




1. okvis/okvis_apps/src/okvis_app_synchronous.cpp

(1)class PoseViewer
   绘图类,PoseViewer类的主要作用是画出小黑窗口,实时显示运动轨迹,在该类中,可以定义输出数据流savetrajectory(ofstream savetrajectory),将轨迹保存在“results.txt”中。
(2)int main(int argc, char **argv)

2. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/estimator.cpp

(1)namespace okvis
   okvis Main namespace of this package.

// Constructor if a ceres map is already available. 
// 如果ceres地图已经可用,使用构造函数
Estimator::Estimator(std::shared_ptr<okvis::ceres::Map> mapPtr)

// The default constructor. 默认构造函数

// 析构函数

// Add a camera to the configuration. Sensors can only be added and never removed.
// 添加摄像机到配置中。传感器只能添加,不能移除。 
int Estimator::addCamera(const ExtrinsicsEstimationParameters & extrinsicsEstimationParameters)

// Add an IMU to the configuration.
// 添加IMU到配置中
int Estimator::addImu(const ImuParameters & imuParameters)

// Remove all cameras from the configuration
// 从配置中移除所有相机
void Estimator::clearCameras()

// Remove all IMUs from the configuration.
// 从配置中移除所有IMU
void Estimator::clearImus()

// Add a pose to the state.
// 状态添加函数 // 添加位姿状态
bool Estimator::addStates(okvis::MultiFramePtr multiFrame, 
const okvis::ImuMeasurementDeque & imuMeasurements, bool asKeyframe)

// Add a landmark.
// 添加地标点
bool Estimator::addLandmark(uint64_t landmarkId, const Eigen::Vector4d & landmark)

// Remove an observation from a landmark.
// 从地标移除观测
bool Estimator::removeObservation(::ceres::ResidualBlockId residualBlockId)

// Remove an observation from a landmark, if available.
// 如果可以,从地标中移除观测
bool Estimator::removeObservation(uint64_t landmarkId, uint64_t poseId,size_t camIdx, size_t keypointIdx)

// 模板类
template<class T>

// Applies the dropping/marginalization strategy according to the RSS'13/IJRR'14 paper.
// 根据RSS'13/IJRR'14的论文采用下降/边缘化策略。
// The new number of frames in the window will be numKeyframes+numImuFrames.
// 窗口中的新帧数 = numKeyframes + numImuFrames
// numKeyframes=5
// numImuFrames=3
bool Estimator::applyMarginalizationStrategy(size_t numKeyframes, size_t numImuFrames, okvis::MapPointVector& removedLandmarks)

// Prints state information to buffer.
// 将状态信息打印到缓冲区
void Estimator::printStates(uint64_t poseId, std::ostream & buffer)

// Initialise pose from IMU measurements. For convenience as static.
// 从IMU观测中恢复初始位姿  从IMU观测中初始化位姿 
bool Estimator::initPoseFromImu(const okvis::ImuMeasurementDeque & imuMeasurements, okvis::kinematics::Transformation & T_WS)

// Start ceres optimization.
// 开始ceres优化
// 迭代次数
// 线程数量
void Estimator::optimize(size_t numIter, size_t numThreads, bool verbose)
void Estimator::optimize(size_t numIter, size_t /*numThreads*/,
                          bool verbose) // avoid warning since numThreads unused
#warning openmp not detected, your system may be slower than expected

// Set a time limit for the optimization process.
// 为优化过程设定一个时间限制
bool Estimator::setOptimizationTimeLimit(double timeLimit, int minIterations)

// getters
// Get a specific landmark.
bool Estimator::getLandmark(uint64_t landmarkId, MapPoint& mapPoint)

// Checks whether the landmark is initialized.
// 检查路标是否初始化
bool Estimator::isLandmarkInitialized(uint64_t landmarkId)

// Get a copy of all the landmarks as a PointMap.
size_t Estimator::getLandmarks(PointMap & landmarks) 

// Get a copy of all the landmark in a MapPointVector. This is for legacy support.
// Use getLandmarks(okvis::PointMap&) if possible.
size_t Estimator::getLandmarks(MapPointVector & landmarks) 

// Get pose for a given pose ID.
// 获取给定位姿ID的位姿
bool Estimator::get_T_WS(uint64_t poseId, okvis::kinematics::Transformation & T_WS)

// Feel free to implement caching for them...
// Get speeds and IMU biases for a given pose ID.
// 获取给定位姿ID的速度和IMU偏差
bool Estimator::getSpeedAndBias(uint64_t poseId, uint64_t imuIdx, okvis::SpeedAndBias & speedAndBias) 

// Get camera states for a given pose ID.
// 获取给定位姿ID的相机状态
bool Estimator::getCameraSensorStates( uint64_t poseId, size_t cameraIdx, okvis::kinematics::Transformation & T_SCi)

// Get the ID of the current keyframe.
// 获取当前关键帧的ID
uint64_t Estimator::currentKeyframeId() 

// Get the ID of an older frame.
// 获得比当前帧早age的帧的ID
uint64_t Estimator::frameIdByAge(size_t age)

// Get the ID of the newest frame added to the state.
// 获取添加到状态的最新帧的ID
uint64_t Estimator::currentFrameId()

// Checks if a particular frame is still in the IMU window
// 检测帧是否仍在IMU的窗口中
bool Estimator::isInImuWindow(uint64_t frameId)

// Set pose for a given pose ID.
bool Estimator::set_T_WS(uint64_t poseId, const okvis::kinematics::Transformation & T_WS)

// Set the speeds and IMU biases for a given pose ID.
bool Estimator::setSpeedAndBias(uint64_t poseId, size_t imuIdx, const okvis::SpeedAndBias & speedAndBias)

// Set the transformation from sensor to camera frame for a given pose ID.
bool Estimator::setCameraSensorStates( uint64_t poseId, size_t cameraIdx, const okvis::kinematics::Transformation & T_SCi)

// Set the homogeneous coordinates for a landmark.
// 设置路标标的齐次坐标
bool Estimator::setLandmark( uint64_t landmarkId, const Eigen::Vector4d & landmark)

// Set the landmark initialization state
// 设置路标初始化状态
void Estimator::setLandmarkInitialized(uint64_t landmarkId, bool initialized)

// private stuff
// getters
bool Estimator::getGlobalStateParameterBlockPtr(
    uint64_t poseId, int stateType,
    std::shared_ptr<ceres::ParameterBlock>& stateParameterBlockPtr)

template<class PARAMETER_BLOCK_T>
bool Estimator::getGlobalStateParameterBlockAs(
    uint64_t poseId, int stateType,
    PARAMETER_BLOCK_T & stateParameterBlock) 

template<class PARAMETER_BLOCK_T>
bool Estimator::getGlobalStateEstimateAs(
    uint64_t poseId, int stateType,
    typename PARAMETER_BLOCK_T::estimate_t & state)

bool Estimator::getSensorStateParameterBlockPtr(
    uint64_t poseId, int sensorIdx, int sensorType, int stateType,
    std::shared_ptr<ceres::ParameterBlock>& stateParameterBlockPtr) 

template<class PARAMETER_BLOCK_T>
bool Estimator::getSensorStateParameterBlockAs(
    uint64_t poseId, int sensorIdx, int sensorType, int stateType,
    PARAMETER_BLOCK_T & stateParameterBlock)

template<class PARAMETER_BLOCK_T>
bool Estimator::getSensorStateEstimateAs(
    uint64_t poseId, int sensorIdx, int sensorType, int stateType,
    typename PARAMETER_BLOCK_T::estimate_t & state)

template<class PARAMETER_BLOCK_T>
bool Estimator::setGlobalStateEstimateAs(
    uint64_t poseId, int stateType,
    const typename PARAMETER_BLOCK_T::estimate_t & state)

3. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/HomogeneousPointError.cpp


4. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/HomogeneousPointLocalParameterization.cpp


5. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/HomogeneousPointParameterBlock.cpp


6. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/IdProvider.cpp

// get a unique new ID.
// 获得一个唯一的新ID
uint64_t instance::newId()

// Get the last generated ID.
// 获取最后生成的ID
uint64_t instance::currentId()

7. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/ImuError.cpp

// Construct with measurements and parameters.
// 初始IMU的误差
// imuMeasurements为从上一帧到当前帧之间所有的IMU观测值
// imuParameters为IMU的参数信息
ImuError::ImuError(const okvis::ImuMeasurementDeque & imuMeasurements,
                   const okvis::ImuParameters & imuParameters,
                   const okvis::Time& t_0, const okvis::Time& t_1)

// Propagates pose, speeds and biases with given IMU measurements.
// 预积分位置,速度和偏差
int ImuError::redoPreintegration(const okvis::kinematics::Transformation& /*T_WS*/,
                                 const okvis::SpeedAndBias & speedAndBiases)
// Propagates pose, speeds and biases with given IMU measurements.
// 利用IMU观测值更新pose、speeds、biase。
// 注意到这里propagation的covariance和jacobian均为0,仅仅用于预测,对特征点检测提供先验的T_WC:
// t_start为上一帧的时间戳,t_end为当前帧的时间戳
// T_WS、speedAndBiases为上一帧的位姿、速度和偏差
int ImuError::propagation(const okvis::ImuMeasurementDeque & imuMeasurements,
                          const okvis::ImuParameters & imuParams,
                          okvis::kinematics::Transformation& T_WS,
                          okvis::SpeedAndBias & speedAndBiases,
                          const okvis::Time & t_start,
                          const okvis::Time & t_end, covariance_t* covariance,
                          jacobian_t* jacobian) 

// This evaluates the error term and additionally computes the Jacobians.
// 这计算了误差项并计算了雅可比矩阵
bool ImuError::Evaluate(double const* const * parameters, double* residuals,
                        double** jacobians)

// This evaluates the error term and additionally computes
// the Jacobians in the minimal internal representation.
// 计算误差式和计算最小雅各比矩阵
// parameters表示相对位姿(平移向量和四元数)
// residuals为残差
// 雅克比矩阵
// 最小雅克比矩阵
bool ImuError::EvaluateWithMinimalJacobians(double const* const * parameters,
                                            double* residuals,
                                            double** jacobians,
                                            double** jacobiansMinimal)

8. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/MarginalizationError.cpp

// Set the underlying okvis::ceres::Map.
// 设置底层okvis::ceres::Map
void MarginalizationError::setMap(Map& map)

// Add some residuals to this marginalisation error. This means, they will get linearised.
// 边缘化误差中添加残差块。这意味着,它们会被线性化
bool MarginalizationError::addResidualBlocks(
    const std::vector< ::ceres::ResidualBlockId> & residualBlockIds,
    const std::vector<bool> & keepResidualBlocks)
// Add some residuals to this marginalisation error. This means, they will get linearised.
// 边缘化误差中添加残差块
// 将残差residualBlockId对应的数据块添加进信息容器parameterBlockInfos_和parameterBlockId2parameterBlockInfoIdx_中
// 计算残差residualBlockId与其数据块对应的雅各比,并利用雅各比计算海瑟矩阵,找到合适的位置插入H_,b_中
// 如果keep为false,则从优化地图中移除该残差
bool MarginalizationError::addResidualBlock(
    ::ceres::ResidualBlockId residualBlockId, bool keep)

// Checks the internal datastructure (debug)
// 检查数据结构
void MarginalizationError::check() 

// Call this in order to (re-)add this error term after whenever it had been modified.
// 得到数据块~
void MarginalizationError::getParameterBlockPtrs(
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<okvis::ceres::ParameterBlock> >& parameterBlockPtrs)

// Marginalise out a set of parameter blocks.
// 边缘化所有的数据块
// 通过舒尔消元更新H_和b_矩阵
// 从parameterBlockInfos_和parameterBlockId2parameterBlockInfoIdx_删除待边缘化数据块的元素
bool MarginalizationError::marginalizeOut(
    const std::vector<uint64_t>& parameterBlockIds,
    const std::vector<bool> & keepParameterBlocks)

9. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/PoseError.cpp

// This evaluates the error term and additionally computes
// the Jacobians in the minimal internal representation.
// 求取最小雅各比矩阵
// parameters表示位姿(四元数和平移)
// residuals表示残差
// jacobians表示雅各比矩阵
// jacobiansMinimal表示最小雅各比矩阵
bool PoseError::EvaluateWithMinimalJacobians(double const* const * parameters,
                                             double* residuals,
                                             double** jacobians,
                                             double** jacobiansMinimal)

10. okvis/okvis_ceres/src/PoseLocalParameterization.cpp

// Computes the minimal difference between a variable x and a perturbed variable x_plus_delta.
// 计算变量x和扰动变量x_plus_delta之间的最小差值
bool PoseLocalParameterization::Minus(const double* x,
                                      const double* x_plus_delta,
                                      double* delta)
// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.

bool PoseLocalParameterization::ComputeLiftJacobian(const double* x,
                                                    double* jacobian)
// Computes the minimal difference between a variable x and a perturbed variable x_plus_delta.

bool PoseLocalParameterization::minus(const double* x,
                                      const double* x_plus_delta,
                                      double* delta)
// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization::plusJacobian(const double* x,
                                             double* jacobian)

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
// 残差error对measurement求导
bool PoseLocalParameterization::liftJacobian(const double* x,
                                             double* jacobian) 

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization::ComputeJacobian(const double* x,
                                                double* jacobian) 

// Generalization of the addition operation,
//        x_plus_delta = Plus(x, delta)
//        with the condition that Plus(x, 0) = x.
bool PoseLocalParameterization3d::Plus(const double* x, const double* delta,
                                       double* x_plus_delta)

// Computes the minimal difference between a variable x and a perturbed variable x_plus_delta.
bool PoseLocalParameterization3d::Minus(const double* x,
                                        const double* x_plus_delta,
                                        double* delta)

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
bool PoseLocalParameterization3d::ComputeLiftJacobian(const double* x,
                                                      double* jacobian) 

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization3d::plusJacobian(const double* x,
                                               double* jacobian)

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
bool PoseLocalParameterization3d::liftJacobian(const double* x,
                                               double* jacobian) 

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization3d::ComputeJacobian(const double* x,
                                                  double* jacobian)

// Generalization of the addition operation,
//        x_plus_delta = Plus(x, delta)
//        with the condition that Plus(x, 0) = x.
bool PoseLocalParameterization4d::Plus(const double* x, const double* delta,
                                       double* x_plus_delta) 

// Computes the minimal difference between a variable x and a perturbed variable x_plus_delta.
bool PoseLocalParameterization4d::Minus(const double* x,
                                        const double* x_plus_delta,
                                        double* delta)

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
bool PoseLocalParameterization4d::ComputeLiftJacobian(const double* x,
                                                      double* jacobian)

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization4d::plusJacobian(const double* x,
                                               double* jacobian) 

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
bool PoseLocalParameterization4d::liftJacobian(const double* x,
                                               double* jacobian)

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization4d::ComputeJacobian(const double* x,
                                                  double* jacobian)

// Generalization of the addition operation,
//        x_plus_delta = Plus(x, delta)
//        with the condition that Plus(x, 0) = x.
bool PoseLocalParameterization2d::Plus(const double* x, const double* delta,
                                       double* x_plus_delta)

// Computes the minimal difference between a variable x and a perturbed variable x_plus_delta.
bool PoseLocalParameterization2d::Minus(const double* x,
                                        const double* x_plus_delta,
                                        double* delta)

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
bool PoseLocalParameterization2d::ComputeLiftJacobian(const double* x,
                                                      double* jacobian)

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization2d::plusJacobian(const double* x,
                                               double* jacobian)

// Computes the Jacobian from minimal space to naively overparameterised space as used by ceres.
bool PoseLocalParameterization2d::liftJacobian(const double* x,
                                               double* jacobian)

// The jacobian of Plus(x, delta) w.r.t delta at delta = 0.
bool PoseLocalParameterization2d::ComputeJacobian(const double* x,
                                                  double* jacobian)




Combining visual and inertial measurements has become popular in mobile robotics, since the two sensing modalities offer complementary characteristics that make them the ideal choice for accurate Visual-Inertial Odometry or Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). While historically the problem has been addressed with filtering, advancements in visual estimation suggest that non-linear optimization offers superior accuracy, while still tractable in complexity thanks to the sparsity of the underlying problem. Taking inspiration from these findings, we formulate a rigorously probabilistic cost function that combines reprojection errors of landmarks and inertial terms. The problem is kept tractable and thus ensuring real-time operation by limiting the optimization to a bounded window of keyframes through marginalization. Keyframes may be spaced in time by arbitrary intervals, while still related by linearized inertial terms. We present evaluation results on complementary datasets recorded with our custom-built stereo visual-inertial hardware that accurately synchronizes accelerometer and gyroscope measurements with imagery. A comparison of both a stereo and monocular version of our algorithm with and without online extrinsics estimation is shown with respect to ground truth. Furthermore, we compare the performance to an implementation of a state-of-the-art stochasic cloning sliding-window filter. This competititve reference implementation performs tightly-coupled filtering-based visual-inertial odometry. While our approach declaredly demands more computation, we show its superior performance in terms of accuracy.




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