    FStaticMeshSourceModel&& MoveHiResSourceModel();
    void SetHiResSourceModel(FStaticMeshSourceModel&& SourceModel);
    bool LoadHiResMeshDescription(FMeshDescription& OutMeshDescription) const;
    bool CloneHiResMeshDescription(FMeshDescription& OutMeshDescription) const;
    FMeshDescription* CreateHiResMeshDescription();
    FMeshDescription* CreateHiResMeshDescription(FMeshDescription MeshDescription);
    FMeshDescription* GetHiResMeshDescription() const;
    bool IsHiResMeshDescriptionValid() const;
    void CommitHiResMeshDescription(const FCommitMeshDescriptionParams& Params);
    void ClearHiResMeshDescription();
    // 超高分辨率的源模型.
    FStaticMeshSourceModel HiResSourceModel;

// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\StaticMeshResources.h

// 静态网格所需的渲染数据.
class FStaticMeshRenderData
    // Nanite渲染资源.
    Nanite::FResources NaniteResources;

}; NaniteResource

// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\Rendering\NaniteResources.h

// 最大数量的常量.
#define MAX_STREAMING_REQUESTS                    ( 128u * 1024u )
#define MAX_CLUSTER_TRIANGLES                    128
#define MAX_CLUSTER_VERTICES                    256
#define MAX_CLUSTER_INDICES                        ( MAX_CLUSTER_TRIANGLES * 3 )
#define MAX_NANITE_UVS                            4
#define NUM_ROOT_PAGES                            1u

// 是否使用三角形带索引.
#define USE_STRIP_INDICES                        1

#define CLUSTER_PAGE_GPU_SIZE_BITS                17
#define CLUSTER_PAGE_GPU_SIZE                    ( 1 << CLUSTER_PAGE_GPU_SIZE_BITS )
#define CLUSTER_PAGE_DISK_SIZE                    ( CLUSTER_PAGE_GPU_SIZE * 2 )
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE_BITS                10
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE_MASK                ( ( 1 << MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE_BITS ) - 1 )
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE                    ( 1 << MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE_BITS )
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_BITS                9
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_MASK                ( ( 1 << MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_BITS ) - 1 )
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP                    ( ( 1 << MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_BITS ) - 1 )
#define MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_TARGET            128

// 层级, GPU页, 实例化, 组等的常量.
#define MAX_HIERACHY_CHILDREN_BITS                6
#define MAX_HIERACHY_CHILDREN                    ( 1 << MAX_HIERACHY_CHILDREN_BITS )
#define MAX_GPU_PAGES_BITS                        14
#define    MAX_GPU_PAGES                            ( 1 << MAX_GPU_PAGES_BITS )
#define MAX_INSTANCES_BITS                        24
#define MAX_INSTANCES                            ( 1 << MAX_INSTANCES_BITS )
#define MAX_NODES_PER_PRIMITIVE_BITS            16
#define MAX_RESOURCE_PAGES_BITS                    20
#define MAX_RESOURCE_PAGES                        (1 << MAX_RESOURCE_PAGES_BITS)
#define MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS                    3
#define MAX_GROUP_PARTS_MASK                    ((1 << MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS) - 1)
#define MAX_GROUP_PARTS                            (1 << MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS)


// BVH
#define MAX_BVH_NODE_FANOUT_BITS                3
#define MAX_BVH_NODE_FANOUT                        (1 << MAX_BVH_NODE_FANOUT_BITS)

#define NUM_CULLING_FLAG_BITS                    3
#define NUM_PACKED_CLUSTER_FLOAT4S                8
#define MAX_POSITION_QUANTIZATION_BITS            21  // (21*3 = 63) < 64
#define NORMAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS                 9

#define MAX_COLOR_QUANTIZATION_BITS                 8


#define VIEW_FLAG_HZBTEST                        0x1

#define MAX_TRANSCODE_GROUPS_PER_PAGE            128

#define VERTEX_COLOR_MODE_WHITE                    0
#define VERTEX_COLOR_MODE_CONSTANT                1
#define VERTEX_COLOR_MODE_VARIABLE                2

#define NANITE_USE_SCRATCH_BUFFERS                1

#define NANITE_CLUSTER_FLAG_LEAF                0x1

namespace Nanite

// 整形向量.
struct FUIntVector
    uint32 X, Y, Z;

    bool operator==(const FUIntVector& V) const;
    FORCEINLINE friend FArchive& operator<<(FArchive& Ar, FUIntVector& V);

// 打包的层级节点.
struct FPackedHierarchyNode
    FSphere        LODBounds[MAX_BVH_NODE_FANOUT]; // 用球体做LOD包围盒.
        FVector        BoxBoundsCenter;
        uint32        MinLODError_MaxParentLODError;

        FVector        BoxBoundsExtent;
        uint32        ChildStartReference;
        uint32        ResourcePageIndex_NumPages_GroupPartSize;

// 材质三角形.
struct FMaterialTriangle
    uint32 Index0;
    uint32 Index1;
    uint32 Index2;
    uint32 MaterialIndex;
    uint32 RangeCount;

// 从Value中获取指定位数和偏移的值.
uint32 GetBits(uint32 Value, uint32 NumBits, uint32 Offset)
    uint32 Mask = (1u << NumBits) - 1u;
    return (Value >> Offset) & Mask;
// 将指定位数和偏移的值合并到Value中.
void SetBits(uint32& Value, uint32 Bits, uint32 NumBits, uint32 Offset)
    uint32 Mask = (1u << NumBits) - 1u;
    Mask <<= Offset;
    Value = (Value & ~Mask) | (Bits << Offset);

// 被GPU使用的打包的Cluster.
struct FPackedCluster
    // 光栅化所需的数据成员.
    FIntVector    QuantizedPosStart;
    uint32        NumVerts_PositionOffset;                // NumVerts:9, PositionOffset:23

    FVector        MeshBoundsMin;
    uint32        NumTris_IndexOffset;                    // NumTris:8, IndexOffset: 24

    FVector        MeshBoundsDelta;
    uint32        BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits;    // BitsPerIndex:4, QuantizedPosShift:6, QuantizedPosBits:5.5.5
    // 裁剪所需的数据成员.
    FSphere        LODBounds;

    FVector        BoxBoundsCenter;
    uint32        LODErrorAndEdgeLength;
    FVector        BoxBoundsExtent;
    uint32        Flags;

    // 材质所需的数据成员.
    uint32        AttributeOffset_BitsPerAttribute;    // AttributeOffset: 22, BitsPerAttribute: 10
    uint32        DecodeInfoOffset_NumUVs_ColorMode;    // DecodeInfoOffset: 22, NumUVs: 3, ColorMode: 2
    uint32        UV_Prec;                            // U0:4, V0:4, U1:4, V1:4, U2:4, V2:4, U3:4, V3:4
    uint32        PackedMaterialInfo;

    uint32        ColorMin;
    uint32        ColorBits;                            // R:4, G:4, B:4, A:4
    uint32        GroupIndex;                            // Debug only
    uint32        Pad0;

    uint32        GetNumVerts() const                        { return GetBits(NumVerts_PositionOffset, 9, 0); }
    uint32        GetPositionOffset() const                { return GetBits(NumVerts_PositionOffset, 23, 9); }

    uint32        GetNumTris() const                        { return GetBits(NumTris_IndexOffset, 8, 0); }
    uint32        GetIndexOffset() const                    { return GetBits(NumTris_IndexOffset, 24, 8); }

    uint32        GetBitsPerIndex() const                    { return GetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, 4, 0); }
    uint32        GetQuantizedPosShift() const            { return GetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, 6, 4); }
    uint32        GetPosBitsX() const                        { return GetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, 5, 10); }
    uint32        GetPosBitsY() const                        { return GetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, 5, 15); }
    uint32        GetPosBitsZ() const                        { return GetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, 5, 20); }

    uint32        GetAttributeOffset() const                { return GetBits(AttributeOffset_BitsPerAttribute, 22, 0); }
    uint32        GetBitsPerAttribute() const                { return GetBits(AttributeOffset_BitsPerAttribute, 10, 22); }
    void        SetNumVerts(uint32 NumVerts)            { SetBits(NumVerts_PositionOffset, NumVerts, 9, 0); }
    void        SetPositionOffset(uint32 Offset)        { SetBits(NumVerts_PositionOffset, Offset, 23, 9); }

    void        SetNumTris(uint32 NumTris)                { SetBits(NumTris_IndexOffset, NumTris, 8, 0); }
    void        SetIndexOffset(uint32 Offset)            { SetBits(NumTris_IndexOffset, Offset, 24, 8); }

    void        SetBitsPerIndex(uint32 BitsPerIndex)    { SetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, BitsPerIndex, 4, 0); }
    void        SetQuantizedPosShift(uint32 PosShift)    { SetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, PosShift, 6, 4); }
    void        SetPosBitsX(uint32 NumBits)                { SetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, NumBits, 5, 10); }
    void        SetPosBitsY(uint32 NumBits)                { SetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, NumBits, 5, 15); }
    void        SetPosBitsZ(uint32 NumBits)                { SetBits(BitsPerIndex_QuantizedPosShift_PosBits, NumBits, 5, 20); }

    void        SetAttributeOffset(uint32 Offset)        { SetBits(AttributeOffset_BitsPerAttribute, Offset, 22, 0); }
    void        SetBitsPerAttribute(uint32 Bits)        { SetBits(AttributeOffset_BitsPerAttribute, Bits, 10, 22); }

    void        SetDecodeInfoOffset(uint32 Offset)        { SetBits(DecodeInfoOffset_NumUVs_ColorMode, Offset, 22, 0); }
    void        SetNumUVs(uint32 Num)                    { SetBits(DecodeInfoOffset_NumUVs_ColorMode, Num, 3, 22); }
    void        SetColorMode(uint32 Mode)                { SetBits(DecodeInfoOffset_NumUVs_ColorMode, Mode, 2, 22+3); }

// 页面流状态.
struct FPageStreamingState
    uint32            BulkOffset;
    uint32            BulkSize;
    uint32            PageUncompressedSize;
    uint32            DependenciesStart;
    uint32            DependenciesNum;

// 层级修正.
class FHierarchyFixup
    FHierarchyFixup() {}

    FHierarchyFixup( uint32 InPageIndex, uint32 NodeIndex, uint32 ChildIndex, uint32 InClusterGroupPartStartIndex, uint32 PageDependencyStart, uint32 PageDependencyNum )
        PageIndex = InPageIndex;
        HierarchyNodeAndChildIndex = ( NodeIndex << MAX_HIERACHY_CHILDREN_BITS ) | ChildIndex;
        ClusterGroupPartStartIndex = InClusterGroupPartStartIndex;
        PageDependencyStartAndNum = (PageDependencyStart << MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS) | PageDependencyNum;

    uint32 GetPageIndex() const                        { return PageIndex; }
    uint32 GetNodeIndex() const                        { return HierarchyNodeAndChildIndex >> MAX_HIERACHY_CHILDREN_BITS; }
    uint32 GetChildIndex() const                    { return HierarchyNodeAndChildIndex & ( MAX_HIERACHY_CHILDREN - 1 ); }
    uint32 GetClusterGroupPartStartIndex() const    { return ClusterGroupPartStartIndex; }
    uint32 GetPageDependencyStart() const            { return PageDependencyStartAndNum >> MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS; }
    uint32 GetPageDependencyNum() const                { return PageDependencyStartAndNum & MAX_GROUP_PARTS_MASK; }

    uint32 PageIndex;
    uint32 HierarchyNodeAndChildIndex;
    uint32 ClusterGroupPartStartIndex;
    uint32 PageDependencyStartAndNum;

// Cluster修正.
class FClusterFixup
    FClusterFixup() {}

    FClusterFixup( uint32 PageIndex, uint32 ClusterIndex, uint32 PageDependencyStart, uint32 PageDependencyNum )
        PageAndClusterIndex = ( PageIndex << MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE_BITS ) | ClusterIndex;
        PageDependencyStartAndNum = (PageDependencyStart << MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS) | PageDependencyNum;
    uint32 GetPageIndex() const                { return PageAndClusterIndex >> MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE_BITS; }
    uint32 GetClusterIndex() const            { return PageAndClusterIndex & (MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE - 1u); }
    uint32 GetPageDependencyStart() const    { return PageDependencyStartAndNum >> MAX_GROUP_PARTS_BITS; }
    uint32 GetPageDependencyNum() const        { return PageDependencyStartAndNum & MAX_GROUP_PARTS_MASK; }

    uint32 PageAndClusterIndex;
    uint32 PageDependencyStartAndNum;

// 页面磁盘头.
struct FPageDiskHeader
    uint32 GpuSize;
    uint32 NumClusters;
    uint32 NumRawFloat4s;
    uint32 NumTexCoords;
    uint32 DecodeInfoOffset;
    uint32 StripBitmaskOffset;
    uint32 VertexRefBitmaskOffset;

// Cluster磁盘头.
struct FClusterDiskHeader
    uint32 IndexDataOffset;
    uint32 VertexRefDataOffset;
    uint32 PositionDataOffset;
    uint32 AttributeDataOffset;
    uint32 NumPrevRefVerticesBeforeDwords;
    uint32 NumPrevNewVerticesBeforeDwords;

// Chunk修正.
class FFixupChunk    //TODO: rename to something else
    struct FHeader
        uint16 NumClusters = 0;
        uint16 NumHierachyFixups = 0;
        uint16 NumClusterFixups = 0;
        uint16 Pad = 0;
    } Header;
    uint8 Data[ sizeof(FHierarchyFixup) * MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE + sizeof( FClusterFixup ) * MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE ];

    FClusterFixup&        GetClusterFixup( uint32 Index ) const { check( Index < Header.NumClusterFixups );  return ( (FClusterFixup*)( Data + Header.NumHierachyFixups * sizeof( FHierarchyFixup ) ) )[ Index ]; }
    FHierarchyFixup&    GetHierarchyFixup( uint32 Index ) const { check( Index < Header.NumHierachyFixups ); return ((FHierarchyFixup*)Data)[ Index ]; }
    uint32                GetSize() const { return sizeof( Header ) + Header.NumHierachyFixups * sizeof( FHierarchyFixup ) + Header.NumClusterFixups * sizeof( FClusterFixup ); }

// 实例绘制参数.
struct FInstanceDraw
    uint32 InstanceId;
    uint32 ViewId;

// Nanite渲染资源.
struct FResources
    // 持久状态.
    TArray< uint8 >                    RootClusterPage;        // Root page is loaded on resource load, so we always have something to draw.
    FByteBulkData                    StreamableClusterPages;    // Remaining pages are streamed on demand.
    TArray< uint16 >                ImposterAtlas;
    TArray< FPackedHierarchyNode >    HierarchyNodes;
    TArray< uint32 >                HierarchyRootOffsets;
    TArray< FPageStreamingState >    PageStreamingStates;
    TArray< uint32 >                PageDependencies;
    int32                            PositionPrecision = 0;
    bool    bLZCompressed            = false;

    // 运行时状态.
    uint32    RuntimeResourceID        = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
    int32    HierarchyOffset            = INDEX_NONE;
    int32    RootPageIndex            = INDEX_NONE;
    uint32    NumHierarchyNodes        = 0;
    ENGINE_API void InitResources();
    ENGINE_API bool ReleaseResources();
    ENGINE_API void Serialize(FArchive& Ar, UObject* Owner);

// GPU端Buffer, 包含了Nanite资源数据.
class FGlobalResources : public FRenderResource
    struct PassBuffers
        // 候选的(即未裁剪的)节点和Cluster缓冲区.
        TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> CandidateNodesAndClustersBuffer;
        TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> StatsRasterizeArgsSWHWBuffer;

    uint32 StatsRenderFlags = 0;
    uint32 StatsDebugFlags  = 0;

    virtual void InitRHI() override;
    virtual void ReleaseRHI() override;

    ENGINE_API void    Update(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder); // Called once per frame before any Nanite rendering has occurred.

    ENGINE_API static uint32 GetMaxCandidateClusters();
    ENGINE_API static uint32 GetMaxVisibleClusters();
    ENGINE_API static uint32 GetMaxNodes();

    PassBuffers MainPassBuffers;
    PassBuffers PostPassBuffers;

    class FVertexFactory* VertexFactory = nullptr;

    TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> StatsBuffer;

    // Dummy structured buffer with stride8
    TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> StructureBufferStride8;

    TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> PrimaryVisibleClustersBuffer;
    // Used for scratch memory (transient only)
    TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> ScratchVisibleClustersBuffer;
    TRefCountPtr<FRDGPooledBuffer> ScratchOccludedInstancesBuffer;

extern ENGINE_API TGlobalResource< FGlobalResources > GGlobalResources;

} // namespace Nanite Cluster, ClusterGroup, Page





Cluster技术并非UE独创,而在早前已被育碧和寒霜引擎使用,具体可参见论文:GPU-Driven Rendering PipelineOptimizing the Graphics Pipeline with Compute


// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\Cluster.h

// 网格簇, 将模型划分为若干个簇.
class FCluster
    FCluster( FCluster& SrcCluster, uint32 TriBegin, uint32 TriEnd, const TArray< uint32 >& TriIndexes );
    FCluster( const TArray< const FCluster*, TInlineAllocator<16> >& MergeList );
    FCluster(const TArray< FStaticMeshBuildVertex >& InVerts,const TArrayView< const uint32 >& InIndexes,
const TArrayView< const int32 >& InMaterialIndexes,const TBitArray<>& InBoundaryEdges,uint32 TriBegin, uint32 TriEnd, const TArray< uint32 >& TriIndexes, uint32 NumTexCoords, bool bHasColors );

    // 简化Cluster, 可以指定期望的三角形数量.
    float    Simplify( uint32 NumTris );
    // 拆分Cluster.
    void    Split( FGraphPartitioner& Partitioner ) const;


    static const uint32    ClusterSize = 128;

    // 计数器.
    uint32        NumVerts = 0;
    uint32        NumTris = 0;
    uint32        NumTexCoords = 0;
    bool        bHasColors = false;

    // 网格数据.
    TArray< float >        Verts; // 顶点
    TArray< uint32 >    Indexes; // 索引
    TArray< int32 >        MaterialIndexes; // 材质索引.
    TBitArray<>            BoundaryEdges; // 边界边.
    TBitArray<>            ExternalEdges; // 扩展边.
    uint32                NumExternalEdges; // 扩展边数量.

    TMap< uint32, uint32 >    AdjacentClusters; // 相邻的Cluster.

    // 包围盒数据.
    FBounds        Bounds; // 包围盒.
    FSphere        SphereBounds;
    FSphere        LODBounds;
    FVector        MeshBoundsMin; //网格包围盒.
    FVector        MeshBoundsDelta;
    float        SurfaceArea = 0.0f;
    uint32        GUID = 0;
    int32        MipLevel = 0;

    // 量化位置的数据.
    TArray<FIntVector>    QuantizedPositions;
    FIntVector    QuantizedPosStart    = { 0u, 0u, 0u };
    uint32        QuantizedPosShift    = 0u;
    FIntVector  QuantizedPosBits    = {};

    float        EdgeLength = 0.0f;
    float        LODError = 0.0f;
    // 所在的Group数据.
    uint32        GroupIndex            = MAX_uint32;
    uint32        GroupPartIndex        = MAX_uint32;
    uint32        GeneratingGroupIndex= MAX_uint32;

    // 材质范围.
    TArray<FMaterialRange, TInlineAllocator<4>> MaterialRanges;

    // 带状索引数据.
    FStripDesc        StripDesc;
    TArray<uint8>    StripIndexData;

// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\ClusterDAG.h

// 簇组, 集合了若干个Cluster.
struct FClusterGroup
    // 包围盒.
    FSphere                Bounds;
    FSphere                LODBounds;
    // 误差.
    float                MinLODError;
    float                MaxParentLODError;
    // 层级和网格索引.
    int32                MipLevel;
    uint32                MeshIndex;
    // 页表索引.
    uint32                PageIndexStart;
    uint32                PageIndexNum;
    // 子节点索引.
    TArray< uint32 >    Children;

    friend FArchive& operator<<(FArchive& Ar, FClusterGroup& Group);

// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\NaniteEncode.cpp

// FClusterGroup分拆后的全部或一部分.
struct FClusterGroupPart
    TArray<uint32>    Clusters;    // 在页面分配期间可能重新排序,因此需要在这里存储一个列表。
    FBounds            Bounds;      // 包围盒.
    uint32            PageIndex;   // 页表索引.
    uint32            GroupIndex;     // 所在的Group索引.
    uint32            HierarchyNodeIndex;  // 层次结构节点索引.
    uint32            HierarchyChildIndex; // 层次结构子节点索引.
    uint32            PageClusterOffset;   // 页表Cluster列表偏移.

// 页表的一部分.
struct FPageSections
    uint32 Cluster            = 0;
    uint32 MaterialTable    = 0;
    uint32 DecodeInfo        = 0;
    uint32 Index            = 0;
    uint32 Position            = 0;
    uint32 Attribute        = 0;

    uint32 GetMaterialTableSize() const        { return Align(MaterialTable, 16); }
    uint32 GetClusterOffset() const            { return 0; }
    uint32 GetMaterialTableOffset() const    { return Cluster; }
    uint32 GetDecodeInfoOffset() const        { return Cluster + GetMaterialTableSize(); }
    uint32 GetIndexOffset() const            { return Cluster + GetMaterialTableSize() + DecodeInfo; }
    uint32 GetPositionOffset() const        { return Cluster + GetMaterialTableSize() + DecodeInfo + Index; }
    uint32 GetAttributeOffset() const        { return Cluster + GetMaterialTableSize() + DecodeInfo + Index + Position; }
    uint32 GetTotal() const                    { return Cluster + GetMaterialTableSize() + DecodeInfo + Index + Position + Attribute; }

    FPageSections GetOffsets() const
        return FPageSections{ GetClusterOffset(), GetMaterialTableOffset(), GetDecodeInfoOffset(), GetIndexOffset(), GetPositionOffset(), GetAttributeOffset() };

    void operator+=(const FPageSections& Other)
        Cluster            +=    Other.Cluster;
        MaterialTable    +=    Other.MaterialTable;
        DecodeInfo        +=    Other.DecodeInfo;
        Index            +=    Other.Index;
        Position        +=    Other.Position;
        Attribute        +=    Other.Attribute;

// Clsuter页表.
struct FPage
    uint32    PartsStartIndex = 0; // FClusterGroupPart起始索引.
    uint32    PartsNum = 0; // FClusterGroupPart数量.
    uint32    NumClusters = 0; // Cluster数量.

    FPageSections    GpuSizes; // GPU尺寸.

// 编码信息.
struct FEncodingInfo
    uint32 BitsPerIndex; // 每个索引的位数.
    uint32 BitsPerAttribute; // 每个属性的位数.
    uint32 UVPrec; // UV精度.
    uint32        ColorMode; // 颜色模式.
    FIntVector4 ColorMin;  // 最小颜色.
    FIntVector4 ColorBits; // 颜色位数.

    FPageSections GpuSizes; // GPU尺寸.

    // UV编码信息.
    FGeometryEncodingUVInfo UVInfos[MAX_NANITE_UVS];

// Cluster Hierarchy的中间节点, 用于构建Hierarchy.
struct FIntermediateNode
    uint32                PartIndex    = MAX_uint32; // FClusterGroupPart索引.
    uint32                MipLevel    = MAX_int32;  // Mip层级.
    bool                bLeaf        = false; // 是否叶子节点.
    FBounds                Bound;    // 包围盒.
    TArray< uint32 >    Children; // 子节点列表.

// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\ImposterAtlas.h

// Cluster光栅化进的图集.
class FImposterAtlas
    static constexpr uint32    AtlasSize    = 12;
    static constexpr uint32    TileSize    = 12;

                FImposterAtlas( TArray< uint16 >& InPixels, const FBounds& MeshBounds );
    // 光栅化指定Cluster的所有三角形到此FImposterAtlas.
    void        Rasterize( const FIntPoint& TilePos, const FCluster& Cluster, uint32 ClusterIndex );

    TArray< uint16 >&    Pixels; 

    FVector        BoundsCenter;
    FVector        BoundsExtent;

    FMatrix        GetLocalToImposter( const FIntPoint& TilePos ) const;

6.4.2 Nanite数据构建

本小节主要阐述Nanite在渲染前执行的预处理,包含Nanite静态数据的构建、调用过程等。 BuildNaniteFromHiResSourceModel


// Engine\Source\Developer\MeshBuilder\Private\StaticMeshBuilder.cpp

static bool BuildNaniteFromHiResSourceModel(
    UStaticMesh* StaticMesh, 
    const FMeshNaniteSettings NaniteSettings, 
    FBoxSphereBounds& HiResBoundsOut, 
    Nanite::FResources& NaniteResourcesOut)
    // 忽略没有高分辨率的静态网格.
    if (ensure(StaticMesh->IsHiResMeshDescriptionValid()) == false)
        return false;


    // 获取模型数据
    FMeshDescription HiResMeshDescription = *StaticMesh->GetHiResMeshDescription();
    FStaticMeshSourceModel& HiResSrcModel = StaticMesh->GetHiResSourceModel();
    FMeshBuildSettings& HiResBuildSettings = HiResSrcModel.BuildSettings;

    // 计算切线, 光照图UV等等.
    FMeshDescriptionHelper MeshDescriptionHelper(&HiResBuildSettings);
    MeshDescriptionHelper.SetupRenderMeshDescription(StaticMesh, HiResMeshDescription);

    // 构建临时的RenderData数据, 以便传递到后续的Nanite构建阶段.
    FStaticMeshRenderData HiResTempRenderData;
    // 注意获取的是索引为0的LOD数据(亦即最高分辨率的数据).
    FStaticMeshLODResources& HiResStaticMeshLOD = HiResTempRenderData.LODResources[0];
    HiResStaticMeshLOD.MaxDeviation = 0.0f;

    // 准备PerSectionIndices数组, 以优化提供给GPU的索引缓冲.
    TArray<TArray<uint32>> PerSectionIndices;

    // 构建顶点和索引缓冲. 不需要WedgeMap或RemapVerts
    TArray<int32> WedgeMap, RemapVerts;
    TArray<FStaticMeshBuildVertex> StaticMeshBuildVertices;
    BuildVertexBuffer(StaticMesh, HiResMeshDescription, HiResBuildSettings, WedgeMap, HiResStaticMeshLOD.Sections, PerSectionIndices, StaticMeshBuildVertices, MeshDescriptionHelper.GetOverlappingCorners(), RemapVerts);

    const uint32 NumTextureCoord = HiResMeshDescription.VertexInstanceAttributes().GetAttributesRef<FVector2D>(MeshAttribute::VertexInstance::TextureCoordinate).GetNumChannels();

    // 只有渲染数据和顶点数据需要被使用, 所以可以清理MeshDescription.

    // 连结逐section的索引缓冲.
    TArray<uint32> CombinedIndices;
    bool bNeeds32BitIndices = false;
    BuildCombinedSectionIndices(PerSectionIndices, HiResStaticMeshLOD, CombinedIndices, bNeeds32BitIndices);

    // 在Nanite构建之前从高分辨率网格计算包围盒, 因为它会修改StaticMeshBuildVertices.
    ComputeBoundsFromVertexList(StaticMeshBuildVertices, HiResBoundsOut.Origin, HiResBoundsOut.BoxExtent, HiResBoundsOut.SphereRadius);

    // Nanite构建要求section材质索引已经从SectionInfoMap中解析出来, 因为索引被烘焙进了FMaterialTriangles.
    for (int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < HiResStaticMeshLOD.Sections.Num(); SectionIndex++)
        HiResStaticMeshLOD.Sections[SectionIndex].MaterialIndex = StaticMesh->GetSectionInfoMap().Get(0, SectionIndex).MaterialIndex;

    // 运行Nanite构建.
        Nanite::IBuilderModule& NaniteBuilderModule = Nanite::IBuilderModule::Get();
        if (!NaniteBuilderModule.Build(NaniteResourcesOut, StaticMeshBuildVertices, CombinedIndices, HiResStaticMeshLOD.Sections, NumTextureCoord, NaniteSettings))
            UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Error, TEXT("Failed to build Nanite for HiRes static mesh. See previous line(s) for details."));
            return false;

    return true;


// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\StaticMesh.cpp

// 是否存在有效的高分辨率网格.
bool UStaticMesh::IsHiResMeshDescriptionValid() const
    const FStaticMeshSourceModel& SourceModel = GetHiResSourceModel();
    return SourceModel.IsMeshDescriptionValid();

// Engine\Source\Developer\MeshBuilder\Private\MeshDescriptionHelper.cpp

void FMeshDescriptionHelper::SetupRenderMeshDescription(UObject* Owner, FMeshDescription& RenderMeshDescription)

    UStaticMesh* StaticMesh = Cast<UStaticMesh>(Owner);

    const bool bNaniteBuildEnabled = StaticMesh->NaniteSettings.bEnabled;
    float ComparisonThreshold = (BuildSettings->bRemoveDegenerates && !bNaniteBuildEnabled) ? THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME : 0.0f;
    // 保证多边形法线,切线,副法线被计算, 也会从render mesh description删除的退化三件套.
    FStaticMeshOperations::ComputeTriangleTangentsAndNormals(RenderMeshDescription, ComparisonThreshold);

    FVertexInstanceArray& VertexInstanceArray = RenderMeshDescription.VertexInstances();

    FStaticMeshAttributes Attributes(RenderMeshDescription);
    TVertexInstanceAttributesRef<FVector> Normals = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceNormals();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesRef<FVector> Tangents = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceTangents();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesRef<float> BinormalSigns = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceBinormalSigns();

    // 找到重叠的顶点,加速邻接。
    FStaticMeshOperations::FindOverlappingCorners(OverlappingCorners, RenderMeshDescription, ComparisonThreshold);

    // 静态网格总是混合重叠角的法线.
    EComputeNTBsFlags ComputeNTBsOptions = EComputeNTBsFlags::BlendOverlappingNormals;
    ComputeNTBsOptions |= BuildSettings->bComputeWeightedNormals ? EComputeNTBsFlags::WeightedNTBs : EComputeNTBsFlags::None;
    ComputeNTBsOptions |= BuildSettings->bRecomputeNormals ? EComputeNTBsFlags::Normals : EComputeNTBsFlags::None;
    ComputeNTBsOptions |= BuildSettings->bUseMikkTSpace ? EComputeNTBsFlags::UseMikkTSpace : EComputeNTBsFlags::None;

    // Nanite网格不会计算切线数据.
    if (!bNaniteBuildEnabled)
        ComputeNTBsOptions |= BuildSettings->bRemoveDegenerates ? EComputeNTBsFlags::IgnoreDegenerateTriangles : EComputeNTBsFlags::None;
        ComputeNTBsOptions |= BuildSettings->bRecomputeTangents ? EComputeNTBsFlags::Tangents : EComputeNTBsFlags::None;

    // 计算任何丢失的法线或切线.
    FStaticMeshOperations::ComputeTangentsAndNormals(RenderMeshDescription, ComputeNTBsOptions);

    // 生成光照图UV.
    if (BuildSettings->bGenerateLightmapUVs && VertexInstanceArray.Num() > 0)
        TVertexInstanceAttributesRef<FVector2D> VertexInstanceUVs = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceUVs();
        int32 NumIndices = VertexInstanceUVs.GetNumChannels();
        //Verify the src light map channel
        if (BuildSettings->SrcLightmapIndex >= NumIndices)
            BuildSettings->SrcLightmapIndex = 0;
        //Verify the destination light map channel
        if (BuildSettings->DstLightmapIndex >= NumIndices)
            //Make sure we do not add illegal UV Channel index
            if (BuildSettings->DstLightmapIndex >= MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_COORDS_MD)
                BuildSettings->DstLightmapIndex = MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_COORDS_MD - 1;

            //Add some unused UVChannel to the mesh description for the lightmapUVs
            VertexInstanceUVs.SetNumChannels(BuildSettings->DstLightmapIndex + 1);
            BuildSettings->DstLightmapIndex = NumIndices;

// Engine\Source\Developer\MeshBuilder\Private\StaticMeshBuilder.cpp

// 构建顶点缓冲区.
void BuildVertexBuffer(
      UStaticMesh *StaticMesh
    , const FMeshDescription& MeshDescription
    , const FMeshBuildSettings& BuildSettings
    , TArray<int32>& OutWedgeMap
    , FStaticMeshSectionArray& OutSections
    , TArray<TArray<uint32> >& OutPerSectionIndices
    , TArray< FStaticMeshBuildVertex >& StaticMeshBuildVertices
    , const FOverlappingCorners& OverlappingCorners
    , TArray<int32>& RemapVerts)

    TArray<int32> RemapVertexInstanceID;
    // 设置顶点缓冲元素.
    const int32 NumVertexInstances = MeshDescription.VertexInstances().GetArraySize();

    FStaticMeshConstAttributes Attributes(MeshDescription);

    TPolygonGroupAttributesConstRef<FName> PolygonGroupImportedMaterialSlotNames = Attributes.GetPolygonGroupMaterialSlotNames();
    TVertexAttributesConstRef<FVector> VertexPositions = Attributes.GetVertexPositions();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesConstRef<FVector> VertexInstanceNormals = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceNormals();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesConstRef<FVector> VertexInstanceTangents = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceTangents();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesConstRef<float> VertexInstanceBinormalSigns = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceBinormalSigns();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesConstRef<FVector4> VertexInstanceColors = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceColors();
    TVertexInstanceAttributesConstRef<FVector2D> VertexInstanceUVs = Attributes.GetVertexInstanceUVs();

    const bool bHasColors = VertexInstanceColors.IsValid();
    const bool bIgnoreTangents = StaticMesh->NaniteSettings.bEnabled;

    const uint32 NumTextureCoord = VertexInstanceUVs.GetNumChannels();
    const FMatrix ScaleMatrix = FScaleMatrix(BuildSettings.BuildScale3D).Inverse().GetTransposed();

    TMap<FPolygonGroupID, int32> PolygonGroupToSectionIndex;

    for (const FPolygonGroupID PolygonGroupID : MeshDescription.PolygonGroups().GetElementIDs())
        int32& SectionIndex = PolygonGroupToSectionIndex.FindOrAdd(PolygonGroupID);
        SectionIndex = OutSections.Add(FStaticMeshSection());
        FStaticMeshSection& StaticMeshSection = OutSections[SectionIndex];
        StaticMeshSection.MaterialIndex = StaticMesh->GetMaterialIndexFromImportedMaterialSlotName(PolygonGroupImportedMaterialSlotNames[PolygonGroupID]);
        if (StaticMeshSection.MaterialIndex == INDEX_NONE)
            StaticMeshSection.MaterialIndex = PolygonGroupID.GetValue();

    int32 ReserveIndicesCount = MeshDescription.Triangles().Num() * 3;

    // 填充重映射数组.
    for (int32& RemapIndex : RemapVerts)
        RemapIndex = INDEX_NONE;

    // 初始化楔形表OutWedgeMap

    float VertexComparisonThreshold = BuildSettings.bRemoveDegenerates ? THRESH_POINTS_ARE_SAME : 0.0f;

    int32 WedgeIndex = 0;
    for (const FTriangleID TriangleID : MeshDescription.Triangles().GetElementIDs())
        const FPolygonGroupID PolygonGroupID = MeshDescription.GetTrianglePolygonGroup(TriangleID);
        const int32 SectionIndex = PolygonGroupToSectionIndex[PolygonGroupID];
        TArray<uint32>& SectionIndices = OutPerSectionIndices[SectionIndex];

        TArrayView<const FVertexID> VertexIDs = MeshDescription.GetTriangleVertices(TriangleID);

        FVector CornerPositions[3];
        for (int32 TriVert = 0; TriVert < 3; ++TriVert)
            CornerPositions[TriVert] = VertexPositions[VertexIDs[TriVert]];
        FOverlappingThresholds OverlappingThresholds;
        OverlappingThresholds.ThresholdPosition = VertexComparisonThreshold;
        // 不处理已被合并的三角形.
        if (PointsEqual(CornerPositions[0], CornerPositions[1], OverlappingThresholds)
            || PointsEqual(CornerPositions[0], CornerPositions[2], OverlappingThresholds)
            || PointsEqual(CornerPositions[1], CornerPositions[2], OverlappingThresholds))
            WedgeIndex += 3;

        TArrayView<const FVertexInstanceID> VertexInstanceIDs = MeshDescription.GetTriangleVertexInstances(TriangleID);
        for (int32 TriVert = 0; TriVert < 3; ++TriVert, ++WedgeIndex)
            const FVertexInstanceID VertexInstanceID = VertexInstanceIDs[TriVert];
            const FVector& VertexPosition = CornerPositions[TriVert];
            const FVector& VertexInstanceNormal = VertexInstanceNormals[VertexInstanceID];
            const FVector& VertexInstanceTangent = VertexInstanceTangents[VertexInstanceID];
            const float VertexInstanceBinormalSign = VertexInstanceBinormalSigns[VertexInstanceID];

            FStaticMeshBuildVertex StaticMeshVertex;

            StaticMeshVertex.Position = VertexPosition * BuildSettings.BuildScale3D;
            // 如果是Nanite网格, 直接赋值固定的切线和副切线.
            if( bIgnoreTangents )
                StaticMeshVertex.TangentX = FVector( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
                StaticMeshVertex.TangentY = FVector( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
                StaticMeshVertex.TangentX = ScaleMatrix.TransformVector(VertexInstanceTangent).GetSafeNormal();
                StaticMeshVertex.TangentY = ScaleMatrix.TransformVector(FVector::CrossProduct(VertexInstanceNormal, VertexInstanceTangent) * VertexInstanceBinormalSign).GetSafeNormal();
            StaticMeshVertex.TangentZ = ScaleMatrix.TransformVector(VertexInstanceNormal).GetSafeNormal();
            if (bHasColors)
                const FVector4& VertexInstanceColor = VertexInstanceColors[VertexInstanceID];
                const FLinearColor LinearColor(VertexInstanceColor);
                StaticMeshVertex.Color = LinearColor.ToFColor(true);
                StaticMeshVertex.Color = FColor::White;

            const uint32 MaxNumTexCoords = FMath::Min<int32>(MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_COORDS_MD, MAX_STATIC_TEXCOORDS);
            for (uint32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < MaxNumTexCoords; ++UVIndex)
                if(UVIndex < NumTextureCoord)
                    StaticMeshVertex.UVs[UVIndex] = VertexInstanceUVs.Get(VertexInstanceID, UVIndex);
                    StaticMeshVertex.UVs[UVIndex] = FVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
            // 不会增加重复的顶点实例. 使用已被构建的WedgeIndex
            const TArray<int32>& DupVerts = OverlappingCorners.FindIfOverlapping(WedgeIndex);

            int32 Index = INDEX_NONE;
            for (int32 k = 0; k < DupVerts.Num(); k++)
                if (DupVerts[k] >= WedgeIndex)
                int32 Location = RemapVerts.IsValidIndex(DupVerts[k]) ? RemapVerts[DupVerts[k]] : INDEX_NONE;
                if (Location != INDEX_NONE && AreVerticesEqual(StaticMeshVertex, StaticMeshBuildVertices[Location], VertexComparisonThreshold))
                    Index = Location;
            if (Index == INDEX_NONE)
                Index = StaticMeshBuildVertices.Add(StaticMeshVertex);
            RemapVerts[WedgeIndex] = Index;
            OutWedgeMap[WedgeIndex] = Index;
            SectionIndices.Add( Index );

    // 设置缓冲区前先优化.
    if (NumVertexInstances < 100000 * 3)
        BuildOptimizationHelper::CacheOptimizeVertexAndIndexBuffer(StaticMeshBuildVertices, OutPerSectionIndices, OutWedgeMap);

// 构建组合的Section索引.
static void BuildCombinedSectionIndices(
    const TArray<TArray<uint32>>& PerSectionIndices, 
    FStaticMeshLODResources& StaticMeshLODInOut, 
    TArray<uint32>& CombinedIndicesOut,
    bool& bNeeds32BitIndicesOut )
    bNeeds32BitIndicesOut = false;
    for (int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < StaticMeshLODInOut.Sections.Num(); SectionIndex++)
        FStaticMeshSection& Section = StaticMeshLODInOut.Sections[SectionIndex];
        const TArray<uint32>& SectionIndices = PerSectionIndices[SectionIndex];
        Section.FirstIndex = 0;
        Section.NumTriangles = 0;
        Section.MinVertexIndex = 0;
        Section.MaxVertexIndex = 0;

        if (SectionIndices.Num())
            Section.FirstIndex = CombinedIndicesOut.Num();
            Section.NumTriangles = SectionIndices.Num() / 3;

            uint32* DestPtr = &CombinedIndicesOut[Section.FirstIndex];
            uint32 const* SrcPtr = SectionIndices.GetData();

            Section.MinVertexIndex = *SrcPtr;
            Section.MaxVertexIndex = *SrcPtr;

            for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SectionIndices.Num(); Index++)
                uint32 VertIndex = *SrcPtr++;

                bNeeds32BitIndicesOut |= (VertIndex > MAX_uint16);
                Section.MinVertexIndex = FMath::Min<uint32>(VertIndex, Section.MinVertexIndex);
                Section.MaxVertexIndex = FMath::Max<uint32>(VertIndex, Section.MaxVertexIndex);
                *DestPtr++ = VertIndex;

// 根据顶点计算包围盒和球体
static void ComputeBoundsFromVertexList(const TArray<FStaticMeshBuildVertex>& Vertices, FVector& OriginOut, FVector& ExtentOut, float& RadiusOut)
    // 计算包围盒
    FBox BoundingBox(ForceInit);
    for (int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < Vertices.Num(); VertexIndex++)
        BoundingBox += Vertices[VertexIndex].Position;
    BoundingBox.GetCenterAndExtents(OriginOut, ExtentOut);

    // 计算球体, 利用包围盒的中心作为球体中心.
    RadiusOut = 0.0f;
    for (int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < Vertices.Num(); VertexIndex++)
        RadiusOut = FMath::Max((Vertices[VertexIndex].Position-OriginOut).Size(), RadiusOut);


  • Nanite的源模型来自超高分辨率模型HiResSourceModel。
  • Nanite网格会忽略切线、副切线的计算以及减面过程。
  • 最后会调用Nanite::IBuilderModule::Build真正地构建Nanite网格数据。具体见下一小节分析。 BuildNaniteData


// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\NaniteBuilder.cpp

bool FBuilderModule::Build(
    FResources& Resources,
    TArray< FStaticMeshBuildVertex>& Vertices,
    TArray< uint32 >& TriangleIndices,
    TArray< FStaticMeshSection, TInlineAllocator<1>>& Sections,
    uint32 NumTexCoords,
    const FMeshNaniteSettings& Settings)

    check(Sections.Num() > 0 && Sections.Num() <= 64);

    // 构建三角形索引和材质索引的关联数组。
    TArray<int32> MaterialIndices;
        // 材质索引的数量和三角形数量一致.
        MaterialIndices.Reserve(TriangleIndices.Num() / 3);
        for (int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < Sections.Num(); SectionIndex++)
            FStaticMeshSection& Section = Sections[SectionIndex];

            check(Section.MaterialIndex != INDEX_NONE);
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Section.NumTriangles; ++i)

    TArray<uint32> MeshTriangleCounts;
    MeshTriangleCounts.Add(TriangleIndices.Num() / 3);

    // 保证每个三角形有一个材质索引.
    check(MaterialIndices.Num() * 3 == TriangleIndices.Num());

    // 构建Nanite数据.
    return BuildNaniteData(

// 构建Nanite数据.
static bool BuildNaniteData(
    FResources& Resources,
    TArray< FStaticMeshBuildVertex >& Verts, // TODO: Do not require this vertex type for all users of Nanite
    TArray< uint32 >& Indexes,
    TArray< int32 >& MaterialIndexes,
    TArray<uint32>& MeshTriangleCounts,
    TArray< FStaticMeshSection, TInlineAllocator<1> >& Sections,
    uint32 NumTexCoords,
    const FMeshNaniteSettings& Settings

    if (NumTexCoords > MAX_NANITE_UVS) NumTexCoords = MAX_NANITE_UVS;

    FBounds    VertexBounds;
    uint32 Channel = 255; // 用来检测是否拥有有效的顶点数据.
    for( auto& Vert : Verts )
        VertexBounds += Vert.Position;

        Channel &= Vert.Color.R;
        Channel &= Vert.Color.G;
        Channel &= Vert.Color.B;
        Channel &= Vert.Color.A;

    const uint32 NumMeshes = MeshTriangleCounts.Num();
    // 只有非全白时才拥有颜色数据.
    bool bHasColors = Channel != 255;

    TArray< uint32 > ClusterCountPerMesh;
    TArray< FCluster > Clusters;
        uint32 BaseTriangle = 0;
        // 遍历所有Section, 给每个Section构建一个或多个Cluster.
        for (uint32 NumTriangles : MeshTriangleCounts)
            uint32 NumClustersBefore = Clusters.Num();
            if (NumTriangles)
                // 为每个Section构建1或多个Cluster. 使用了TArrayView构建复用数据的数组.
                // 后面有分析ClusterTriangles的具体过程.
                ClusterTriangles(Verts, TArrayView< const uint32 >( &Indexes[BaseTriangle * 3], NumTriangles * 3 ),
                                        TArrayView< const int32 >( &MaterialIndexes[BaseTriangle], NumTriangles ),
                                        Clusters, VertexBounds, NumTexCoords, bHasColors);
            // 记录每个Section的Cluster数量.
            ClusterCountPerMesh.Add(Clusters.Num() - NumClustersBefore);
            BaseTriangle += NumTriangles;
    const int32 OldTriangleCount = Indexes.Num() / 3;
    const int32 MinTriCount = 2000;
    // 用粗糙代表(coarse representation)代替原始的静态网格数据。
    const bool bUseCoarseRepresentation = Settings.PercentTriangles < 1.0f && OldTriangleCount > MinTriCount;

    // 如果不用粗糙代表(coarse representation)替换原始的顶点缓冲, 去掉旧的拷贝数据.
    // 将它复制到cluster representation中, 在更长的DAG减少阶段之前执行,以减少峰值内存持续时间。
    // 当并行构建多个巨大的Nanite网格时,这一点尤为重要。
    if (bUseCoarseRepresentation)
        check(MeshTriangleCounts.Num() == 1);

    uint32 Time0 = FPlatformTime::Cycles();

    FBounds MeshBounds;
    TArray<FClusterGroup> Groups; // Cluster组列表.
        uint32 ClusterStart = 0;
        for (uint32 MeshIndex = 0; MeshIndex < NumMeshes; MeshIndex++)
            uint32 NumClusters = ClusterCountPerMesh[MeshIndex];
            // 构建DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph,有向非循环图),以减面减模, 并且附加Cluster和Group到对应数组中.
            BuildDAG( Groups, Clusters, ClusterStart, NumClusters, MeshIndex, MeshBounds );
            ClusterStart += NumClusters;

    uint32 ReduceTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
    UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Reduce [%.2fs]"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds(ReduceTime - Time0) / 1000.0f);

    // 使用粗糙代表.
    if (bUseCoarseRepresentation)
        const uint32 CoarseStartTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
        int32 CoarseTriCount = FMath::Max(MinTriCount, int32((float(OldTriangleCount) * Settings.PercentTriangles)));

        TArray<FStaticMeshSection, TInlineAllocator<1>> CoarseSections = Sections;
        // 构建粗糙代表.
        BuildCoarseRepresentation(Groups, Clusters, Verts, Indexes, CoarseSections, NumTexCoords, CoarseTriCount);

        // 使用粗糙网格范围修正网格section信息, 同时遵守原始序号和保留材质.
        // 它不会以任何指定的三角形结束(由于抽取过程)。

        for (FStaticMeshSection& Section : Sections)
            // 对于每个section的信息,尝试在粗略版本中找到一个匹配的条目。
            const FStaticMeshSection* CoarseSection = CoarseSections.FindByPredicate(
                [&Section](const FStaticMeshSection& CoarseSectionIter)
                return CoarseSectionIter.MaterialIndex == Section.MaterialIndex;

            // 找到匹配的条目
            if (CoarseSection != nullptr)
                Section.FirstIndex     = CoarseSection->FirstIndex;
                Section.NumTriangles   = CoarseSection->NumTriangles;
                Section.MinVertexIndex = CoarseSection->MinVertexIndex;
                Section.MaxVertexIndex = CoarseSection->MaxVertexIndex;
            // 未找到匹配的条目.
                // 由于抽取而被移除的部分,设置占位符条目
                Section.FirstIndex     = 0;
                Section.NumTriangles   = 0;
                Section.MinVertexIndex = 0;
                Section.MaxVertexIndex = 0;

        const uint32 CoarseEndTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
        UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Coarse [%.2fs], original tris: %d, coarse tris: %d"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds(CoarseEndTime - CoarseStartTime) / 1000.0f, OldTriangleCount, CoarseTriCount);

    uint32 EncodeTime0 = FPlatformTime::Cycles();

    // 编码Nanite网格.
    Encode( Resources, Settings, Clusters, Groups, MeshBounds, NumMeshes, NumTexCoords, bHasColors );

    uint32 EncodeTime1 = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
    UE_LOG( LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Encode [%.2fs]"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds( EncodeTime1 - EncodeTime0 ) / 1000.0f );

    // 只有一个网格时才生成Imposter.
    const bool bGenerateImposter = (NumMeshes == 1);
    if (bGenerateImposter)
        uint32 ImposterStartTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
        auto& RootChildren = Groups.Last().Children;
        // Resources的ImposterAtlas.
        FImposterAtlas ImposterAtlas( Resources.ImposterAtlas, MeshBounds );

        // 并行生成Imposter.
            [&](int32 TileIndex)
            FIntPoint TilePos(
                TileIndex % FImposterAtlas::AtlasSize,
                TileIndex / FImposterAtlas::AtlasSize);

            // 遍历所有子Cluster, 光栅化到ImposterAtlas.
            for (int32 ClusterIndex = 0; ClusterIndex < RootChildren.Num(); ClusterIndex++)
                ImposterAtlas.Rasterize(TilePos, Clusters[RootChildren[ClusterIndex]], ClusterIndex);

        UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Imposter [%.2fs]"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds(FPlatformTime::Cycles() - ImposterStartTime ) / 1000.0f);

    uint32 Time1 = FPlatformTime::Cycles();

    UE_LOG( LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Nanite build [%.2fs]\n"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds( Time1 - Time0 ) / 1000.0f );

    return true;
} ClusterTriangles

// 为每个Section构建1或多个Cluster.
static void ClusterTriangles(
    const TArray< FStaticMeshBuildVertex >& Verts,
    const TArrayView< const uint32 >& Indexes,
    const TArrayView< const int32 >& MaterialIndexes,
    TArray< FCluster >& Clusters,    // Append
    const FBounds& MeshBounds,
    uint32 NumTexCoords,
    bool bHasColors )
    uint32 Time0 = FPlatformTime::Cycles();

    LOG_CRC( Verts );
    LOG_CRC( Indexes );

    uint32 NumTriangles = Indexes.Num() / 3;

    // 共享边
    TArray< uint32 > SharedEdges; 
    SharedEdges.AddUninitialized( Indexes.Num() );

    // 边界边
    TBitArray<> BoundaryEdges; 
    BoundaryEdges.Init( false, Indexes.Num() );

    // 边哈希
    FHashTable EdgeHash( 1 << FMath::FloorLog2( Indexes.Num() ), Indexes.Num() );

    // 并行处理边哈希.
    ParallelFor( Indexes.Num(),
        [&]( int32 EdgeIndex )

            uint32 VertIndex0 = Indexes[ EdgeIndex ];
            uint32 VertIndex1 = Indexes[ Cycle3( EdgeIndex ) ];
            const FVector& Position0 = Verts[ VertIndex0 ].Position;
            const FVector& Position1 = Verts[ VertIndex1 ].Position;
            uint32 Hash0 = HashPosition( Position0 );
            uint32 Hash1 = HashPosition( Position1 );
            uint32 Hash = Murmur32( { Hash0, Hash1 } );

            // 注意此处添加元素使用的是并发版本Add_Concurrent.
            EdgeHash.Add_Concurrent( Hash, EdgeIndex );

    const int32 NumDwords = FMath::DivideAndRoundUp( BoundaryEdges.Num(), NumBitsPerDWORD );

    ParallelFor( NumDwords,
        [&]( int32 DwordIndex )
            const int32 NumIndexes = Indexes.Num();
            const int32 NumBits = FMath::Min( NumBitsPerDWORD, NumIndexes - DwordIndex * NumBitsPerDWORD );

            uint32 Mask = 1;
            uint32 Dword = 0;
            for( int32 BitIndex = 0; BitIndex < NumBits; BitIndex++, Mask <<= 1 )
                // 计算边索引.
                int32 EdgeIndex = DwordIndex * NumBitsPerDWORD + BitIndex;

                uint32 VertIndex0 = Indexes[ EdgeIndex ];
                uint32 VertIndex1 = Indexes[ Cycle3( EdgeIndex ) ];
                const FVector& Position0 = Verts[ VertIndex0 ].Position;
                const FVector& Position1 = Verts[ VertIndex1 ].Position;
                uint32 Hash0 = HashPosition( Position0 );
                uint32 Hash1 = HashPosition( Position1 );
                uint32 Hash = Murmur32( { Hash1, Hash0 } );
                // 找到共享两个顶点且方向相反的边.
                     /  \
                     \  /
                uint32 FoundEdge = ~0u;
                for( uint32 OtherEdgeIndex = EdgeHash.First( Hash ); EdgeHash.IsValid( OtherEdgeIndex ); OtherEdgeIndex = EdgeHash.Next( OtherEdgeIndex ) )
                    uint32 OtherVertIndex0 = Indexes[ OtherEdgeIndex ];
                    uint32 OtherVertIndex1 = Indexes[ Cycle3( OtherEdgeIndex ) ];
                    if( Position0 == Verts[ OtherVertIndex1 ].Position &&
                        Position1 == Verts[ OtherVertIndex0 ].Position )
                        // 找到匹配的边.
                        // 哈希表不是确定性的顺序。找到稳定的匹配,而不仅仅是第一个。
                        FoundEdge = FMath::Min( FoundEdge, OtherEdgeIndex );
                SharedEdges[ EdgeIndex ] = FoundEdge;
                if( FoundEdge == ~0u )
                    Dword |= Mask;
            if( Dword )
                BoundaryEdges.GetData()[ DwordIndex ] = Dword;

    // 不连贯的三角形集.
    FDisjointSet DisjointSet( NumTriangles );

    for( uint32 EdgeIndex = 0, Num = SharedEdges.Num(); EdgeIndex < Num; EdgeIndex++ )
        uint32 OtherEdgeIndex = SharedEdges[ EdgeIndex ];
        if( OtherEdgeIndex != ~0u )
            // OtherEdgeIndex是匹配EdgeIndex的最小索引.
            // ThisEdgeIndex是匹配OtherEdgeIndex的最小索引.

            uint32 ThisEdgeIndex = SharedEdges[ OtherEdgeIndex ];
            check( ThisEdgeIndex != ~0u );
            check( ThisEdgeIndex <= EdgeIndex );

            if( EdgeIndex > ThisEdgeIndex )
                // 上一个元素指向OtherEdgeIndex
                SharedEdges[ EdgeIndex ] = ~0u;
            else if( EdgeIndex > OtherEdgeIndex )
                // 再次检测.
                DisjointSet.UnionSequential( EdgeIndex / 3, OtherEdgeIndex / 3 );

    uint32 BoundaryTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
    UE_LOG( LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Boundary [%.2fs], tris: %i, UVs %i%s"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds( BoundaryTime - Time0 ) / 1000.0f, Indexes.Num() / 3, NumTexCoords, bHasColors ? TEXT(", Color") : TEXT("") );

    LOG_CRC( SharedEdges );

    // 三角形划分.
    FGraphPartitioner Partitioner( NumTriangles );


        // 获取三角形的中心.
        auto GetCenter = [ &Verts, &Indexes ]( uint32 TriIndex )
            FVector Center;
            Center  = Verts[ Indexes[ TriIndex * 3 + 0 ] ].Position;
            Center += Verts[ Indexes[ TriIndex * 3 + 1 ] ].Position;
            Center += Verts[ Indexes[ TriIndex * 3 + 2 ] ].Position;
            return Center * (1.0f / 3.0f);
        // 构建位置连接.
        Partitioner.BuildLocalityLinks( DisjointSet, MeshBounds, GetCenter );

        auto* RESTRICT Graph = Partitioner.NewGraph( NumTriangles * 3 );

        // 处理划分数据.
        for( uint32 i = 0; i < NumTriangles; i++ )
            Graph->AdjacencyOffset[i] = Graph->Adjacency.Num();

            uint32 TriIndex = Partitioner.Indexes[i];

            for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
                uint32 EdgeIndex = SharedEdges[ 3 * TriIndex + k ];
                // 增加邻边.
                if( EdgeIndex != ~0u )
                    Partitioner.AddAdjacency( Graph, EdgeIndex / 3, 4 * 65 );

            // 增加位置连接.
            Partitioner.AddLocalityLinks( Graph, TriIndex, 1 );
        Graph->AdjacencyOffset[ NumTriangles ] = Graph->Adjacency.Num();

        // 精确地划分Cluster.
        Partitioner.PartitionStrict( Graph, FCluster::ClusterSize - 4, FCluster::ClusterSize, true );
        check( Partitioner.Ranges.Num() );

        LOG_CRC( Partitioner.Ranges );

    // 计算最理想的Cluster数量.
    const uint32 OptimalNumClusters = FMath::DivideAndRoundUp< int32 >( Indexes.Num(), FCluster::ClusterSize * 3 );

    uint32 ClusterTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
    UE_LOG( LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Clustering [%.2fs]. Ratio: %f"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds( ClusterTime - BoundaryTime ) / 1000.0f, (float)Partitioner.Ranges.Num() / OptimalNumClusters );

    const uint32 BaseCluster = Clusters.Num();
    Clusters.AddDefaulted( Partitioner.Ranges.Num() );

    // 笔者注: 大于32用单线程? 是否弄反了?
    const bool bSingleThreaded = Partitioner.Ranges.Num() > 32;
        // 并行构建Cluster.
        ParallelFor( Partitioner.Ranges.Num(),
            [&]( int32 Index )
                auto& Range = Partitioner.Ranges[ Index ];

                // 创建单个Cluster实例.
                Clusters[ BaseCluster + Index ] = FCluster( Verts,
                                                            BoundaryEdges, Range.Begin, Range.End, Partitioner.Indexes, NumTexCoords, bHasColors );

                // 负数标明它是个叶子.
                Clusters[ BaseCluster + Index ].EdgeLength *= -1.0f;
            }, bSingleThreaded);

    uint32 LeavesTime = FPlatformTime::Cycles();
    UE_LOG( LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Leaves [%.2fs]"), FPlatformTime::ToMilliseconds( LeavesTime - ClusterTime ) / 1000.0f );
} FGraphPartitioner


// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\GraphPartitioner.h


// 引用了metis第三方开源库.
#include "metis.h"


// Cluster划分图
class FGraphPartitioner
    // 图数据.
    struct FGraphData
        int32    Offset; // 索引位移.
        int32    Num;    // 数量.

        TArray< idx_t >    Adjacency; // 邻边列表
        TArray< idx_t >    AdjacencyCost; // 邻边权重列表
        TArray< idx_t >    AdjacencyOffset; // 邻边位移列表

    // 范围是[Begin, End]
    struct FRange
        uint32    Begin;
        uint32    End;

        bool operator<( const FRange& Other) const { return Begin < Other.Begin; }
    TArray< FRange >    Ranges;
    TArray< uint32 >    Indexes;

                FGraphPartitioner( uint32 InNumElements );

    // 构建新的子图数据实例.
    FGraphData*    NewGraph( uint32 NumAdjacency ) const;

    // 增加邻边.
    void        AddAdjacency( FGraphData* Graph, uint32 AdjIndex, idx_t Cost );
    // 增加位置连接.
    void        AddLocalityLinks( FGraphData* Graph, uint32 Index, idx_t Cost );

    // 构建位置连接.
    template< typename FGetCenter >
    void        BuildLocalityLinks( FDisjointSet& DisjointSet, const FBounds& Bounds, FGetCenter& GetCenter );

    // 划分Cluster.
    void        Partition( FGraphData* Graph, int32 InMinPartitionSize, int32 InMaxPartitionSize );
    // 精确地划分Cluster.
    void        PartitionStrict( FGraphData* Graph, int32 InMinPartitionSize, int32 InMaxPartitionSize, bool bThreaded );

    // 平分子图.
    void        BisectGraph( FGraphData* Graph, FGraphData* ChildGraphs[2] );
    // 递归平分子图.
    void        RecursiveBisectGraph( FGraphData* Graph );

    uint32        NumElements;
    int32        MinPartitionSize = 0;
    int32        MaxPartitionSize = 0;

    // Cluster数量. 用了原子, 以支持多线程读写.
    TAtomic< uint32 >    NumPartitions;

    TArray< idx_t >        PartitionIDs;
    TArray< int32 >        SwappedWith;
    TArray< uint32 >    SortedTo;

    // 位置连接.
    TMultiMap< uint32, uint32 >    LocalityLinks;


// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\GraphPartitioner.cpp


// 平分网格.
void FGraphPartitioner::BisectGraph( FGraphData* Graph, FGraphData* ChildGraphs[2] )
    ChildGraphs[0] = nullptr;
    ChildGraphs[1] = nullptr;

    // 增加分区回调.
    auto AddPartition =
        [ this ]( int32 Offset, int32 Num )
            FRange& Range = Ranges[ NumPartitions++ ];
            Range.Begin    = Offset;
            Range.End    = Offset + Num;

    // 如果Graph的分区数量没有超限, 则直接添加到this中.
    if( Graph->Num <= MaxPartitionSize )
        AddPartition( Graph->Offset, Graph->Num );

    // 计算预期的分区尺寸.
    const int32 TargetPartitionSize = ( MinPartitionSize + MaxPartitionSize ) / 2;
    const int32 TargetNumPartitions = FMath::Max( 2, FMath::DivideAndRoundNearest( Graph->Num, TargetPartitionSize ) );

    check( Graph->AdjacencyOffset.Num() == Graph->Num + 1 );

    idx_t NumConstraints = 1;
    idx_t NumParts = 2;
    idx_t EdgesCut = 0;

    real_t PartitionWeights[] = {
        float( TargetNumPartitions / 2 ) / TargetNumPartitions,
        1.0f - float( TargetNumPartitions / 2 ) / TargetNumPartitions

    // 设置Metis库的默认操作参数.
    idx_t Options[ METIS_NOPTIONS ];
    METIS_SetDefaultOptions( Options );

    // 在高层级允许宽松的容差, 严格的平衡在更接近分区大小之前并不重要。
    bool bLoose = TargetNumPartitions >= 128 || MaxPartitionSize / MinPartitionSize > 1;
    bool bSlow = Graph->Num < 4096;
    Options[ METIS_OPTION_UFACTOR ] = bLoose ? 200 : 1;
    //Options[ METIS_OPTION_NCUTS ] = Graph->Num < 1024 ? 8 : ( Graph->Num < 4096 ? 4 : 1 );
    //Options[ METIS_OPTION_NCUTS ] = bSlow ? 4 : 1;
    //Options[ METIS_OPTION_NITER ] = bSlow ? 20 : 10;
    //Options[ METIS_OPTION_MINCONN ] = 1;

    // 调用Metis的递归划分.
    int r = METIS_PartGraphRecursive(
        &NumConstraints,            // number of balancing constraints
        NULL,                        // Vert weights
        NULL,                        // Vert sizes for computing the total communication volume
        Graph->AdjacencyCost.GetData(),    // Edge weights
        PartitionWeights,            // Target partition weight
        NULL,                        // Allowed load imbalance tolerance
        PartitionIDs.GetData() + Graph->Offset

    // 确认Metis递归划分的结果有效.
    if( ensureAlways( r == METIS_OK ) )
        // 在适当的位置划分数组.
        // 双方都保持排序,但顺序是颠倒的.
        int32 Front = Graph->Offset;
        int32 Back =  Graph->Offset + Graph->Num - 1;
        while( Front <= Back )
            while( Front <= Back && PartitionIDs[ Front ] == 0 )
                SwappedWith[ Front ] = Front;
            while( Front <= Back && PartitionIDs[ Back ] == 1 )
                SwappedWith[ Back ] = Back;

            if( Front < Back )
                Swap( Indexes[ Front ], Indexes[ Back ] );

                SwappedWith[ Front ] = Back;
                SwappedWith[ Back ] = Front;

        int32 Split = Front;

        int32 Num[2];
        Num[0] = Split - Graph->Offset;
        Num[1] = Graph->Offset + Graph->Num - Split;
        check( Num[0] > 1 );
        check( Num[1] > 1 );

        // 如果两个子节点的分区尺寸未超限, 则直接添加.
        if( Num[0] <= MaxPartitionSize && Num[1] <= MaxPartitionSize )
            AddPartition( Graph->Offset,    Num[0] );
            AddPartition( Split,            Num[1] );
            // 创建两个子节点实例.
            for( int32 i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
                ChildGraphs[i] = new FGraphData;
                ChildGraphs[i]->Adjacency.Reserve( Graph->Adjacency.Num() >> 1 );
                ChildGraphs[i]->AdjacencyCost.Reserve( Graph->Adjacency.Num() >> 1 );
                ChildGraphs[i]->AdjacencyOffset.Reserve( Num[i] + 1 );
                ChildGraphs[i]->Num = Num[i];

            ChildGraphs[0]->Offset = Graph->Offset;
            ChildGraphs[1]->Offset = Split;

            // 遍历所有子分区, 将Graph的邻边加入到ChildGraphs[0]或ChildGraphs[1]
            for( int32 i = 0; i < Graph->Num; i++ )
                // 这里代码有点trick: 若i<=ChildGraphs[0]->Num则获取ChildGraphs[0], 否则获取ChildGraphs[1].
                FGraphData* ChildGraph = ChildGraphs[ i >= ChildGraphs[0]->Num ];

                ChildGraph->AdjacencyOffset.Add( ChildGraph->Adjacency.Num() );
                int32 OrgIndex = SwappedWith[ Graph->Offset + i ] - Graph->Offset;
                for( idx_t AdjIndex = Graph->AdjacencyOffset[ OrgIndex ]; AdjIndex < Graph->AdjacencyOffset[ OrgIndex + 1 ]; AdjIndex++ )
                    idx_t Adj     = Graph->Adjacency[ AdjIndex ];
                    idx_t AdjCost = Graph->AdjacencyCost[ AdjIndex ];

                    // Remap to child
                    Adj = SwappedWith[ Graph->Offset + Adj ] - ChildGraph->Offset;

                    // Edge connects to node in this graph
                    if( 0 <= Adj && Adj < ChildGraph->Num )
                        ChildGraph->Adjacency.Add( Adj );
                        ChildGraph->AdjacencyCost.Add( AdjCost );
            ChildGraphs[0]->AdjacencyOffset.Add( ChildGraphs[0]->Adjacency.Num() );
            ChildGraphs[1]->AdjacencyOffset.Add( ChildGraphs[1]->Adjacency.Num() );

// 精确划分
void FGraphPartitioner::PartitionStrict( FGraphData* Graph, int32 InMinPartitionSize, int32 InMaxPartitionSize, bool bThreaded )
    MinPartitionSize = InMinPartitionSize;
    MaxPartitionSize = InMaxPartitionSize;

    PartitionIDs.AddUninitialized( NumElements );
    SwappedWith.AddUninitialized( NumElements );

    // Adding to atomically so size big enough to not need to grow.
    int32 NumPartitionsExpected = FMath::DivideAndRoundUp( Graph->Num, MinPartitionSize );
    Ranges.AddUninitialized( NumPartitionsExpected * 2 );
    NumPartitions = 0;

    // 使用多线程.
    if( bThreaded && NumPartitionsExpected > 4 )
        extern CORE_API int32 GUseNewTaskBackend;
        // 使用后台线程.
        if (GUseNewTaskBackend)
            // 局部工作队列
            TLocalWorkQueue<FGraphData> LocalWork(Graph);
            // 这里的Self指Lambda函数自身.
            LocalWork.Run(MakeYCombinator([this, &LocalWork](auto Self, FGraphData* Graph) -> void
                FGraphData* ChildGraphs[2];
                // 平均划分.
                BisectGraph( Graph, ChildGraphs );
                delete Graph;

                if( ChildGraphs[0] && ChildGraphs[1] )
                    // 处理第1个子节点
                    // 只有在剩余工作足够大的情况下才会添加新的工作线程
                    if (ChildGraphs[0]->Num > 256)
                    else // 否则递归调用.
                    // 处理第2个子节点
        // 非后台线程. 使用传统的TaskGraph任务系统.
            const ENamedThreads::Type DesiredThread = IsInGameThread() ? ENamedThreads::AnyThread : ENamedThreads::AnyBackgroundThreadNormalTask;

            // 构建任务.
            class FBuildTask
                FBuildTask( FGraphPartitioner* InPartitioner, FGraphData* InGraph, ENamedThreads::Type InDesiredThread)
                    : Partitioner( InPartitioner )
                    , Graph( InGraph )
                    , DesiredThread( InDesiredThread )

                void DoTask( ENamedThreads::Type CurrentThread, const FGraphEventRef& MyCompletionEvent )
                    FGraphData* ChildGraphs[2];
                    Partitioner->BisectGraph( Graph, ChildGraphs );
                    delete Graph;

                    if( ChildGraphs[0] && ChildGraphs[1] )
                        if( ChildGraphs[0]->Num > 256 )
                            FGraphEventRef Task = TGraphTask< FBuildTask >::CreateTask().ConstructAndDispatchWhenReady( Partitioner, ChildGraphs[0], DesiredThread);
                            MyCompletionEvent->DontCompleteUntil( Task );
                            FBuildTask( Partitioner, ChildGraphs[0], DesiredThread).DoTask( CurrentThread, MyCompletionEvent );

                        FBuildTask( Partitioner, ChildGraphs[1], DesiredThread).DoTask( CurrentThread, MyCompletionEvent );

                static FORCEINLINE TStatId GetStatId()
                    RETURN_QUICK_DECLARE_CYCLE_STAT(FBuildTask, STATGROUP_ThreadPoolAsyncTasks);

                static FORCEINLINE ESubsequentsMode::Type    GetSubsequentsMode()    { return ESubsequentsMode::TrackSubsequents; }

                FORCEINLINE ENamedThreads::Type GetDesiredThread() const
                    return DesiredThread;

                FGraphPartitioner*  Partitioner;
                FGraphData*         Graph;
                ENamedThreads::Type DesiredThread;

            FGraphEventRef BuildTask = TGraphTask< FBuildTask >::CreateTask( nullptr ).ConstructAndDispatchWhenReady( this, Graph, DesiredThread);
            FTaskGraphInterface::Get().WaitUntilTaskCompletes( BuildTask );
        RecursiveBisectGraph( Graph );

    Ranges.SetNum( NumPartitions );

    if( bThreaded )
        // Force a deterministic order



  • 构建Nanite时大量使用了并行化处理,包含但不限于处理边哈希、检测共享边和边界边、构建Cluster、划分网格、生成Imposter等,以缩短Nanite数据的构建时间。
  • 划分网格时,根据GUseNewTaskBackend决定是启用新的后台任务并行处理还是传统的TaskGraph,新的后台任务系统是UE5才加入的功能,更加轻便简洁。
  • 均分网格时用到了第三方开源库METIS的几个关键接口:METIS_SetDefaultOptions、METIS_PartGraphKway、METIS_PartGraphRecursive。


  • 提供高品质的划分。METIS产生的分区始终优于其他广泛使用的算法产生的分区。METIS产生的分区始终比光谱划分算法(spectral partitioning algorithms)产生的分区好10%到50%。
  • 处理速度异常快。大量实践表明,METIS比其他广泛使用的分区算法快一到两个数量级。在当前的工作站和pc机上,具有数百万个顶点的图形可以在几秒钟内划分为256个部分。
  • 生成结果具有低填充率。由METIS产生的减少填充的排序明显优于其他广泛使用的算法,包括多最小度(multiple minimum degree)。对于科学计算和线性规划中出现的许多类问题,METIS能够将稀疏矩阵分解的存储和计算要求降低到一个数量级。与多最小度方法不同,METIS生成的消元树适用于并行直接分解。此外,METIS能够非常快地计算这些排序。在当前的工作站和pc上,具有数百万行的矩阵可以在几秒钟内重新排序。

它还有并行化的版本ParMETIS。具体参加官方说明:Family of Graph and Hypergraph Partitioning Software





在Partitioning阶段,需要两个步骤,第一步是随机选取一个根,第二步是宽度优先搜索(breadth first search,BFS)以包含能够获得较少切边的顶点。

在Uncoarsening阶段的关键思路:每个父节点包含了一组子节点,通过从一个分区移动顶点到另一个分区来减少切边。 BuildDAG

// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\ClusterDAG.cpp

// 构建Cluster的有向非循环图.
void BuildDAG( TArray< FClusterGroup >& Groups, TArray< FCluster >& Clusters, uint32 ClusterRangeStart, uint32 ClusterRangeNum, uint32 MeshIndex, FBounds& MeshBounds )
    uint32 LevelOffset    = ClusterRangeStart;
    TAtomic< uint32 >    NumClusters( Clusters.Num() );
    uint32                NumExternalEdges = 0;

    bool bFirstLevel = true;

    while( true )
        TArrayView< FCluster > LevelClusters( &Clusters[LevelOffset], bFirstLevel ? ClusterRangeNum : (Clusters.Num() - LevelOffset) );
        bFirstLevel = false;
        for( FCluster& Cluster : LevelClusters )
            NumExternalEdges    += Cluster.NumExternalEdges;
            MeshBounds            += Cluster.Bounds;

        if( LevelClusters.Num() < 2 )

        // 如果该级别的Cluster少于每个组的最大数量, 直接添加到组列表.
        if( LevelClusters.Num() <= MaxGroupSize )
            TArray< uint32, TInlineAllocator< MaxGroupSize > > Children;

            uint32 MaxParents = 0;
            for( FCluster& Cluster : LevelClusters )
                MaxParents += FMath::DivideAndRoundUp< uint32 >( Cluster.Indexes.Num(), FCluster::ClusterSize * 6 );
                Children.Add( LevelOffset++ );

            LevelOffset = Clusters.Num();
            Clusters.AddDefaulted( MaxParents );
            Groups.AddDefaulted( 1 );

            // 使用DAG减顶点减面并添加到对应组.
            DAGReduce( Groups, Clusters, NumClusters, Children, Groups.Num() - 1, MeshIndex );

            // Correct num to atomic count
            Clusters.SetNum( NumClusters, false );

        // 该级别的Cluster数量大于MaxGroupSize, 需要用FGraphPartitioner进行划分.
        // 外部边缘结构体
        struct FExternalEdge
            uint32    ClusterIndex;
            uint32    EdgeIndex;
        // 外部边缘列表.
        TArray< FExternalEdge >    ExternalEdges;
        FHashTable                ExternalEdgeHash;
        TAtomic< uint32 >        ExternalEdgeOffset(0);

        // 有NumExternalEdges的总数,所以可以分配一个不增长的哈希表。
        ExternalEdges.AddUninitialized( NumExternalEdges );
        ExternalEdgeHash.Clear( 1 << FMath::FloorLog2( NumExternalEdges ), NumExternalEdges );
        NumExternalEdges = 0;

        // 并行地增加边缘到哈希表.
        ParallelFor( LevelClusters.Num(),
            [&]( uint32 ClusterIndex )
                FCluster& Cluster = LevelClusters[ ClusterIndex ];

                for( TConstSetBitIterator<> SetBit( Cluster.ExternalEdges ); SetBit; ++SetBit )
                    uint32 EdgeIndex = SetBit.GetIndex();

                    uint32 VertIndex0 = Cluster.Indexes[ EdgeIndex ];
                    uint32 VertIndex1 = Cluster.Indexes[ Cycle3( EdgeIndex ) ];
                    const FVector& Position0 = Cluster.GetPosition( VertIndex0 );
                    const FVector& Position1 = Cluster.GetPosition( VertIndex1 );

                    uint32 Hash0 = HashPosition( Position0 );
                    uint32 Hash1 = HashPosition( Position1 );
                    uint32 Hash = Murmur32( { Hash0, Hash1 } );

                    uint32 ExternalEdgeIndex = ExternalEdgeOffset++;
                    ExternalEdges[ ExternalEdgeIndex ] = { ClusterIndex, EdgeIndex };
                    ExternalEdgeHash.Add_Concurrent( Hash, ExternalEdgeIndex );

        check( ExternalEdgeOffset == ExternalEdges.Num() );

        TAtomic< uint32 > NumAdjacency(0);

        // 并行地在其它Cluster查找匹配边缘.
        ParallelFor( LevelClusters.Num(),
            [&]( uint32 ClusterIndex )
                FCluster& Cluster = LevelClusters[ ClusterIndex ];

                for( TConstSetBitIterator<> SetBit( Cluster.ExternalEdges ); SetBit; ++SetBit )
                    uint32 EdgeIndex = SetBit.GetIndex();

                    uint32 VertIndex0 = Cluster.Indexes[ EdgeIndex ];
                    uint32 VertIndex1 = Cluster.Indexes[ Cycle3( EdgeIndex ) ];
                    const FVector& Position0 = Cluster.GetPosition( VertIndex0 );
                    const FVector& Position1 = Cluster.GetPosition( VertIndex1 );

                    uint32 Hash0 = HashPosition( Position0 );
                    uint32 Hash1 = HashPosition( Position1 );
                    uint32 Hash = Murmur32( { Hash1, Hash0 } );

                    for( uint32 ExternalEdgeIndex = ExternalEdgeHash.First( Hash ); ExternalEdgeHash.IsValid( ExternalEdgeIndex ); ExternalEdgeIndex = ExternalEdgeHash.Next( ExternalEdgeIndex ) )
                        FExternalEdge ExternalEdge = ExternalEdges[ ExternalEdgeIndex ];

                        FCluster& OtherCluster = LevelClusters[ ExternalEdge.ClusterIndex ];

                        if( OtherCluster.ExternalEdges[ ExternalEdge.EdgeIndex ] )
                            uint32 OtherVertIndex0 = OtherCluster.Indexes[ ExternalEdge.EdgeIndex ];
                            uint32 OtherVertIndex1 = OtherCluster.Indexes[ Cycle3( ExternalEdge.EdgeIndex ) ];
                            if( Position0 == OtherCluster.GetPosition( OtherVertIndex1 ) &&
                                Position1 == OtherCluster.GetPosition( OtherVertIndex0 ) )
                                // 找到匹配边缘, 增加其计数.
                                Cluster.AdjacentClusters.FindOrAdd( ExternalEdge.ClusterIndex, 0 )++;

                                // Can't break or a triple edge might be non-deterministically connected.
                                // Need to find all matching, not just first.
                NumAdjacency += Cluster.AdjacentClusters.Num();

                // 强制邻边的确定性顺序。
                    [ &LevelClusters ]( uint32 A, uint32 B )
                        return LevelClusters[A].GUID < LevelClusters[B].GUID;
                    } );

        // 不连续的Cluster的集合.
        FDisjointSet DisjointSet( LevelClusters.Num() );

        for( uint32 ClusterIndex = 0; ClusterIndex < (uint32)LevelClusters.Num(); ClusterIndex++ )
            for( auto& Pair : LevelClusters[ ClusterIndex ].AdjacentClusters )
                uint32 OtherClusterIndex = Pair.Key;

                uint32 Count = LevelClusters[ OtherClusterIndex ].AdjacentClusters.FindChecked( ClusterIndex );
                check( Count == Pair.Value );

                if( ClusterIndex > OtherClusterIndex )
                    DisjointSet.UnionSequential( ClusterIndex, OtherClusterIndex );

        // 划分器.
        FGraphPartitioner Partitioner( LevelClusters.Num() );

        // 排序以强制确定性顺序。
            TArray< uint32 > SortedIndexes;
            SortedIndexes.AddUninitialized( Partitioner.Indexes.Num() );
            RadixSort32( SortedIndexes.GetData(), Partitioner.Indexes.GetData(), Partitioner.Indexes.Num(),
                [&]( uint32 Index )
                    return LevelClusters[ Index ].GUID;
                } );
            Swap( Partitioner.Indexes, SortedIndexes );

        auto GetCenter = [&]( uint32 Index )
            FBounds& Bounds = LevelClusters[ Index ].Bounds;
            return 0.5f * ( Bounds.Min + Bounds.Max );
        // 构建位置连接.
        Partitioner.BuildLocalityLinks( DisjointSet, MeshBounds, GetCenter );

        auto* RESTRICT Graph = Partitioner.NewGraph( NumAdjacency );

        // 遍历所有层级的Cluster, 再遍历每个层级上的所有Cluster, 增加邻边和位置连接.
        for( int32 i = 0; i < LevelClusters.Num(); i++ )
            Graph->AdjacencyOffset[i] = Graph->Adjacency.Num();

            uint32 ClusterIndex = Partitioner.Indexes[i];

            for( auto& Pair : LevelClusters[ ClusterIndex ].AdjacentClusters )
                uint32 OtherClusterIndex = Pair.Key;
                uint32 NumSharedEdges = Pair.Value;

                const auto& Cluster0 = Clusters[ LevelOffset + ClusterIndex ];
                const auto& Cluster1 = Clusters[ LevelOffset + OtherClusterIndex ];

                bool bSiblings = Cluster0.GroupIndex != MAX_uint32 && Cluster0.GroupIndex == Cluster1.GroupIndex;

                Partitioner.AddAdjacency( Graph, OtherClusterIndex, NumSharedEdges * ( bSiblings ? 1 : 16 ) + 4 );

            Partitioner.AddLocalityLinks( Graph, ClusterIndex, 1 );
        Graph->AdjacencyOffset[ Graph->Num ] = Graph->Adjacency.Num();

        LOG_CRC( Graph->Adjacency );
        LOG_CRC( Graph->AdjacencyCost );
        LOG_CRC( Graph->AdjacencyOffset );

        // 严格分区.
        Partitioner.PartitionStrict( Graph, MinGroupSize, MaxGroupSize, true );

        LOG_CRC( Partitioner.Ranges );

        // 计算最大父亲数量.
        uint32 MaxParents = 0;
        for( auto& Range : Partitioner.Ranges )
            uint32 NumParentIndexes = 0;
            for( uint32 i = Range.Begin; i < Range.End; i++ )
                // Global indexing is needed in Reduce()
                Partitioner.Indexes[i] += LevelOffset;
                NumParentIndexes += Clusters[ Partitioner.Indexes[i] ].Indexes.Num();
            MaxParents += FMath::DivideAndRoundUp( NumParentIndexes, FCluster::ClusterSize * 6 );

        LevelOffset = Clusters.Num();

        Clusters.AddDefaulted( MaxParents );
        Groups.AddDefaulted( Partitioner.Ranges.Num() );

        // 并行地执行DAG减面减模.
        ParallelFor( Partitioner.Ranges.Num(),
            [&]( int32 PartitionIndex )
                auto& Range = Partitioner.Ranges[ PartitionIndex ];

                TArrayView< uint32 > Children( &Partitioner.Indexes[ Range.Begin ], Range.End - Range.Begin );
                uint32 ClusterGroupIndex = PartitionIndex + Groups.Num() - Partitioner.Ranges.Num();

                DAGReduce( Groups, Clusters, NumClusters, Children, ClusterGroupIndex, MeshIndex );

        // Correct num to atomic count
        Clusters.SetNum( NumClusters, false );
    // 最大输出根节点.
    uint32 RootIndex = LevelOffset;
    FClusterGroup RootClusterGroup;
    RootClusterGroup.Children.Add( RootIndex );
    RootClusterGroup.Bounds = Clusters[ RootIndex ].SphereBounds;
    RootClusterGroup.LODBounds = FSphere( 0 );
    RootClusterGroup.MaxParentLODError = 1e10f;
    RootClusterGroup.MinLODError = -1.0f;
    RootClusterGroup.MipLevel = Clusters[RootIndex].MipLevel + 1;
    RootClusterGroup.MeshIndex = MeshIndex;
    Clusters[ RootIndex ].GroupIndex = Groups.Num();
    Groups.Add( RootClusterGroup );


static void DAGReduce( TArray< FClusterGroup >& Groups, TArray< FCluster >& Clusters, TAtomic< uint32 >& NumClusters, TArrayView< uint32 > Children, int32 GroupIndex, uint32 MeshIndex )
    check( GroupIndex >= 0 );

    // 合并Cluster.
    TArray< const FCluster*, TInlineAllocator<16> > MergeList;
    for( int32 Child : Children )
        MergeList.Add( &Clusters[ Child ] );
    // 强制有序。
        []( const FCluster& A, const FCluster& B )
            return A.GUID < B.GUID;
        } );

    FCluster Merged( MergeList );

    int32 NumParents = FMath::DivideAndRoundUp< int32 >( Merged.Indexes.Num(), FCluster::ClusterSize * 6 );
    int32 ParentStart = 0;
    int32 ParentEnd = 0;

    float ParentMaxLODError = 0.0f;

    // 注意TargetClusterSize的步长-2.
    for( int32 TargetClusterSize = FCluster::ClusterSize - 2; TargetClusterSize > FCluster::ClusterSize / 2; TargetClusterSize -= 2 )
        int32 TargetNumTris = NumParents * TargetClusterSize;

        // 简化, 会返回父节点最大LOD误差.
        ParentMaxLODError = Merged.Simplify( TargetNumTris );

        // 拆分
        if( NumParents == 1 )
            ParentEnd = ( NumClusters += NumParents );
            ParentStart = ParentEnd - NumParents;

            Clusters[ ParentStart ] = Merged;
            Clusters[ ParentStart ].Bound();
            FGraphPartitioner Partitioner( Merged.Indexes.Num() / 3 );
            Merged.Split( Partitioner );

            if( Partitioner.Ranges.Num() <= NumParents )
                NumParents = Partitioner.Ranges.Num();
                ParentEnd = ( NumClusters += NumParents );
                ParentStart = ParentEnd - NumParents;

                int32 Parent = ParentStart;
                for( auto& Range : Partitioner.Ranges )
                    Clusters[ Parent ] = FCluster( Merged, Range.Begin, Range.End, Partitioner.Indexes );


    TArray< FSphere, TInlineAllocator<32> > Children_LODBounds;
    TArray< FSphere, TInlineAllocator<32> > Children_SphereBounds;
    // 强制单调地嵌套(monotonic nesting).
    float ChildMinLODError = MAX_flt;
    for( int32 Child : Children )
        bool bLeaf = Clusters[ Child ].EdgeLength < 0.0f;
        float LODError = Clusters[ Child ].LODError;

        Children_LODBounds.Add( Clusters[ Child ].LODBounds );
        Children_SphereBounds.Add( Clusters[ Child ].SphereBounds );
        ChildMinLODError = FMath::Min( ChildMinLODError, bLeaf ? -1.0f : LODError );
        ParentMaxLODError = FMath::Max( ParentMaxLODError, LODError );

        Clusters[ Child ].GroupIndex = GroupIndex;
        Groups[ GroupIndex ].Children.Add( Child );
        check( Groups[ GroupIndex ].Children.Num() <= MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_TARGET );
    FSphere    ParentLODBounds( Children_LODBounds.GetData(), Children_LODBounds.Num() );
    FSphere    ParentBounds( Children_SphereBounds.GetData(), Children_SphereBounds.Num() );

    // 强制父节点都有相同的LOD数据, 它们彼此依赖.
    for( int32 Parent = ParentStart; Parent < ParentEnd; Parent++ )
        Clusters[ Parent ].LODBounds            = ParentLODBounds;
        Clusters[ Parent ].LODError                = ParentMaxLODError;
        Clusters[ Parent ].GeneratingGroupIndex = GroupIndex;

    Groups[ GroupIndex ].Bounds                = ParentBounds;
    Groups[ GroupIndex ].LODBounds            = ParentLODBounds;
    Groups[ GroupIndex ].MinLODError        = ChildMinLODError;
    Groups[ GroupIndex ].MaxParentLODError    = ParentMaxLODError;
    Groups[ GroupIndex ].MipLevel            = Merged.MipLevel - 1;
    Groups[ GroupIndex ].MeshIndex            = MeshIndex;
} BuildCoarseRepresentation


static void BuildCoarseRepresentation(
    const TArray<FClusterGroup>& Groups,
    const TArray<FCluster>& Clusters,
    TArray<FStaticMeshBuildVertex>& Verts,
    TArray<uint32>& Indexes,
    TArray<FStaticMeshSection, TInlineAllocator<1>>& Sections,
    uint32& NumTexCoords,
    uint32 TargetNumTris
    FCluster CoarseRepresentation = FindDAGCut(Groups, Clusters, TargetNumTris + 4096);


    TArray< FStaticMeshSection, TInlineAllocator<1> > OldSections = Sections;

    // 需要更新粗糙代表的UV计数以匹配新的数据。
    NumTexCoords = CoarseRepresentation.NumTexCoords;

    // 重建顶点数据。
    for (uint32 Iter = 0, Num = CoarseRepresentation.NumVerts; Iter < Num; ++Iter)
        FStaticMeshBuildVertex Vertex = {};
        Vertex.Position = CoarseRepresentation.GetPosition(Iter);
        Vertex.TangentX = FVector::ZeroVector;
        Vertex.TangentY = FVector::ZeroVector;
        Vertex.TangentZ = CoarseRepresentation.GetNormal(Iter);

        const FVector2D* UVs = CoarseRepresentation.GetUVs(Iter);
        for (uint32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < NumTexCoords; ++UVIndex)
            Vertex.UVs[UVIndex] = UVs[UVIndex].ContainsNaN() ? FVector2D::ZeroVector : UVs[UVIndex];

        if (CoarseRepresentation.bHasColors)
            Vertex.Color = CoarseRepresentation.GetColor(Iter).ToFColor(false /* sRGB */);


    TArray<FMaterialTriangle, TInlineAllocator<128>> CoarseMaterialTris;
    TArray<FMaterialRange, TInlineAllocator<4>> CoarseMaterialRanges;

    // 计算粗糙代表的材质范围.
    check(CoarseMaterialRanges.Num() <= OldSections.Num());

    // 重建section数据.
    for (const FStaticMeshSection& OldSection : OldSections)
        // 根据计算的材质范围添加新的section.
        // 强制材质顺序与OldSections一样.
        const FMaterialRange* FoundRange = CoarseMaterialRanges.FindByPredicate([&OldSection](const FMaterialRange& Range) { return Range.MaterialIndex == OldSection.MaterialIndex; });

        // 如果它们的源数据没有包含足够的三角形,那么它们实际上可以从粗糙网格中删除.
        if (FoundRange)
            // 从原始网格section复制属性。
            FStaticMeshSection Section(OldSection);

            // 渲染section时使用的顶点和索引的范围.
            Section.FirstIndex = FoundRange->RangeStart * 3;
            Section.NumTriangles = FoundRange->RangeLength;
            Section.MinVertexIndex = TNumericLimits<uint32>::Max();
            Section.MaxVertexIndex = TNumericLimits<uint32>::Min();

            for (uint32 TriangleIndex = 0; TriangleIndex < (FoundRange->RangeStart + FoundRange->RangeLength); ++TriangleIndex)
                const FMaterialTriangle& Triangle = CoarseMaterialTris[TriangleIndex];

                // 更新最小顶点索引.
                Section.MinVertexIndex = FMath::Min(Section.MinVertexIndex, Triangle.Index0);
                Section.MinVertexIndex = FMath::Min(Section.MinVertexIndex, Triangle.Index1);
                Section.MinVertexIndex = FMath::Min(Section.MinVertexIndex, Triangle.Index2);

                // 更新最大顶点索引.
                Section.MaxVertexIndex = FMath::Max(Section.MaxVertexIndex, Triangle.Index0);
                Section.MaxVertexIndex = FMath::Max(Section.MaxVertexIndex, Triangle.Index1);
                Section.MaxVertexIndex = FMath::Max(Section.MaxVertexIndex, Triangle.Index2);


    // 重建索引数据.
    for (const FMaterialTriangle& Triangle : CoarseMaterialTris)

    // 计算切线.
    CalcTangents(Verts, Indexes);
} NaniteEncode


// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\NaniteEncode.cpp

void Encode(
    FResources& Resources,
    const FMeshNaniteSettings& Settings,
    TArray< FCluster >& Clusters,
    TArray< FClusterGroup >& Groups,
    const FBounds& MeshBounds,
    uint32 NumMeshes,
    uint32 NumTexCoords,
    bool bHasColors )
    // 删除退化的三角形.
        RemoveDegenerateTriangles( Clusters );

    // 构建材质范围.
        BuildMaterialRanges( Clusters );

    // 约束Cluster.
        ConstrainClusters( Groups, Clusters );

    // 计算量化的位置.
        // 需要在cluster被约束和拆分之后触发。
        Resources.PositionPrecision = CalculateQuantizedPositionsUniformGrid( Clusters, MeshBounds, Settings );    

    // 输出材质范围统计信息.
        PrintMaterialRangeStats( Clusters );

    TArray<FPage> Pages;
    TArray<FClusterGroupPart> GroupParts;
    TArray<FEncodingInfo> EncodingInfos;

    // 计算编码信息.
        CalculateEncodingInfos(EncodingInfos, Clusters, bHasColors, NumTexCoords);

    // 分配Cluster到Page页表.
        AssignClustersToPages(Groups, Clusters, EncodingInfos, Pages, GroupParts);

    // 构建Cluster组的层级节点.
        BuildHierarchies(Resources, Groups, GroupParts, NumMeshes);

    // 将Cluster和Cluster组的信息写入Page页表.
        WritePages(Resources, Pages, Groups, GroupParts, Clusters, EncodingInfos, NumTexCoords);


// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\NaniteEncode.cpp

static void RemoveDegenerateTriangles(TArray<FCluster>& Clusters)
    // 并行地删除Cluster列表的退化三角形.
    ParallelFor( Clusters.Num(),
        [&]( uint32 ClusterIndex )
            RemoveDegenerateTriangles( Clusters[ ClusterIndex ] );
        } );

// 删除单个Cluster的退化三角形.
static void RemoveDegenerateTriangles(FCluster& Cluster)
    uint32 NumOldTriangles = Cluster.NumTris;
    uint32 NumNewTriangles = 0;

    for (uint32 OldTriangleIndex = 0; OldTriangleIndex < NumOldTriangles; OldTriangleIndex++)
        uint32 i0 = Cluster.Indexes[OldTriangleIndex * 3 + 0];
        uint32 i1 = Cluster.Indexes[OldTriangleIndex * 3 + 1];
        uint32 i2 = Cluster.Indexes[OldTriangleIndex * 3 + 2];
        uint32 mi = Cluster.MaterialIndexes[OldTriangleIndex];

        // 如果不是退化三角形, 则3个顶点的数据必然彼此不一样.
        // 笔者注: 也许这里可以做优化, 比如同一个三角形的任意两个顶点的距离小于某个阈值(0.01f)时也算退化三角形.
        if (i0 != i1 && i0 != i2 && i1 != i2)
            Cluster.Indexes[NumNewTriangles * 3 + 0] = i0;
            Cluster.Indexes[NumNewTriangles * 3 + 1] = i1;
            Cluster.Indexes[NumNewTriangles * 3 + 2] = i2;
            Cluster.MaterialIndexes[NumNewTriangles] = mi;

    Cluster.NumTris = NumNewTriangles;
    Cluster.Indexes.SetNum(NumNewTriangles * 3);

// 将Cluster三角形分类到材质范围内, 添加材质范围到Cluster。
static void BuildMaterialRanges( TArray<FCluster>& Clusters )
    // 并行处理.
    ParallelFor( Clusters.Num(),
        [&]( uint32 ClusterIndex )
            BuildMaterialRanges( Clusters[ ClusterIndex ] );
        } );

static void BuildMaterialRanges(FCluster& Cluster)
    TArray<FMaterialTriangle, TInlineAllocator<128>> MaterialTris;
    // 构建单个Cluster的材质范围.

    // 将索引写回到Cluster.
    for (uint32 Triangle = 0; Triangle < Cluster.NumTris; ++Triangle)
        Cluster.Indexes[Triangle * 3 + 0] = MaterialTris[Triangle].Index0;
        Cluster.Indexes[Triangle * 3 + 1] = MaterialTris[Triangle].Index1;
        Cluster.Indexes[Triangle * 3 + 2] = MaterialTris[Triangle].Index2;
        Cluster.MaterialIndexes[Triangle] = MaterialTris[Triangle].MaterialIndex;

// 约束Cluster.
static void ConstrainClusters( TArray< FClusterGroup >& ClusterGroups, TArray< FCluster >& Clusters )
    // 计算统计信息.
    uint32 TotalOldTriangles = 0;
    uint32 TotalOldVertices = 0;
    for( const FCluster& Cluster : Clusters )
        TotalOldTriangles += Cluster.NumTris;
        TotalOldVertices += Cluster.NumVerts;

    // 并行地约束Cluster, 区分是否使用带状索引.
    ParallelFor( Clusters.Num(),
        [&]( uint32 i )
#if USE_STRIP_INDICES // 使用带状索引.
            FStripifier Stripifier;
#else // 不使用带状索引.
        } );
    uint32 TotalNewTriangles = 0;
    uint32 TotalNewVertices = 0;

    // 约束cluster.
    const uint32 NumOldClusters = Clusters.Num();
    for( uint32 i = 0; i < NumOldClusters; i++ )
        TotalNewTriangles += Clusters[ i ].NumTris;
        TotalNewVertices += Clusters[ i ].NumVerts;

        // 如果Cluster太多顶点(多于256个), 则拆分它们.
        if( Clusters[ i ].NumVerts > 256 )
            FCluster ClusterA, ClusterB;
            uint32 NumTrianglesA = Clusters[ i ].NumTris / 2;
            uint32 NumTrianglesB = Clusters[ i ].NumTris - NumTrianglesA;
            BuildClusterFromClusterTriangleRange( Clusters[ i ], ClusterA, 0, NumTrianglesA );
            BuildClusterFromClusterTriangleRange( Clusters[ i ], ClusterB, NumTrianglesA, NumTrianglesB );
            Clusters[ i ] = ClusterA;
            ClusterGroups[ ClusterB.GroupIndex ].Children.Add( Clusters.Num() );
            Clusters.Add( ClusterB );

    // 计算统计信息.
    uint32 TotalNewTrianglesWithSplits = 0;
    uint32 TotalNewVerticesWithSplits = 0;
    for( const FCluster& Cluster : Clusters )
        TotalNewTrianglesWithSplits += Cluster.NumTris;
        TotalNewVerticesWithSplits += Cluster.NumVerts;


// 计算量化位置的均匀格子.
static int32 CalculateQuantizedPositionsUniformGrid(TArray< FCluster >& Clusters, const FBounds& MeshBounds, const FMeshNaniteSettings& Settings)
    // 为EA简化全局的量化值.
    const int32 MaxPositionQuantizedValue    = (1 << MAX_POSITION_QUANTIZATION_BITS) - 1;
    int32 PositionPrecision = Settings.PositionPrecision;
    if (PositionPrecision == MIN_int32)
        // 自动: 从叶子层级的边界上猜测需要的精度.
        const float MaxSize = MeshBounds.GetExtent().GetMax();

        // 启发: 如果网格更密集,需要更高的分辨率.
        // 使用cluster大小的几何平均值作为密度的代理.
        // 另一种解读: 位精度是cluster所需的平均值.
        // 对于大小大致相同的cluster,这给出的结果与旧的量化代码非常相似.
        double TotalLogSize = 0.0;
        int32 TotalNum = 0;
        for (const FCluster& Cluster : Clusters)
            if (Cluster.MipLevel == 0)
                float ExtentSize = Cluster.Bounds.GetExtent().Size();
                if (ExtentSize > 0.0)
                    TotalLogSize += FMath::Log2(ExtentSize);
        double AvgLogSize = TotalNum > 0 ? TotalLogSize / TotalNum : 0.0;
        PositionPrecision = 7 - FMath::RoundToInt(AvgLogSize);

        // 截断精度. 用户现在需要明确选择最低精度设置.
        // 这些设置可能会导致问题,并且对节省磁盘大小的贡献很小(在测试项目中约为0.4%), 所以不应该自动选择它们.
        // 例如:一个非常低分辨率的道路或建筑框架,在孤立状态下看起来不需要什么精度, 但是在一个场景中仍然需要相当高的精度,因为更小的网格被放置在上面或里面.
        const int32 AUTO_MIN_PRECISION = 4;    // 最小精度是1/16cm.
        PositionPrecision = FMath::Max(PositionPrecision, AUTO_MIN_PRECISION);

    // 计算量化比例. 
    float QuantizationScale = FMath::Exp2((float)PositionPrecision);

    // 确保所有cluster都是可编码的。一个足够大的cluster可能会达到21bpc的极限。如果发生了,就缩小规模,直到合适为止。
    for (const FCluster& Cluster : Clusters)
        const FBounds& Bounds = Cluster.Bounds;
        int32 Iterations = 0;
        while (true)
            float MinX = FMath::RoundToFloat(Bounds.Min.X * QuantizationScale);
            float MinY = FMath::RoundToFloat(Bounds.Min.Y * QuantizationScale);
            float MinZ = FMath::RoundToFloat(Bounds.Min.Z * QuantizationScale);

            float MaxX = FMath::RoundToFloat(Bounds.Max.X * QuantizationScale);
            float MaxY = FMath::RoundToFloat(Bounds.Max.Y * QuantizationScale);
            float MaxZ = FMath::RoundToFloat(Bounds.Max.Z * QuantizationScale);

            if (MinX >= (double)MIN_int32 && MinY >= (double)MIN_int32 && MinZ >= (double)MIN_int32 &&    // MIN_int32/MAX_int32 is not representable in float
                MaxX <= (double)MAX_int32 && MaxY <= (double)MAX_int32 && MaxZ <= (double)MAX_int32 &&
                ((int32)MaxX - (int32)MinX) <= MaxPositionQuantizedValue && ((int32)MaxY - (int32)MinY) <= MaxPositionQuantizedValue && ((int32)MaxZ - (int32)MinZ) <= MaxPositionQuantizedValue)
            QuantizationScale *= 0.5f;
            check(++Iterations < 100);    // Endless loop?

    const float RcpQuantizationScale = 1.0f / QuantizationScale;

    // 并行地处理位置量化.
    ParallelFor(Clusters.Num(), [&](uint32 ClusterIndex)
        FCluster& Cluster = Clusters[ClusterIndex];
        const uint32 NumClusterVerts = Cluster.NumVerts;
        const uint32 ClusterShift = Cluster.QuantizedPosShift;


        // 量化位置.
        FIntVector IntClusterMax = { MIN_int32,    MIN_int32, MIN_int32 };
        FIntVector IntClusterMin = { MAX_int32,    MAX_int32, MAX_int32 };

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusterVerts; i++)
            const FVector Position = Cluster.GetPosition(i);

            FIntVector& IntPosition = Cluster.QuantizedPositions[i];
            float PosX = FMath::RoundToFloat(Position.X * QuantizationScale);
            float PosY = FMath::RoundToFloat(Position.Y * QuantizationScale);
            float PosZ = FMath::RoundToFloat(Position.Z * QuantizationScale);

            IntPosition = FIntVector((int32)PosX, (int32)PosY, (int32)PosZ);

            IntClusterMax.X = FMath::Max(IntClusterMax.X, IntPosition.X);
            IntClusterMax.Y = FMath::Max(IntClusterMax.Y, IntPosition.Y);
            IntClusterMax.Z = FMath::Max(IntClusterMax.Z, IntPosition.Z);
            IntClusterMin.X = FMath::Min(IntClusterMin.X, IntPosition.X);
            IntClusterMin.Y = FMath::Min(IntClusterMin.Y, IntPosition.Y);
            IntClusterMin.Z = FMath::Min(IntClusterMin.Z, IntPosition.Z);

        // 存储最小位数.
        const uint32 NumBitsX = FMath::CeilLogTwo(IntClusterMax.X - IntClusterMin.X + 1);
        const uint32 NumBitsY = FMath::CeilLogTwo(IntClusterMax.Y - IntClusterMin.Y + 1);
        const uint32 NumBitsZ = FMath::CeilLogTwo(IntClusterMax.Z - IntClusterMin.Z + 1);

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusterVerts; i++)
            FIntVector& IntPosition = Cluster.QuantizedPositions[i];

            // 用量化数据更新浮点位置.
            Cluster.GetPosition(i) = FVector(IntPosition.X * RcpQuantizationScale, IntPosition.Y * RcpQuantizationScale, IntPosition.Z * RcpQuantizationScale);
            IntPosition.X -= IntClusterMin.X;
            IntPosition.Y -= IntClusterMin.Y;
            IntPosition.Z -= IntClusterMin.Z;
            check(IntPosition.X >= 0 && IntPosition.X < (1 << NumBitsX));
            check(IntPosition.Y >= 0 && IntPosition.Y < (1 << NumBitsY));
            check(IntPosition.Z >= 0 && IntPosition.Z < (1 << NumBitsZ));

        // 更新包围盒.
        Cluster.Bounds.Min = FVector(IntClusterMin.X * RcpQuantizationScale, IntClusterMin.Y * RcpQuantizationScale, IntClusterMin.Z * RcpQuantizationScale);
        Cluster.Bounds.Max = FVector(IntClusterMax.X * RcpQuantizationScale, IntClusterMax.Y * RcpQuantizationScale, IntClusterMax.Z * RcpQuantizationScale);

        Cluster.MeshBoundsMin = FVector::ZeroVector;
        Cluster.MeshBoundsDelta = FVector(RcpQuantizationScale);

        Cluster.QuantizedPosBits = FIntVector(NumBitsX, NumBitsY, NumBitsZ);
        Cluster.QuantizedPosStart = IntClusterMin;
        Cluster.QuantizedPosShift = 0;

    } );
    return PositionPrecision;

// 计算一组Cluster的编码信息.
static void CalculateEncodingInfos(TArray<FEncodingInfo>& EncodingInfos, const TArray<Nanite::FCluster>& Clusters, bool bHasColors, uint32 NumTexCoords)
    uint32 NumClusters = Clusters.Num();

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusters; i++)
        CalculateEncodingInfo(EncodingInfos[i], Clusters[i], bHasColors, NumTexCoords);

// 计算单个Cluster的编码信息.
static void CalculateEncodingInfo(FEncodingInfo& Info, const Nanite::FCluster& Cluster, bool bHasColors, uint32 NumTexCoords)
    const uint32 NumClusterVerts = Cluster.NumVerts;
    const uint32 NumClusterTris = Cluster.NumTris;


    // 写三角形索引。索引存储在一个密集的位流中,每个索引使用ceil(log2(NumClusterVerices))位。着色器实现了未对齐的位流读取来支持这一点。
    const uint32 BitsPerIndex = NumClusterVerts > 1 ? (FGenericPlatformMath::FloorLog2(NumClusterVerts - 1) + 1) : 0;
    const uint32 BitsPerTriangle = BitsPerIndex + 2 * 5;    // Base index + two 5-bit offsets
    Info.BitsPerIndex = BitsPerIndex;

    // 计算页信息.
    FPageSections& GpuSizes = Info.GpuSizes;
    GpuSizes.Cluster = sizeof(FPackedCluster);
    GpuSizes.MaterialTable = CalcMaterialTableSize(Cluster) * sizeof(uint32);
    GpuSizes.DecodeInfo = NumTexCoords * sizeof(FUVRange);
    GpuSizes.Index = (NumClusterTris * BitsPerTriangle + 31) / 32 * 4;

    const uint32 AttribBytesPerVertex = (3 * sizeof(float) + sizeof(uint32) + NumTexCoords * 2 * sizeof(float));

    Info.BitsPerAttribute = AttribBytesPerVertex * 8;
    Info.ColorMin = FIntVector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
    Info.ColorBits = FIntVector4(8, 8, 8, 8);
    Info.UVPrec = 0;

    GpuSizes.Position = NumClusterVerts * 3 * sizeof(float);
    GpuSizes.Attribute = NumClusterVerts * AttribBytesPerVertex;
#else // 使用压缩的顶点数据.
    Info.BitsPerAttribute = 2 * NORMAL_QUANTIZATION_BITS;

    check(NumClusterVerts > 0);
    const bool bIsLeaf = (Cluster.GeneratingGroupIndex == INVALID_GROUP_INDEX);

    // 顶点颜色.
    Info.ColorMin = FIntVector4(255, 255, 255, 255);
    if (bHasColors)
        FIntVector4 ColorMin = FIntVector4( 255, 255, 255, 255);
        FIntVector4 ColorMax = FIntVector4( 0, 0, 0, 0);
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusterVerts; i++)
            FColor Color = Cluster.GetColor(i).ToFColor(false);
            ColorMin.X = FMath::Min(ColorMin.X, (int32)Color.R);
            ColorMin.Y = FMath::Min(ColorMin.Y, (int32)Color.G);
            ColorMin.Z = FMath::Min(ColorMin.Z, (int32)Color.B);
            ColorMin.W = FMath::Min(ColorMin.W, (int32)Color.A);
            ColorMax.X = FMath::Max(ColorMax.X, (int32)Color.R);
            ColorMax.Y = FMath::Max(ColorMax.Y, (int32)Color.G);
            ColorMax.Z = FMath::Max(ColorMax.Z, (int32)Color.B);
            ColorMax.W = FMath::Max(ColorMax.W, (int32)Color.A);

        const FIntVector4 ColorDelta = ColorMax - ColorMin;
        const int32 R_Bits = FMath::CeilLogTwo(ColorDelta.X + 1);
        const int32 G_Bits = FMath::CeilLogTwo(ColorDelta.Y + 1);
        const int32 B_Bits = FMath::CeilLogTwo(ColorDelta.Z + 1);
        const int32 A_Bits = FMath::CeilLogTwo(ColorDelta.W + 1);
        uint32 NumColorBits = R_Bits + G_Bits + B_Bits + A_Bits;
        Info.BitsPerAttribute += NumColorBits;
        Info.ColorMin = ColorMin;
        Info.ColorBits = FIntVector4(R_Bits, G_Bits, B_Bits, A_Bits);
        if (NumColorBits > 0)
            Info.ColorMode = VERTEX_COLOR_MODE_VARIABLE;
            if (ColorMin.X == 255 && ColorMin.Y == 255 && ColorMin.Z == 255 && ColorMin.W == 255)
                Info.ColorMode = VERTEX_COLOR_MODE_WHITE;
                Info.ColorMode = VERTEX_COLOR_MODE_CONSTANT;

    for( uint32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < NumTexCoords; UVIndex++ )
        FGeometryEncodingUVInfo& UVInfo = Info.UVInfos[UVIndex];
        // 分块压缩纹理坐标.
        // 纹理坐标相对于Cluster的最小/最大UV坐标存储.
        // UV接缝产生非常大的稀疏边界矩形. 为了减轻这一点,最大的差距在U和V的边界矩形被排除在编码空间.
        // 解码这个非常简单: UV += (UV >= GapStart) ? GapRange : 0;
        // 生成有序的U和V数组.
        TArray<float> UValues;
        TArray<float> VValues;
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusterVerts; i++)
            const FVector2D& UV = Cluster.GetUVs(i)[ UVIndex ];
            UValues[i] = UV.X;
            VValues[i] = UV.Y;


        // 找出有序uv之间的最大差距
        FVector2D LargestGapStart = FVector2D(UValues[0], VValues[0]);
        FVector2D LargestGapEnd = FVector2D(UValues[0], VValues[0]);
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusterVerts - 1; i++)
            if (UValues[i + 1] - UValues[i] > LargestGapEnd.X - LargestGapStart.X)
                LargestGapStart.X = UValues[i];
                LargestGapEnd.X = UValues[i + 1];
            if (VValues[i + 1] - VValues[i] > LargestGapEnd.Y - LargestGapStart.Y)
                LargestGapStart.Y = VValues[i];
                LargestGapEnd.Y = VValues[i + 1];

        const FVector2D UVMin = FVector2D(UValues[0], VValues[0]);
        const FVector2D UVMax = FVector2D(UValues[NumClusterVerts - 1], VValues[NumClusterVerts - 1]);
        const FVector2D UVDelta = UVMax - UVMin;

        const FVector2D UVRcpDelta = FVector2D(    UVDelta.X > SMALL_NUMBER ? 1.0f / UVDelta.X : 0.0f,
                                                UVDelta.Y > SMALL_NUMBER ? 1.0f / UVDelta.Y : 0.0f);

        const FVector2D NonGapLength = FVector2D::Max(UVDelta - (LargestGapEnd - LargestGapStart), FVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f));
        const FVector2D NormalizedGapStart = (LargestGapStart - UVMin) * UVRcpDelta;
        const FVector2D NormalizedGapEnd = (LargestGapEnd - UVMin) * UVRcpDelta;

        const FVector2D NormalizedNonGapLength = NonGapLength * UVRcpDelta;

#if 1
        const float TexCoordUnitPrecision = (1 << 14);    // TODO: Implement UI + 'Auto' mode that decides when this is necessary.

        int32 TexCoordBitsU = 0;
        if (UVDelta.X > 0)
            // 即使当NonGapLength=0时,UVDelta是非零的,所以至少需要2个值(1bit)来区分高和低。
            int32 NumValues = FMath::Max(FMath::CeilToInt(NonGapLength.X * TexCoordUnitPrecision), 2);
            // 限制在12位, 从下面的临时hack可知已足够好了.
            TexCoordBitsU = FMath::Min((int32)FMath::CeilLogTwo(NumValues), 12);

        int32 TexCoordBitsV = 0;
        if (UVDelta.Y > 0)
            int32 NumValues = FMath::Max(FMath::CeilToInt(NonGapLength.Y * TexCoordUnitPrecision), 2);
            TexCoordBitsV = FMath::Min((int32)FMath::CeilLogTwo(NumValues), 12);
        // 临时hack以修正编码问题.
        const int32 TexCoordBitsU = 12;
        const int32 TexCoordBitsV = 12;

        // 处理UV坐标和大小.
        Info.UVPrec |= ((TexCoordBitsV << 4) | TexCoordBitsU) << (UVIndex * 8);

        const int32 TexCoordMaxValueU = (1 << TexCoordBitsU) - 1;
        const int32 TexCoordMaxValueV = (1 << TexCoordBitsV) - 1;

        const int32 NU = (int32)FMath::Clamp(NormalizedNonGapLength.X > SMALL_NUMBER ? (TexCoordMaxValueU - 2) / NormalizedNonGapLength.X : 0.0f, (float)TexCoordMaxValueU, (float)0xFFFF);
        const int32 NV = (int32)FMath::Clamp(NormalizedNonGapLength.Y > SMALL_NUMBER ? (TexCoordMaxValueV - 2) / NormalizedNonGapLength.Y : 0.0f, (float)TexCoordMaxValueV, (float)0xFFFF);

        int32 GapStartU = TexCoordMaxValueU + 1;
        int32 GapStartV = TexCoordMaxValueV + 1;
        int32 GapLengthU = 0;
        int32 GapLengthV = 0;
        if (NU > TexCoordMaxValueU)
            GapStartU = int32(NormalizedGapStart.X * NU + 0.5f) + 1;
            const int32 GapEndU = int32(NormalizedGapEnd.X * NU + 0.5f);
            GapLengthU = FMath::Max(GapEndU - GapStartU, 0);
        if (NV > TexCoordMaxValueV)
            GapStartV = int32(NormalizedGapStart.Y * NV + 0.5f) + 1;
            const int32 GapEndV = int32(NormalizedGapEnd.Y * NV + 0.5f);
            GapLengthV = FMath::Max(GapEndV - GapStartV, 0);

        UVInfo.UVRange.Min = UVMin;
        UVInfo.UVRange.Scale = FVector2D(NU > 0 ? UVDelta.X / NU : 0.0f, NV > 0 ? UVDelta.Y / NV : 0.0f);
        check(GapStartU >= 0);
        check(GapStartV >= 0);
        UVInfo.UVRange.GapStart[0] = GapStartU;
        UVInfo.UVRange.GapStart[1] = GapStartV;
        UVInfo.UVRange.GapLength[0] = GapLengthU;
        UVInfo.UVRange.GapLength[1] = GapLengthV;
        UVInfo.UVDelta = UVDelta;
        UVInfo.UVRcpDelta = UVRcpDelta;
        UVInfo.NU = NU;
        UVInfo.NV = NV;

        Info.BitsPerAttribute += TexCoordBitsU + TexCoordBitsV;

    const uint32 PositionBitsPerVertex = Cluster.QuantizedPosBits.X + Cluster.QuantizedPosBits.Y + Cluster.QuantizedPosBits.Z;
    GpuSizes.Position = (NumClusterVerts * PositionBitsPerVertex + 31) / 32 * 4;
    GpuSizes.Attribute = (NumClusterVerts * Info.BitsPerAttribute + 31) / 32 * 4;

    Fixup Chunk (仅加载到CPU内存)
static void AssignClustersToPages(
    TArray< FClusterGroup >& ClusterGroups,
    TArray< FCluster >& Clusters,
    const TArray< FEncodingInfo >& EncodingInfos,
    TArray<FPage>& Pages,
    TArray<FClusterGroupPart>& Parts
    check(Pages.Num() == 0);
    check(Parts.Num() == 0);

    const uint32 NumClusterGroups = ClusterGroups.Num();

    SortGroupClusters(ClusterGroups, Clusters);
    TArray<uint32> ClusterGroupPermutation = CalculateClusterGroupPermutation(ClusterGroups);

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumClusterGroups; i++)
        // 挑选最好的下一个Group.
        uint32 GroupIndex = ClusterGroupPermutation[i];
        FClusterGroup& Group = ClusterGroups[GroupIndex];
        uint32 GroupStartPage = INVALID_PAGE_INDEX;
        for (uint32 ClusterIndex : Group.Children)
            // 挑选最好的下一个Cluster.
            FCluster& Cluster = Clusters[ClusterIndex];
            const FEncodingInfo& EncodingInfo = EncodingInfos[ClusterIndex];

            // 加入Page.
            FPage* Page = &Pages.Top();
            if (Page->GpuSizes.GetTotal() + EncodingInfo.GpuSizes.GetTotal() > CLUSTER_PAGE_GPU_SIZE || Page->NumClusters + 1 > MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE)
                // Page已满, 需要新增一个.
                Page = &Pages.Top();
            // 检测是否增加新的FClusterGroupPart.
            if (Page->PartsNum == 0 || Parts[Page->PartsStartIndex + Page->PartsNum - 1].GroupIndex != GroupIndex)
                if (Page->PartsNum == 0)
                    Page->PartsStartIndex = Parts.Num();

                FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts.AddDefaulted_GetRef();
                Part.GroupIndex = GroupIndex;

            // 添加cluster到page.
            uint32 PageIndex = Pages.Num() - 1;
            uint32 PartIndex = Parts.Num() - 1;

            FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts.Last();
            if (Part.Clusters.Num() == 0)
                Part.PageClusterOffset = Page->NumClusters;
                Part.PageIndex = PageIndex;
            check(Part.Clusters.Num() <= MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP);

            Cluster.GroupPartIndex = PartIndex;
            if (GroupStartPage == INVALID_PAGE_INDEX)
                GroupStartPage = PageIndex;
            Page->GpuSizes += EncodingInfo.GpuSizes;

        Group.PageIndexStart = GroupStartPage;
        Group.PageIndexNum = Pages.Num() - GroupStartPage;
        check(Group.PageIndexNum >= 1);
        check(Group.PageIndexNum <= MAX_GROUP_PARTS_MASK);

    // 重新计算group part的包围盒.
    for (FClusterGroupPart& Part : Parts)
        check(Part.Clusters.Num() <= MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP);
        check(Part.PageIndex < (uint32)Pages.Num());

        FBounds Bounds;
        for (uint32 ClusterIndex : Part.Clusters)
            Bounds += Clusters[ClusterIndex].Bounds;
        Part.Bounds = Bounds;

// 构建ClusterGroup层级结构.
static void BuildHierarchies(FResources& Resources, const TArray<FClusterGroup>& Groups, TArray<FClusterGroupPart>& Parts, uint32 NumMeshes)
    TArray<TArray<uint32>> PartsByMesh;

    // 将group part分配给它们所属的网格.
    const uint32 NumTotalParts = Parts.Num();
    for (uint32 PartIndex = 0; PartIndex < NumTotalParts; PartIndex++)
        FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[PartIndex];

    for (uint32 MeshIndex = 0; MeshIndex < NumMeshes; MeshIndex++)
        const TArray<uint32>& PartIndices = PartsByMesh[MeshIndex];
        const uint32 NumParts = PartIndices.Num();
        int32 MaxMipLevel = 0;
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumParts; i++)
            MaxMipLevel = FMath::Max(MaxMipLevel, Groups[Parts[PartIndices[i]].GroupIndex].MipLevel);

        TArray< FIntermediateNode >    Nodes;

        // 为每个网格的LOD层级构建叶子节点.
        TArray<TArray<uint32>> NodesByMip;
        NodesByMip.SetNum(MaxMipLevel + 1);
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumParts; i++)
            const uint32 PartIndex = PartIndices[i];
            const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[PartIndex];
            const FClusterGroup& Group = Groups[Part.GroupIndex];

            const int32 MipLevel = Group.MipLevel;
            FIntermediateNode& Node = Nodes[i];
            Node.Bound = Part.Bounds;
            Node.PartIndex = PartIndex;
            Node.MipLevel = Group.MipLevel;
            Node.bLeaf = true;

        uint32 RootIndex = 0;
        if (Nodes.Num() == 1)
            // 只是一个叶子节点, 需要特殊设置, 因为根节点总是一个内部节点。
            FIntermediateNode& Node = Nodes.AddDefaulted_GetRef();
            Node.Bound = Nodes[0].Bound;
            RootIndex = 1;
            // 构建层次结构(Hierarchy):
            // Nanite网格包含了许多LOD级的Cluster数据. 不同层级的Cluster大小可以相差很大, 这对建立良好的Hierarchy俨然是个挑战.
            // 除了可见性包围盒,该Hierarchy还跟踪子节点的保守LOD误差度量。
            // 只要子节点是可见的,并且保守LOD误差不会比我们所寻找的更详细,运行时遍历就会下降。
            // 当混合来自不同LOD的Cluster时,我们必须非常小心,因为不太详细的Cluster很容易导致包围盒和误差度量的膨胀。
            // 我们已经尝试了许多LOD混合方法,但目前看来,为每个LOD级别构建单独的Hierarchy,然后再构建这些Hierarchy的Hierarchy,可以得到最好的、最可预测的结果。
            TArray<uint32> LevelRoots;
            for (int32 MipLevel = 0; MipLevel <= MaxMipLevel; MipLevel++)
                if (NodesByMip[MipLevel].Num() > 0)
                    // 为mip层级构建一个hierarchy, 使用了自顶向下分离法.
                    uint32 NodeIndex = BuildHierarchyTopDown(Nodes, NodesByMip[MipLevel], true);

                    if (Nodes[NodeIndex].bLeaf || Nodes[NodeIndex].Children.Num() == MAX_BVH_NODE_FANOUT)
                        // 叶子或填充节点, 直接加入.
                        // 不完整的节点。丢弃编码,并将子节点添加为根节点.
            // 构建顶层hierarchy, 是MIP hierarchies的hierarchy.
            RootIndex = BuildHierarchyTopDown(Nodes, LevelRoots, false);

        check(Nodes.Num() > 0);


        TArray< FHierarchyNode > HierarchyNodes;
        BuildHierarchyRecursive(HierarchyNodes, Nodes, Groups, Parts, RootIndex);

        // 转换hierarchy成压缩格式.
        const uint32 NumHierarchyNodes = HierarchyNodes.Num();
        const uint32 PackedBaseIndex = Resources.HierarchyNodes.Num();
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumHierarchyNodes; i++)
            // 压缩Hierarchy节点.
            PackHierarchyNode(Resources.HierarchyNodes[PackedBaseIndex + i], HierarchyNodes[i], Groups, Parts);

// 写入页表.
static void WritePages(    FResources& Resources,
                        TArray<FPage>& Pages,
                        const TArray<FClusterGroup>& Groups,
                        const TArray<FClusterGroupPart>& Parts,
                        const TArray<FCluster>& Clusters,
                        const TArray<FEncodingInfo>& EncodingInfos,
                        uint32 NumTexCoords)
    check(Resources.PageStreamingStates.Num() == 0);

    const bool bLZCompress = true;

    TArray< uint8 > StreamableBulkData;
    const uint32 NumPages = Pages.Num();
    const uint32 NumClusters = Clusters.Num();

    // 处理FixupChunk.
    uint32 TotalGPUSize = 0;
    TArray<FFixupChunk> FixupChunks;
    for (uint32 PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < NumPages; PageIndex++)
        const FPage& Page = Pages[PageIndex];
        FFixupChunk& FixupChunk = FixupChunks[PageIndex];
        FixupChunk.Header.NumClusters = Page.NumClusters;

        uint32 NumHierarchyFixups = 0;
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.PartsNum; i++)
            const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[Page.PartsStartIndex + i];
            NumHierarchyFixups += Groups[Part.GroupIndex].PageIndexNum;

        FixupChunk.Header.NumHierachyFixups = NumHierarchyFixups;    // NumHierarchyFixups must be set before writing cluster fixups
        TotalGPUSize += Page.GpuSizes.GetTotal();

    // 向Page添加额外的修正.
    for (const FClusterGroupPart& Part : Parts)
        check(Part.PageIndex < NumPages);

        const FClusterGroup& Group = Groups[Part.GroupIndex];
        for (uint32 ClusterPositionInPart = 0; ClusterPositionInPart < (uint32)Part.Clusters.Num(); ClusterPositionInPart++)
            const FCluster& Cluster = Clusters[Part.Clusters[ClusterPositionInPart]];
            if (Cluster.GeneratingGroupIndex != INVALID_GROUP_INDEX)
                const FClusterGroup& GeneratingGroup = Groups[Cluster.GeneratingGroupIndex];
                check(GeneratingGroup.PageIndexNum >= 1);

                if (GeneratingGroup.PageIndexStart == Part.PageIndex && GeneratingGroup.PageIndexNum == 1)
                    continue;    // Dependencies already met by current page. Fixup directly instead.

                uint32 PageDependencyStart = GeneratingGroup.PageIndexStart;
                uint32 PageDependencyNum = GeneratingGroup.PageIndexNum;
                RemoveRootPagesFromRange(PageDependencyStart, PageDependencyNum);    // Root page should never be a dependency

                const FClusterFixup ClusterFixup = FClusterFixup(Part.PageIndex, Part.PageClusterOffset + ClusterPositionInPart, PageDependencyStart, PageDependencyNum);
                for (uint32 i = 0; i < GeneratingGroup.PageIndexNum; i++)
                    FFixupChunk& FixupChunk = FixupChunks[GeneratingGroup.PageIndexStart + i];
                    FixupChunk.GetClusterFixup(FixupChunk.Header.NumClusterFixups++) = ClusterFixup;

    // 生成page依赖.
    for (uint32 PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < NumPages; PageIndex++)
        const FFixupChunk& FixupChunk = FixupChunks[PageIndex];
        FPageStreamingState& PageStreamingState = Resources.PageStreamingStates[PageIndex];
        PageStreamingState.DependenciesStart = Resources.PageDependencies.Num();

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < FixupChunk.Header.NumClusterFixups; i++)
            uint32 FixupPageIndex = FixupChunk.GetClusterFixup(i).GetPageIndex();
            check(FixupPageIndex < NumPages);
            if (IsRootPage(FixupPageIndex) || FixupPageIndex == PageIndex)    // Never emit dependencies to ourselves or a root page.

            // 没有在集合内才增加.
            // O(n^2), 但实际上依赖数量会比较小.
            bool bFound = false;
            for (uint32 j = PageStreamingState.DependenciesStart; j < (uint32)Resources.PageDependencies.Num(); j++)
                if (Resources.PageDependencies[j] == FixupPageIndex)
                    bFound = true;

            if (bFound)

        PageStreamingState.DependenciesNum = Resources.PageDependencies.Num() - PageStreamingState.DependenciesStart;

    // 处理page.
    struct FPageResult
        TArray<uint8> Data;
        uint32 UncompressedSize;
    TArray< FPageResult > PageResults;

    // 并行处理
    ParallelFor(NumPages, [&Resources, &Pages, &Groups, &Parts, &Clusters, &EncodingInfos, &FixupChunks, &PageResults, NumTexCoords, bLZCompress](int32 PageIndex)
        const FPage& Page = Pages[PageIndex];
        FFixupChunk& FixupChunk = FixupChunks[PageIndex];

        // 增加hierarchy修正.
            // Parts include the hierarchy fixups for all the other parts of the same group.
            uint32 NumHierarchyFixups = 0;
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.PartsNum; i++)
                const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[Page.PartsStartIndex + i];
                const FClusterGroup& Group = Groups[Part.GroupIndex];
                const uint32 HierarchyRootOffset = Resources.HierarchyRootOffsets[Group.MeshIndex];

                uint32 PageDependencyStart = Group.PageIndexStart;
                uint32 PageDependencyNum = Group.PageIndexNum;
                RemoveRootPagesFromRange(PageDependencyStart, PageDependencyNum);

                // Add fixups to all parts of the group
                for (uint32 j = 0; j < Group.PageIndexNum; j++)
                    const FPage& Page2 = Pages[Group.PageIndexStart + j];
                    for (uint32 k = 0; k < Page2.PartsNum; k++)
                        const FClusterGroupPart& Part2 = Parts[Page2.PartsStartIndex + k];
                        if (Part2.GroupIndex == Part.GroupIndex)
                            const uint32 GlobalHierarchyNodeIndex = HierarchyRootOffset + Part2.HierarchyNodeIndex;
                            FixupChunk.GetHierarchyFixup(NumHierarchyFixups++) = FHierarchyFixup(Part2.PageIndex, GlobalHierarchyNodeIndex, Part2.HierarchyChildIndex, Part2.PageClusterOffset, PageDependencyStart, PageDependencyNum);
            check(NumHierarchyFixups == FixupChunk.Header.NumHierachyFixups);

        // Pack clusters and generate material range data
        TArray<uint32>                CombinedStripBitmaskData;
        TArray<uint32>                CombinedVertexRefBitmaskData;
        TArray<uint32>                CombinedVertexRefData;
        TArray<uint8>                CombinedIndexData;
        TArray<uint8>                CombinedPositionData;
        TArray<uint8>                CombinedAttributeData;
        TArray<uint32>                MaterialRangeData;
        TArray<uint16>                CodedVerticesPerCluster;
        TArray<uint32>                NumVertexBytesPerCluster;
        TArray<FPackedCluster>        PackedClusters;

        const uint32 NumPackedClusterDwords = Page.NumClusters * sizeof(FPackedCluster) / sizeof(uint32);

        FPageSections GpuSectionOffsets = Page.GpuSizes.GetOffsets();
        TMap<FVariableVertex, uint32> UniqueVertices;

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.PartsNum; i++)
            const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[Page.PartsStartIndex + i];
            for (uint32 j = 0; j < (uint32)Part.Clusters.Num(); j++)
                const uint32 ClusterIndex = Part.Clusters[j];
                const FCluster& Cluster = Clusters[ClusterIndex];
                const FEncodingInfo& EncodingInfo = EncodingInfos[ClusterIndex];

                const uint32 LocalClusterIndex = Part.PageClusterOffset + j;
                FPackedCluster& PackedCluster = PackedClusters[LocalClusterIndex];
                PackCluster(PackedCluster, Cluster, EncodingInfos[ClusterIndex], NumTexCoords);

                PackedCluster.PackedMaterialInfo = PackMaterialInfo(Cluster, MaterialRangeData, NumPackedClusterDwords);
                check((GpuSectionOffsets.Index & 3) == 0);
                check((GpuSectionOffsets.Position & 3) == 0);
                check((GpuSectionOffsets.Attribute & 3) == 0);
                GpuSectionOffsets += EncodingInfo.GpuSizes;

                const uint32 PrevVertexBytes = CombinedPositionData.Num();
                uint32 NumCodedVertices = 0;
                EncodeGeometryData(    LocalClusterIndex, Cluster, EncodingInfo, NumTexCoords, 
                                    CombinedStripBitmaskData, CombinedIndexData,
                                    CombinedVertexRefBitmaskData, CombinedVertexRefData, CombinedPositionData, CombinedAttributeData,
                                    UniqueVertices, NumCodedVertices);

                NumVertexBytesPerCluster[LocalClusterIndex] = CombinedPositionData.Num() - PrevVertexBytes;
                CodedVerticesPerCluster[LocalClusterIndex] = NumCodedVertices;
        check(GpuSectionOffsets.Cluster                        == Page.GpuSizes.GetMaterialTableOffset());
        check(Align(GpuSectionOffsets.MaterialTable, 16)    == Page.GpuSizes.GetDecodeInfoOffset());
        check(GpuSectionOffsets.DecodeInfo                    == Page.GpuSizes.GetIndexOffset());
        check(GpuSectionOffsets.Index                        == Page.GpuSizes.GetPositionOffset());
        check(GpuSectionOffsets.Position                    == Page.GpuSizes.GetAttributeOffset());
        check(GpuSectionOffsets.Attribute                    == Page.GpuSizes.GetTotal());

        // Dword对齐索引数据.
        CombinedIndexData.SetNumZeroed((CombinedIndexData.Num() + 3) & -4);

        // 直接在packkedclusters上执行页面内部修复.
        for (uint32 LocalPartIndex = 0; LocalPartIndex < Page.PartsNum; LocalPartIndex++)
            const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[Page.PartsStartIndex + LocalPartIndex];
            const FClusterGroup& Group = Groups[Part.GroupIndex];
            uint32 GeneratingGroupIndex = MAX_uint32;
            for (uint32 ClusterPositionInPart = 0; ClusterPositionInPart < (uint32)Part.Clusters.Num(); ClusterPositionInPart++)
                const FCluster& Cluster = Clusters[Part.Clusters[ClusterPositionInPart]];
                if (Cluster.GeneratingGroupIndex != INVALID_GROUP_INDEX)
                    const FClusterGroup& GeneratingGroup = Groups[Cluster.GeneratingGroupIndex];
                    uint32 PageDependencyStart = Group.PageIndexStart;
                    uint32 PageDependencyNum = Group.PageIndexNum;
                    RemoveRootPagesFromRange(PageDependencyStart, PageDependencyNum);

                    if (GeneratingGroup.PageIndexStart == PageIndex && GeneratingGroup.PageIndexNum == 1)
                        // 当前Page已经满足的依赖, 直接修正.
                        PackedClusters[Part.PageClusterOffset + ClusterPositionInPart].Flags &= ~NANITE_CLUSTER_FLAG_LEAF;    // Mark parent as no longer leaf

        // 开始page
        FPageResult& PageResult = PageResults[PageIndex];
        FBlockPointer PagePointer(PageResult.Data.GetData(), PageResult.Data.Num());

        // 磁盘头信息.
        FPageDiskHeader* PageDiskHeader = PagePointer.Advance<FPageDiskHeader>(1);

        // 16字节对齐材质范围数据,使其易于在GPU转码期间复制.
        MaterialRangeData.SetNum(Align(MaterialRangeData.Num(), 4));

        static_assert(sizeof(FUVRange) % 16 == 0, "sizeof(FUVRange) must be a multiple of 16");
        static_assert(sizeof(FPackedCluster) % 16 == 0, "sizeof(FPackedCluster) must be a multiple of 16");
        PageDiskHeader->NumClusters = Page.NumClusters;
        PageDiskHeader->GpuSize = Page.GpuSizes.GetTotal();
        PageDiskHeader->NumRawFloat4s = Page.NumClusters * (sizeof(FPackedCluster) + NumTexCoords * sizeof(FUVRange)) / 16 +  MaterialRangeData.Num() / 4;
        PageDiskHeader->NumTexCoords = NumTexCoords;

        // Cluster头信息.
        FClusterDiskHeader* ClusterDiskHeaders = PagePointer.Advance<FClusterDiskHeader>(Page.NumClusters);

        // 用SOA(Structure-of-Arrays)内存布局写入cluster.
            const uint32 NumClusterFloat4Propeties = sizeof(FPackedCluster) / 16;
            for (uint32 float4Index = 0; float4Index < NumClusterFloat4Propeties; float4Index++)
                for (const FPackedCluster& PackedCluster : PackedClusters)
                    uint8* Dst = PagePointer.Advance<uint8>(16);
                    FMemory::Memcpy(Dst, (uint8*)&PackedCluster + float4Index * 16, 16);
        // 材质表.
        uint32 MaterialTableSize = MaterialRangeData.Num() * MaterialRangeData.GetTypeSize();
        uint8* MaterialTable = PagePointer.Advance<uint8>(MaterialTableSize);
        FMemory::Memcpy(MaterialTable, MaterialRangeData.GetData(), MaterialTableSize);
        check(MaterialTableSize == Page.GpuSizes.GetMaterialTableSize());

        // 解码信息.
        PageDiskHeader->DecodeInfoOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.PartsNum; i++)
            const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[Page.PartsStartIndex + i];
            for (uint32 j = 0; j < (uint32)Part.Clusters.Num(); j++)
                const uint32 ClusterIndex = Part.Clusters[j];
                FUVRange* DecodeInfo = PagePointer.Advance<FUVRange>(NumTexCoords);
                for (uint32 k = 0; k < NumTexCoords; k++)
                    DecodeInfo[k] = EncodingInfos[ClusterIndex].UVInfos[k].UVRange;
        // 索引数据.
            uint8* IndexData = PagePointer.GetPtr<uint8>();
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.PartsNum; i++)
                const FClusterGroupPart& Part = Parts[Page.PartsStartIndex + i];
                for (uint32 j = 0; j < (uint32)Part.Clusters.Num(); j++)
                    const uint32 LocalClusterIndex = Part.PageClusterOffset + j;
                    const uint32 ClusterIndex = Part.Clusters[j];
                    const FCluster& Cluster = Clusters[ClusterIndex];

                    ClusterDiskHeaders[LocalClusterIndex].IndexDataOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
                    ClusterDiskHeaders[LocalClusterIndex].NumPrevNewVerticesBeforeDwords = Cluster.StripDesc.NumPrevNewVerticesBeforeDwords;
                    ClusterDiskHeaders[LocalClusterIndex].NumPrevRefVerticesBeforeDwords = Cluster.StripDesc.NumPrevRefVerticesBeforeDwords;

            uint32 IndexDataSize = CombinedIndexData.Num() * CombinedIndexData.GetTypeSize();
            FMemory::Memcpy(IndexData, CombinedIndexData.GetData(), IndexDataSize);

            PageDiskHeader->StripBitmaskOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
            uint32 StripBitmaskDataSize = CombinedStripBitmaskData.Num() * CombinedStripBitmaskData.GetTypeSize();
            uint8* StripBitmaskData = PagePointer.Advance<uint8>(StripBitmaskDataSize);
            FMemory::Memcpy(StripBitmaskData, CombinedStripBitmaskData.GetData(), StripBitmaskDataSize);
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.NumClusters; i++)
                ClusterDiskHeaders[i].IndexDataOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
                PagePointer.Advance<uint8>(PackedClusters[i].GetNumTris() * 3);

            uint32 IndexDataSize = CombinedIndexData.Num() * CombinedIndexData.GetTypeSize();
            FMemory::Memcpy(IndexData, CombinedIndexData.GetData(), IndexDataSize);

        // 写入顶点引用的位掩码.
            PageDiskHeader->VertexRefBitmaskOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
            const uint32 VertexRefBitmaskSize = Page.NumClusters * (MAX_CLUSTER_VERTICES / 8);
            uint8* VertexRefBitmask = PagePointer.Advance<uint8>(VertexRefBitmaskSize);
            FMemory::Memcpy(VertexRefBitmask, CombinedVertexRefBitmaskData.GetData(), VertexRefBitmaskSize);
            check(CombinedVertexRefBitmaskData.Num() * CombinedVertexRefBitmaskData.GetTypeSize() == VertexRefBitmaskSize);

        // 写入顶点引用.
            uint8* VertexRefs = PagePointer.GetPtr<uint8>();
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.NumClusters; i++)
                ClusterDiskHeaders[i].VertexRefDataOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
                uint32 NumVertexRefs = PackedClusters[i].GetNumVerts() - CodedVerticesPerCluster[i];
            FMemory::Memcpy(VertexRefs, CombinedVertexRefData.GetData(), CombinedVertexRefData.Num() * CombinedVertexRefData.GetTypeSize());

        // 写入位置.
            uint8* PositionData = PagePointer.GetPtr<uint8>();
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.NumClusters; i++)
                ClusterDiskHeaders[i].PositionDataOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
            check( (PagePointer.GetPtr<uint8>() - PositionData) == CombinedPositionData.Num() * CombinedPositionData.GetTypeSize());

            FMemory::Memcpy(PositionData, CombinedPositionData.GetData(), CombinedPositionData.Num() * CombinedPositionData.GetTypeSize());

        // 写入属性.
            uint8* AttribData = PagePointer.GetPtr<uint8>();
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < Page.NumClusters; i++)
                const uint32 BytesPerAttribute = (PackedClusters[i].GetBitsPerAttribute() + 7) / 8;
                ClusterDiskHeaders[i].AttributeDataOffset = PagePointer.Offset();
                PagePointer.Advance<uint8>(Align(CodedVerticesPerCluster[i] * BytesPerAttribute, 4));
            check((uint32)(PagePointer.GetPtr<uint8>() - AttribData) == CombinedAttributeData.Num() * CombinedAttributeData.GetTypeSize());
            FMemory::Memcpy(AttribData, CombinedAttributeData.GetData(), CombinedAttributeData.Num()* CombinedAttributeData.GetTypeSize());

        // 使用Lempel-Ziv(LZ)无损压缩内存, LZ的一个变种是Lempel-Ziv-Welch(LZW).
        // 更多详见: http://athena.ecs.csus.edu/~wang/DLZW.pdf.
        if (bLZCompress) 
            TArray<uint8> DataCopy(PageResult.Data.GetData(), PagePointer.Offset());
            PageResult.UncompressedSize = DataCopy.Num();
            int32 CompressedSize = PageResult.Data.Num();
            verify(FCompression::CompressMemory(NAME_LZ4, PageResult.Data.GetData(), CompressedSize, DataCopy.GetData(), DataCopy.Num()));

            PageResult.Data.SetNum(CompressedSize, false);
        else // 不使用压缩.
            PageResult.Data.SetNum(PagePointer.Offset(), false);
            PageResult.UncompressedSize = PageResult.Data.Num();

    // 写入Page.
    uint32 TotalUncompressedSize = 0;
    uint32 TotalCompressedSize = 0;
    uint32 TotalFixupSize = 0;
    for (uint32 PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < NumPages; PageIndex++)
        const FPage& Page = Pages[PageIndex];
        FFixupChunk& FixupChunk = FixupChunks[PageIndex];
        TArray<uint8>& BulkData = IsRootPage(PageIndex) ? Resources.RootClusterPage : StreamableBulkData;

        FPageStreamingState& PageStreamingState = Resources.PageStreamingStates[PageIndex];
        PageStreamingState.BulkOffset = BulkData.Num();

        // 写入修正块.
        uint32 FixupChunkSize = FixupChunk.GetSize();
        check(FixupChunk.Header.NumHierachyFixups < MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE);
        check(FixupChunk.Header.NumClusterFixups < MAX_CLUSTERS_PER_PAGE);
        BulkData.Append((uint8*)&FixupChunk, FixupChunkSize);
        TotalFixupSize += FixupChunkSize;

        // 拷贝页到BulkData.
        TArray<uint8>& PageData = PageResults[PageIndex].Data;
        BulkData.Append(PageData.GetData(), PageData.Num());
        TotalUncompressedSize += PageResults[PageIndex].UncompressedSize;
        TotalCompressedSize += PageData.Num();

        PageStreamingState.BulkSize = BulkData.Num() - PageStreamingState.BulkOffset;
        PageStreamingState.PageUncompressedSize = PageResults[PageIndex].UncompressedSize;

    uint32 TotalDiskSize = Resources.RootClusterPage.Num() + StreamableBulkData.Num();
    UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("WritePages:"), NumPages);
    UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("  %d pages written."), NumPages);
    UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("  GPU size: %d bytes. %.3f bytes per page. %.3f%% utilization."), TotalGPUSize, TotalGPUSize / float(NumPages), TotalGPUSize / (float(NumPages) * CLUSTER_PAGE_GPU_SIZE) * 100.0f);
    UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("  Uncompressed page data: %d bytes. Compressed page data: %d bytes. Fixup data: %d bytes."), TotalUncompressedSize, TotalCompressedSize, TotalFixupSize);
    UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("  Total disk size: %d bytes. %.3f bytes per page."), TotalDiskSize, TotalDiskSize/ float(NumPages));

    // 存储PageData.
    uint8* Ptr = (uint8*)Resources.StreamableClusterPages.Realloc(StreamableBulkData.Num());
    FMemory::Memcpy(Ptr, StreamableBulkData.GetData(), StreamableBulkData.Num());
    Resources.bLZCompressed = bLZCompress;
} FImposterAtlas::Rasterize

// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\ImposterAtlas.cpp

// 将指定Cluster的光栅化到Imposter.
void FImposterAtlas::Rasterize( const FIntPoint& TilePos, const FCluster& Cluster, uint32 ClusterIndex )
    constexpr uint32 ViewSize = TileSize;// * SuperSample;

    FIntRect Scissor( 0, 0, ViewSize, ViewSize );

    // 获取局部到Imposter的变换矩阵.
    FMatrix LocalToImposter = GetLocalToImposter( TilePos );

    TArray< FVector, TInlineAllocator<128> > Positions;
    Positions.SetNum( Cluster.NumVerts, false );

    // 提取Cluster顶点位置, 并转换到Imposter空间.
    for( uint32 VertIndex = 0; VertIndex < Cluster.NumVerts; VertIndex++ )
        FVector Position = Cluster.GetPosition( VertIndex );
        Position = LocalToImposter.TransformPosition( Position );

        Positions[ VertIndex ].X = ( Position.X * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * ViewSize;
        Positions[ VertIndex ].Y = ( Position.Y * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * ViewSize;
        Positions[ VertIndex ].Z = ( Position.Z * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * 254.0f + 1.0f;    // zero is reserved as masked

    // 遍历所有三角形, 光栅化它们到Imposter.
    for( uint32 TriIndex = 0; TriIndex < Cluster.NumTris; TriIndex++ )
        FVector Verts[3];
        Verts[0] = Positions[ Cluster.Indexes[ TriIndex * 3 + 0 ] ];
        Verts[1] = Positions[ Cluster.Indexes[ TriIndex * 3 + 1 ] ];
        Verts[2] = Positions[ Cluster.Indexes[ TriIndex * 3 + 2 ] ];

        // 光栅化三角形.
        RasterizeTri( Verts, Scissor, 0,
            // 保存光栅化后的结果.
            [&]( int32 x, int32 y, float z )
                uint32 Depth = FMath::RoundToInt( FMath::Clamp( z, 1.0f, 255.0f ) );
                uint16 PixelValue = ( Depth << 8 ) | ( ClusterIndex << 7 ) | TriIndex;
                //uint32 PixelIndex = x + y * ViewSize;
                uint32 PixelIndex = x + ( y + ( TilePos.X + TilePos.Y * AtlasSize ) * TileSize ) * TileSize;
                Pixels[ PixelIndex ] = FMath::Max( Pixels[ PixelIndex ], PixelValue );
            } );

// Engine\Source\Developer\NaniteBuilder\Private\Rasterizer.h

// 软光栅指定的三角形, 写入数据时调用FWritePixel回调函数.
template< typename FWritePixel >
void RasterizeTri( const FVector Verts[3], const FIntRect& ScissorRect, uint32 SubpixelDilate, FWritePixel WritePixel )
    constexpr uint32 SubpixelBits        = 8;
    constexpr uint32 SubpixelSamples    = 1 << SubpixelBits;

    FVector v01 = Verts[1] - Verts[0];
    FVector v02 = Verts[2] - Verts[0];

    float DetXY = v01.X * v02.Y - v01.Y * v02.X;
    if( DetXY >= 0.0f )
        // 背面剔除.
        // 如果未剔除,需要交换顶点,为其余代码纠正winding.

    FVector2D GradZ;
    GradZ.X = ( v01.Z * v02.Y - v01.Y * v02.Z ) / DetXY;
    GradZ.Y = ( v01.X * v02.Z - v01.Z * v02.X ) / DetXY;

    // 24.8 fixed point
    FIntPoint Vert0 = ToIntPoint( Verts[0] * SubpixelSamples );
    FIntPoint Vert1 = ToIntPoint( Verts[1] * SubpixelSamples );
    FIntPoint Vert2 = ToIntPoint( Verts[2] * SubpixelSamples );

    // 矩形包围盒.
    FIntRect RectSubpixel( Vert0, Vert0 );
    RectSubpixel.Include( Vert1 );
    RectSubpixel.Include( Vert2 );
    RectSubpixel.InflateRect( SubpixelDilate );

    // 四舍五入到最近像素.
    FIntRect RectPixel = ( ( RectSubpixel + (SubpixelSamples / 2) - 1 ) ) / SubpixelSamples;

    // 裁剪到视口.
    RectPixel.Clip( ScissorRect );
    // 若没有像素覆盖, 裁剪之.
    if( RectPixel.IsEmpty() )

    // 12.8 fixed point
    FIntPoint Edge01 = Vert0 - Vert1;
    FIntPoint Edge12 = Vert1 - Vert2;
    FIntPoint Edge20 = Vert2 - Vert0;

    // 用半像素偏移调整MinPixel.
    // 12.8 fixed point
    // 最大的三角形尺寸 = 2047x2047 像素.
    const FIntPoint BaseSubpixel = RectPixel.Min * SubpixelSamples + (SubpixelSamples / 2);
    Vert0 -= BaseSubpixel;
    Vert1 -= BaseSubpixel;
    Vert2 -= BaseSubpixel;

    auto EdgeC = [=]( const FIntPoint& Edge, const FIntPoint& Vert )
        int64 ex = Edge.X;
        int64 ey = Edge.Y;
        int64 vx = Vert.X;
        int64 vy = Vert.Y;

        // Half-edge constants
        // 24.16 fixed point
        int64 C = ey * vx - ex * vy;

        // 校正填充公约(fill convention)
        // Top left rule for CCW
        C -= ( Edge.Y < 0 || ( Edge.Y == 0 && Edge.X > 0 ) ) ? 0 : 1;

        // 扩大边.
        C += ( FMath::Abs( Edge.X ) + FMath::Abs( Edge.Y ) ) * SubpixelDilate;

        // 像素增量步进.
        // 低位总是相同的,因此在测试符号时无关紧要。
        // 24.8 fixed point
        return int32( C >> SubpixelBits );

    int32 C0 = EdgeC( Edge01, Vert0 );
    int32 C1 = EdgeC( Edge12, Vert1 );
    int32 C2 = EdgeC( Edge20, Vert2 );
    float Z0 = Verts[0].Z - ( GradZ.X * Vert0.X + GradZ.Y * Vert0.Y ) / SubpixelSamples;
    int32 CY0 = C0;
    int32 CY1 = C1;
    int32 CY2 = C2;
    float ZY = Z0;

    // 遍历矩形内的所有像素, 填充在三角形内的像素.
    for( int32 y = RectPixel.Min.Y; y < RectPixel.Max.Y; y++ )
        int32 CX0 = CY0;
        int32 CX1 = CY1;
        int32 CX2 = CY2;
        float ZX = ZY;

        for( int32 x = RectPixel.Min.X; x < RectPixel.Max.X; x++ )
            // 如果当前3个边的X分量都是正数, 说明在三角形内, 调用WritePixel写入数据.
            if( ( CX0 | CX1 | CX2 ) >= 0 )
                WritePixel( x, y, ZX );

            CX0 -= Edge01.Y;
            CX1 -= Edge12.Y;
            CX2 -= Edge20.Y;
            ZX += GradZ.X;

        CY0 += Edge01.X;
        CY1 += Edge12.X;
        CY2 += Edge20.X;
        ZY += GradZ.Y;
} Nanite数据构建总结


  • 从UStaticMesh的HiResSourceModel获取Nanite的高精度模型。
  • 计算切线、光照图UV等。
  • 构建临时的RenderData数据, 以便传递到后续的Nanite构建阶段.。
  • 构建逐Section索引、顶点和索引缓冲。
  • BuildCombinedSectionIndices:连结逐section的索引缓冲。
  • ComputeBoundsFromVertexList:在Nanite构建之前从高分辨率网格计算包围盒。
  • 从SectionInfoMap中解析出Section材质索引。
  • NaniteBuilderModule.Build:执行Nanite构建模块。


  • 构建三角形索引和材质索引的关联数组。
  • BuildNaniteData:构建Nanite数据。
    • 处理顶点色。
    • 遍历所有Section,给每个Section构建Cluster。
      • ClusterTriangles:将Section拆分成一个或多个Cluster。
        • 初始化共享边、边界边、边哈希等数据。
        • 并行地处理边哈希。
        • 并行地查找共享边和边界边。
        • 处理不连贯的三角形集。
        • 使用FGraphPartitioner划分网格。
          • FGraphPartitioner内部使用了METIS第三方开源库,METIS能够高效地提供高品质的网格划分,同时具有低填充率的特点,能够保证网格划分的效果和效率。METIS的划分算法有3个阶段:粗化(Coarsening)、划分(Partitioning)、细分(Uncoarsening)。
        • 并行地构建Cluster。
    • 检测是否需要用粗糙代表(coarse representation)代替原始的静态网格数据。
      • 使用粗糙代表须满足:Nanite设置的PercentTriangles小于1且原网格的三角形数量大于2000。
    • 为所有Section调用BuildDAG构建有向非循环图加速减面减模。
    • 如果使用粗糙代表,则调用BuildCoarseRepresentation构建粗糙代表的数据,然后使用粗糙网格范围修正网格section信息,同时遵守原始序号和保留材质。
    • Encode:编码Nanite网格。
      • RemoveDegenerateTriangles:删除所有Cluster的退化三角形。
      • BuildMaterialRanges:构建所有Cluster的材质范围。
      • ConstrainClusters:约束Cluster到ClusterGroup。
      • CalculateQuantizedPositionsUniformGrid:计算量化的位置。
      • CalculateEncodingInfos:计算编码信息。
      • AssignClustersToPages:分配Cluster到Page。
      • BuildHierarchies:构建ClusterGroup的层级节点。
      • WritePages:将Cluster和ClusterGroup的信息写入Page。
    • 如果有需要(只有一个Section时),则生成FImposterAtlas。
      • 并行地为所有Cluster生成Imposter,将每个Cluster的所有三角形光栅化到FImposterAtlas。


  • 大量使用了ParallelFor,以便利用多线程并行地处理逻辑,缩减构建时间。
  • 利用MITES能够获得优良的网格划分。
  • 使用Cluster、ClusterGroup、ClusterGroupPart等不同层级的概念有机组合网格相关的数据。
  • 使用DAG、Hierarchy、Mip Level、Coarse Representation等加速和优化网格构建和划分。
  • 提前生成GPU渲染时需要的Page、ImposterAtlas等信息。
  • 使用了大量的高度的数据压缩,如LZ Compression、定点数(fixed point)、位操作等。

另外再说一下,Nanite并没有使用之前传闻的几何图像(Geometry Image)技术,但核心思想或技术还是比较类似的。


关于Geometry Image技术,可以参考顾教授的论文Geometry images以及他的公众号:老顾谈几何。

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