Shader "Custom/Cg anisotropic per-pixel lighting"
_Color("Diffuse Material Color",Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_SpecColor("Specular Material Color",Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_AlphaX("Roughness in Brush Direction",Float) = 1.0
_AlphaY("Roughness orthogonal to Brush Direction",Float) = 1.0
Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
uniform float4 _LightColor0;
uniform float4 _Color;
uniform float4 _SpecColor;
uniform float _AlphaX;
uniform float _AlphaY;
struct vertexInput
float4 vertex:POSITION;
float3 normal:NORMAL;
float4 tangent:TANGENT;
struct vertexOutput
float4 pos:SV_POSITION;
float4 posWorld:TEXCOORD0;
float3 viewDir:TEXCOORD1;
float3 normalDir:TEXCOORD2;
float3 tangentDir:TEXCOORD3;
vertexOutput vert(vertexInput input)
vertexOutput output;
float4x4 modelMatrix = _Object2World;
float4x4 modelMatrixInverse = _World2Object;
output.posWorld = mul(modelMatrix,input.vertex);
output.viewDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos -;
output.normalDir = normalize(mul(float4(input.normal,0.0),modelMatrixInverse).xyz);
output.tangentDir = normalize(mul(modelMatrix,float4(,0.0)).xyz);
output.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,input.vertex);
return output;
float4 frag(vertexOutput input):COLOR
float3 lightDirection;
float attenuation;
attenuation = 1.0;
lightDirection = normalize(;
float3 vertexToLightSource = -;
float distance = length(vertexToLightSource);
attenuation = 1.0 / distance;
lightDirection = normalize(vertexToLightSource);
float3 halfwayVector = normalize(lightDirection+input.viewDir);
float3 binormalDirection = cross(input.normalDir,input.tangentDir);
float dotLN = dot(lightDirection,input.normalDir);
float3 ambientLighting = UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT.rgb * _Color.rgb;
float3 diffuseReflection = attenuation * _LightColor0.rgb * _Color.rgb * max(0.0,dotLN);
float3 specularReflection;
if(dotLN < 0.0)
specularReflection = float3(0,0,0);
float dotHN = dot(halfwayVector,input.normalDir);
float dotVN = dot(input.viewDir,input.normalDir);
float dotHTAlphaX = dot(halfwayVector,input.tangentDir)/_AlphaX;
float dotHBAlphaY = dot(halfwayVector,binormalDirection)/_AlphaY;
specularReflection = attenuation * _LightColor0.rgb * _SpecColor.rgb * sqrt(max(0.0,dotLN/dotVN)) * exp(-2.0*(dotHTAlphaX * dotHTAlphaX + dotHBAlphaY * dotHBAlphaY)/(1.0 + dotHN));
return float4(ambientLighting + diffuseReflection + specularReflection,1.0);
Pass {
Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" }
// pass for additional light sources
Blend One One // additive blending
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
uniform float4 _LightColor0;
// color of light source (from "Lighting.cginc")
// User-specified properties
uniform float4 _Color;
uniform float4 _SpecColor;
uniform float _AlphaX;
uniform float _AlphaY;
struct vertexInput {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
struct vertexOutput {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 posWorld : TEXCOORD0;
// position of the vertex (and fragment) in world space
float3 viewDir : TEXCOORD1;
// view direction in world space
float3 normalDir : TEXCOORD2;
// surface normal vector in world space
float3 tangentDir : TEXCOORD3;
// brush direction in world space
vertexOutput vert(vertexInput input)
vertexOutput output;
float4x4 modelMatrix = _Object2World;
float4x4 modelMatrixInverse = _World2Object;
output.posWorld = mul(modelMatrix, input.vertex);
output.viewDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos
output.normalDir = normalize(
mul(float4(input.normal, 0.0), modelMatrixInverse).xyz);
output.tangentDir = normalize(
mul(modelMatrix, float4(, 0.0)).xyz);
output.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, input.vertex);
return output;
float4 frag(vertexOutput input) : COLOR
float3 lightDirection;
float attenuation;
if (0.0 == _WorldSpaceLightPos0.w) // directional light?
attenuation = 1.0; // no attenuation
lightDirection = normalize(;
else // point or spot light
float3 vertexToLightSource = -;
float distance = length(vertexToLightSource);
attenuation = 1.0 / distance; // linear attenuation
lightDirection = normalize(vertexToLightSource);
float3 halfwayVector =
normalize(lightDirection + input.viewDir);
float3 binormalDirection =
cross(input.normalDir, input.tangentDir);
float dotLN = dot(lightDirection, input.normalDir);
// compute this dot product only once
float3 diffuseReflection =
attenuation * _LightColor0.rgb * _Color.rgb
* max(0.0, dotLN);
float3 specularReflection;
if (dotLN < 0.0) // light source on the wrong side?
specularReflection = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// no specular reflection
else // light source on the right side
float dotHN = dot(halfwayVector, input.normalDir);
float dotVN = dot(input.viewDir, input.normalDir);
float dotHTAlphaX =
dot(halfwayVector, input.tangentDir) / _AlphaX;
float dotHBAlphaY = dot(halfwayVector,
binormalDirection) / _AlphaY;
specularReflection =
attenuation * _LightColor0.rgb * _SpecColor.rgb
* sqrt(max(0.0, dotLN / dotVN))
* exp(-2.0 * (dotHTAlphaX * dotHTAlphaX
+ dotHBAlphaY * dotHBAlphaY) / (1.0 + dotHN));
return float4(diffuseReflection
+ specularReflection, 1.0);
Fallback "Specular"
Cg anisotropic per-pixel lighting
最新推荐文章于 2019-02-02 16:46:25 发布