印尼整治性交易行业,赞成还是反对? | 经济学人中英双语对照精读笔记

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:王不留)




Prostitution in Indonesia: Perverse outcomes


Criminalising sex work does more harm than good.


王不留(wbliu85)注:印度尼西亚共和国(英语:Republic of Indonesia),简称印尼(Indonesia)。是东南亚国家,首都为雅加达。与巴布亚新几内亚、东帝汶和马来西亚等国家相接。

印度尼西亚国土面积1913578.68平方公里, 由约17508个岛屿组成,是全世界最大的群岛国家,疆域横跨亚洲及大洋洲,也是多火山多地震的国家。面积较大的岛屿有加里曼丹岛、苏门答腊岛、伊里安岛、苏拉威西岛和爪哇岛。




more harm than good 弊大于利

Sunti Ani, an Indonesian sex worker, has been arrested more times than she can count. She lives in Malang, in the province of East Java, where her trade was criminalised in 2014 on the basis that prostitutionis “prohibited by all religions”. Until then, she worked in a brothel. But after, she says, “we were forced to see our clients in cafés and on the streets.” She earns less money than before. And she is more wary of the police, who once used her possession of a condom as evidence against her.

桑蒂·安尼(Sunti Ani),一位印尼性工作者,被逮捕的次数多得数不清。她居住在东爪哇省的马朗,2014年,她做的卖淫行当因为被“所有宗教禁止”而列为犯罪。在那之前,她在妓院接客。然而,她说,自那以后,“我们被迫在咖啡馆和大街上见客户。”她挣的钱比以前少了。她对警察更加警惕,他们曾以她拥有的一个避孕套作为对她不利的证据。

sex worker 性工作者

brothel 妓院

be wary of 警惕


Indonesia has no national law that directly regulates prostitution. But some local governments have used an ambiguous “Crimes Against Morals” law to ban sex work in their districts. In 2014 Malang shut down brothels as a “birthday present” to the district, timing the closure to coincide with the 1,254th anniversary of its founding. An official told sex workers to “get a job that is more pleasing to God”.



national law 国内法,本国法,国家法 

local governments 地方自治 ;  地方政府 ;  local government的复数 

work in 把…加进 ;  把…混入 ;  把…掺进 

shut down 关闭,歇业,停业 

brothels 妓院 ;  brothel的复数 

coincide with 与…一致

Some prostitutes in Malang stayed at the brothels and worked clandestinely. Others took their work to the streets. Some gave up on sex work and returned to their villages. Where once such work was done during the day, it shifted to the night. A sign in a brothel that said “condoms must be used here” was changed to advertise karaoke, though opportunities for warbling to old chartbusters proved scarce. Ms Sunti Ani took up the God-pleasing vocation of waiting tables but quit when her coworkers found out about her former career.


took 携带 ;  拿走 ;  取走 ;  运走 ;  带去 ;  引领 ;  使达到,把…推向,把…带到 ;  take的过去式 

vocation 职业 ;  工作 ;  生活方式 ;  信心 ;  使命感 ;  圣召 ;  神召 

waiting tables 侍应生

wait table 伺候进餐

quit 退出 ;  戒掉 ;  停止 ;  离开 ;  离任 ;  离校 ;  离开,迁出,搬离 

found out 发现 ;  猜着 ;  想出 ;  揭发 

former 前者的 ;  模型 ;  样板 ;  构成者 ;  创造者 ;  起形成作用的人 ;  线圈架 ;  前 ;  以前的 ;  昔日的 

career 生涯 ;  职业 ;  经历 ;  事业 ;  猛冲,疾驰,飞奔


Even as Malang embarked on its crackdown on prostitution, brothels in two nearby districts remained open. That presented researchers with a control group. Comparing indicators from Malang and its neighbours, Lisa Cameron of the University of Melbourne, Jennifer Seager of George Washington University and Manisha Shah of the University of California, Los Angeles found that within six months of criminalisation, sexually transmitted infections (stis) among sex workers in Malang had risen by 58%, even as they remained stable in the control group. Nor was the policy effective at reducing prostitution: though the sex market initially shrank, it grew back to its original size after five years.

即使马朗开始打击卖淫行为,其附近两个社区的妓院却仍在营业。这为研究人员提供了一个对照组。比较马朗和其邻区的指标后,墨尔本大学的丽莎·卡梅隆(Lisa Cameron),乔治·华盛顿大学的詹妮弗·西格尔(Jennifer Seager)及加州大学洛杉矶分校的马尼沙·沙阿(Manisha Shah)发现将卖淫定为犯罪的六个月内,马朗性工作者的性传播感染(STI)上升了58%,即使他们在对照组中保持稳定。这项(禁止卖淫行为的)政策在减少卖淫方面没有效果:尽管性交易市场最初萎缩,但五年后,又恢复到原来的规模。

Even as 恰巧在…时候;正当 

presented sb with sth /  present sth to sb 为某人提供某物

control group 控制栏,控制组,对照组

Public-health measures suffered as a result of the ban. Many prostitutes in Malang lost access to the STI checks and cheap condoms that non-profits and local health officials used to provide. Some organisations stopped administering services to sex workers because they were wary of aiding a criminalised trade. Those that continued have had a harder time locating sex workers because they are no longer centralised in brothels. Condom prices tripled as subsidised ones disappeared. As sex workers’ earnings fell, some compensated by offering clients unprotected sex, for which they can charge more.


as a result of 为…的结果 

access to 接近,去…的通路,使用…的机会 

used to 曾经 

have had 有 ;  以前有过 

no longer 不再 

brothels 妓院 ;  brothel的复数 

tripled 成为三倍 ;  使增至三倍 ;  triple的过去分词和过去式


The findings fit into an existing body of evidence that suggests criminalising sex work leads to bad outcomes. Negotiations may be rushed if sex workers must keep an eye out for the police, and this reduces their bargaining power. They become more vulnerable to assaults if they are reluctant to report them. Criminal records often prevent them from getting other kinds of jobs. One study suggests that decriminalising sex work may reduce rapes, even among the general population. These costs can be particularly high in poor countries , where relatively more women sell sex. For now, Ms Sunti Ani continues for the sake of her family. Her sex work pays for her daughter’s education.


fit into 融入 ;  与…相处融洽 ;  归属,适于 

body of evidence 大量证据 

may be 多半 

keep an eye out for 留意;瞪大眼睛;密切注意 

bargaining power 讨价还价的能力 

become/be vulnerable to sth 易受...侵害:

kinds of 各种各样的 ;  不同种类 ;  是很多种 

for the sake of 为了…起见








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