SharePoint2013 IT Professional - Content Type Hub

企业在使用SharePoint时,会对每个部门分配的Site Collection根据需要自定义Content Type使用,在Content Type里规划Column和一些属性值,如果遇到一些比较common的很多部门都想使用的Content Type,正常情况下IT就需要在每个Site Collection中创建一遍,之后如果维护也需要每个都做update,这样对IT来说是比较繁重的任务。


那对于这样的情景,其实我们可以使用SharePoint Managed Metadata ServiceContent Type Hub解决,它提供了一个可以集中发布和管理Content TypeSite CollectionIT管理员可以透过此Site Collection实现在整个SharePoint Farm中共享一组Content Type,凡是“订阅”了Content Type Hub的其他Site Collection,就可以自动将PublishContent Type同步到自己的Site Content Type中使用。


我们来看下ContentType Hub的具体使用方法:

  1. 登录SharePoint Center Administration-> Application Management-> Manage Service Applications

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Central Administration Application Management System Settlngs Momtonng Backup and Restore ( 8 ) The SharePoint Health Analyzer has dete Application Management Manage web applications Create site collections Manage service appllcations Manage content databases

  1. 点击RobbinNew Button,在下拉列表中选Managed Metadata Service新建Managed Service Application,在弹出窗口中的Content Type Hub填写Site Collection URL作为Content Type发布中心;

Machine generated alternative text:Create New Managed Metadata Service 鬮 Specify the na m e databases, application p00 丨 and content settings for this Managed Metadata Sennce. SewIce. You Can Choose an existing application p00 丨 0 r create a new 0 n e. Enter the URL of the site collection (Content Type hub) from which this service application Will CO m e content types. Select a security account for this application p00 丨 Predefined Network Serviceg @Confi urable DEMONadministrator Register Content Type hub ype × Report syndication import errors from Site Collections using this service application. 叼 Add this service application to the farm's default list. Cancel

  1. 打开上面填写的Site  Collection,到Site Settings点击Site Content Types

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  1. 点击Create新建Site Content Type,输入Content Type Name,设置Type属性后点击OK button创建;

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Home Documents Slte Contents EDIT LINKS Newsfeed Content Type Hub EDIT LI N KS Site Content Types N ew Site OneDrlve Sltes System ACCOU nt · SHARE FOLLOW Content Type Name and D 0 , t 丨 on Name: T 、 , a name and description for , content , 1 卜 descnption Will be shown 01 the n . Description. Parent Content , 、 甲 已 Select rent content List Content Types Parent Content 1 Description. Create a new list item. from:

  1. Site Content Type创建成功,在显示的Settings页面点击"Manage publishing for this content type"

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Home Documents Slte Contents EDIT LINKS Content Type Hub EDIT LI N KS Site Content Types Site Content Type Information Name: Hub 0 “ ' p 0 Parent: Custom Content Types Settlngs · Name, description, and g roup · Advanced settings · Workflow settings · Delete this site content type Information management 」 i settings · Manage publishing for this content type Newsfeed OneDrlve Sltes System ACCOU nt · SHARE FOLLOW Site Content Type

  1. 在显示的设置页面中选择Publish radio button发布Content Type

Unpublish选择:对于当前状态是PublishContent Type,此选项会亮起,选择后点击OK会取消Content TypePublish状态;

Republish选项:对于当前状态是PublishContent Type,此选项会亮起,对修改过的Content Type可以使用此选项update相关Content Type

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Home Documents Slte Contents EDIT LINKS Content Type Hub EDIT LI N KS Content Type Publishing: Hub Content Type Publishing @Publish Newsfeed OneDrlve Sltes System ACCOU nt · SHARE FOLLOW Search this site Make this content type available for download for Web Applications (and Site Collections) consumlng content types from this location. unpublish Make this content type unavailable for download for Web Applications (and Site Collectlons) consumlng content types from this location. Any copies of this content type being u 三 配 in other site collections Will be unsealed and made into a local content type. Republish If you have made changes to this content type, the content type needs to be republished" before the changes are available for download to Web Application consuming content types from this location. Publishing H 巧 to , Last successful published date: The date on which one or more service a ications have successfully published th

  1. 此时再次进入Content Type Settings页面的"Manage publishing for this content type"会显示Published Date

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Home Documents Slte Contents EDIT LINKS Content Type Hub EDIT LI N KS Content Type Publishing: Hub Newsfeed OneDrlve Sltes System ACCOU nt · SHARE FOLLOW Search this site Content Type Publishing Publishing H 巧 to , The date on which one or more service applications have successfully published th Publish Make this content type available for download for Web Applications (and Site Collections) consumlng content types from this location. O unpublish Make this content type unavailable for download for Web Applications (and Site Collectlons) consumlng content types from this location. Any copies of this content type being u 三 配 in other site collections Will be unsealed and made into a local content type. @ Republish If you have made changes to this content type, the content type needs to be republished" before the changes are available for down oad to Web Application consuming content types from this location. Last successful published date: 3 / 14 / 201b 4 9 以 4 PM

  1. 打开关联Metadata Service的另外一个Site Collection,到Site Settings-> Site Collection Administration-> Content Type Publishing中可以查看到具体的Content Type Hub网站和Published状态的Content Type List

Machine generated alternative text:, ' htt 卩 刀 1 丷 '" , 0 」 t 1 , *st 以 1 以 叩 : ( 司 ' yout 1 i/content . 0 , ' Content Type Publishing H . Newsfeed OneDrlve Sltes 侖 貧 System ACCOU nt · SHARE FOLLOW 会 司 D004vE5 SharePoint Home Documents Slte Contents EDIT LINKS G Overn m a n Compliance G u ard i a n EDIT 」 NKS Content Type Publishing Hubs Search this site Refresh 灿 Published Content Types The next time the contenttype subscriber timer job runs, update 訕 published content Content type publishing error log Content type publishing error log contains errors that happened during content type syndication for this 点 t 巳 Hubs These service applications are publishing content to this Site collection. In order to edit content es that have been published from these locations or to create and publish a new content , p 哥 se 亡 the hub URL. , 0 、 w the subscribed content 甲 e on this site collection, : t the content 已 囗 kefresh published content types on next update Content type publishing error log Managed Metadata . i “ Type Hub/ layouts/15/mngctype.aspx Subscribed Content Type Hub Content Type Group Custom Content Types Custom Content Types

  1. 切换到Site Settings-> Site Content Type,可以看到publishcontent type可以使用;

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以上就是SharePoint Content Type Hub的介绍,感谢阅读!





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