RTKLIB Manual 之 Appendix C API References


 一、卫星号/卫星系统转换函数: Satellite number/system functions

Satellite number/system functions
satno()   //Satellite system and PRN/slot number to satellite number rtkcmn.c
satsys()  //Satellite number to satellite system rtkcmn.c
satid2no()  //Satellite ID to satellite number rtkcmn.c
satno2id() //Satellite number to satellite ID rtkcmn.c
obs2code() //Observation type string to observation code rtkcmn.c **
code2obs()  //Observation code to observation code string rtkcmn.c **
satexclude() //Test excluded satellites rtkcmn.c *
testsnr() //Test SNR mask rtkcmn.c *
setcodepri() //Set code priority for multiple codes rtkcmn.c *
getcodepri() //Get code priority for multiple codes rtkcmn.c *

 二、矩阵和矢量函数 Matrix and vector functions

mat() //New matrix rtkcmn.c
imat() //New integer matrix rtkcmn.c
zeros() //New zero matrix rtkcmn.c
eye() //New identity matrix rtkcmn.c
dot() //Inner Product rtkcmn.c
norm() //Euclid norm rtkcmn.c
cross3() //Outer product of 3D vectors rtkcmn.c
normv3() //Normalize 3D vector rtkcmn.c
matcpy() //Copy matrix rtkcmn.c
matmul() //Multiply matrix rtkcmn.c
matinv() //Inverse of matrix rtkcmn.c
solve() //Solve linear equation rtkcmn.c
lsq() //Least square estimation rtkcmn.c
filter() //Kalman filter state update rtkcmn.c
smoother() //Kalman smoother rtkcmn.c
matprint() //Print matrix rtkcmn.c
matfprint() //Print matrix to file rtkcmn.c

三、时间和字符串函数 Time and string functions

str2num() String to number rtkcmn.c
str2time() String to time rtkcmn.c
time2str() Time to string rtkcmn.c
epoch2time() Calendar day/time to time rtkcmn.c
time2epoch() Time to calendar day/time rtkcmn.c
gpst2time() GPS week/TOW to time rtkcmn.c
time2gpst() Time to GPS week/TOW rtkcmn.c
gst2time() GST week/TOW to time rtkcmn.c
time2gst() Time to GST week/TOW rtkcmn.c
bdt2time() BDT week/TOW to time rtkcmn.c *
time2bdt() Time to BDT week/TOW rtkcmn.c *
time_str() Get Time String rtkcmn.c
timeadd() Add time rtkcmn.c
timediff() Time difference rtkcmn.c
gpst2utc() GPS Time to UTC rtkcmn.c
utc2gpst() UTC to GPS Time rtkcmn.c
gpst2bdt() GPS Time to BDT rtkcmn.c *
bdt2gpst() BDT to GPS Time rtkcmn.c *
timeget() Get current time in UTC rtkcmn.c
timeset() Set current time in UTC rtkcmn.c
time2doy() Time to Day of Year rtkcmn.c
utc2gmst() UTC to Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time rtkcmn.c *
adjgpsweek() Adjust GPS week number rtkcmn.c
tickget() Get current tick time rtkcmn.c
sleepms() Sleep for milliseconds rtkcmn.c
reppath() Replace file path rtkcmn.c
reppaths() Replace file paths rtkcmn.c

四、坐标函数 Coordinates functions

ecef2pos() ECEF to geodetic position rtkcmn.c
pos2ecef() Geodetic to ECEF position rtkcmn.c
ecef2enu() ECEF to local coordinates rtkcmn.c
enu2ecef() Local to ECEF coordinates rtkcmn.c
covenu() Covariance in local coordinates rtkcmn.c
covecef() Covariance in ECEF coordinates rtkcmn.c
xyz2enu() ECEF to ENU local coordinate transformation matrix rtkcmn.c
eci2ecef() ECI to ECEF transformation matrix rtkcmn.c **
deg2dms() Convert degree to deg‐min‐sec rtkcmn.c
dms2deg() Convert deg‐min‐sec to degree rtkcmn.c

五、输入输出函数 Input/output functions

readpos() Read station positions rtkcmn.c
sortobs() Sort observation data rtkcmn.c
uniqnav() Delete duplicated ephemerides in navigation data rtkcmn.c
screent() Screen data by time and interval rtkcmn.c
readnav() Read navigation data from file rtkcmn.c
savenav() Save navigation data to file rtkcmn.c
freeobs() Free memory for observation data rtkcmn.c
freenav() Free memory for navigation data rtkcmn.c
traceopen() Open trace file rtkcmn.c
traceclose() Close trace file rtkcmn.c
trace() Output trace rtkcmn.c
tracet() Output trace with time tag rtkcmn.c
tracemat() Output trace as matrix printing rtkcmn.c
traceobs() Output trace as observation data printing rtkcmn.c
traceonav() Output trace as GPS navigation messages rtkcmn.c
tracegnav() Output trace as GLONASS navigation messages rtkcmn.c
tracehnav() Output trace as GEO navigation messages rtkcmn.c
tracepeph() Output trace as precise ephemeris rtkcmn.c
tracepclk() Output trace as precise clock rtkcmn.c
traceb() Output trace as binary dump rtkcmn.c

六、平台相关函数 Platform dependent functions

execcmd() Execute command rtkcmn.c
expath() Expand file path rtkcmn.c
createdir() Create directory rtkcmn.c

七、定位模型 Positioning models

satwavelen() Satellite signal carrier wave length rtkcmn.c
satazel() Satellite azimuth/elevation angle rtkcmn.c
geodist() Geometric distance rtkcmn.c
dops() Compute DOPs rtkcmn.c
csmooth() Carrier smoothing rtkcmn.c

八、大气模型 Atmosphere models

ionmodel() Ionospheric model rtkcmn.c
ionmapf() Ionospheric mapping function rtkcmn.c
ionppp() Ionospheric pierce point position rtkcmn.c
tropmodel() Tropospheric model rtkcmn.c
tropmapf() Tropospheric mapping function rtkcmn.c
iontec() Ionosphere model by TEC grid data ionex.c
readtec() Read IONEX TEC grid file ionex.c
ionocorr() Ionosphere correction pntpos.c
tropcorr() Troposphere correction pntpos.c

九、天线模型 Antenna models

readpcv() Read antenna parameters rtkcmn.c
searchpcv() Search antenna parameters rtkcmn.c
antmodel() Receiver antenna model rtkcmn.c **
antmodel_s() Satellite antenna model rtkcmn.c

十、地球潮模型 Earth tides models

sunmoonpos() Sun and moon position rtkcmn.c **
tidedisp() Displacements by earth tides ppp.c

十一、大地水准面模型 Geoid model

opengeoid() Open external geoid file geoid.c
closegeoid() Close external geoid file geoid.c
geoidh() Geoid height geoid.c

十二、基准转换 Datum transformation

loaddatump() Load datum transformation parameter datum.c
tokyo2jgd() Tokyo datum to JGD2000 datum datum.c
jgd2tokyo() JGD2000 datum to Tokyo datum datum.c

十三、RINEX相关函数 RINEX functions

readrnx() Read RINEX file rinex.c **
readrnxt() Read RINEX file in time range/interval rinex.c **
readrnxc() Read RINEX clock file rinex.c
outrnxobsh() Output RINEX OBS header rinex.c **
outrnxobsb() Output RINEX OBS body rinex.c
outrnxnavh() Output RINEX NAV header rinex.c
outrnxgnavh() Output RINEX GLONASS NAV header rinex.c
outrnxhnavh() Output RINEX GEO NAV header rinex.c
outrnxlnavh() Output RINEX Galileo NAV header rinex.c
outrnxqnavh() Output RINEX QZSS NAV header rinex.c
outrnxcnavh() Output RINEX BeiDou NAV header rinex.c *
outrnxnavb() Output RINEX NAV body rinex.c
outrnxgnavb() Output RINEX GLONASS NAV body rinex.c
outrnxhnavb() Output RINEX GEO NAV body rinex.c
uncompress() Uncompress file rinex.c
init_rnxctr() Initialize RINEX control rinex.c *
free_rnxctr() Free RINEX control rinex.c *
open_rnxctr() Open RINEX control rinex.c *
input_rnxctr() Input next RINEX data by RINEX control rinex.c *
convrnx() RINEX converter convrnx.c

十四、星历函数 Ephemeris functions

eph2clk() Broadcast ephemeris to satellite clock‐bias ephemeris.c
geph2clk() GLONASS ephemeris to satellite clock‐bias ephemeris.c
seph2clk() GEO ephemeris to satellite clock‐bias ephemeris.c
eph2pos() Broadcast ephemeris to satellite position/clock‐bias ephemeris.c
geph2pos() GLONASS ephemeris to satellite position/clock‐bias ephemeris.c
seph2pos() GEO ephemeris to satellite position/clock‐bias ephemeris.c
peph2pos() Precise ephemeris to satellite position/clock‐bias preceph.c
satantoff() Satellite antenna phase center offset ephemeris.c
satpos() Satellite position/clock‐bias ephemeris.c
satposs() Satellite positions/clock‐biases ephemeris.c
readsp3() Read SP3 file preceph.c **
readsap() Read satellite antenna phase center parameters preceph.c
readdcb() Read DCB parameters preceph.c
alm2pos() Almanac to satellite position/clock‐bias preceph.c
tle_read() Read TLE data file tle.c *
tle_name_read() Read TLE satellite name file tle.c *
tle_pos() Satellite position and velocity with TLE data tle.c *

十五、接收机原始数据函数 Receiver raw data functions

getbitu() Extract unsigned bits rtkcmn.c
getbits() Extract signed bits rtkcmn.c
setbitu() Set unsigned bits rtkcmn.c *
setbits() Set signed bits rtkcmn.c *
crc32() CRC32 parity rtkcmn.c
crc24q() CRC24Q parity rtkcmn.c
crc16() CRC16 parity rtkcmn.c *
decode_word() Decode navigation data word rcvraw.c
decode_frame() Decode navigation data frame rcvraw.c
init_raw() Initialize receiver raw data control rcvraw.c
free_raw() Free receiver raw data control rcvraw.c
input_raw() Input receiver raw data from stream rcvraw.c
input_rawf() Input receiver raw data from file rcvraw.c

十六、接收机相关函数 Receiver dependent functions

input_oem4() Input OEM4/V raw data from stream rcv/novatel.c
input_oem3() Input OEM3 raw data from stream rcv/novatel.c
input_ubx() Input u‐blox raw data from stream rcv/ublox.c
input_ss2() Input Superstar II raw data from stream rcv/ss2.c
input_cres() Input Crescent raw data from stream rcv/crescent.c
input_stq() Input SkyTraq raw data from stream rcv/skytraq.c
input_gw10() Input Furuno GW‐10‐II/III raw data from stream rcv/gw10.c
input_javad() Input JAVAD GRIL/GREIS raw data from stream rcv/javad.c
input_nvs() Input NVS BINR raw data from stream rcv/nvs.c *
input_binex() Input BINEX data from stream rcv/binex.c *
input_oem3f() Input OEM3 raw data from file rcv/novatel.c
input_oem4f() Input OEM4/V raw data from file rcv/novatel.c
input_ubxf() Input u‐blox raw data from file rcv/ublox.c
input_ss2f() Input Superstar II raw data from file rcv/ss2.c
input_cresf() Input Crescent raw data from file rcv/crescent.c
input_stqf() Input SkyTraq raw data from file rcv/skytraq.c
input_gw10f() Input Furuno GW‐10‐II/III raw data from file rcv/gw10.c
input_javadf() Input JAVAD GRIL/GREIS raw data from file rcv/javad.c
input_nvsf() Input NVS BINR raw data from file rcv/nvs.c *
input_binexf() Input BINEX data from file rcv/binex.c *
gen_ubx() Generate u‐blox binary command rcv/ublox.c
gen_stq() Generate SkyTraq binary command rcv/skytraq.c
gen_nvs() Generate NVS BINR binary command rcv/nvs.c *

十七、 RTCM函数 RTCM functions

init_rtcm() Initialize RTCM control rtcm.c
free_rtcm() Free RTCM control rtcm.c
input_rtcm2() Input RTCM 2 message from stream rtcm.c
input_rtcm3() Input RTCM 3 message from stream rtcm.c
input_rtcm2f() Input RTCM 2 message from file rtcm.c
input_rtcm3f() Input RTCM 3 message from file rtcm.c
gen_rtcm2() Generate RTCM 2 message rtcm.c *
gen_rtcm3() Generate RTCM 3 message rtcm.c *

十八、结果文件 Solution functions

initsolbuf() Initialize solution buffer solution.c
freesolbuf() Free solution buffer solution.c
freesolstatbuf() Free solution status buffer solution.c
getsol() Get solution data from solution buffer solution.c
addsol() Add solution data to solution buffer solution.c
readsol() Read solution data from solutions files solution.c
readsolt() Read solution data in time range/interval solution.c
readsolstat() Read solution status from file solution.c
readsolstatt() Read solution status in time range/interval solution.c
inputsol() Input solution data from stream solution.c
outprcopts() Output processing options to string solution.c
outsolheads() Output solution header to string solution.c
outsols() Output solution body to string solution.c
outsolexs() Output extended solution to string solution.c
outprcopt() Output processing options to file solution.c
outsolhead() Output solution header to file solution.c
outsol() Output solution body to file solution.c
outsolex() Output extended solution to file solution.c
outnmea_rmc() Output NMEA GPRMC sentence solution.c
outnmea_gga() Output NMEA GPGGA sentence solution.c
outnmea_gsa() Output NMEA GPGSA, GLGSA, GAGSA sentences solution.c
outnmea_gsv() Output NMEA GPGSV, GLGSV, GAGSV sentences solution.c

十九、将结果转换为kml文件 Convert solutions to Google Earth KML file

convkml() Convert solutions to Google Earth KML file convkml.c

二十、SBAS functions

sbsreadmsg() Read SBAS message file sbas.c
sbsreadsmgt() Read SBAS message file in time range sbas.c
sbsoutmsg() Output SBAS messages sbas.c
sbsdecodemsg() Decode SBAS message sbas.c
sbsupdatecorr() Update SBAS corrections sbas.c
sbssatcorr() SBAS satellite correction sbas.c
sbsioncorr() SBAS ionospheric correction sbas.c
sbstropcorr() SBAS tropospheric correction sbas.c

二十一、Options functions

sbsreadmsg() Read SBAS message file sbas.c
sbsreadsmgt() Read SBAS message file in time range sbas.c
sbsoutmsg() Output SBAS messages sbas.c
sbsdecodemsg() Decode SBAS message sbas.c
sbsupdatecorr() Update SBAS corrections sbas.c
sbssatcorr() SBAS satellite correction sbas.c
sbsioncorr() SBAS ionospheric correction sbas.c
sbstropcorr() SBAS tropospheric correction sbas.c

二十二、Options functions

searchopt() Search option options.c
str2opt() String to option value options.c
opt2str() Option value to string options.c
opt2buf() Option to string options.c
loadopts() Load options from file options.c
saveopts() Save options to file options.c
resetsysopts() Reset system options to default options.c
getsysopts() Get system options options.c
setsysopts() Set system options options.c

二十三、Stream data input/output functions

strinitcom() Initialize stream communication environment stream.c
strinit() Initialize stream stream.c
strlock() Lock stream stream.c
strunlock() Unlock stream stream.c
stropen() Open stream stream.c
strclose() Close stream stream.c
strread() Read stream stream.c
strwrite() Write stream stream.c
strsync() Time sync stream stream.c
strstat() Get stream status stream.c
strsum() Get stream statistics summary stream.c
strsetopt() Set stream options stream.c
strgettime() Get current time from stream stream.c
strsendnmea() Send NMEA message to stream stream.c
strsendcmd() Send receiver command to stream stream.c
strsettimeout() Set stream timeout parameters stream.c
strsetdir() Set local directory stream.c
strsetproxy() Set proxy address stream.c

二十四、整周模糊度求解 Integer ambiguity resolution

lambda() LAMBDA/MLAMBDA integer least‐square estimation lambda.c

二十五、标准单点定位 Standard positioning

Standard positioning

二十六、精密定位/相对定位 Precise positioning

rtkinit() Initialize RTK control struct rtkpos.c
rtkfree() Free RTK control struct rtkpos.c
rtkpos() Precise positioning rtkpos.c
rtkopenstat() Open solution status file rtkpos.c
rtkclosestat() Close solution status file rtkpos.c

二十七、精密单点定位 Precise point positioning

pppos() Precise point positioning (PPP) ppp.c *
pppnx() Number of estimated states for PPP ppp.c *
pppoutsolstat() Output solution statistics for PPP ppp.c *
windupcorr() Phase windup correction rtkcmn.c *
pppamb() Resolve integer ambiguity for PPP ppp_ar.c *

二十八、后处理定位 Post‐processing positioning

postpos() Post‐processing positioning postpos.c

二十九、Stream server functions

strsvrinit() Initialize stream server streamsvr.c
strsvrstart() Start stream server streamsvr.c **
strsvrstop() Stop stream server streamsvr.c
strsvrstat() Get stream server status streamsvr.c
strconvnew() Generate stream converter streamsvr.c *
strconvfree() Free stream converter streamsvr.c *

三十、RTK server functions

rtksvrinit() Initialize RTK server rtksvr.c
rtksvrstart() Start RTK server rtksvr.c
rtksvrstop() Stop RTK server rtksvr.c
rtksvropenstr() Open output/log stream rtksvr.c
rtksvrclosestr() Close output/log stream rtksvr.c
rtksvrlock() Lock RTK server rtksvr.c
rtksvrunlock() Unlock RTK server rtksvr.c
rtksvrostat() Get RTK observation data status rtksvr.c
rtksvrsstat() Get RTK stream status rtksvr.c

三十一、Downloader functions

dl_readurls() Read URL address list file of GNSS data download.c *
dl_readstas() Read station list file for download download.c *
dl_exec() Execute download of GNSS data download.c *
dl_test() Execute local file test of GNSS data download.c *

三十二、QZSS LEX functions

lexupdatecorr() Update LEX corrections qzslex.c *
lexreadmsg() Read LEX message log file qzslex.c *
lexoutmsg() Output LEX message log qzslex.c *
lexconvbin() Convert LEX binary to LEX message log qzslex.c *
lexeph2pos() LEX satellite ephemeris and clock correction qzslex.c *
lexioncorr() LEX ionosphere correction qzslex.c *








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