【读论文】Use of Roadway Scene Semantic Information and Geometry-Preserving Landmark Pairs to Improve Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments
摘要 —— Visual place recognition (VPR) in changing environments is an urgent challenge for long-term autonomous navigation. One recent ConvNet landmark-based approach exploits region landmarks coupled with ConvNet features to match images, and the approach has shown promising results under significant environmental and viewpoint changes. In this paper, we propose a robust ConvNet landmark-based system for VPR in changing outdoor roadway environments by extension of this approach from the following two aspects. First, our method utilizes more discriminative landmarks obtained by a novel refinement method called SemLandmarks, which leverages roadway scene semantic information to screen landmarks directly detected by an existing object proposal method.Second, our method improves the accuracy of image matching by introducing consistent spatial constraints based on the use of geometry-preserving landmark pairs. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly improves the state of the art in VPR in terms of recognition accuracy on three challenging benchmark data sets with various environmental and viewpoint changes.
主要介绍视觉位置识别的难点在于 condition invariance(环境变化) 和 viewpoint invariance(视角变化)。相比于传统手工提取特征,卷积神经网络提取特征主要提取图像中地标,增强在环境视角变化的鲁棒性。作者算法的改进主要来自于15年的一篇论文:N. Süenderhauf et al., ``Place recognition with ConvNet landmarks:Viewpoint-robust, condition-robust, training-free,’’ in Proc. Robot., Sci.Syst. (RSS),