


Schrödinger’s cat’s (almost) outta the bag.


That confidence-inspiring little lock-icon in your browser — the one you see when you go shopping online, or when you wisely check your bank balance first — is something a quantum computer can break.


Quantum computers are quirky machines dreamt up by legendary physicist Richard Feynman in the 1980s, much like the digital computer you carry around in your pocket, or perhaps wear on your wrist, was once a theoretical curiosity in the 1930s. The question is: What makes quantum computers such a menace — as well as a boon?

量子计算机是由传奇物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)在1980年代梦dream以求的古怪机器,就像您随身携带或也许戴在手腕上的数字计算机在1930年代曾是一种理论上的好奇心。 问题是:是什么使量子计算机如此具有威胁性和收益呢?

Let’s step back for a moment. Our everyday intuition is firmly rooted in our direct experience of the world around us — the world of human beings, planets, and cats. I suspect (and hope) that you haven’t encountered a man fully dressed, suit and all, and fully naked at the same time. Or Venus in two places. Or a cat that is at once dead and alive — a Schrödinger’s cat. Yet, in the world of tiny things such as particles of light, being in multiple states simultaneously is common behaviour.

让我们退后一会儿。 我们的日常直觉牢固地植根于我们对周围世界(人类,行星和猫的世界)的直接体验。 我怀疑(并希望)您没有同时遇到一个身穿正装,穿着西服并穿着全裸的男人。 或金星在两个地方。 或者是一只已经死了又活着的猫 - 薛定ding的猫 。 但是,在诸如光粒子之类的微小事物的世界中,同时处于多种状态是常见的行为。

So the quantum world is counterintuitive — so what? Whereas digital computers deal in ones and zeros, bits that is, a quantum computer has at its heart the idea of a quantum bit, which can be zero and one simultaneously. What this means is that you can juggle exponentially more information using quantum bits than you can otherwise. Here’s the upshot: Whereas the most powerful digital computer could take the age of the universe to break some of the most widely used encryption methods, a quantum computer could break the same encryption in no time.

那么量子世界是违反直觉的-那又如何呢? 数字计算机处理的是1和0,即位,而量子计算机的核心是量子位的概念,可以同时为零和一。 这意味着您可以使用量子比特以指数方式处理更多的信息。 结果是:尽管功能最强大的数字计算机可能会花掉整个宇宙的年龄来破坏某些最广泛使用的加密方法,但是量子计算机可能会立即破坏相同的加密。

Quantum app developers are already paying money for accessing IBM’s prototype cloud quantum computer, named IBM Q of course. Such apps will slash the mammoth cost of designing new pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines for instance. Other tech giants including Google, Microsoft, and chip-maker Intel are in the race to build a quantum computer, along with start-ups such as Psi Quantum — not to mention multibillion-dollar government programmes worldwide.

昆腾应用程序开发人员已经为访问IBM原型云量子计算机(当然称为IBM Q)付出了金钱。 这样的应用程序将大大降低设计新药物和疫苗的巨大成本。 包括谷歌,微软和芯片制造商英特尔在内的其他科技巨头也正在与Psi Quantum这样的初创公司一起建造量子计算机,更不用说全球数十亿美元的政府计划了。

No wonder, according to the Global Risk Institute in Canada, there is roughly a 1 in 2 chance that we will see code-breaking quantum computers within the decade. But isn’t that — as far as your digital security is concerned — a bridge you can cross when you come to?

难怪,根据加拿大全球风险研究所的数据,在十年内,我们将有大约1/2的机会看到破码的量子计算机。 但是,就您的数字安全而言,这不是您可以跨过的桥梁吗?

Only if you are happy to share all your now-private data with the rest of the world in a few years. Here’s the thing, because data storage is cheap, hackers can blanket-copy tons of secret messages today — including yours — to selectively crack them once code-breaking quantum computers go live.

仅当您乐于在几年内与世界其他地方共享所有现在私有的数据时。 事情就是这样,因为数据存储很便宜,所以黑客可以今天复制大量的秘密消息(包括您的秘密消息),以便在破坏代码的量子计算机启用后有选择地破解它们。

What now? There are two ways to future-proof your encryption. The first is a variant of public-key cryptography — a technology widely used today — called post quantum cryptography, which experts are confident will remain out of reach of quantum computers. Few Chrome users may have noticed it, but Google recently tried a post-quantum algorithm named New Hope, over a two-year period, with no reported issues, as a security feature in its Chrome browser. Moreover, IBM included a couple of years ago post-quantum in its 5 in 5: five innovations that will help change our lives within five years. The species of post-quantum that IBM is throwing its weight behind comes with a tantalising bonus: Users of cloud computing services could encrypt their input in such a way to enable processing while ensuring the cloud is blind to their data.

现在怎么办? 有两种方法可以确保将来的加密。 第一个是公钥密码术的一种变体,它是一种当今广泛使用的技术,称为 后量子密码学 ,专家们相信,量子计算机将无法解决这些问题。 很少有Chrome用户注意到它,但是Google最近在两年的时间内尝试了一种名为New Hope的后量子算法,该过程没有报告问题,作为其Chrome浏览器的安全功能。 此外,IBM在几年前的五分之五中纳入了量子后:五项创新,将在五年内帮助改变我们的生活。 IBM抛弃其后量子的一种特性具有诱人的优势:云计算服务的用户可以以一种既可以加密又可以确保云对数据不可见的方式加密输入内容。

We must, at the very least, demand that all our digital communication be protected with an added layer of post-quantum encryption.


The second countermeasure, known as quantum key distribution, or QKD, uses the very laws of quantum physics that make quantum computers so powerful in order to protect against their, or other, security threats — fighting fire with fire so to speak. Here, secret messages are encoded onto individual particles of light, as delicate quantum bits, making their hacking akin to trying to capture, intact, bubbles floating in the air.

第二种对策 量子密钥分配 QKD使用量子物理学定律,使量子计算机如此强大,以抵御它们或其他安全威胁-可以说是火与火。 在这里,秘密消息被编码为单个的光粒子,作为微妙的量子比特,使其骇客行为类似于试图捕获完整无缺的气泡。

Since 2007, Swiss elections have been protected using QKD, where it is used to send ballot information ultra-securely from a central ballot counting station to the Geneva government data centre. Many Swiss banks have since adopted QKD. Given the mounting digital threat to the very notion of democracy, in hindsight, such measures feel strikingly prudent.

自2007年以来,瑞士大选一直使用QKD保护,用于将选票信息从中央选票站安全地发送到日内瓦政府数据中心。 此后,许多瑞士银行都采用了QKD。 事后看来,鉴于数字概念对民主概念的威胁越来越大,因此采取这种措施极为谨慎。

Recently, South Korean giant SK Telecom, having invested $65 million in QKD market-leader Swiss-based ID Quantique, announced plans to secure South Korea’s 5G network using quantum technology. This makes sense, as QKD will be used to secure point-to-point underground optical communication between transmission towers, which comprises the bulk of the network’s communication. The fact that 5G transmission towers need to be close together in such a network makes it perfect for existing QKD technology, which is mostly limited to distances of tens of kilometres. Moreover, quantum random number generators (QRNGs), as their name suggests, will be used to produce the true randomness required for encryption. In fact, SK Telecom has just released a custom-edition Galaxy phone — the Galaxy A Quantum — housing a QRNG chip.

最近,韩国巨头SK Telecom向QKD市场领先者瑞士ID Quantique投资了6,500万美元,该公司宣布了计划使用量子技术保护韩国5G网络的安全。 这是有道理的,因为QKD将用于确保传输塔之间的点对点地下光通信,其中包括网络的大部分通信。 5G传输塔需要在这样的网络中紧密相连的事实使其非常适合现有的QKD技术,而该技术主要限于数十公里的距离。 而且,顾名思义,量子随机数发生器(QRNG)将用于产生加密所需的真实随机性。 实际上,SK Telecom刚刚发布了带有QRNG芯片的定制版Galaxy手机-Galaxy A Quantum。

The Time 100 pick of influential people in 2018, by Time magazine, featured Chinese physicist Jian-Wei Pan, whose team has recently accomplished two notable feats. One is the launch of the world’s first quantum satellite, making secure communication possible over distances of hundreds of kilometres. Now China could connect all its embassies ultra-securely for example. This will put other superpowers on alert. The second is the experimental demonstration of a quantum communication scheme that I, alongside colleagues, happened to propose a few years ago — for sending messages without sending anything physical. It is tempting to think that, one day, hackers may literally have nothing to clutch at.

《时代》(Time)杂志在2018年将《时代》(Time 100)选为有影响力的人物,其特色是中国物理学家潘建伟,他的团队最近完成了两项著名的壮举。 其中之一就是发射了世界上第一颗量子卫星,使数百公里距离内的安全通信成为可能。 例如,现在中国可以非常安全地连接其所有使馆。 这将使其他超级大国保持警惕。 第二个是量子通信方案的实验性演示,我和同事在几年前碰巧提出了这一方案-用于发送消息而无需发送任何物理信息。 诱人的想法是,有一天,黑客可能没有什么可抓住的。

Securing digital privacy against hackers with unlimited resources, although seems like a tall order, has become — as South Koreans and others have shown — well within reach. As citizens and businesses we must demand more from telecom providers and app developers, insisting on encryption that will not collapse on the possibly imminent arrival of quantum computers: This is worth campaigning for.

如韩国人和其他人所表明的那样,保护数字隐私免受拥有无限资源的黑客的侵害,尽管这似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但已经成为现实。 作为公民和企业,我们必须对电信提供商和应用开发商提出更多要求,坚持要求加密不会在量子计算机即将问世时崩溃:这值得我们努力。

A let-us-wait-and-see approach won’t do — the stakes are too high.


P.S. No cats were harmed during the preperation of this article.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/2-ways-to-secure-our-digital-privacy-in-the-face-of-future-technology-1a6bb1d78df7






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