
Have you been into the food industry and planning to take your venture to the next level with on-demand food delivery apps? If yes, then your very next question will be, how much does it cost to develop a food delivery app? How to set a task for the developer and what functionalities you need to consider first in your app? Let’s follow the app clone of the top food delivery apps including UberEats and Deliveroo to understand their background and what exactly makes them successful in the competitive market.

您是否曾经涉足食品行业,并计划通过按需送餐应用程序将您的企业提升到一个新水平? 如果是,那么您的下一个问题将是,开发食品配送应用程序需要花费多少费用? 如何为开发人员设置任务以及在应用程序中首先需要考虑哪些功能? 让我们关注包括UberEats和Deliveroo在内的顶级食品交付应用程序的应用程序克隆,以了解它们的背景以及究竟是什么使其在竞争激烈的市场中取得成功。

Before jumping on the features and functionalities of the app, it is worth understanding the background of the food delivery apps and their scope.


为什么按需送餐应用程序变得如此苛刻? (Why On-Demand Food Delivery Apps Have Become So Demanding?)

Have you noticed that food delivery companies like UberEats and Deliveroo have become dominating names in the food industry today- just because of convenience and maximalism. And its impact on Americans is, 60% of US consumers order delivery or takeout once a week.

您是否注意到像UberEats和Deliveroo这样的食品配送公司已成为当今食品行业的主导者-仅仅是因为方便和极简主义。 它对美国人的影响是, 美国消费者中有60%每周订购一次或外卖。

In this fast-paced life, food delivery apps are a true blessing for everyone. The on-demand food delivery applications are one of those techniques that have created a platform where customers and chains of restaurants can easily meet to quench their needs. But here are the few reasons that make sense in increasing the popularity of online food ordering apps and making it an ideal choice for the startups.

在这个快节奏的生活中,送餐应用程序是每个人的真正祝福。 按需送餐应用程序是创建平台的平台之一,客户和连锁餐厅可以轻松满足需求,从而满足他们的需求。 但是,这是增加在线食品订购应用程序的流行并使之成为初创企业的理想选择的一些理由。

Raise the Business: The restaurants are finding online food delivery apps are a much more straightforward and convenient option to get delivery orders than taking orders from the wild calls. Moreover, 60% of restaurant operators say that offering delivery has lifted up their sales.

促进业务发展:餐馆发现在线送餐应用程序比从野外接单要容易得多,而且更容易获得送货订单。 此外,有60%的餐厅经营者表示,提供外卖已经提高了他们的销售额。

Improve Customer Relationship Management: 43% of restaurant professionals said that they believe third-party apps help in building a direct relationship between a restaurant/bar/pub and its customers. The seamless online food ordering solutions have actually modernized customer relationship management and can offer all the required services right from food ordering to quick delivery at their home.

改善客户关系管理: 43%的餐厅专业人士表示,他们相信第三方应用有助于建立餐厅/酒吧/酒馆与其客户之间的直接关系。 无缝的在线食品订购解决方案实际上已经实现了现代化的客户关系管理,并且可以提供从食品订购到在家中快速交付所需的所有必需服务。

Enhance Restaurant Business Promotions: Undoubtedly, on-demand applications are integrated with multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and provide a great platform for seamless business promotions. The various types of online promotions help in attracting a large number of people to the app.

增强餐厅业务促销:毫无疑问,按需应用程序已与Facebook,Twitter,Instagram等多个社交媒体平台集成在一起,并为无缝业务促销提供了绝佳平台。 各种类型的在线促销活动有助于吸引大量人使用该应用程序。

Expand Customer Base: According to the survey, the customers who place an online order with a restaurant will visit the restaurant 67% more frequently than those who don’t use the app. Moreover, working with a third-party delivery service has been found to raise restaurant sales volume by 10 to 20%.

扩大客户群:根据调查,与餐厅在线下订单的客户相比,不使用应用程序的客户访问餐厅的频率要高67% 。 而且,发现与第三方送货服务合作可以将餐厅的销量提高10%到20%。

Additional key facts and some insights portraying how powerful online food ordering apps have become:


  • 63% of customers agree that ordering food from the online food app is more convenient than dining out with a family.


  • According to the studies, UberEATs grew by 230% last year, with its average customer spending more than $220 annually.

    根据研究, UberEATs去年增长了230% ,其平均客户每年花费超过220美元。

  • New food delivery platforms are sticky, once users sign up the app, an average of 77% of customers never or rarely leave the platform or switch to another app.

    新的食品交付平台具有粘性,一旦用户注册了该应用程序, 平均77%的客户就不会或很少离开该平台或切换到另一个应用程序。

  • Digital Ordering and delivery have grown 300% faster than dine-in traffic since 2014.


  • It is estimated that mobile orders will make up close to 11% of all QSR sales by 2020.


  • GrubHub, UberEATS, DoorDash and Postmates have become the most powerful food delivery apps in the industry and acquiring the largest share of the market.

    GrubHub,UberEATS,DoorDash和Postmates已成为业内功能最强大的食品交付应用程序 ,并获得了最大的市场份额。

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Now the central question is, why food delivery apps like UberEats, Postmates, DoorDash or Deliveroo are booming?


是什么使UberEATS和Deliveroo成为领先的食品交付应用程序? (What Makes UberEATS and Deliveroo a Leading Food Delivery App?)

There is no doubt in this fact that people always go for the one that adds convenience and comfort to their life. And this mantra applies to everything from the live movie streaming apps to music listening apps, and the games that we play to food that we eat. And there are multiple factors behind the boom of food delivery apps like Deliveroo and UberEATS.

毫无疑问,人们总是追求给生活带来更多便利和舒适的人们。 这种口头禅适用于从现场电影流媒体应用程序到音乐收听应用程序,以及我们玩的游戏和所吃食物的所有内容。 诸如Deliveroo和UberEATS之类的食品配送应用程序蓬勃发展的背后有多种因素。

So, before learning the process to develop a successful online food delivery app, it is worth understanding the great blend of technology that UberEATs has used to add a great level of comfort:


  • For Payment integration: UberEATs use Braintree, Stripe, E Wallets along with the payment on cash.

    对于支付集成: UberEATs使用Braintree,Stripe,E Wallets以及现金支付。

  • Database Storage: UberEATs use AWS, Google for a better cloud environment, storage and backup.

    数据库存储: UberEATs使用AWS,Google提供更好的云环境,存储和备份。

  • GEO tracking: Since UberEATs is using Google Location API for Android and Core Location Framework for iOS, therefore offers you seamless location tracking experience.

    GEO跟踪:由于UberEATs使用的是Android的Google Location API和iOS的Core Location Framework,因此可为您提供无缝的位置跟踪体验。

  • Navigation: UberEATs using Android Maps API and Mapkit for Apple devices.

    导航:针对苹果设备使用Android Maps API和Mapkit的UberEATs。

  • Listing or Menu: To display the list of the menu as per the location, the developer can use any popular API like Foursquare.


  • Analytics: To review the performance and analytics of your business, UberEATs use Google Analytics or Mix Panel.

    分析:要查看您的业务绩效和分析,UberEATs使用Google Analytics(分析)或Mix Panel。

In the Nutshell: The UberEATs clone may sound excellent for any food delivery app, but the performance of the app is depending upon the mobile app development company you hire for the app development. So before getting collaborated with any mobile app developer, it is worth discussing your app plans and needs.

简而言之 UberEATs克隆对于任何食品交付应用程序来说可能听起来都很出色,但是该应用程序的性能取决于您聘请的应用程序开发移动应用程序开发公司 。 因此,在与任何移动应用程序开发人员进行协作之前,值得讨论您的应用程序计划和需求。

如何开发UberEATs和Deliveroo之类的外卖应用程序? (How To Develop A Food Delivery App Like UberEATs and Deliveroo?)

There is no doubt in this fact that developing food delivery apps like UberEATs, Postmates, DoorDash or Deliveroo required a huge investment. The upfront cost of the app development from scratch can be starting from $25,000 per project, which is quite expensive for the startups. So, what if you don’t have that kind of budget, should you drop the plan to hire an app developer?

毫无疑问,开发诸如UberEATs,Postmates,DoorDash或Deliveroo之类的食品交付应用程序需要大量投资。 从头开始进行应用程序开发的前期成本可以从每个项目25,000美元开始,这对于初创公司来说是相当昂贵的。 因此,如果您没有这种预算怎么办,您应该放弃聘用应用程序开发人员的计划吗?

Well, everything has a solution. Today even some small businesses are coming up with something similar to the UberEATs at a fraction of the cost. There are many app development companies that usually make use of existing APIs to lessen the app development process and cost. All you need is hire the right app development team that can understand your business requirements and be able to build an app under the limited budget.

好吧,一切都有解决方案。 如今,即使是一些小型企业也想出一些与UberEATs类似的东西,而费用却很少。 有许多应用程序开发公司通常利用现有的API来减少应用程序开发过程和成本。 您需要雇用合适的应用程序开发团队,他们可以了解您的业务需求并能够在有限的预算内构建应用程序。

Here’s what exactly you need to focus while developing a food delivery app like UberEATs:


  • Understanding the Key Components of the UberEATs

  • Key Features to Build an App Like UberEATs

  • App Technology Used For Android/iOS/Cross-Platform

    适用于Android / iOS /跨平台的App技术
  • Monetizing Strategy to Make Profit From the App


Let’s dig deep in each point for better understanding:


1.了解UberEATs的关键要素 (1. Understanding the Key Elements of UberEATs)

Today, UberEATs has become the fastest-growing food delivery app and has collaborated with more than 50,000+ restaurants and provided the end number of food options. Moreover, with a $2.8 trillion addressable market, it is making up 22% of the company’s total bookings in 2019. Now the central question is, how do they manage everything right from the heavy traffic on the app, orders, courier to restaurant partners?

如今,UberEATs已成为增长最快的送餐应用程序,并已与50,000多家餐厅合作,并提供了多种餐饮选择。 此外,潜在市场规模达2.8万亿美元,占2019年公司总预订量的22%。现在的中心问题是,他们如何管理从应用程序,订单,快递到餐厅合作伙伴的交通流量大的一切?

Well, the food delivery apps like UberEATs have 3 major elements:


  • For Customer: This version helps customers to choose from the extensive list of offerings in terms of restaurants as per their location and menus. All the food deliveries are made as per the customers chosen time.

    对于客户:此版本可帮助客户根据其位置和菜单从餐厅的众多产品列表中进行选择。 所有的食物交付都是按照客户选择的时间进行的。

  • For Courier partners: This type of app is for the Uber drivers, who have been signed up or registered as a part of a delivery network. Once the order is made, it has been allocated to the driver as per the location. With the courier app version, both restaurants and customers are notified with the approx delivery time.

    对于快递合作伙伴:这种类型的应用程序适用于已注册或注册为交付网络一部分的Uber司机。 下订单后,便已根据位置将其分配给驾驶员。 使用快递应用程序版本,餐厅和顾客都将收到大约交货时间的通知。

  • For Restaurants Partners: Restaurants will get detailed order information and they are responsible to update the order status and send a notification to the customers & drivers. They have access to the list of the current orders made every day.

    对于餐馆合作伙伴:餐馆将获得详细的订单信息,他们有责任更新订单状态并向客户和司机发送通知。 他们可以访问每天的当前订单清单。

2.开发类似UberEATs的应用程序的主要功能 (2. Key Features To Develop An App Like UberEATs)

When it comes to developing a mobile app, it’s features and functionality can make a great difference in how it is acceptable in the market. Moreover, mobile app features and functionalities can easily eat up your budget, therefore it is important to set your budget and accordingly make a choice of features that you need to integrate in the application.

在开发移动应用程序时,它的特性和功能可以极大地改变其在市场上的接受程度。 此外,移动应用程序的功能很容易消耗您的预算,因此设置预算并相应地选择需要集成到应用程序中的功能非常重要。

Since UberEATs clone is layered with different app versions, therefore we have categorized the major features required for customer and courier app version along with the estimated development hours.


If you are a startup and planning to enter the food industry with the lowest budget, then you can consider developing an app with the MVP or basic features. Here’s the breakup of basic food delivery app:

如果您是一家初创公司并计划以最低的预算进入食品行业,则可以考虑开发具有MVP或基本功能的应用程序。 这是基本的送餐应用程序的分解:

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In case, if you are looking for the food app with advanced features, then the development cost of the Customer app version will be starting from $20,000+ and can go to any expensive price.

如果您正在寻找具有高级功能的food应用程序,则Customer应用程序版本的开发成本将从$ 20,000 +起,并且可以达到任何昂贵的价格。

You can check the break up below:


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And, here’s the necessary features required for the courier app version which is starting from $10,000 and can go to $35,000+ depending upon the choice of features and complexity of the app.


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3.用于Android / iOS /跨平台的App技术 (3. App Technology Used For Android/iOS/Cross-Platform)

The tech side of the app is depending upon the choice of operating system you choose to launch your app. If you are targeting a native app, then for Android app development solutions, it is worth hiring a mobile app developer expert in Java, Node.Js, whereas Objective-C and Swift can be an excellent option for iOS app development. In case, if you are targeting a large number of customers through multiple platforms then developing hybrid apps using Flutter or React Native can be an optimum choice.

应用程序的技术方面取决于您选择启动应用程序的操作系统。 如果您的目标是本机应用程序,那么对于Android应用程序开发解决方案,值得聘用 Java,Node.Js 的移动应用程序开发专家,而Objective-C和Swift可能是iOS应用程序开发的绝佳选择。 如果您要通过多个平台瞄准大量客户,那么使用Flutter或React Native开发混合应用程序可能是最佳选择。

4.如何从外卖应用中获利? (4. How To Make Profit From Your Food Delivery App?)

No matter how amazingly you have designed your app, but there is no use of developing a beautiful app or hiring the best software development company for the project if there is no scope of making a profit from the app. So here are the few best app monetization methods used by UberEATs:

无论您对应用程序进行了多么出色的设计,但是如果没有从应用程序中获利的范围,那么就没有必要开发一个精美的应用程序或为该项目雇用最好的软件开发公司。 因此,以下是UberEATs使用的几种最佳应用货币化方法:

Commission from Restaurants: This is one of the most common and efficient ways to earn profit from your app. UberEATs earn itself 15% to 40% commission from the orders fulfilled by UberEATs.

餐馆佣金:这是从您的应用中获利的最常见,最有效的方法之一。 UberEATs从UberEATs履行的订单中赚取15%到40%的佣金。

Advertising Income From Restaurant Partners: UberEATs charging their restaurant partners a promotion fee to increase their visibility on the app’s listing. And with the increasing number of restaurants, it becomes important for the restaurants to invest in marketing to make their name visible to customers on the app.

餐馆合作伙伴的广告收入: UberEATs向餐馆合作伙伴收取促销费用,以提高他们在该应用列表中的知名度。 随着餐馆数量的增加,对于餐馆进行营销投资以使其名称在应用程序上对客户可见非常重要。

Delivery Fee From Customers: Charging plus surcharges for the food delivery during peak hours including lunch and dinner time is one of the worthy ways to make a profit from the app.


5.雇用开发团队 (5. Hire a Development Team)

To build an app like UberEATs, you need a professional IT team that can understand the app clone and able to develop an app that can help you launch a successful food delivery app.


Basically the mobile app development team should include:


  • Business Analyst

  • Project Manager

  • Backend/Frontend Developer

  • UX/UI designer

    UX / UI设计器
  • Quality Analyst


There are two ways to hire a team of app developers, either look for an in house app development team or look for an offshore app development company. On one side, communicating with in-house mobile app development team is easier whereas outsourcing a mobile app development company can be a cheaper option for you. Moreover, you can hire a mobile app developer at a price of $15 to $50 per hour in India whereas $150 per hour in the US and $100/hr in the UK.

雇用应用程序开发人员的团队有两种方法,要么寻找内部应用程序开发团队,要么寻找离岸应用程序开发公司。 一方面,与内部移动应用程序开发团队进行交流更容易,而将移动应用程序开发公司外包可能是您更便宜的选择。 此外,您可以以每小时15至50美元的价格在印度租用移动应用程序开发人员,而在美国以每小时150美元和在英国以每小时100美元的价格租用。

建立像UberEATs这样的外卖应用程序的成本 (Cost to Build Food Delivery App Like UberEATs)

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Estimating the overall price of the food delivery app can be a complicated task as there are a number of factors affecting the development cost. Right from the features, functionalities, complexity, size of the app, development team and its location, to technologies, there are a plethora of factors influencing the cost of app development.

估计食品交付应用程序的整体价格可能是一项复杂的任务,因为有许多因素会影响开发成本。 从功能,功能,复杂性,应用程序大小,开发团队及其位置到技术,不一而足,有许多因素会影响应用程序开发成本。

The average cost to develop a food delivery app can be starting from $15,000 to $25,000+ with the basic features, but the price can go to any expensive figures depending upon the choice of features and functionality. The complex the app structure is, the higher the app development cost will be. So if you want to calculate the exact price of the app development, then you need to follow this simple formula:

开发具有基本功能的食品交付应用程序的平均成本可以从15,000美元到25,000美元以上,但是根据功能和功能的选择,价格可以达到任何昂贵的数字。 应用程序结构复杂,应用程序开发成本将越高。 因此,如果您想计算应用程序开发的确切价格,则需要遵循以下简单公式:

Developer’s per hour cost * Total Development Hours = Total cost of the app development


结论 (Conclusion)

To wrap up this blog, it is worth mentioning that the mobile food ordering business has become a fast growing trend in the food industry. Since the technology behind the entire food delivery app system continues to grow, the value of food delivery apps like UberEATs and Deliveroo are definitely soar to higher than expected. If you also want to be a part of this growing market, then it is the best time to get started with the online food delivery app.

在结束本博客时,值得一提的是,移动食品订购业务已成为食品行业的快速增长趋势。 由于整个食品配送应用程序系统背后的技术不断发展,因此诸如UberEATs和Deliveroo之类的食品配送应用程序的价值肯定会飙升至高于预期的水平。 如果您还想成为这个不断增长的市场的一部分,那么这是开始使用在线食品交付应用程序的最佳时间。

To help you understand the app clone, we have tried to cover every major aspect of the food delivery app, but if you still find yourself stuck anywhere in between the app, then it is recommended to get in touch with experts to discuss your app plan and get the right solution. Moreover, as the cost of the app development is the concern, so we have mentioned the rough estimations based on various surveys. But, again, we suggest to get real cost estimations from the mobile or software development company after discussing your app idea and business needs.

为了帮助您了解应用程序克隆,我们尝试涵盖了食品交付应用程序的每个主要方面,但是如果您仍然发现自己陷在该应用程序之间的任何地方,那么建议与专家联系以讨论您的应用程序计划并找到正确的解决方案。 此外,由于关注应用程序开发的成本,因此我们提到了基于各种调查的粗略估算。 但是,再次,我们建议在讨论您的应用程序构想和业务需求之后,从移动或软件开发公司获取实际成本估算。

翻译自: https://medium.com/flutter-community/how-much-does-it-cost-to-make-an-mobile-app-like-ubereats-and-deliveroo-df3a5cd52733





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