

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic forced us all to stay at homes and social distance, we’ve resorted to using video conferencing apps like Discord, Skype and Google Meet for our meetings and to catch up with friends. During this period, Zoom has emerged and taken the world by storm, thanks to its easy-to-use interface and hassle-free set up.

自从COVID-19大流行迫使我们大家呆在家里和与社会保持距离以来,我们便一直使用Discord,Skype和Google Meet等视频会议应用程序进行会议并与朋友见面。 在此期间,Zoom凭借其易于使用的界面和无忧的设置而崛起并席卷全球。

Zoom is the preferred choice for many users as it can be easily accessed via web browser or the Zoom app. Organising a meeting is very simple and only takes a few clicks, before giving you a link to send to all your participants.

缩放是许多用户的首选,因为它可以通过Web浏览器或“缩放”应用轻松访问。 组织会议非常简单,只需单击几下,即可给您链接以发送给所有参与者。

Zoom is now used pretty much for everything from yoga sessions to online classes. However, Zoom has had its fair share of bad press. For the past few months, Zoom has brought upon itself a lot of criticism regarding privacy and security of its application.

从瑜伽课程到在线课程,Zoom现在几乎用于所有用途。 但是,Zoom在不良新闻中占有相当的份额。 在过去的几个月中,Zoom对其应用程序的隐私和安全性提出了很多批评。

“Zoombombing” has become a very popular term used for attackers that “hack” into Zoom meetings uninvited and stream racial slurs or pornography to interrupt unsuspecting users. In Singapore, there was a case of zoombombing when two men appeared and made lewd comments and showing obscene images to the children in the midst of their geography lesson. This resulted in the government to suspend the use of Zoom for home-based learning.

“ Zoombombing”已经成为一个非常流行的术语,用于攻击者在不请自来的情况下“入侵” Zoom会议并散布种族诽谤或色情内容以打扰毫无戒心的用户。 在新加坡,有一起爆炸案,两名男子出现,发表淫荡的评论,并在孩子上地理课时向孩子们展示淫秽的图像。 这导致政府停止使用Zoom进行家庭学习。

At the time of writing, Zoom seems to be taking steps to improve on these two areas and roll out regular updates to achieve that. However, most security experts like Bruce Schneider have suggested that users steer clear of Zoom until it has completely implemented adequate security features to protect its users.

在撰写本文时,Zoom似乎正在采取措施在这两个方面进行改进,并定期发布更新以实现这一目标。 但是,大多数安全专家(例如Bruce Schneider)都建议用户避开Zoom,直到它完全实现了足够的安全功能来保护其用户。

Despite the general consensus of security experts to ditch Zoom and instead use safer and proven alternatives such as Discord, sometimes we have no choice but to use Zoom. As it is easy to set up and use, Zoom remains the preferred choice for giving large webinars, holding workout sessions and many more.

尽管安全专家普遍同意放弃Zoom,而使用Discord等更安全可靠的替代方案,但有时我们别无选择,只能使用Zoom。 由于易于设置和使用,Zoom仍然是进行大型网络研讨会,举行锻炼课程等的首选。

I will now detail a few steps you can take to keep yourself safe and protected on Zoom, should you have to use it.


Others: 5 Ways To Keep Yourself Safe Online

其他: 5种使自己上网安全的方法

启用等候室 (Enable The Waiting Room)

The waiting room is a great feature available in Zoom which allows you to see who is trying to join your call. When participants attempt to join your call, the host can see a list of who is trying to access the meeting. The host has permission to accept or deny these participants.

等候室是Zoom的一项重要功能,可让您查看谁正试图加入您的通话。 当与会者尝试加入您的呼叫时,主持人可以看到谁正在尝试访问会议的列表。 主持人有权接受或拒绝这些参与者。

This is great for filtering your participants to ensure only authorized users can join the meeting itself. It is also good as it prevents unexpected visitors who join in the middle of a meeting.

这非常适合过滤参与者,以确保只有授权用户才能参加会议。 这也很好,因为它可以防止意外的访客在会议中加入。

使用会议密码 (Use A Meeting Password)

Meetings on Zoom have the feature to be password-protected. As anyone can join your meeting with an ID or link, it is easy to be discovered by malicious characters. However, by using a password, the users will have to enter a password provided by the host to enter. This prevents attackers who try random meeting IDs from accessing your meeting.

缩放会议具有受密码保护的功能。 由于任何人都可以使用ID或链接加入您的会议,因此容易被恶意字符发现。 但是,通过使用密码,用户将必须输入主机提供的密码才能输入。 这样可以防止尝试使用随机会议ID的攻击者访问您的会议。

It is also recommended to change your password for each meeting and to use a secure and safe password that is not easily guessed.


Others: Transformational Leadership — An Essential Skill

其他: 变革型领导力-基本技能

关闭文件传输功能 (Turn Off The File Transfer Feature)

In meeting chats, there is a “File” option present in the chat window. This allows anyone in the meeting to share files with another participant. It is important to turn this off as attackers can share malicious files contaminated with viruses or worms to other users in your call.

在会议聊天中,聊天窗口中存在一个“文件”选项。 这使会议中的任何人都可以与其他参与者共享文件。 务必将其关闭,因为攻击者可以在通话中与其他用户共享受病毒或蠕虫感染的恶意文件。

Unless there is a necessity to enable this, it is best to turn it off by default just in case.


使用安全性选项 (Use The Security Option)

Zoom released a Security Feature on all their calls a while back. If you are the meeting host, you will see an option named “Security” in the menu bar of the meeting. This allows you to set various options, such as “Lock Meeting”, which makes it so no one can join the meeting even if they have the password or link unless they are already in.

Zoom不久前在其所有电话上发布了一项安全功能。 如果您是会议主持人,则在会议菜单栏中将看到一个名为“安全性”的选项。 这使您可以设置各种选项,例如“锁定会议”,这使即使没有密码或链接的人也无法加入会议,除非它们已经存在。

Other options include “Enable Waiting Room” as discussed above, “Allow or refuse participant share screen” and many more.


This helps prevent zoombombing as attackers would not be able to access your call or share their screen to show obscene images. Learning how to use this feature is very critical in protecting yourself on Zoom.

这有助于防止缩放爆炸,因为攻击者将无法访问您的呼叫或共享其屏幕以显示淫秽图像。 学习如何使用此功能对于保护自己在Zoom上至关重要。

结论 (Conclusion)

Despite Zoom’s recent efforts to boost security and privacy, you should still follow steps to protect yourself from Zoombombing. While the best option is still to use another application, sometimes we do not have a choice. If you are only holding a casual meetup session or yoga class, then Zoom is still okay to be used. However, if your meeting contains a lot of sensitive information like business secrets, its best if you avoid Zoom all together.

尽管Zoom最近致力于提高安全性和隐私性,但您仍应按照步骤进行操作以保护自己免受Zoombombing的侵害。 尽管最好的选择仍然是使用其他应用程序,但有时我们别无选择。 如果您只举行休闲聚会或瑜伽课,则可以使用Zoom。 但是,如果您的会议包含很多敏感信息(例如商业秘密),则最好避免一起使用Zoom。

What are your thoughts on Zoom? Do you still use it? Feel free to comment and share your thoughts, I would love to hear your opinions!

您对Zoom有何想法? 你还在用吗? 随时发表评论并分享您的想法,我很想听听您的意见!

翻译自: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/protecting-yourself-on-zoom-5517a584c75a






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