Unity3D Shader官方教程翻译(八)----Shader语法:Pass的纹理处理

ShaderLab syntax: Texturing

After the basic vertex lighting has been calculated, textures are applied. In ShaderLab this is done usingSetTexture command.


SetTexture commands have no effect when fragment programs are used; as in that case pixel operations are completely described in the shader.

当使用片段编程SetTexture 命令无效。在这种情况下shader里面完全描述像素级操作。


Texturing is the place to do old-style combiner effects. You can have multiple SetTexture commands inside a pass- all textures are applied in sequence, like layers in a painting program. SetTexture commands must be placed at the end of a Pass.

纹理处理是在做旧式的合并效果。你可以在1个pass中使用多个SetTexture命令--所有的纹理都在一个队列当中,就像多个图层在1个绘图程序中一样。SetTexture 命令必须处在Pass的末尾。


SetTexture  [TexturePropertyName]  {  Texture Block  }
A s sign s a texture.  TextureName mu st be defined a s a texture property. How to apply the texture i s defined in side the  TextureBlock.
指派一个纹理, TextureName 必须是被当做纹理的属性来定义。在 TextureBlock中设置如何定义这个纹理。

The texture block controls how the texture is applied. Inside the texture block can be up to three commands:combinematrix and constantColor.

TextureBlock控制了如何设置这些纹理。在这个块中可以使用3个命令:combinematrix , constantColor.

Texture block combine command

combine 命令

combine  src1 *  src2
Multiplie s  src1 and  src2 together. The re sult will be darker than either input.
src1和 src2相乘,结果纹理将比输入纹理更暗。
combine  src1 +  src2
Add s  src1 and  src2 together. The re sult will be lighter than either input.
src1和 src2相加,结果纹理将比输入纹理更明亮。
combine  src1 -  src2
Subtract s  src2 from  src1.
src1和 src2相减
combine  src1 +-  src2
Add s  src1 to  src2, then  subtract s 0.5 (a  signed add). 
src1和 src2相加,然后减去0.5( 符号相加)
combine  src1  lerp ( src2src3
Interpolate s between  src3 and  src1, u sing the alpha of  src2. Note that the interpolation i s oppo site direction: src1 i s u sed when alpha i s one, and  src3 i s u sed when alpha i s zero. 
src3和 src1之间做插值,使用 src2的alpha值。请注意插值是相反的方向,当alpha为1 src1使用,当alpha为0 src3使用。
combine  src1 *  src2 +  src3
Multiplie s  src1 with the alpha component of  src2, then add s  src3. 
src1与 src2的alpha值混合,然后添加 src3.
combine  src1 *  src2 +-  src3
Multiplie s  src1 with the alpha component of  src2, then doe s a  signed add with  src3. 
src1与 src2的alpha值混合,然后和 符号的 src3相加.
combine  src1 *  src2 -  src3
Multiplie s  src1 with the alpha component of  src2, then  subtract s  src3.
src1和 src2的alpha值相乘,然后和 src3相减。

All the src properties can be either one of previousconstantprimary or texture.

所有的src属性可以是previousconstantprimary 或texture

  • Previous is the the result of the previous SetTexture. 在使用SetTexture命令之前的纹理
  • Primary is the color from the lighting calculation or the vertex color if it is bound.  从光照计算或者受限的顶点颜色中得到的颜色
  • Texture is the color of the texture specified by [_TextureName] in the SetTexture (see above). 从SetTexture [_TextureName]中指定的纹理颜色
  • Constant is the color specified in ConstantColor. 常量颜色从ConstantColor设置中得到
Modifier s修正:
  • The formulas specified above can optionally be followed by the keywords Double or Quad to make the resulting color 2x or 4x as bright.
  • 上述所有的公式可以选择设置关键词Double或者Quad使结果的颜色2倍或者4倍明亮。
  • All the src properties, except lerp argument, can optionally be preceded by one - to make the resulting color negated.
  • 所有的src属性,除lerp外,可以使用符号-来使最终颜色反相。
  • All the src properties can be followed by alpha to take only the alpha channel.
  • 所有的src属性后面可以有且仅有1个alpha.

Texture block constantColor command 常量颜色命令

ConstantColor  color
Define s a con stant color that can be u sed in the combine command.

Texture block matrix command

matrix  [MatrixPropertyName]
Tran sform s texture coordinate s u sed in thi s command with the given matrix.

Details 详情

Older graphics cards use a layered approach to textures. The textures are applied one after each other, modifying the color that will be written to the screen. For each texture, the texture is typically combined with the result of the previous operation.



Note that on "true fixed function" devices (OpenGL, OpenGL ES 1.1, Wii) the value of each SetTexture stage isclamped to 0..1 range. Everywhere else (Direct3D, OpenGL ES 2.0) the range may or may not be higher. This might affect SetTexture stages that can produce values higher than 1.0.

请注意,“真正的固定功能"设备(OpenGL ES1.1,wii,OpenGL)中,每个SetTexture阶段的值限制在0 ..1范围内。在其他地方(Direct3D,OpenGL ES 2.0)的范围可能会或可能不会更高。这可能会影响SetTexture阶段,因为可以产生值高于1.0的值。

Separate Alpha & Color computation 单独的Alpha计算和颜色计算

By default, the combiner formula is used for calculating both the RGB and alpha component of the color. Optionally, you can specify a separate formula for the alpha calculation. This looks like this:


SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine previous * texture, previous + texture }

Here, we multiply the RGB colors and add the alpha.


Specular highlights

By default the primary color is the sum of the diffuse, ambient and specular colors (as defined in the Lighting calculation). If you specify SeparateSpecular On in the pass options, the specular color will be added inafter the combiner calculation, rather than before. This is the default behavior of the built-in VertexLit shader.

默认情况下,主色是漫反射光,环境和镜面的颜色(如在光照计算中定义的)的总和。如果你在pass中指定SeparateSpecular on ,镜面反色光的颜色将在合并计算结束后加入,而不是之前。这是内置的VertexLit(顶点光照)着色器的默认行为。

Graphics hardware support 显卡硬件支持

Some old graphics cards might not support some texture combine modes, and different cards have different number of SetTexture stages available. The shader author should write separate SubShaders for the cards he or she wants to support.


Graphics cards with pixel shader 1.1 support (NVIDIA GeForce 3 and up, ATI Radeon 8500 and up, Intel 9xx) support all combiner modes and have at least 4 texture stages available. The following table summarizes the hardwaresupport:

支持像素着色器1.1的显卡(NVIDIA公司的GeForce3时,ATI RADEON 8500及以上,英特尔9XX),支持所有合模式,并有至少有4个纹理阶段。下表总结了硬件支持:

Card Stage count Combiner modes not supported
NVIDIA GeForce 3/4Ti and up 4 In OpenGL on Windowssrc1*src2-src3 is notsupported
NVIDIA TNT2, GeForce 256, GeForce 2, GeForce 4MX 2 In OpenGL on Windowssrc1*src2-src3 is notsupported
ATI Radeon 9500 and up 4-8 8 in OpenGL, 4 in D3D9
ATI Radeon 8500-9250 4-6 6 in OpenGL, 4 in D3D9
ATI Radeon 7500 3  
ATI Rage 2 src1*src2+src3 

Examples 例子

Alpha Blending Two Textures  2个纹理的Alpha混合

This small examples takes two textures. First it sets the first combiner to just take the _MainTex, then isuses the alpha channel of _BlendTex to fade in the RGB colors of _BlendTex


Shader "Examples/2 Alpha Blended Textures" {
    Properties {
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
        _BlendTex ("Alpha Blended (RGBA) ", 2D) = "white" {}
    SubShader {
        Pass {
            // Apply base texture 设置基础纹理
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine texture
            // Blend in the alpha texture using the lerp operator 使用插值操作混合alpha纹理
            SetTexture [_BlendTex] {
                combine texture lerp (texture) previous

Alpha Controlled Self-illumination  alpha控制的自发光

This shader uses the alpha component of the _MainTex to decide where to apply lighting. It does this by applying the texture to two stages; In the firsstage, the alpha value of the texture is used to blend between the vertex color and solid white. In the second stage, the RGB values of the texture are multiplied in.


Shader "Examples/Self-Illumination" {
    Properties {
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB) Self-Illumination (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
    SubShader {
        Pass {
            // Set up basic white vertex lighting
            Material {
                Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
                Ambient (1,1,1,1)
            Lighting On
            // Use texture alpha to blend up to white (= full illumination)使用纹理alpha和白色混合
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                constantColor (1,1,1,1)
                combine constant lerp(texture) previous
            // Multiply in texture
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine previous * texture

We can do something else for free here, though; instead of blending to solid white, we can add a self-illumination color and blend to that. Note the use of ConstantColor to get a _SolidColor from the propertiesinto the texture blending.


Shader "Examples/Self-Illumination 2" {
    Properties {
        _IlluminCol ("Self-Illumination color (RGB)", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB) Self-Illumination (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
    SubShader {
        Pass {
            // Set up basic white vertex lighting
            Material {
                Diffuse (1,1,1,1)
                Ambient (1,1,1,1)
            Lighting On
            // Use texture alpha to blend up to white (= full illumination)
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                // Pull the color property into this blender
                constantColor [_IlluminCol]
                // And use the texture's alpha to blend between it and
                // vertex color
                combine constant lerp(texture) previous
            // Multiply in texture
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine previous * texture

And finally, we take all the lighting properties of the vertexlit shader and pull that in:


Shader "Examples/Self-Illumination 3" {
    Properties {
        _IlluminCol ("Self-Illumination color (RGB)", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0)
        _SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
        _Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
    SubShader {
        Pass {
            // Set up basic vertex lighting
            Material {
                Diffuse [_Color]
                Ambient [_Color]
                Shininess [_Shininess]
                Specular [_SpecColor]
                Emission [_Emission]
            Lighting On
            // Use texture alpha to blend up to white (= full illumination)
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                constantColor [_IlluminCol]
                combine constant lerp(texture) previous
            // Multiply in texture
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine previous * texture

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