
Table of contents(目录)

Basic Usage

  • PCL Walkthrough  PCL浏览


    Title: PCL Functionality Walkthrough



    • Takes the reader through all of the PCL modules and offers basic explanations on their functionalities.

  • Getting Started / Basic Structures



    Title: Getting Started / Basic Structures


    Presents the basic data structures in PCL and discusses their usage with a simple code example.

  • Using PCL in your own project



    Title: Using PCL in your own project

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to link your own project to PCL using cmake.


  • Customizing the PCL build process

    定制PCL的Build过程(compile +link)


    Title: Explaining PCL’s cmake options


    In this tutorial, we will explain the basic PCL cmake options, and ways to tweak them to fit your project.

  • Building PCL’s dependencies from source on Windows



    Title: Compiling PCL’s dependencies from source on Windows

    Authors: Alessio Placitelli and Mourad Boufarguine

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will explain how to compile PCL’s 3rd party dependencies from source on Microsoft Windows.


  • Compiling PCL from source on Windows



    Title: Compiling PCL on Windows

    Author: Mourad Boufarguine

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will explain how to compile PCL on Microsoft Windows.

  • Compiling PCL and its dependencies from MacPorts and source on Mac OS X


    Title: Compiling PCL and its dependencies from MacPorts and source on Mac OS X


    Author: Justin Rosen

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    This tutorial explains how to build the Point Cloud Library from MacPorts and source on Mac OS X platforms.

  • Installing on Mac OS X using Homebrew


    Title: Installing on Mac OS X using Homebrew

    Author: Geoffrey Biggs

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.2

    This tutorial explains how to install the Point Cloud Library on Mac OS X using Homebrew. Both direct installation and compiling PCL from source are explained.

  • Using PCL from trunk with Eclipse


    Title: Using Eclipse as your PCL trunk editor

    (trunk: means the unstable version of PCL)

    Author: Koen Buys

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

    This tutorial shows you how to get your PCL trunk as a project in Eclipse.

    获得PCL trunk 并使之成为Eclipse的一个项目

    Adding your own custom PointT type



Title: Adding your own custom PointT point type

This document explains what templated point types are in PCL, why do they exist, and how to create and use your own PointT point type.

解释了什么模板点类型如何,为什么存在并使用自己的PointT 点类型。

Writing a new PCL class  写一个新的PCL类


Title: Writing a new PCL class


This short guide is to serve as both a HowTo and a FAQ for writing new PCL classes, either from scratch, or by adapting old code.

Aligning object templates to a point cloud



Title: Aligning object templates to a point cloud

This tutorial gives an example of how some of the tools covered in the previous tutorials can be combined to solve a higher level problem — aligning a previously captured model of an object to some newly captured data.


Cluster Recognition and 6DOF Pose Estimation using VFH descriptors




Title: Cluster Recognition and 6DOF Pose Estimation using VFH descriptors

Author: Radu B. Rusu

Compatibility: > PCL 0.8

In this tutorial we show how the Viewpoint Feature Histogram (VFH) descriptor can be used to recognize similar clusters in terms of their geometry.

Point Cloud Streaming to Mobile Devices with Real-time Visualization



Title: Point Cloud Streaming to Mobile Devices with Real-time Visualization

This tutorial describes how to send point cloud data over the network from a desktop server to a client running on a mobile device.



Using Kinfu Large Scale to generate a textured mesh



Title: Using Kinfu Large Scale to generate a textured mesh

This tutorial demonstrates how to use KinFu Large Scale to produce a mesh from a room, and apply texture information in post-processing for a more appealing visual result.

本教程展示怎样使用KinFu Large Scale 产生房间的网格图,并通过后续处理应用纹理信息获得更引人入胜的视觉效果。


Detecting people on a ground plane with RGB-D data



Title: Detecting people on a ground plane with RGB-D data

This tutorial presents a method for detecting people on a ground plane with RGB-D data.



    How 3D Features work in PCL



    Title: How 3D features work

    This document presents a basic introduction to the 3D feature estimation methodologies in PCL.



    Estimating Surface Normals in a PointCloud



    Title: Estimating Surface Normals in a PointCloud

    This tutorial discusses the theoretical and implementation details of the surface normal estimation module in PCL.


    Normal Estimation Using Integral Images


    Title: Normal Estimation Using Integral Images

    In this tutorial we will learn how to compute normals for an organized point cloud using integral images.


    Point Feature Histograms (PFH) descriptors


    Title: Point Feature Histograms (PFH) descriptors

    This tutorial introduces a family of 3D feature descriptors called PFH (Point Feature Histograms) and discusses their implementation details from PCL’s perspective.


    Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) descriptors


    Title: Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) descriptors

    This tutorial introduces the FPFH (Fast Point Feature Histograms) 3D descriptor and discusses their implementation details from PCL’s perspective.


    Estimating VFH signatures for a set of points


    Title: Estimating VFH signatures for a set of points

    This document describes the Viewpoint Feature Histogram (VFH) descriptor, a novel representation for point clusters for the problem of Cluster (e.g., Object) Recognition and 6DOF Pose Estimation.


    How to extract NARF Features from a range image


    Title: How to extract NARF features from a range image

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to extract NARF features from a range image.

    Filtering a PointCloud using a PassThrough filter


    Title: Filtering a PointCloud using a PassThrough filter

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to remove points whose values fall inside/outside a user given interval along a specified dimension.


    Downsampling a PointCloud using a VoxelGrid filter


    Title: Downsampling a PointCloud using a VoxelGrid filter

    Voxel:立体像素 Grid:网格栅格

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to downsample (i.e., reduce the number of points) a Point Cloud.


    Removing outliers using a StatisticalOutlierRemoval filter


    Title: Removing sparse outliers using StatisticalOutlierRemoval

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to remove sparse outliers from noisy data, using StatisticalRemoval.


    Projecting points using a parametric model


    Title: Projecting points using a parametric model

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to project points to a parametric model (i.e., plane).



    Extracting indices from a PointCloud


    Title: Extracting indices from a PointCloud

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to extract a set of indices given by a segmentation algorithm.


    Removing outliers using a Conditional or RadiusOutlier removal


    Title: Removing outliers using a Conditional or RadiusOutlier removal

    Author: Gabe O’Leary

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to remove outliers from noisy data, using ConditionalRemoval, RadiusOutlierRemoval.

    • I/O(I/O或者输入/输出)

    The PCD (Point Cloud Data) file format


    Title: The PCD (Point Cloud Data) file format

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 0.9

    This document describes the PCD file format, and the way it is used inside PCL.


    Reading Point Cloud data from PCD files


    Title: Reading Point Cloud data from PCD files

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to read a Point Cloud from a PCD file.

    Writing Point Cloud data to PCD files


    Title: Writing Point Cloud data to PCD files

    Author: Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to write a Point Cloud to a PCD file.


    Concatenate the points of two Point Clouds


    Title: Concatenate the fields or points of two Point Clouds

    Author: Gabe O’Leary / Radu B. Rusu

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to concatenate both the fields and the point data of two Point Clouds. When concatenating fields, one PointClouds contains only XYZ data, and the other contains Surface Normal information.


    The OpenNI Grabber Framework in PCL


    Title: Grabbing Point Clouds from an OpenNI camera

    Author: Nico Blodow

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to acquire point cloud data from an OpenNI camera.


    The Velodyne High Definition LiDAR (HDL) Grabber


    Title: Grabbing Point Clouds from a Velodyne High Definition LiDAR (HDL)

    Author: Keven Ring

    Compatibility: >= PCL 1.7

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to acquire point cloud data from a Velodyne HDL.


    The PCL Dinast Grabber Framework


    Title: Grabbing Point Clouds from Dinast Cameras

    Author: Marco A. Gutierrez

    Compatibility: >= PCL 1.7

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to acquire point cloud data from a Dinast camera.


    Title: How to extract NARF keypoints from a range image

    Author: Bastian Steder

    Compatibility: > 1.3

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to extract NARF keypoints from a range image.

    How to extract NARF keypoint from a range image

    • KdTree(KdTree:k-d树(k-dimensional树的简称),是一种分割k维数据空间的数据结构。主要应用于多维空间关键数据的搜索(如:范围搜索和最近邻搜索)。


    Title: KdTree Search

    Author: Gabe O’Leary

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to search using the nearest neighbor method for k-d trees

    How to use a KdTree to search

    • Octree八插树是一种用于描述三维空间的树状数据结构。八叉树的每个节点表示一个正方体的体积元素,每个节点有八个子节点,将八个子节点所表示的体积元素加在一起就等于父节点的体积。Octree模型:又称为八叉树模型,若不为空树的话,树中任一节点的子节点恰好只会有八个,或零个,也就是子节点不会有0与8以外的数目。那么,这要用来做什么?想象一个立方体,我们最少可以切成多少个相同等分的小立方体?答案就是8个。再想象我们有一个房间,房间里某个角落藏着一枚金币,我们想很快的把金币找出来,聪明的你会怎么做?我们可以把房间当成一个立方体,先切成八个小立方体,然后排除掉没有放任何东西的小立方体,再把有可能藏金币的小立方体继续切八等份….如此下去,平均在Log8(房间内的所有物品数)的时间内就可找到金币。因此,八叉树就是用在3D空间中的场景管理,可以很快地知道物体在3D场景中的位置,或侦测与其它物体是否有碰撞以及是否在可视范围内。

    Point Cloud Compression


    Title: Point cloud compression

    Author: Julius Kammerl

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to compress a single point cloud and streams of point clouds.


    Spatial Partitioning and Search Operations with Octrees


    Title: Octrees for spatial partitioning and neighbor search

    Author: Julius Kammerl

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to use octrees for spatial partitioning and nearest neighbor search.


    Spatial change detection on unorganized point cloud data


    Title: Spatial change detection on unorganized point cloud data

    Author: Julius Kammerl

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to use octrees for detecting spatial changes within point clouds.

    • Range Images范围图像,意思是通过点云获得特定角度的观察图像
    • How to create a range image from a point cloud


      Title: Creating Range Images from Point Clouds

      Author: Bastian Steder

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

      This tutorial demonstrates how to create a range image from a point cloud and a given sensor position.

    • How to extract borders from range images


      Title: Extracting borders from Range Images

      Author: Bastian Steder

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.3

      This tutorial demonstrates how to extract borders (traversals from foreground to background) from a range image.

    • 3D Object Recognition based on Correspondence Grouping


      Title: The PCL Recognition API

      Author: Tommaso Cavallari, Federico Tombari

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.6

      This tutorial aims at explaining how to perform 3D Object Recognition based on the pcl_recognition module.

    • Implicit Shape Model


      Title: Implicit Shape Model

      Author: Sergey Ushakov

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial we will learn how the Implicit Shape Model algorithm works and how to use it for finding objects centers.

    • The PCL Registration API


      Title: The PCL Registration API

      Author: Dirk Holz, Radu B. Rusu, Jochen Sprickerhof

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.5

      In this document, we describe the point cloud registration API and its modules: the estimation and rejection of point correspondences, and the estimation of rigid transformations.

    • How to use iterative closest point


      Title: How to use iterative closest point algorithm

      Author: Gabe O’Leary

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

      This tutorial gives an example of how to use the iterative closest point algorithm to see if one PointCloud is just a rigid transformation of another PointCloud.

    • How to incrementally register pairs of clouds


      Title: How to incrementally register pairs of clouds

      Author: Raphael Favier

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.4

      This document demonstrates using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm in order to incrementally register a series of point clouds two by two.

    • How to use Normal Distributions Transform


      Title: How to use the Normal Distributions Transform algorithm

      Author: Brian Okorn

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.6

      This document demonstrates using the Normal Distributions Transform algorithm to register two large point clouds.

    • In-hand scanner for small objects


      Title: How to use the In-hand scanner for small objects

      Author: Martin Saelzle

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      This document shows how to use the In-hand scanner applications to obtain colored models of small objects with RGB-D cameras.

    • Robust pose estimation of rigid objects


      Title: Robust pose estimation of rigid objects

      Author: Anders Glent Buch

      Compatibility: >= PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial, we show how to find the alignment pose of a rigid object in a scene with clutter and occlusions.

    • Sample Consensus随机抽样一致性算法,这类算法主要是估计点云和某个特定的数学模型进行匹配,并决定一些模型参数。

    How to use Random Sample Consensus model


    Title: How to use Random Sample Consensus model

    Author: Gabe O’Leary

    Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

    In this tutorial we learn how to use a RandomSampleConsensus with a plane model to obtain the cloud fitting to this model.

    • Plane model segmentation


      Title: Plane model segmentation

      Author: Radu B. Rusu

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.3

      In this tutorial, we will learn how to segment arbitrary plane models from a given point cloud dataset.

    • Cylinder model segmentation


      Title: Cylinder model segmentation

      Author: Radu B. Rusu

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.3

      In this tutorial, we will learn how to segment arbitrary cylindrical models from a given point cloud dataset.

    • Euclidean Cluster Extraction


      Title: Euclidean Cluster Extraction

      Author: Serkan Tuerker

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.3

      In this tutorial we will learn how to extract Euclidean clusters with thepcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction class.

    • Region growing segmentation


      Title: Region Growing Segmentation

      Author: Sergey Ushakov

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial we will learn how to use region growing segmentation algorithm.

    • Color-based region growing segmentation


      Title: Color-based Region Growing Segmentation

      Author: Sergey Ushakov

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial we will learn how to use color-based region growing segmentation algorithm.

    • Min-Cut Based Segmentation


      Title: Min-Cut Based Segmentation

      Author: Sergey Ushakov

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial we will learn how to use min-cut based segmentation algorithm.

    • Conditional Euclidean Clustering


      Title: Conditional Euclidean Clustering

      Author: Frits Florentinus

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      This tutorial describes how to use the Conditional Euclidean Clustering class in PCL: A segmentation algorithm that clusters points based on Euclidean distance and a user-customizable condition that needs to hold.

    • Difference of Normals Based Segmentation


      Title: Difference of Normals Based Segmentation

      Author: Yani Ioannou

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial we will learn how to use the difference of normals feature for segmentation.

    • Clustering of Pointclouds into Supervoxels - Theoretical primer


      Title: Supervoxel Clustering

      Author: Jeremie Papon

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      In this tutorial, we show to break a pointcloud into the mid-level supervoxel representation.

    • Smoothing and normal estimation based on polynomial reconstruction


      Title: Smoothing and normal estimation based on polynomial reconstruction

      Author: Zoltan-Csaba Marton, Alexandru E. Ichim

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.6

      In this tutorial, we will learn how to construct and run a Moving Least Squares (MLS) algorithm to obtain smoothed XYZ coordinates and normals.

    • Construct a concave or convex hull polygon for a plane model


      Title: Construct a concave or convex hull polygon for a plane model

      Author: Gabe O’Leary, Radu B. Rusu

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

      In this tutorial we will learn how to calculate a simple 2D concave or convex hull polygon for a set of points supported by a plane.

    • Fast triangulation of unordered point clouds


      Title: Fast triangulation of unordered point clouds

      Author: Zoltan-Csaba Marton

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

      In this tutorial we will learn how to run a greedy triangulation algorithm on a PointCloud with normals to obtain a triangle mesh based on projections of the local neighborhood.

    • The CloudViewer


      Title: Visualizing Point Clouds

      Author: Ethan Rublee

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.0

      This tutorial demonstrates how to use the pcl visualization tools.

    • How to visualize a range image


      Title: Visualizing Range Images

      Author: Bastian Steder

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.3

      This tutorial demonstrates how to use the pcl visualization tools for range images.

    • PCLVisualizer


      Title: PCLVisualizer

      Author: Geoffrey Biggs

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.3

      This tutorial demonstrates how to use the PCLVisualizer class for powerful visualisation of point clouds and related data.

    • PCLPlotter


      Title: PCLPlotter

      Author: Kripasindhu Sarkar

      Compatibility: > PCL 1.7

      This tutorial demonstrates how to use the PCLPlotter class for powerful visualisation of plots, charts and histograms of raw data and explicit functions.

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    ### 回答1: CSDN PCL学习教程是一个非常值得推荐的学习资源。PCL(Point Cloud Library)是一个开源的机器人视觉库,用于处理和分析点云数据。 CSDN PCL学习教程的内容丰富全面,适合初学者和有一定基础的人士。教程以通俗易懂的语言介绍了PCL库的基本知识和应用,包括点云数据的读取、滤波、特征提取、配准、分割等等。其中还包括了一些实际的案例,通过动手实践可以更好地理解和运用PCL库。 CSDN PCL学习教程的优点是它提供了详细的步骤和示例代码,使学习者能够快速入门和上手。教程中也附有一些常见问题的解答和错误排查的方法,方便遇到困难时进行参考和解决。 此外,CSDN是一个知名的IT技术社区,拥有众多活跃的技术博客和论坛。在学习教程过程中,学习者还能够参与讨论和交流,获取更多的帮助和指导。 总的来说,CSDN PCL学习教程是一个实用、可靠的学习资源,对于想要学习和应用PCL库的人来说是一个不错的选择。它提供了全面的学习内容和实例,能够满足不同层次的学习需求,并能够帮助学习者快速掌握PCL库的使用。 ### 回答2: CSDN PCL学习教程是一个针对计算机视觉领域的开源库Point Cloud Library(PCL)的学习资源。PCL是一个强大的开源点云处理框架,可以用于点云数据的处理、配准、分割、特征提取等多种任务。 该教程提供了丰富的学习内容和实践案例。首先,教程介绍了PCL的基础知识,包括点云数据的表示方式、常用的滤波方法等。接着,教程详细介绍了PCL的各种功能模块,如滤波器、配准、特征描述子等,通过实例演示了它们的使用方法和效果。 此外,教程也提供了一些高级主题的学习资料,如深度学习与点云处理的结合、三维重建等。这些内容可以帮助学习者进一步深入PCL的应用领域。 通过学习CSDN PCL学习教程,学习者能够掌握PCL的基本原理和使用方法,了解点云数据处理的常用技巧。通过实践案例的学习,学习者能够将PCL应用到具体的项目中,并具备进行自主研究和开发的能力。 总之,CSDN PCL学习教程是一个全面而丰富的学习资源,对于想要进一步学习和应用点云处理的计算机视觉领域从业者和研究者来说是一个不错的选择。




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