2019-10-27 控制领域期刊介绍

1. IFAC Automatica

简介:Automatica is a leading archival publication in the field of systems and control. The field encompasses today a broad set of areas and topics, and is thriving not only within itself but also in terms of its impact on other fields, such as communications, computers, biology, energy and economics. Since its inception in 1963, Automatica has kept abreast with the evolution of the field over the years, and has emerged as a leading publication driving the trends in the field.

After being founded in 1963, Automatica became a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 1969. It features a characteristic blend of theoretical and applied papers of archival, lasting value, reporting cutting edge research results by authors across the globe. It features articles in distinct categories, including regular, brief and survey papers, technical communiqués, correspondence items, as well as reviews on published books of interest to the readership. It occasionally publishes special issues on emerging new topics or established mature topics of interest to a broad audience.

Automatica solicits original high-quality contributions in all the categories listed above, and in all areas of systems and control interpreted in a broad sense and evolving constantly. They may be submitted directly to a subject editor or to the Editor-in-Chief if not sure about the subject area. Editorial procedures in place assure careful, fair, and prompt handling of all submitted articles. Accepted papers appear in the journal in the shortest time feasible given production time constraints.

1. IEEE TAC:IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

简介:In the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, the IEEE Control Systems Society publishes high-quality papers on the theory, design, and applications of control engineering. Two types of contributions are regularly considered:

  1. Papers: Presentation of significant research, development, or application of control concepts.
  2. Technical Notes and Correspondence: Brief technical notes, comments on published areas or established control topics, corrections to papers and notes published in the Transactions.
    In addition, special papers (tutorials, surveys, and perspectives on the theory and applications of control systems topics) are solicited.

3. SIAM:SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

简介:SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) publishes original research articles on the mathematics and applications of control theory and certain parts of optimization theory. Papers considered for publication must be significant at both the mathematical level and the level of applications or potential applications. Papers containing mostly routine mathematics or those with no discernible connection to control and systems theory or optimization will not be considered for publication. From time to time, the journal will also publish authoritative surveys of important subject areas in control theory and optimization whose level of maturity permits a clear and unified exposition.

The broad areas mentioned above are intended to encompass a wide range of mathematical techniques and scientific, engineering, economic, and industrial applications. These include stochastic and deterministic methods in control, estimation, and identification of systems; modeling and realization of complex control systems; the numerical analysis and related computational methodology of control processes and allied issues; and the development of mathematical theories and techniques that give new insights into old problems or provide the basis for further progress in control theory and optimization. Within the field of optimization, the journal focuses on the parts that are relevant to dynamic and control systems. Contributions to numerical methodology are also welcome in accordance with these aims, especially as related to large-scale problems and decomposition as well as to fundamental questions of convergence and approximation.

4. TCYB:IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics

简介:The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics includes computational approaches to the field of cybernetics. Specifically, the transactions welcomes papers on communication and control across machines or machine, human, and organizations. The scope includes such areas as computational intelligence, computer vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, fuzzy systems, cognitive systems, decision making, and robotics, to the extent that they contribute to the theme of cybernetics or demonstrate an application of cybernetics principles.

5. TNNLS:IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

中科院小类学科:计算机 人工智能
简介:The IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems publishes technical articles that deal with the theory, design, and applications of neural networks and related learning systems.

6. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

简介:Papers that do not include an element of robust or nonlinear control and estimation theory will not be considered by the journal, and all papers will be expected to include significant novel content. The focus of the journal is on model based control design approaches rather than heuristic or rule based methods. Papers on neural networks will have to be of exceptional novelty to be considered for the journal.

7. IET Control Theory and Applications

简介: IET Control Theory & Applications is devoted to control systems in the broadest sense, covering new theoretical results and the applications of new and established control methods. Among the topics of interest are system modelling, identification and simulation, the analysis and design of control systems (including computer-aided design), and practical implementation. The scope encompasses technological, economic, physiological (biomedical) and other systems, including man-machine interfaces.

Most of the papers published deal with original work from industrial and government laboratories and universities, but subject reviews and tutorial expositions of current methods are welcomed. Correspondence discussing published papers is also welcomed.

Applications papers need not necessarily involve new theory. Papers which describe new realisations of established methods, or control techniques applied in a novel situation, or practical studies which compare various designs, would be of interest. Of particular value are theoretical papers which discuss the applicability of new work or applications which engender new theoretical applications.

8. SCL:Systems & Control Letters

简介:Founded in 1981 by two of the pre-eminent control theorists, Roger Brockett and Jan Willems, Systems & Control Letters is one of the leading journals in the field of control theory. The aim of the journal is to allow dissemination of relatively concise but highly original contributions whose high initial quality enables a relatively rapid review process. All aspects of the fields of systems and control are covered, especially mathematically-oriented and theoretical papers that have a clear relevance to engineering, physical and biological sciences, and even economics. Application-oriented papers with sophisticated and rigorous mathematical elements are also welcome.

9. IJC:International Journal of Control

简介:The International Journal of Control publishes top quality, peer reviewed papers in all areas, both established and emerging, of control theory and its applications.

Readership: Development engineers and research workers in industrial automatic control. Research workers and students in automatic control and systems science in universities. Teachers of advanced automatic control in universities. Applied mathematicians and physicists working in automatic control and systems analysis. Development and research workers in fields where automatic control is widely applied: process industries, energy utility industries and advanced manufacturing, embedded systems and robotics.

10. AJC:Asian Journal of Control



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### 回答1: 2021年电气工程领域的中文期刊主要集中在以下几个方面: 1. 电力系统与自动化:电力系统规划与管理、电力负荷预测、电力市场与经济、电力系统稳定性与控制等是电力系统与自动化研究的重要领域。《电网技术》、《中国电机工程学报》、《电力系统自动化》等都是在这一领域内颇具影响力的中文期刊。 2. 电机与电器:电机与电器的设计、控制与应用方面的研究也是电气工程领域中重要的方向之一。在这一领域中,像《电机与控制应用》、《电器与能效管理技术》、《高电压技术》等期刊都在推动相关研究的发展和应用。 3. 电子与通信:电子技术和通信技术的发展对于电气工程有着重要的影响。在这个领域中,像《电子与通信学报》、《电子技术应用》、《通信技术》等期刊关注着电子与通信技术的新理论、新技术和新应用等方面的研究。 4. 控制与机器人:控制与机器人领域涉及自动控制理论与应用、机器人技术与应用等方面的研究。《控制理论与应用》、《机器人技术与应用》、《自动化仪表》等期刊是在这个领域中发表相关研究成果的重要平台。 这些期刊在电气工程领域内都有着广泛的影响力和专业性,为电气工程领域的学者和研究者提供了一个交流和发表研究成果的重要平台。它们在推动电气工程领域的进步和发展方面发挥着重要的作用。 ### 回答2: 2021年电气工程领域的中文期刊EI核心期刊有很多,以下列举一些具有代表性的期刊: 1. 《电机与控制学报》:是由中国电机工程学会主办的EI期刊,囊括了电机与电器控制、电力系统与自动化等方面的学术研究。 2. 《电力自动化设备》:由中国电力企业联合会主办的EI期刊,主要涵盖电力、自动化、通信等领域的设备和技术研究。 3. 《自动化学报》:是中国自动化学会主办的EI期刊,涉及到控制理论与应用、机器人技术、智能系统等自动化领域的研究成果。 4. 《电力系统及其自动化学报》:由中国电力企业联合会主办的EI期刊,主要刊载电力系统、电力自动化、电力信息等方面的论文。 5. 《电网技术》:是中国电机工程学会主办的EI期刊,涵盖了电力系统与电力工程、电力信息与通信等领域的科研成果。 这些期刊在电气工程领域具有良好的学术影响力和传播效果,是电气工程师及相关研究人员发表研究成果的重要渠道。EI期刊的选择是评估文章质量和学术价值的一项重要指标,在2021年为电气工程学术研究提供了优质的刊载平台。 ### 回答3: 2021年电气工程领域的中文期刊有很多,其中一些是EI期刊,也有一些是中文核心期刊。 首先,EI(Engineering Index)是全球工程领域最具影响力的检索系统之一。在2021年,电气工程领域有一些中文期刊被收录为EI期刊。这些期刊包括但不限于: 1. 《电机与控制应用》:这是中国电机工程学会主办的一本EI期刊,涵盖了电机、电力电子、传感器和控制领域的各种应用。 2. 《电力传动自动化装置》:这是中国电机工程学会主办的另一本EI期刊,专注于电力传动自动化装置的研究与应用。 3. 《计算机与现代化》:这是中国计算机学会主办的一本EI期刊,涵盖了计算机科学和技术、软件工程、信息安全等方面的研究。 中文核心期刊是中国学术界公认的高质量学术期刊。虽然不一定被EI收录,但在特定领域内有着很高的影响力和重要性。在2021年的电气工程领域,也有一些中文核心期刊值得关注: 1. 《中国电机工程学报》:这是中国电机工程学会主办的核心期刊,涵盖了电气工程各个方向的研究。 2. 《电力自动化设备》:这是中国电力科学研究院主办的核心期刊,专注于电力自动化设备方面的研究与应用。 3. 《控制与决策》:这是中国自动化学会主办的核心期刊,关注自动化控制系统的建模、分析与优化等方面的研究。 综上所述,2021年电气工程领域的中文期刊包括了一些EI期刊,也有一些中文核心期刊。无论是在EI期刊还是中文核心期刊上发表论文,都是展示研究成果和促进学术交流的重要途径。
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