10X单细胞 && 10X空间转录组数据分析之量化样本间异质性

国庆前的最后一周了,大家好好努力,有句台词说得好,Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, But today is a gift That is why it’s called the present (the gift) 。
  • 疾病样本:其实单细胞样本的分析本质还是分组找差异,只是这个差异从更高的维度来分析,无论是通讯的差异还是转录状态的差异,前提是有组可分,最理想的状态就是normal和disease,当然很多老师无法取到normal的样本,那么临床信息就显得尤为重要,预后好和预后差之间的差异,才具有临床指导的价值。

  • 如果说仅仅有疾病样本,临床信息也没有的前提下,是很难分析出有效的信息,这个时候很多老师就开始探索单细胞数据库,从数据库的队列中寻找normal的数据来进行分析,方法是可取的,但是要注意数据的匹配程度,平台差异等等。

  • 样本的注释问题,流程化的注释是不可取的,多次强调过,市面上都说新格元注释做的好,也是浪费了很大的人工,并不是流程化带来的,资料和经验,也是科研工作者必备的素质。

  • 样本量的问题,单细胞发展到现在,仅靠一两个样本发文章是不现实的(二区及以上),无论从哪个角度分析,都需要在多个样本中验证研究的价值,所以大家如果决定做单细胞分析,就要想好这一点。

  • 指标1:Cluster entropy,为了测量来自不同样本的细胞在细胞类型cluster中的混合程度如何,量化了数据集的归一化相对cluster entropy,按cluster大小加权。 cluster entropy为 1 表示样本在cluster 之间完全混合。



  • 指标2 :Similarity scores/alignment,为了测量来自相同与不同批次和/或样品的细胞之间细胞类型内细胞状态的转录变异,测量了每个样品/批次之间的成对对齐(就是整合),其中批次由同一天处理的样品组组成。 这个“相似度分数”检查特定样本/批次中每个细胞的局部邻域,询问其 k 个最近邻居中有多少个(在 PC 或 iNMF(这个大家应该都知道) 空间中)属于第二个样本/批次,然后在所有细胞上取平均值 . 这里选择 k 为cluster内细胞总数的 1%。 结果通过每个样品/批次的预期细胞数进行标准化。
AddModuleScoreCalculate module scores for feature expression programs in single cells
AggregateExpressionAggregated feature expression by identity class
AnchorSet-classThe AnchorSet Class
AnnotateAnchorsAdd info to anchor matrix
Assay-classThe Assay Class
AugmentPlotAugments ggplot2-based plot with a PNG image.
AverageExpressionAveraged feature expression by identity class
BGTextColorDetermine text color based on background color
BarcodeInflectionsPlotPlot the Barcode Distribution and Calculated Inflection Points
BlackAndWhiteCreate a custom color palette
BuildClusterTreePhylogenetic Analysis of Identity Classes
CalcPerturbSigCalculate a perturbation Signature
CalculateBarcodeInflectionsCalculate the Barcode Distribution Inflection
CaseMatchMatch the case of character vectors
CellCycleScoringScore cell cycle phases
CellScatterCell-cell scatter plot
CellSelectorCell Selector
Cells.SCTModelGet Cell Names
CellsByImageGet a vector of cell names associated with an image (or set of images)
CollapseEmbeddingOutliersMove outliers towards center on dimension reduction plot
CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrixSlim down a multi-species expression matrix,when only one species is primarily of interenst.
ColorDimSplitColor dimensional reduction plot by tree split
CombinePlotsCombine ggplot2-based plots into a single plot
CreateSCTAssayObjectCreate a SCT Assay object
CustomDistanceRun a custom distance function on an input data matrix
DEenrichRPlotDE and EnrichR pathway visualization barplot
DietSeuratSlim down a Seurat object
DimHeatmapDimensional reduction heatmap
DimPlotDimensional reduction plot
DimReduc-classThe DimReduc Class
DiscretePaletteDiscrete colour palettes from the pals package
DoHeatmapFeature expression heatmap
DotPlotDot plot visualization
ElbowPlotQuickly Pick Relevant Dimensions
ExpMeanCalculate the mean of logged values
ExpSDCalculate the standard deviation of logged values
ExpVarCalculate the variance of logged values
FastRowScaleScale and/or center matrix rowwise
FeaturePlotVisualize 'features' on a dimensional reduction plot
FeatureScatterScatter plot of single cell data
FilterSlideSeqFilter stray beads from Slide-seq puck
FindAllMarkersGene expression markers for all identity classes
FindClustersCluster Determination
FindConservedMarkersFinds markers that are conserved between the groups
FindIntegrationAnchorsFind integration anchors
FindMarkersGene expression markers of identity classes
FindMultiModalNeighborsConstruct weighted nearest neighbor graph
FindNeighbors(Shared) Nearest-neighbor graph construction
FindSpatiallyVariableFeaturesFind spatially variable features
FindSubClusterFind subclusters under one cluster
FindTransferAnchorsFind transfer anchors
FindVariableFeaturesFind variable features
FoldChangeFold Change
GetAssayGet an Assay object from a given Seurat object.
GetImage.SlideSeqGet Image Data
GetIntegrationDataGet integration data
GetResidualCalculate pearson residuals of features not in the scale.data
GetTissueCoordinates.SlideSeqGet Tissue Coordinates
GetTransferPredictionsGet the predicted identity
Graph-classThe Graph Class
GroupCorrelationCompute the correlation of features broken down by groups with another covariate
GroupCorrelationPlotBoxplot of correlation of a variable (e.g.number of UMIs) with expression data
HTODemuxDemultiplex samples based on data from cell 'hashing'
HTOHeatmapHashtag oligo heatmap
HVFInfo.SCTAssayGet Variable Feature Information
HoverLocatorHover Locator
IFeaturePlotVisualize features in dimensional reduction space interactively
ISpatialDimPlotVisualize clusters spatially and interactively
ISpatialFeaturePlotVisualize features spatially and interactively
IntegrateDataIntegrate data
IntegrateEmbeddingsIntegrate low dimensional embeddings
IntegrationAnchorSet-classThe IntegrationAnchorSet Class
IntegrationData-classThe IntegrationData Class
JackStrawDetermine statistical significance of PCA scores.
JackStrawData-classThe JackStrawData Class
JackStrawPlotJackStraw Plot
L2CCAL2-Normalize CCA
LabelClustersLabel clusters on a ggplot2-based scatter plot
LabelPointsAdd text labels to a ggplot2 plot
LinkedPlotsVisualize spatial and clustering (dimensional reduction) data in a linked, interactive framework
Load10X_SpatialLoad a 10x Genomics Visium Spatial Experiment into a 'Seurat' object
LoadAnnoyIndexLoad the Annoy index file
LoadSTARmapLoad STARmap data
LocalStructCalculate the local structure preservation metric
LogNormalizeNormalize raw data
LogVMRCalculate the variance to mean ratio of logged values
MULTIseqDemuxDemultiplex samples based on classification method from MULTI-seq
MapQueryMap query cells to a reference
MappingScoreMetric for evaluating mapping success
MetaFeatureAggregate expression of multiple features into a single feature
MinMaxApply a ceiling and floor to all values in a matrix
MixingMetricCalculates a mixing metric
MixscapeHeatmapDifferential expression heatmap for mixscape
MixscapeLDALinear discriminant analysis on pooled CRISPR screen data.
ModalityWeights-classThe ModalityWeights Class
NNPlotHighlight Neighbors in DimPlot
Neighbor-classThe Neighbor Class
NormalizeDataNormalize Data
PCASigGenesSignificant genes from a PCA
PercentageFeatureSetCalculate the percentage of all counts that belong to a given set of features
PlotClusterTreePlot clusters as a tree
PlotPerturbScoreFunction to plot perturbation score distributions.
PolyDimPlotPolygon DimPlot
PolyFeaturePlotPolygon FeaturePlot
PredictAssayPredict value from nearest neighbors
PrepLDAFunction to prepare data for Linear Discriminant Analysis.
PrepSCTIntegrationPrepare an object list normalized with sctransform for integration.
ProjectDimProject Dimensional reduction onto full dataset
ProjectUMAPProject query into UMAP coordinates of reference
Radius.SlideSeqGet Spot Radius
Read10XLoad in data from 10X
Read10X_ImageLoad a 10X Genomics Visium Image
Read10X_h5Read 10X hdf5 file
ReadMtxLoad in data from remote or local mtx files
ReadSlideSeqLoad Slide-seq spatial data
RegroupIdentsRegroup idents based on meta.data info
RelativeCountsNormalize raw data to fractions
RenameCells.SCTAssayRename Cells in an Object
RidgePlotSingle cell ridge plot
RunCCAPerform Canonical Correlation Analysis
RunICARun Independent Component Analysis on gene expression
RunLDARun Linear Discriminant Analysis
RunMarkVarioRun the mark variogram computation on a given position matrix and expression matrix.
RunMixscapeRun Mixscape
RunMoransICompute Moran's I value.
RunPCARun Principal Component Analysis
RunSPCARun Supervised Principal Component Analysis
RunTSNERun t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
SCTAssay-classThe SCTModel Class
SCTResultsGet SCT results from an Assay
SCTransformUse regularized negative binomial regression to normalize UMI count data
STARmap-classThe STARmap class
SampleUMISample UMI
SaveAnnoyIndexSave the Annoy index
ScaleDataScale and center the data.
ScaleFactorsGet image scale factors
ScoreJackStrawCompute Jackstraw scores significance.
SelectIntegrationFeaturesSelect integration features
SetIntegrationDataSet integration data
Seurat-classThe Seurat Class
Seurat-packageSeurat: Tools for Single Cell Genomics
SeuratCommand-classThe SeuratCommand Class
SeuratThemeSeurat Themes
SlideSeq-classThe SlideSeq class
SpatialImage-classThe SpatialImage Class
SpatialPlotVisualize spatial clustering and expression data.
SplitObjectSplits object into a list of subsetted objects.
SubsetByBarcodeInflectionsSubset a Seurat Object based on the Barcode Distribution Inflection Points
TopCellsFind cells with highest scores for a given dimensional reduction technique
TopFeaturesFind features with highest scores for a given dimensional reduction technique
TopNeighborsGet nearest neighbors for given cell
TransferAnchorSet-classThe TransferAnchorSet Class
TransferDataTransfer data
UpdateSCTAssaysUpdate pre-V4 Assays generated with SCTransform in the Seurat to the new SCTAssay class
UpdateSymbolListGet updated synonyms for gene symbols
VariableFeaturePlotView variable features
VisiumV1-classThe VisiumV1 class
VizDimLoadingsVisualize Dimensional Reduction genes
VlnPlotSingle cell violin plot
as.CellDataSetConvert objects to CellDataSet objects
as.Seurat.CellDataSetConvert objects to 'Seurat' objects
as.SingleCellExperimentConvert objects to SingleCellExperiment objects
as.sparse.H5GroupCast to Sparse
cc.genesCell cycle genes
cc.genes.updated.2019Cell cycle genes: 2019 update
contrast-theoryGet the intensity and/or luminance of a color
merge.SCTAssayMerge SCTAssay objects
subset.AnchorSetSubset an AnchorSet object


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