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coding in delphi 2015 ,最新英文版。Well, here we are again.This book is to follow my first book, Coding in Delphi. I was humbled and pleased by the reception it received, and so I decided to give book writing another shot. The first book didn’t have many screen shots of forms and such. The focus was on the code. Ultimately, that’s what we developers produce, right? I thought it would be a good idea to write another book of the same ilk because, well, the first one worked out really well and because there was a lot more to write about. However, this one will have a few screen shots in it, as there are some coding principles – parallel programming comes to mind – where a simple console application won’t quite illustrate things well. So this book will have some VCL applications in the demo code. I’ve actually broken down and included an entire chapter on VCL component writing. My friend, Bob Dawson, suggested that it has been quite a while since anyone wrote about components, and I decided he was right. So we’ll get a chapter covering the latest techniques on building the immortal TSmiley. But the focus will remain, as always, on the code. One of the reasons that I’ve written these books is that they force me to learn new things. I’ll be honest: at the start of the first book, I didn’t always know enough to write a complete chapter on the topic at hand (cough, parallel programming, cough, cough). But I used writing about the topic as an opportunity to learn all I could and share it with you. The same is true of this book – I’ve learned a lot in writing it. This seems to work well, as we both end up smarter. I love learning, and I assume you do, too, because you bought this book. They say that you never really know a topic until you have to teach it, and these books are my way of teaching to learn, in addition to giving back to the Delphi community that has given me so much. Another aspect to this book is that it uses a number of open source frameworks to teach the principles
This book will change your life. That’s a strange thing to say about a computer book but, as sure as you are reading this introduction, your life will be different by the time you finish the book. You will think differently and you will approach problems differently. You see, your computer is not a lifeless piece of machinery. It is a dynamic tool that interacts with your very thought processes. Whenever you use a computer it becomes, for better or for worse, an extension of your mind. This means that, over an extended period of time, the computer system you use changes how you think. Indeed, we might classify systems as mentally “good” or “bad” depending on how they affect the minds of their users. In this sense, Unix is, without a doubt, the very best computer system ever invented (and Linux is a type of Unix). When you use Unix, you are not working with a machine. You are working with the people who designed Unix. Every line and every picture you see on your monitor was put there by a person. Every tool you use was invented by a person. Every technical term and every concept you learn was created by a person. When you use Unix, you are interacting with these people, just as surely as you are interacting with me as you read this page. Unix and Linux are wonderful because they were developed by bright, creative people who delighted in thinking well. These people were not only very, very smart; they knew what they were doing and they loved their work. This means that, whenever you use a Unix or Linux system, you are forging a mental relationship with some of the smartest, most accomplished (and satisfied) programmers and computer scientists who ever lived. Such a partnership can’t help but have a positive effect on you. The fact is it really doesn’t matter why you want to learn Unix or Linux, or why you picked up this book. Perhaps you love computers and you have a burning desire to learn. Perhaps you are taking a class and this will be your textbook. Perhaps you have


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