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解析TS流的包头,含源代码 Demux::Demux(PidParser *pPidParser, IBaseFilter *pFilter) : m_bAuto(TRUE), m_bMPEG2AudioMediaType(TRUE), m_bMPEG2Audio2Mode(FALSE), m_bNPControl(FALSE), m_bNPSlave(FALSE), m_bConnectBusyFlag(FALSE), m_WasPlaying(FALSE), m_WasPaused(FALSE), m_bAC3Mode(FALSE),//(TRUE), m_StreamH264(FALSE), m_StreamMpeg4(FALSE), m_StreamVid(FALSE), m_StreamAC3(FALSE), m_StreamMP2(FALSE), m_StreamAud2(FALSE), m_StreamAAC(FALSE), m_ClockMode(1), m_SelTelexPid(0), m_SelAudioPid(0), m_SelVideoPid(0), m_bFixedAR(FALSE), m_bCreateTSPinOnDemux(FALSE), m_bCreateTxtPinOnDemux(FALSE) { m_pTSFileSourceFilter = pFilter; m_pPidParser = pPidParser; } Demux::~Demux() { } // Find all the immediate upstream or downstream peers of a filter. HRESULT Demux::GetPeerFilters( IBaseFilter *pFilter, // Pointer to the starting filter PIN_DIRECTION Dir, // Direction to search (upstream or downstream) CFilterList &FilterList) // Collect the results in this list. { if (!pFilter) return E_POINTER; IEnumPins *pEnum = 0; IPin *pPin = 0; HRESULT hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; while (S_OK == pEnum->Next(1, &pPin, 0)) { // See if this pin matches the specified direction. PIN_DIRECTION thisPinDir; hr = pPin->QueryDirection(&thisPinDir); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Something strange happened. hr = E_UNEXPECTED; pPin->Release(); break; } if (thisPinDir == Dir) { // Check if the pin is connected to another pin. IPin *pPinNext = 0; hr = pPin->ConnectedTo(&pPinNext); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the filter that owns that pin. PIN_INFO PinInfo; hr = pPinNext->QueryPinInfo(&PinInfo); pPinNext->Release(); if (FAILED(hr) || (PinInfo.pFilter == NULL)) { // Something strange happened. pPin->Release(); pEnum->Release(); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // Insert the filter into the list. AddFilterUnique(FilterList, PinInfo.pFilter); PinInfo.pFilter->Release(); } } pPin->Release(); } pEnum->Release(); return S_OK; } void Demux::AddFilterUnique(CFilterList &FilterList, IBaseFilter *pNew) { if (pNew == NULL) return; POSITION pos = FilterList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { IBaseFilter *pF = FilterList.GetNext(pos); if (IsEqualObject(pF, pNew)) { return; } } pNew->AddRef(); // The caller must release everything in the list. FilterList.AddTail(pNew); } // Get the first upstream or downstream filter HRESULT Demux::GetNextFilter( IBaseFilter *pFilter, // Pointer to the starting filter PIN_DIRECTION Dir, // Direction to search (upstream or downstream) IBaseFilter **ppNext) // Receives a pointer to the next filter. { if (!pFilter || !ppNext) return E_POINTER; IEnumPins *pEnum = 0; IPin *pPin = 0; HRESULT hr = pFilter->EnumPins(&pEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; while (S_OK == pEnum->Next(1, &pPin, 0)) { // See if this pin matches the specified direction. PIN_DIRECTION thisPinDir; hr = pPin->QueryDirection(&thisPinDir); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Something strange happened. hr = E_UNEXPECTED; pPin->Release(); break; } if (thisPinDir == Dir) { // Check if the pin is connected to another pin. IPin *pPinNext = 0; hr = pPin->ConnectedTo(&pPinNext); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the filter that owns that pin. PIN_INFO PinInfo; hr = pPinNext->QueryPinInfo(&PinInfo); pPinNext->Release(); pPin->Release(); pEnum->Release(); if (FAILED(hr) || (PinInfo.pFilter == NULL)) { // Something strange happened. return E_UNEXPECTED; } // This is the filter we're looking for. *ppNext = PinInfo.pFilter; // Client must release. return S_OK; } } pPin->Release(); } pEnum->Release(); // Did not find a matching filter. return E_FAIL; } HRESULT Demux::AOnConnect() { if (m_bConnectBusyFlag || m_pPidParser->m_ParsingLock) return S_FALSE; // Check if Enabled if (!m_bAuto && !m_bNPControl && !m_bNPSlave) return S_FALSE; CAutoLock demuxlock(&m_DemuxLock); m_bConnectBusyFlag = TRUE; m_WasPlaying = FALSE; m_WasPaused = FALSE; m_TimeOut[0] = 0; m_TimeOut[1] = 0; // if (IsStopped() != S_FALSE) // DoStop(); if (IsPaused() != S_FALSE) { m_TimeOut[0] = 10000; if (DoStop() == S_OK){while(IsStopped() == S_FALSE){if (Sleeps(100,m_TimeOut) != S_OK) break;}} m_WasPaused = TRUE; } else if (IsPlaying() == S_OK) { m_TimeOut[0] = 10000; m_WasPlaying = TRUE; } // Parse only the existing Network Provider Filter // in the filter graph, we do this by looking for filters // that implement the ITuner interface while // the count is still active. FILTER_INFO Info; if (SUCCEEDED(m_pTSFileSourceFilter->QueryFilterInfo(&Info))) { IEnumFilters* EnumFilters; if(SUCCEEDED(Info.pGraph->EnumFilters(&EnumFilters))) { IBaseFilter* pFilter; ULONG Fetched(0); while(EnumFilters->Next(1, &pFilter, &Fetched) == S_OK) { if(pFilter != NULL) { UpdateNetworkProvider(pFilter); pFilter->Release(); pFilter = NULL; } } EnumFilters->Release(); } Info.pGraph->Release(); } // Parse only the existing Mpeg2 Demultiplexer Filter // in the filter graph, we do this by looking for filters // that implement the IMpeg2Demultiplexer interface while // the count is still active. CFilterList FList(NAME("MyList")); // List to hold the downstream peers. if (SUCCEEDED(GetPeerFilters(m_pTSFileSourceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, FList)) && FList.GetHeadPosition()) { IBaseFilter* pFilter = NULL; POSITION pos = FList.GetHeadPosition(); pFilter = FList.Get(pos); while (SUCCEEDED(GetPeerFilters(pFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, FList)) && pos) { pFilter = FList.GetNext(pos); } pos = FList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { pFilter = FList.GetNext(pos); if(pFilter != NULL) { UpdateDemuxPins(pFilter); pFilter->Release(); pFilter = NULL; } } }


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