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在本系列文章中,我们梳理了顶刊Management Science2月份发布有关OR/OM以及相关应用的文章之基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察行业/学界最新动态。本文为第一部分(1/2)。


● 题目:Retail Buyer and Manufacturer Influence



● 作者:Upender Subramanian , Z. John Zhang 

● 发布时间:2024.02.05

● 摘要

Retailers often employ professionals known as retail buyers to determine the right quantities of products to order. However, in many economies and industries, a manufacturer may seek to unduly influence the buyer through various means. One such means is to offer the buyer kickbacks (incl. entertainment, travel, gifts) in return for a large order. Despite prominent examples of retailers taking initiatives against kickbacks, the practice persists in many economies and industries. To aid initiatives combating kickbacks, one needs to do the right diagnosis and identify the root cause. To this end, in this paper, we introduce the retail buyer as a distinct player in the retail channel and study the implications of the tug-of-war between the retailer and the manufacturer to influence the buyer. Interestingly, we find when kickbacks are feasible, the manufacturer need not always benefit, and the retailer need not always be the victim. We show a well-designed buyer compensation plan is key for the retailer to avoid kickbacks from distorting the buyer’s demand assessments. Moreover, when the reputational harm from kickbacks is not too high, the retailer may be the one tacitly facilitating kickbacks by undercompensating the buyer and influencing her demand assessments such that it can leverage kickbacks for shifting some of its buyer compensation cost to the manufacturer. This sharing of cost may allow for better channel coordination. Furthermore, this cost-shifting mechanism of kickbacks we have identified in this paper can explain their persistence. No retailer tolerates kickbacks when the reputational harm is high.



● 题目:Are Political and Charitable Giving Substitutes? Evidence from the United States



● 作者:Pinar Yildirim , Andrei Simonov , Maria Petrova , Ricardo Perez-Truglia

● 发布时间:2024.02.05

● 摘要

Using microdata from the American Red Cross (ARC) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in two natural experiments, we provide evidence that political giving and charitable giving are substitutes. In the first natural experiment, we estimate the effects of a positive shock to charitable donations to the ARC: foreign natural disaster events. We find that although charitable donations to ARC increase by 34.9% in the six weeks following a disaster, political donations decline by 18.8% in the same period. Put differently, each 1% increase in the charitable giving to ARC is accompanied by a 0.53% drop in political donations. At the average county-week–level donations, the implied effect of a $1 increase in charitable giving is a $0.42 decline in political donations. In the second natural experiment, we estimate the effects of a positive shock to political giving: advertisements for political campaigns. Exploiting geographic discontinuities in advertising markets, we find that political advertisements increase political giving, whereas they decrease charitable donations to ARC. Our estimates imply that each 1% increase in the political giving is accompanied by a 0.59% drop in charitable donations to ARC. At the average county-week–level donations, the implied effect of a $1 increase in political giving is a $0.33 decline in charitable donations. The crowding-out elasticities suggest that political giving and charitable giving are relatively close substitutes. We provide a number of robustness checks, and we discuss potential causal mechanisms



● 题目:Political Influence, Bank Capital, and Credit Allocation



● 作者:Sheng Huang , Anjan V. Thakor 

● 发布时间:2024.02.08

● 摘要

Political influence on bank credit allocation is often viewed as being necessary to address social problems like income inequality. We hypothesize that such influence elicits bank capital responses. Our hypothesis yields three testable predictions for which we find supporting evidence. First, when banks observe election outcomes that suggest greater impending political credit-allocation influence, they reduce capital to increase fragility and deter political influence. Second, banks subject to greater political influence nonetheless increase lending that politicians favor, and household consumption consequently increases. Third, these banks exhibit poorer post-lending performance. Our study has implications for the interaction between politics, household consumption, and bank risk through a specific channel—the interplay between credit-allocation regulation and bank capital structure.



● 题目:Unifying Procedure-Dependent Preference Reversals: Theory and Experiments



● 作者:Liang Guo 

● 发布时间:2024.02.09

● 摘要

Revealed preferences between alternatives can be systematically reversed across a variety of elicitation procedures (e.g., choice, valuation, matching, joint/separate evaluation). These puzzling findings have been usually invoked to challenge the procedure invariance principle. Yet procedure-dependent preferences can be endogenous. This paper presents a unifying theory of contextual deliberation to account for seemingly disparate phenomena of preference reversals. When attribute importance is ex ante imperfectly known, people can engage in costly information retrieval/acquisition activities (i.e., deliberation) prior to making decisions. Elicitation procedures can influence revealed preferences through affecting the incentive for deliberation. Therefore, contextual deliberation can endogenously yield procedure-dependent preference reversals, offer a common microfoundation for extant psychological accounts (e.g., the prominence hypothesis, the evaluability hypothesis), and coherently organize apparently unrelated/inconsistent findings in the literature. We also run five experiments and document new findings that are inconsistent with extant hypotheses but can be reconciled by contextual deliberation.



● 题目:Proximate (Co-)Working: Knowledge Spillovers and Social Interactions


 原文链接 :https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2022.03555

● 作者:Maria P. Roche , Alexander Oettl , Christian Catalini

● 发布时间:2024.02.14

● 摘要

We examine the influence of physical proximity on between-start-up knowledge spillovers at one of the largest technology coworking hubs in the United States. Relying on the exogenous assignment of office space to the hub’s 251 start-ups, we find that proximity positively influences knowledge spillovers as proxied by the likelihood of adopting an upstream web technology already used by a peer start-up. This effect is largest for start-ups within close proximity of each other and quickly decays; start-ups more than 20 meters apart on the same floor are indistinguishable from start-ups on different floors. The main driver of the effect appears to be social interactions. Although start-ups in close proximity are most likely to participate in social coworking space events together, knowledge spillovers are greatest between start-ups that socialize but are dissimilar. Ultimately, start-ups that are embedded in environments that have neither too much nor too little diversity perform better but only if they socialize.



● 题目:Disruptions, Redundancy Strategies, and Performance of Small Firms: Evidence from Uganda



● 作者:Amrita Kundu , Stephen J. Anderson , Kamalini Ramdas 

● 发布时间:2024.02.15

● 摘要

We study the impact of firm-specific business disruptions on the performance of small emerging market firms and test the effectiveness of building in redundancies to buffer against disruptions. Managerial disruptions result in the absence of the entrepreneur-owner, whereas operational disruptions lead to a shortage of critical resources, for example, inventory or electricity. We propose the use of relational redundancy—that is, the availability of a trusted and capable person with whom the entrepreneur-owner has an existing relationship, who can manage the business in his or her absence—to recover from managerial disruptions. We also examine whether resource redundancy—for example, maintaining safety stock or electricity backup—helps recover from operational disruptions. In the absence of publicly available data, we hand-built a panel data set by interviewing 646 randomly selected small firms over four time periods in Kampala, Uganda. We find that disruptions are highly prevalent and have a statistically and economically significant effect on firm performance. When a firm faces multiple exogenous and severe disruptions in a six-month period, its monthly sales decrease by 13.8% (p = 0.013), and its sales growth decreases by 18.8 percentage points (p = 0.070). Importantly, we find that both managerial and resource redundancies can help firms build resilience against the negative impact of disruptions. In some cases, firms with high levels of redundancy are able to completely overcome the negative effect of disruptions on sales and sales growth. We discuss implications for entrepreneurs, policymakers, and large multinationals that buy from or sell to small emerging market firms.

我们研究了公司特定的业务中断对小型新兴市场企业绩效的影响,并测试了构建冗余以缓解中断的有效性。管理中断导致企业所有者/创业者的缺席,而运营中断则导致关键资源(例如库存或电力)的短缺。我们提出了关系冗余的使用——即存在一个受信任且能力卓越的个人,与企业所有者/创业者存在现有关系,可以在其缺席时管理业务——以从管理中断中恢复。我们还研究了资源冗余(例如,保持安全库存或备用电源)是否有助于从运营中断中恢复。在缺乏公开可用数据的情况下,我们通过对乌干达坎帕拉的646家小型企业进行了四个时间段的随机采访,手动构建了一个面板数据集。我们发现中断普遍存在,并对企业绩效产生了统计学和经济学上显著的影响。当一个企业在六个月内面临多次外部且严重的中断时,其月销售额减少了13.8%(p = 0.013),其销售增长率减少了18.8个百分点(p = 0.070)。重要的是,我们发现无论是管理冗余还是资源冗余都可以帮助企业对抗中断的负面影响。在一些情况下,拥有高水平冗余的企业能够完全克服中断对销售和销售增长的负面影响。我们还讨论了对创业者、政策制定者和与小型新兴市场企业交易的大型跨国公司的影响。





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