EAST OCR目标检测及源码

EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector


用于场景文本检测的先前方法已经在各种基准测试中获得了良好的性能。然而,在处理具有挑战性的场景时,即使配备了深度神经网络模型,通常也会达不到很好性能,因为整体性能取决于pipline中多个阶段和组件的相互作用。EAST提出了一个简单而强大的pipline,可以在自然场景中产生快速准确的文本检测。算法流程直接预测完整图像中任意方向和四边形形状的单词或文本行,消除了使用单个神经网络的不必要的中间步骤(例如,候选聚合和字分区)。在标准数据集(包括ICDAR 2015,COCO-Text和MSRA-TD500)的实验表明,所提出的算法在准确性和效率方面明显优于最先进的方法。在ICDAR 2015数据集上,所提出的算法在720p分辨率下以13.2fps达到0.7820的F-score。

算法在ICDAR 2015 [15](在多尺度下测试时为0.8072),在MSRA-TD500 [40]上为0.7608,在COCO-Text上为0.3945 [36]时,得分为0.7820,优于之前的状态 - 性能最先进的算法,同时平均花费的时间少得多(在Titan-X GPU上,对于最好的模型,在720p分辨率下为13.2fps,对于我们最快的模型,为16.8fps)。


  1. 提出了一种场景文本检测方法,包括两个阶段:全卷积网络和NMS合并阶段。 FCN直接生成文本区域,不包括冗余和耗时的中间步骤。
  2. 算法可以灵活地生成字级或线级预测,其几何形状可以是旋转框或四边形,具体取决于具体应用。
  3. 所提出的算法在精度和速度方面明显优于最先进的方法。


预测通道之一是得分图,其像素值在[0,1]的范围内。 其余通道表示从每个像素的视图中包围该单词的几率。 分数代表在相同位置预测的几何形状的置信度。

我们已经为文本区域,旋转框(RBOX)和四边形(QUAD)实验了两种几何形状,并为每种几何设计了不同的损失函数。 然后将阈值处理应用于每个预测区域,其中得分超过预定阈值的几何被认为是有效的并且被保存用于稍后的非最大抑制。 NMS之后的结果被认为是管道的最终输出。

def resnet_east(backbone='resnet50', inputs=None, modifier=None, **kwargs):
    # choose default input
    if inputs is None:
        if keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
            inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=(3, None, None))
            inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=(None, None, 3))

    # create the vgg backbone
    if backbone == 'resnet50':
        resnet = keras.applications.ResNet50(input_tensor=inputs, include_top=False, weights=None)
    elif backbone == 'resnet101':
        resnet = keras.applications.ResNet101(input_tensor=inputs, include_top=False, weights=None)
    elif backbone == 'resnet152':
        resnet = keras.applications.ResNet152(input_tensor=inputs, include_top=False, weights=None)
        raise ValueError("Backbone '{}' not recognized.".format(backbone))

    if modifier:
        resnet = modifier(resnet)

    layer_names = ['activation_49', 'activation_40', 'activation_22', 'activation_10']
    backbone_layers = [resnet.get_layer(i).output for i in layer_names]

    return east(input=inputs, backbone_layers=backbone_layers, **kwargs)

def east(
    config = None,
    name = 'east'
    overly_small_text_region_training_mask = Input(shape=(None, None, 1), name='overly_small_text_region_training_mask')
    text_region_boundary_training_mask = Input(shape=(None, None, 1), name='text_region_boundary_training_mask')
    target_score_map = Input(shape=(None, None, 1), name='target_score_map')

    act_49, act_40, act_22, act_10 = backbone_layers

    if config is None:
        config = cfg

    x = Lambda(resize_bilinear, name='resize_1')(act_49)
    x = concatenate([x, act_40], axis=3)
    x = Conv2D(128, (1, 1), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)
    x = Conv2D(128, (3, 3), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)

    x = Lambda(resize_bilinear, name='resize_2')(x)
    x = concatenate([x, act_22], axis=3)
    x = Conv2D(64, (1, 1), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)
    x = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)

    x = Lambda(resize_bilinear, name='resize_3')(x)
    x = concatenate([x, act_10], axis=3)
    x = Conv2D(32, (1, 1), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)
    x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)

    x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-5))(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5, scale=True)(x)
    x = Activation('relu')(x)

    pred_score_map = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation=keras.backend.sigmoid, name='pred_score_map')(x)
    rbox_geo_map = Conv2D(4, (1, 1), activation=keras.backend.sigmoid, name='rbox_geo_map')(x)
    rbox_geo_map = Lambda(lambda x: x * config.INPUT_SIZE)(rbox_geo_map)
    angle_map = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation=keras.backend.sigmoid, name='rbox_angle_map')(x)
    angle_map = Lambda(lambda x: (x - 0.5) * np.pi / 2)(angle_map)
    pred_geo_map = concatenate([rbox_geo_map, angle_map], axis=3, name='pred_geo_map')

    model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input, overly_small_text_region_training_mask,
                               outputs=[pred_score_map, pred_geo_map],
    return model



对于QUAD Q,我们使用8个数字来表示从四个角顶点{p i |的坐标偏移 i∈{1,4,3,4}}四边形到像素位置。由于每个距离偏移包含两个数字(Δxi,Δyi),因此几何输出包含8个通道。



只考虑几何是四边形的情况。分数图上的四边形的正面积被设计为大致缩小(shrunk) 的原始面积,如图所示。


其中p_i= {x i,y i}是四边形上的顶点,以顺时针顺序排列。为了缩小Q,我们首先计算每个顶点pi的参考长度ri



    def compute_targets_east(self, imggroup, anngroup):
        score_maps = []
        geo_maps = []
        overly_small_text_region_training_masks = []
        text_region_boundary_training_masks = []
        for img, ann in zip(imggroup, anngroup):
            gtbox = ann['bboxes'].reshape(((-1, 4, 2)))
            label = ann['labels']
            h, w, c = img.shape

            score_map, geo_map, overly_small_text_region_training_mask, text_region_boundary_training_mask = generate_rbox(
                (h, w), gtbox, label, self.config)
            score_maps.append(score_map[::4, ::4, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32))
            geo_maps.append(geo_map[::4, ::4, :].astype(np.float32))
                overly_small_text_region_training_mask[::4, ::4, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32))
                text_region_boundary_training_mask[::4, ::4, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32))

        return [np.array(overly_small_text_region_training_masks),
                np.array(score_maps)], \
               [np.array(score_maps), np.array(geo_maps)]
def generate_rbox(im_size, polys, tags, config = None):
    if config is None:
        config = cfg
    h, w = im_size
    shrinked_poly_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    orig_poly_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    score_map = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    geo_map = np.zeros((h, w, 5), dtype=np.float32)
    # mask used during traning, to ignore some hard areas
    overly_small_text_region_training_mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
    for poly_idx, poly_data in enumerate(zip(polys, tags)):
        poly = poly_data[0]
        tag = poly_data[1]
        r = [None, None, None, None]
        for i in range(4):
            r[i] = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[i] - poly[(i + 1) % 4]),
                       np.linalg.norm(poly[i] - poly[(i - 1) % 4]))
        # 四边形缩减
        shrinked_poly = shrink_poly(poly.copy(), r).astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :]
        # 填充得分图,
        cv2.fillPoly(score_map, shrinked_poly, 1)
        cv2.fillPoly(shrinked_poly_mask, shrinked_poly, poly_idx + 1)
        # 填充原四边形
        cv2.fillPoly(orig_poly_mask, poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 1)
        # 四边形太小则忽略
        poly_h = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[3]), np.linalg.norm(poly[1] - poly[2]))
        poly_w = min(np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[1]), np.linalg.norm(poly[2] - poly[3]))
        if min(poly_h, poly_w) < config.min_text_size:
            cv2.fillPoly(overly_small_text_region_training_mask, poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 0)
        if tag:
            cv2.fillPoly(overly_small_text_region_training_mask, poly.astype(np.int32)[np.newaxis, :, :], 0)

        xy_in_poly = np.argwhere(shrinked_poly_mask == (poly_idx + 1))
        # if geometry == 'RBOX':
        # generate a parallelogram for any combination of two vertices
        fitted_parallelograms = []
        for i in range(4):
            p0 = poly[i]
            p1 = poly[(i + 1) % 4]
            p2 = poly[(i + 2) % 4]
            p3 = poly[(i + 3) % 4]
            edge = fit_line([p0[0], p1[0]], [p0[1], p1[1]]) #[k, -1, b], [1., 0., -p1[0]] if p1[0] == p1[1]:
            backward_edge = fit_line([p0[0], p3[0]], [p0[1], p3[1]])
            forward_edge = fit_line([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]])
            #p2 到p0-p1的距离》p3 到p0-p1的距离
            if point_dist_to_line(p0, p1, p2) > point_dist_to_line(p0, p1, p3):
                # 经过p2平行于p0-p1的直线
                if edge[1] == 0:
                    edge_opposite = [1, 0, -p2[0]]
                    edge_opposite = [edge[0], -1, p2[1] - edge[0] * p2[0]]
                # # 经过p3平行于p0-p1的直线
                if edge[1] == 0:
                    edge_opposite = [1, 0, -p3[0]]
                    edge_opposite = [edge[0], -1, p3[1] - edge[0] * p3[0]]
            # move forward edge
            new_p0 = p0
            new_p1 = p1
            new_p2 = p2
            new_p3 = p3
            new_p2 = line_cross_point(forward_edge, edge_opposite) #p2-p3直线与p1-p2的交点
            if point_dist_to_line(p1, new_p2, p0) > point_dist_to_line(p1, new_p2, p3):
                # across p0
                if forward_edge[1] == 0:
                    forward_opposite = [1, 0, -p0[0]]
                    forward_opposite = [forward_edge[0], -1, p0[1] - forward_edge[0] * p0[0]]
                # across p3
                if forward_edge[1] == 0:
                    forward_opposite = [1, 0, -p3[0]]
                    forward_opposite = [forward_edge[0], -1, p3[1] - forward_edge[0] * p3[0]]
            new_p0 = line_cross_point(forward_opposite, edge)
            new_p3 = line_cross_point(forward_opposite, edge_opposite)
            fitted_parallelograms.append([new_p0, new_p1, new_p2, new_p3, new_p0])
            # or move backward edge
            new_p0 = p0
            new_p1 = p1
            new_p2 = p2
            new_p3 = p3
            new_p3 = line_cross_point(backward_edge, edge_opposite) #p2-p3直线与p0-p3的交点
            if point_dist_to_line(p0, p3, p1) > point_dist_to_line(p0, p3, p2):
                # across p1
                if backward_edge[1] == 0:
                    backward_opposite = [1, 0, -p1[0]]
                    backward_opposite = [backward_edge[0], -1, p1[1] - backward_edge[0] * p1[0]]
                # across p2
                if backward_edge[1] == 0:
                    backward_opposite = [1, 0, -p2[0]]
                    backward_opposite = [backward_edge[0], -1, p2[1] - backward_edge[0] * p2[0]]
            new_p1 = line_cross_point(backward_opposite, edge)
            new_p2 = line_cross_point(backward_opposite, edge_opposite)
            fitted_parallelograms.append([new_p0, new_p1, new_p2, new_p3, new_p0])
        areas = [Polygon(t).area for t in fitted_parallelograms] #计算所有拟合四边形的面积
        parallelogram = np.array(fitted_parallelograms[np.argmin(areas)][:-1], dtype=np.float32) #取最小的
        # sort thie polygon
        parallelogram_coord_sum = np.sum(parallelogram, axis=1) #分别对x和y坐标求和
        min_coord_idx = np.argmin(parallelogram_coord_sum) #x,y的极小值
        parallelogram = parallelogram[
            [min_coord_idx, (min_coord_idx + 1) % 4, (min_coord_idx + 2) % 4, (min_coord_idx + 3) % 4]]

        rectange = rectangle_from_parallelogram(parallelogram) #最小外接旋转矩形
        rectange, rotate_angle = sort_rectangle(rectange)#最小外接旋转矩形顶点顺时针排序

        p0_rect, p1_rect, p2_rect, p3_rect = rectange
        for y, x in xy_in_poly:
            point = np.array([x, y], dtype=np.float32)
            # top
            geo_map[y, x, 0] = point_dist_to_line(p0_rect, p1_rect, point)
            # right
            geo_map[y, x, 1] = point_dist_to_line(p1_rect, p2_rect, point)
            # down
            geo_map[y, x, 2] = point_dist_to_line(p2_rect, p3_rect, point)
            # left
            geo_map[y, x, 3] = point_dist_to_line(p3_rect, p0_rect, point)
            # angle
            geo_map[y, x, 4] = rotate_angle

    shrinked_poly_mask = (shrinked_poly_mask > 0).astype('uint8')
    text_region_boundary_training_mask = 1 - (orig_poly_mask - shrinked_poly_mask)

    return score_map, geo_map, overly_small_text_region_training_mask, text_region_boundary_training_mask
def shrink_poly(poly, r):
    fit a poly inside the origin poly, maybe bugs here...
    used for generating the score map
    :param poly: the text poly
    :param r: r in the paper
    :return: the shrinked poly
    # shrink ratio
    R = 0.3
    # find the longer pair
    if np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[1]) + np.linalg.norm(poly[2] - poly[3]) > \
                    np.linalg.norm(poly[0] - poly[3]) + np.linalg.norm(poly[1] - poly[2]):
        # first move (p0, p1), (p2, p3), then (p0, p3), (p1, p2)
        ## p0, p1
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[1][1] - poly[0][1]), (poly[1][0] - poly[0][0]))
        poly[0][0] += R * r[0] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[0][1] += R * r[0] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[1][0] -= R * r[1] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[1][1] -= R * r[1] * np.sin(theta)
        ## p2, p3
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[2][1] - poly[3][1]), (poly[2][0] - poly[3][0]))
        poly[3][0] += R * r[3] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[3][1] += R * r[3] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[2][0] -= R * r[2] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[2][1] -= R * r[2] * np.sin(theta)
        ## p0, p3
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[3][0] - poly[0][0]), (poly[3][1] - poly[0][1]))
        poly[0][0] += R * r[0] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[0][1] += R * r[0] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[3][0] -= R * r[3] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[3][1] -= R * r[3] * np.cos(theta)
        ## p1, p2
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[2][0] - poly[1][0]), (poly[2][1] - poly[1][1]))
        poly[1][0] += R * r[1] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[1][1] += R * r[1] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[2][0] -= R * r[2] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[2][1] -= R * r[2] * np.cos(theta)
        ## p0, p3
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[3][0] - poly[0][0]), (poly[3][1] - poly[0][1]))
        poly[0][0] += R * r[0] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[0][1] += R * r[0] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[3][0] -= R * r[3] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[3][1] -= R * r[3] * np.cos(theta)
        ## p1, p2
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[2][0] - poly[1][0]), (poly[2][1] - poly[1][1]))
        poly[1][0] += R * r[1] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[1][1] += R * r[1] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[2][0] -= R * r[2] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[2][1] -= R * r[2] * np.cos(theta)
        ## p0, p1
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[1][1] - poly[0][1]), (poly[1][0] - poly[0][0]))
        poly[0][0] += R * r[0] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[0][1] += R * r[0] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[1][0] -= R * r[1] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[1][1] -= R * r[1] * np.sin(theta)
        ## p2, p3
        theta = np.arctan2((poly[2][1] - poly[3][1]), (poly[2][0] - poly[3][0]))
        poly[3][0] += R * r[3] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[3][1] += R * r[3] * np.sin(theta)
        poly[2][0] -= R * r[2] * np.cos(theta)
        poly[2][1] -= R * r[2] * np.sin(theta)
    return poly
def fit_line(p1, p2):
    # fit a line ax+by+c = 0
    if p1[0] == p1[1]:
        return [1., 0., -p1[0]]
        [k, b] = np.polyfit(p1, p2, deg=1)
        return [k, -1., b]





λg 用于平衡分类损失和回归损失,设为1

在大多数最先进的检测算法中,训练图像通过平衡采样和hard negative mining 精心处理,以解决目标物体的不平衡分布[9,28]。这样做可能会提高网络性能。然而,使用这些技术不可避免地引入了不可微分的阶段和更多的参数来调谐和更复杂的pipline,这与我们的设计原理相矛盾。




这种平衡的交叉熵损失首先在Yao等人的文本检测中被采用。 [41]作为得分图预测的目标函数。它在实践中运作良好。

以下代码为激活函数为sigmoid时的损失(dice loss),它的收敛速度会比类平衡交叉熵快

def east_dice_loss(overly_small_text_region_training_mask, text_region_boundary_training_mask, loss_weight, small_text_weight):
    def loss(y_true, y_pred):
        eps = 1e-5
        _training_mask = keras.backend.minimum(overly_small_text_region_training_mask + small_text_weight, 1) * text_region_boundary_training_mask
        intersection = backend.reduce_sum(y_true * y_pred * _training_mask)
        union = backend.reduce_sum(y_true * _training_mask) + backend.reduce_sum(y_pred * _training_mask) + eps
        loss = 1. - (2. * intersection / union)
        return loss * loss_weight
    return loss
    if multi_gpu > 1:
        from keras.utils import multi_gpu_model
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            model = model_with_weights(backbone_east(modifier=modifier, config=config),
                                       weights=weights, skip_mismatch=True)
        training_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=multi_gpu)
        model          = model_with_weights(backbone_east(modifier=modifier, config=config),
                                        weights=weights, skip_mismatch=True)
        training_model = model

    # make prediction model
    prediction_model = convert_model(model, 'east')

    score_map_loss_weight = keras.backend.variable(0.01, name='score_map_loss_weight')
    small_text_weight = keras.backend.variable(0., name='small_text_weight')

    # compile model
        loss=[losses.east_dice_loss(model.inputs[1], model.inputs[2], score_map_loss_weight, small_text_weight),
              losses.east_rbox_loss(model.inputs[1], model.inputs[2], small_text_weight, model.inputs[3])],
        loss_weights=[1., 1.],
        optimizer=keras.optimizers.adam(lr=lr, clipnorm=0.001)

    return model, training_model, prediction_model



RBOX 对于AABB部分,我们采用[46]中的IoU损失,因为它对不同尺度的物体是不变的。

其中R代表预测的AABB几何,R * 代表其相应的ground truth。 很容易看出相交矩形的宽度和高度 |R∩R* | 是


因此,可以容易地计算交叉/联合区域。 接下来,旋转角度的损失计算为

其中θ是对旋转角度的预测,θ*表示GT。 最后,整体几何损失是AABB损失和角度损失的加权和,由下式给出

请注意,无论旋转角度如何,我们都会计算LAABB 。 当角度被完美预测时,这可以看作是四边形IoU的近似值。 虽然在训练期间并非如此,但它仍然可以为网络施加正确的梯度以学习预测R.

def east_rbox_loss(overly_small_text_region_training_mask, text_region_boundary_training_mask, small_text_weight, target_score_map):
    def loss(y_true, y_pred):
        # d1 -> top, d2->right, d3->bottom, d4->left
        d1_gt, d2_gt, d3_gt, d4_gt, theta_gt = backend.split(value=y_true, num_or_size_splits=5, axis=3)
        d1_pred, d2_pred, d3_pred, d4_pred, theta_pred = backend.split(value=y_pred, num_or_size_splits=5, axis=3)
        area_gt = (d1_gt + d3_gt) * (d2_gt + d4_gt)
        area_pred = (d1_pred + d3_pred) * (d2_pred + d4_pred)
        w_union = keras.backend.minimum(d2_gt, d2_pred) + keras.backend.minimum(d4_gt, d4_pred)
        h_union = keras.backend.minimum(d1_gt, d1_pred) + keras.backend.minimum(d3_gt, d3_pred)
        area_intersect = w_union * h_union
        area_union = area_gt + area_pred - area_intersect
        L_AABB = -keras.backend.log((area_intersect + 1.0)/(area_union + 1.0))
        L_theta = 1 - keras.backend.cos(theta_pred - theta_gt)
        L_g = L_AABB + 20 * L_theta
        _training_mask = keras.backend.minimum(overly_small_text_region_training_mask + small_text_weight, 1) * text_region_boundary_training_mask
        return backend.reduce_mean(L_g * target_score_map * _training_mask)
    return loss


通过添加为单词四边形设计的额外归一化项来扩展smooth-L1损失,这通常在一个更长方向上。 设Q的所有坐标值都是有序集:

其中归一化项NQ *是四边形的短边长度,由下式给出

且PQ是具有不同顶点排序的Q *的所有等效四边形的集合。 由于公共训练数据集中的四边形注释不一致,因此需要这种排序排列。



class East:
    def __init__(self,
                 show_log = True,
        self.weight_path = weight_path
        self.show_log = show_log

        self.model = ResNetBackbone("resnet50").east(isTest=True, input_size=512)
        if self.show_log:
        self.model.load_weights(self.weight_path, by_name=True)

    def detect_img_path(self, path):
        image = read_image_bgr(path)
        return self.detect_rgbimg(image)

    def detect_rgbimg(self,img):
        img_resized, (ratio_h, ratio_w) = self.resize_image(img)
        img_resized = preprocess_image(img_resized, mode='tf-1to1')

        timer = {'net': 0, 'restore': 0, 'nms': 0}
        start = time.time()
        score_map, geo_map = self.model.predict(img_resized[np.newaxis, :, :, :])

        timer['net'] = time.time() - start

        boxes, timer = self.detect(score_map=score_map, geo_map=geo_map, timer=timer)
        if boxes is not None:
            boxes = boxes[:, :8].reshape((-1, 4, 2))
            boxes[:, :, 0] /= ratio_w
            boxes[:, :, 1] /= ratio_h
        duration = time.time() - start
        print('[timing] {}'.format(duration))
        return boxes

    def detect_with_show(self, path):
        image = read_image_rgb(path)
        boxes = self.detect_rgbimg(image)
        for box in boxes:
            # to avoid submitting errors
            box = self.sort_poly(box.astype(np.int32))
            if np.linalg.norm(box[0] - box[1]) < 5 or np.linalg.norm(box[3] - box[0]) < 5:
            cv2.polylines(image, [box.astype(np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))], True, color=(255, 255, 0),


    def resize_image(self, im, max_side_len=2400):
        resize image to a size multiple of 32 which is required by the network
        :param im: the resized image
        :param max_side_len: limit of max image size to avoid out of memory in gpu
        :return: the resized image and the resize ratio
        h, w, _ = im.shape

        resize_w = w
        resize_h = h

        # limit the max side
        if max(resize_h, resize_w) > max_side_len:
            ratio = float(max_side_len) / resize_h if resize_h > resize_w else float(max_side_len) / resize_w
            ratio = 1.
        resize_h = int(resize_h * ratio)
        resize_w = int(resize_w * ratio)

        resize_h = resize_h if resize_h % 32 == 0 else (resize_h // 32) * 32
        resize_w = resize_w if resize_w % 32 == 0 else (resize_w // 32) * 32
        im = cv2.resize(im, (int(resize_w), int(resize_h)))

        ratio_h = resize_h / float(h)
        ratio_w = resize_w / float(w)

        return im, (ratio_h, ratio_w)

    def sort_poly(self, p):
        min_axis = np.argmin(np.sum(p, axis=1))
        p = p[[min_axis, (min_axis + 1) % 4, (min_axis + 2) % 4, (min_axis + 3) % 4]]
        if abs(p[0, 0] - p[1, 0]) > abs(p[0, 1] - p[1, 1]):
            return p
            return p[[0, 3, 2, 1]]

    def detect(self, score_map, geo_map, timer, score_map_thresh=0.8, box_thresh=0.1, nms_thres=0.2):
        restore text boxes from score map and geo map
        :param score_map:
        :param geo_map:
        :param timer:
        :param score_map_thresh: threshhold for score map
        :param box_thresh: threshhold for boxes
        :param nms_thres: threshold for nms
        if len(score_map.shape) == 4:
            score_map = score_map[0, :, :, 0]
            geo_map = geo_map[0, :, :, ]
        # filter the score map
        xy_text = np.argwhere(score_map > score_map_thresh)
        # sort the text boxes via the y axis
        xy_text = xy_text[np.argsort(xy_text[:, 0])]
        # restore
        start = time.time()
        text_box_restored = restore_rectangle(xy_text[:, ::-1] * 4, geo_map[xy_text[:, 0], xy_text[:, 1], :])  # N*4*2
        print('{} text boxes before nms'.format(text_box_restored.shape[0]))
        boxes = np.zeros((text_box_restored.shape[0], 9), dtype=np.float32)
        boxes[:, :8] = text_box_restored.reshape((-1, 8))
        boxes[:, 8] = score_map[xy_text[:, 0], xy_text[:, 1]]
        timer['restore'] = time.time() - start
        # nms part
        start = time.time()
        boxes = nms_locality(boxes.astype(np.float64), nms_thres)
        # boxes = lanms.merge_quadrangle_n9(boxes.astype('float32'), nms_thres)
        timer['nms'] = time.time() - start

        if boxes.shape[0] == 0:
            return None, timer

        # here we filter some low score boxes by the average score map, this is different from the orginal paper
        for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
            mask = np.zeros_like(score_map, dtype=np.uint8)
            cv2.fillPoly(mask, box[:8].reshape((-1, 4, 2)).astype(np.int32) // 4, 1)
            boxes[i, 8] = cv2.mean(score_map, mask)[0]
        boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 8] > box_thresh]

        return boxes, timer

def restore_rectangle_rbox(origin, geometry):
    d = geometry[:, :4]
    angle = geometry[:, 4]
    # for angle > 0
    origin_0 = origin[angle >= 0]
    d_0 = d[angle >= 0]
    angle_0 = angle[angle >= 0]
    if origin_0.shape[0] > 0:
        p = np.array([np.zeros(d_0.shape[0]), -d_0[:, 0] - d_0[:, 2],
                      d_0[:, 1] + d_0[:, 3], -d_0[:, 0] - d_0[:, 2],
                      d_0[:, 1] + d_0[:, 3], np.zeros(d_0.shape[0]),
                      np.zeros(d_0.shape[0]), np.zeros(d_0.shape[0]),
                      d_0[:, 3], -d_0[:, 2]])
        p = p.transpose((1, 0)).reshape((-1, 5, 2))  # N*5*2

        rotate_matrix_x = np.array([np.cos(angle_0), np.sin(angle_0)]).transpose((1, 0))
        rotate_matrix_x = np.repeat(rotate_matrix_x, 5, axis=1).reshape(-1, 2, 5).transpose((0, 2, 1))  # N*5*2

        rotate_matrix_y = np.array([-np.sin(angle_0), np.cos(angle_0)]).transpose((1, 0))
        rotate_matrix_y = np.repeat(rotate_matrix_y, 5, axis=1).reshape(-1, 2, 5).transpose((0, 2, 1))

        p_rotate_x = np.sum(rotate_matrix_x * p, axis=2)[:, :, np.newaxis]  # N*5*1
        p_rotate_y = np.sum(rotate_matrix_y * p, axis=2)[:, :, np.newaxis]  # N*5*1

        p_rotate = np.concatenate([p_rotate_x, p_rotate_y], axis=2)  # N*5*2

        p3_in_origin = origin_0 - p_rotate[:, 4, :]
        new_p0 = p_rotate[:, 0, :] + p3_in_origin  # N*2
        new_p1 = p_rotate[:, 1, :] + p3_in_origin
        new_p2 = p_rotate[:, 2, :] + p3_in_origin
        new_p3 = p_rotate[:, 3, :] + p3_in_origin

        new_p_0 = np.concatenate([new_p0[:, np.newaxis, :], new_p1[:, np.newaxis, :],
                                  new_p2[:, np.newaxis, :], new_p3[:, np.newaxis, :]], axis=1)  # N*4*2
        new_p_0 = np.zeros((0, 4, 2))
    # for angle < 0
    origin_1 = origin[angle < 0]
    d_1 = d[angle < 0]
    angle_1 = angle[angle < 0]
    if origin_1.shape[0] > 0:
        p = np.array([-d_1[:, 1] - d_1[:, 3], -d_1[:, 0] - d_1[:, 2],
                      np.zeros(d_1.shape[0]), -d_1[:, 0] - d_1[:, 2],
                      np.zeros(d_1.shape[0]), np.zeros(d_1.shape[0]),
                      -d_1[:, 1] - d_1[:, 3], np.zeros(d_1.shape[0]),
                      -d_1[:, 1], -d_1[:, 2]])
        p = p.transpose((1, 0)).reshape((-1, 5, 2))  # N*5*2

        rotate_matrix_x = np.array([np.cos(-angle_1), -np.sin(-angle_1)]).transpose((1, 0))
        rotate_matrix_x = np.repeat(rotate_matrix_x, 5, axis=1).reshape(-1, 2, 5).transpose((0, 2, 1))  # N*5*2

        rotate_matrix_y = np.array([np.sin(-angle_1), np.cos(-angle_1)]).transpose((1, 0))
        rotate_matrix_y = np.repeat(rotate_matrix_y, 5, axis=1).reshape(-1, 2, 5).transpose((0, 2, 1))

        p_rotate_x = np.sum(rotate_matrix_x * p, axis=2)[:, :, np.newaxis]  # N*5*1
        p_rotate_y = np.sum(rotate_matrix_y * p, axis=2)[:, :, np.newaxis]  # N*5*1

        p_rotate = np.concatenate([p_rotate_x, p_rotate_y], axis=2)  # N*5*2

        p3_in_origin = origin_1 - p_rotate[:, 4, :]
        new_p0 = p_rotate[:, 0, :] + p3_in_origin  # N*2
        new_p1 = p_rotate[:, 1, :] + p3_in_origin
        new_p2 = p_rotate[:, 2, :] + p3_in_origin
        new_p3 = p_rotate[:, 3, :] + p3_in_origin

        new_p_1 = np.concatenate([new_p0[:, np.newaxis, :], new_p1[:, np.newaxis, :],
                                  new_p2[:, np.newaxis, :], new_p3[:, np.newaxis, :]], axis=1)  # N*4*2
        new_p_1 = np.zeros((0, 4, 2))
    return np.concatenate([new_p_0, new_p_1])
def restore_rectangle(origin, geometry):
    return restore_rectangle_rbox(origin, geometry)








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