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翻译 java日常练习_日常练习

java日常练习I admire artists and creatives who are able to post one concept every day. I am particularly inspired by a fellow designer, Fed Rios, who is an industrial designer that posts a sketch every da...

2020-10-15 11:13:37 326

翻译 covid 19展示的四个数据科学基础课

Machine learning and tools for data science are more available than ever. But it’s just as important to learn how to explore data effectively and find out its weaknesses before you feed the data into ...

2020-10-14 01:42:33 844

翻译 matplotlib可视化

Matplotlib is a very powerful data visualization library if you want to plot data with Python. The most used module is ‘pyplot’ which provides a collection of functions that lets you easily plot out d...

2020-10-14 01:32:49 305

翻译 2020算法提前批_2020年网页设计的极大沉默,算法可理解性的ni灭

2020算法提前批One of my earliest exposures to data science research, or really any research at all, when I was growing up was SETI@Home, which when I was 11 promised a tantalizing possibility: what if you ...

2020-10-14 01:23:03 1164

翻译 我爱我家数据抓取_我如何爱你的数据

我爱我家数据抓取数据,你让我打招呼。(Data, you had me at hello.)We have been together for so many years. I have countless memories of good, bad and failures. We’ve been to the stars, frolicked in snowflakes and have a...

2020-10-14 01:13:59 287

翻译 时间序列模型使用流程_时间序列模型

时间序列模型使用流程AR, MA, ARMA, and ARIMA models are used to forecast the observation at (t+1) based on the historical data of previous time spots recorded for the same observation. However, it is necessary t...

2020-10-14 01:03:34 1005

翻译 数据可视化 信息可视化_通过数据收集和清理可视化休斯敦暴力犯罪趋势

数据可视化 信息可视化Violent crime is one of the symptoms indicating societal illness. It occurs in large part due to the failure of a society and its government to provide those components essential to human f...

2020-10-14 00:53:13 439

翻译 数据探索性分析案例_探索基于案例的方法的数据分析管道

数据探索性分析案例“在获得数据之前先进行理论分析是一个重大错误。 荒谬的是,人们开始扭曲事实以适应理论,而不是理论去适应事实。”(“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories ...

2020-10-14 00:42:15 799

翻译 过零检测变压器降压_用变压器检测状态支持的Twitter巨魔

过零检测变压器降压With the 2020 US election around the corner, concerns about electoral interference by state actors via social media and other online means are back in the spotlight in a big way.随着即将到来的2020年美...

2020-10-14 00:31:58 184

翻译 和自然语言处理有关的英语_自然语言处理对非英语语言的重要性

和自然语言处理有关的英语Natural Language Processing (NLP) is growing in use and plays a vital role in many systems from resume-parsing for hiring to automated telephone services. You can also find it in commonly ...

2020-10-14 00:22:50 364

翻译 数据科学家工具带

One question I often hear is: “What skills should I learn to be an effective data scientist?” This comes up in mentoring sessions, 1:1s with team members, Q&A sessions with students, and more. Whe...

2020-10-14 00:12:46 1038

翻译 机器学习指标_20种流行的机器学习指标第2部分排名统计指标

机器学习指标介绍(Introduction)In the first part of this post, I provided an introduction to 10 metrics used for evaluating classification and regression models. In this part, I am going to provide an introdu...

2020-10-14 00:01:53 1088

翻译 b类产品访谈提纲_谷歌产品分析师访谈

b类产品访谈提纲介绍(Introduction)In 2008, Google launched its cloud solution “Google Cloud Platform” (GCP), a suite of cloud computing services that offers excellent Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutio...

2020-10-13 23:51:18 646

翻译 攻防演练_了解lenet详细的演练

攻防演练了解CNN(Understanding CNNs) 目录(Table of Contents)An Overview of LeNetLeNet概述Convolutional Neural Network Basics卷积神经网络基础A Walkthrough of LeNet-1’s ArchitectureLeNet-1体系结构的演练A Walkthrough of LeNet-...

2020-10-13 23:42:12 268

翻译 在尝试使用预登录握手确认_不确定如何找到您要寻找的内容尝试图分析

在尝试使用预登录握手确认You have probably heard it many times already, but the amount of data in the world is growing at an incredible rate. This is in large part due to data storage having become so cheap that w...

2020-10-13 23:32:46 228

翻译 gmm em详细步骤_gmm附录m的em步骤全导数

gmm em详细步骤This article is an extension of “Gaussian Mixture Models and Expectation-Maximization (A full explanation)”. If you didn’t read it, this article might not be very useful.本文是“高斯混合模型和期望最大化(全面解...

2020-10-13 23:22:55 536

翻译 正态总体抽样分布推导_抽样分数和总体

正态总体抽样分布推导Survey research concerns taking samples of a target population. Using those samples, we can estimate the views of that population.调查研究涉及对目标人群进行抽样。 使用这些样本,我们可以估计该人群的观点。This article looks at ...

2020-10-13 23:12:17 2163

翻译 用python中的自然语言处理预测火种subreddit

问题陈述(Problem Statement)For my third large-scale project with General Assembly’s Data Science remote intensive: I wanted to work with Natural Language Processing. Imagining myself as a representative ...

2020-10-13 23:02:59 280

翻译 大数据分析师与数据分析师_非分析师的数据分析

大数据分析师与数据分析师In this article, I attempt to demonstrate that with a minor amount of coding experience, a bit of data background, and a pinch of study and effort —even an inexperienced individual can dis...

2020-10-13 22:53:14 728

翻译 pyspark 使用_使用pyspark预测用户流失

pyspark 使用Many different factors come into play as to why a particular user may or may not churn. In this project I use PySpark to analyse and predict churn using data similar to those of companies li...

2020-10-13 22:42:44 367

翻译 shopee刷销量_shopee如何帮助品牌增加销量

shopee刷销量Disclaimer : This article is based on my personal experience and I do not represent anyone or any brand. This article will mostly talk about Python programming language and its Pandas library...

2020-10-13 22:32:11 1477

翻译 时间序列预测 深度学习_如何使用深度学习进行时间序列预测

时间序列预测 深度学习介绍(Introduction)For a long time, I heard that the problem of time series could only be approached by statistical methods (AR[1], AM[2], ARMA[3], ARIMA[4]). These techniques are generally u...

2020-10-13 22:21:43 2061

翻译 16位调色板和32位调色板_设计系统的调色板第一部分

16位调色板和32位调色板重点(Top highlight)第1部分(Part 1)I’ve been creating custom design systems for over five years. I love the process and I always learn something new.我创建定制设计系统已有五年多了。 我喜欢这个过程,而且我总是学习新的东西。Every...

2020-10-11 20:34:51 772

翻译 xilinx 权威设计指南_设计产品指标的权威指南

xilinx 权威设计指南By Zachary Thomas (zthomas.nc@gmail.com, Twitter, LinkedIn)由Zachary Thomas( zthomas.nc@gmail.com , Twitter , LinkedIn )(This article was originally written as a Quip doc) (本文最初是作为Quip do...

2020-10-09 02:55:51 509

翻译 wcf负责与数据库打交道_与新手打交道时的神话

wcf负责与数据库打交道As I interact with customers in my AI consultant’s role, there are some standard myths I encountered. Clarifying these myths appropriately is the first step in enabling the customer’s AI j...

2020-10-09 02:45:53 152

翻译 矢 杂货店_为instacart创建杂货产品推荐器

矢 杂货店In the ecommerce shopping experience product recommendations come in many forms: they may be used to recommend other products on one product’s page (Amazon’s “Frequently bought together” feature ...

2020-10-09 02:36:17 405

翻译 colab 导入项目_如何将您的项目迁移到colab

colab 导入项目介绍(Intro)Google Colab (short for Colaboratory) is an online platform for data science hosted by Google. It consists of an online notebook that runs in the cloud, using no resources on your ...

2020-10-09 02:26:09 2753

翻译 朴素贝叶斯用于_贝叶斯分析,用于ab测试

朴素贝叶斯用于A common use of statistics in business is the A/B test. This type of test pits two versions of the same experience — like a website page — against one another. The research question is simple t...

2020-10-09 02:16:34 190

翻译 谷歌 colab_使用Google Colab的Tensorflow 2对象检测API

谷歌 colab逐步指南(STEP BY STEP GUIDE)In this tutorial, we will use Google Colab (for model training) and Google Drive (for storage).在本教程中,我们将使用Google Colab(用于模型训练)和Google Drive(用于存储)。Colab is a free Jupy...

2020-10-09 02:06:01 1485

翻译 sql 时间序列_使用SQL进行时间序列预测比您想象的要容易

sql 时间序列Time series forecasting is a task I usually do with Python. You might be accustomed to other languages, such as R or Julia, but I bet never crossed your mind for this type of task. If that’s t...

2020-10-09 01:56:37 1615

翻译 aws数据仓库_AWS上的数据仓库实现

aws数据仓库In past posts, I’ve been talking about Data Warehouses, their basic architecture, and some basic principles that can help you to build one. Today, I want to show you an implementation of Data W...

2020-10-09 01:47:29 1270

翻译 keras设置超参数_使用keras和ray tune进行超参数调整

keras设置超参数In my previous article, I had explained how to build a small and nimble image classifier and what are the advantages of having variable input dimensions in a convolutional neural network. Ho...

2020-10-09 01:37:14 815

翻译 模型偏差和方差_通过查看偏差和方差来系统地调整模型

模型偏差和方差Have you ever wondered if there is a more systematic way of tuning your model, than blindly guessing the hyperparameters or using a grid search?您是否曾经想过,是否有比盲目猜测超参数或使用网格搜索更系统的模型调整方法?As data sci...

2020-10-09 01:28:06 451

翻译 增强分析_增强分析的发展

增强分析If data is the gas in a car, then, analytics is the car itself.如果数据是汽车中的汽油,那么分析就是汽车本身。Currently, there are a few trends and topics in tech without which the talk around technology and innovation i...

2020-10-09 01:17:45 129

翻译 反射如何打破封装性_打破产品建议的复杂性

反射如何打破封装性当前系统的真正问题(The Real Issue With the Current Sytems)With the rise of e-commerce in this era, a new frontier has opened up. It’s called product recommendations. It’s a no brainers, you recommend...

2020-10-09 01:06:58 86

翻译 心脏病预测

ABSTRACT:抽象:I am creating a Data Analysis Project on Heart Disease Prediction. The project uses raw data in form of a .csv file and transforms into Data Analysis. This project is an attempt of data a...

2020-10-09 00:57:24 2627

翻译 mysql 复选框数据查询_查询数据框

mysql 复选框数据查询Before we talk about how to query data frames, we need to talk about Boolean masking. Boolean masking is the heart of fast and efficient querying in NumPy. It’s analogous a bit to masking...

2020-10-09 00:48:10 962

翻译 调整泊松回归中的过度分散

广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models)The Poisson regression model naturally arises when we want to model the average number of occurrences per unit of time or space. For example, the incidence of rare ca...

2020-10-09 00:38:35 4854

翻译 将婴儿步入数据科学

Before diving straight into this topic, allow me to shed some light on the root term upon which the whole domain stands —data. Each and every day, the volume of data produced on Earth is increasing ex...

2020-10-09 00:28:55 71

翻译 熊猫数据准备的基本命令

If you like to cook you know this very well. Turning on the stove and cooking food is a tiny part of the whole cooking process. Much of your sweat and tears actually go into preparing the right ingred...

2020-10-09 00:19:43 161



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