强化练习200题一 错题

8、 [单选] 在项目测试阶段检测到一个故障。在未通知项目经理的情况下,测试人员分析该故障,并与开发团队一起合作解决该故障。由于缺乏沟通,项目经理继续遵循初始定义的测试时限。项目经理现在应该怎么做?
A failure is detected during the project testing phase. Without notifying the project manager, the testing professional analyzes the failure and works with the development team to solve the failure. Due to inadequate communication, the project manager continues to follow the initial defined test timeframe. What should the manager do now?

  •  A:更新问题日志,并确定纠正措施
    To update the Problem Log and determine corrective actions
  •  B:忽略该故障,因为已经解决了
    To ignore this failure because it has been solved
  •  C:签发变更请求,并遵循变更过程
    To issue a change request and follow the change process
  •  D:打印更新后收尾测试计划,并确定纠正措施
    To print the updated test plan and determine corrective actions

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:题目表达的是故障解决了,但由于没有按变更流程,“提记评,批更通,行”七步骤中,只做到最后一步执行,前面六步都没有做,进度没有更新,没有通知相关方,C是处理变更遗留的问题,重新补走流程。而A纠正措施,针对的是绩效偏差,题目没有描述,B过于消极,D离题。

22、 [单选] 供应商沟通说,某个项目事项的交付将延迟2周时间。项目经理应该怎么做?
A vendor communicates that the delivery of a project item will be delayed by two weeks.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:实施整体变更控制过程
    Implement the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
  •  B:执行偏差分析
    Conduct a variance analysis.
  •  C:审查合同中的违约赔偿条款
    Review the contract clause for liquidated damages.
  •  D:确定一种执行进度压缩的方法
    Identify a way to conduct schedule compression,

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6,项目遇到的首要问题是进度受到影响,进度发生重大变化,考虑实施整体变更控制。

28、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,项目经理得知一项法规变化将需要实施额外的技术控制。项目经理与团队一起执行了影响评估。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During project execution,the project manager learns that a change in regulations will require the implementation of additional technical controls.The project manager performs an impact assessment with the team. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:请发起人提供额外资金以解决新的需求
    Ask the sponsor for additional funding to address the new requirements.
  •  B:更新范围管理计划
    Update the scope management plan.
  •  C:将其添加进风险登记册
    Add this to the risk register.
  •  D:提交一项变更请求,以增加范围
    Submit a change request to increase the scope.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6主要是变更问题(虽然是风险引起的),选最符合变更流程的。

34、 [单选] 在审查进度计划时,项目经理发现由于一个意外问题导致存在严重的范围蔓延。项目经理应该怎么做?
While reviewing the schedule, the project manager discovers is sigfiiflcant scope creep due to an unforeseen issue. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:停止与该问题相关的工作,并通知项目发起人
    Stop the work related to the issue, and imform the project sponsor.
  •  B:更新风险登记册并通知发起人
    Update the risk register, and notify the project spolsor.
  •  C:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,并更新项目基准
    Submit a change request to the change control board(CCB), and update the project baseline.
  •  D:使用因果图执行根本原因分析,并更新风险管理计划
    Perform a root cause analysis using a causc-and-effect diagram, and update the risk

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6涉及的基准的变化要走变更流程。要重新走变更流程,选最符合变更流程的。

43、 [单选] 一个矩阵型组织的项目经理注意到一个资源正在进行大量的加班工作来完成项目任务。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager in a matrix organization notice that a resource is working a significant amount of overtime to complete project assignments. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将该问题上报给项目发起人
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  •  B:将该信息更新到问题日志中
    Update the issue long with this information.
  •  C:与资源经理讨论这种情况
    Discuss the situation with the resource’s manager.
  •  D:将该信息更新到风险登记册中
    Update the risk register with this information.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PmbokP108 问题日志。问题日志用于记录和监督由谁负责在目标日期内解决特定问题。大量加班是一个问题,需要先记录在问题日志。

47、 [单选] 供应商不断延迟向项目管理团队提交状态报告。项目经理应该怎么做?
A supplier continuously delays submitting status reports to the project management team. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:向该供应商发送一封警告信,并暂停向他们付款
    Send the supplier a warning letter and withhold payments to them.
  •  B:修改检查和采购管理计划
    Modify the inspections and procurement management plan.
  •  C:提交请求以变更供应商的范围
    Submit a request to change the supplier's scope.
  •  D:制定风险应对计划
    Develop a risk response plan.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:D 解析:Pmbok 11.7 监督风险 因为供应商不断的延期会成为一个新的风险,需要制定相应的风险计划,风险计划出来后通过规划风险应对来识别是否要发警告信,所以不选A,B不能直接修改,C中可以提交请求但是不是变更范围。

51、 [单选] 某个特定采购商品的原料成本预计增加发生,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:通知发起人
    Inform the sponsor
  •  B:执行储备分析
    Perform a reserve analysis
  •  C:执行实施整体变更控制过程
    Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process
  •  D:研究偏差的原因
    Research the reasons for the deviation

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的456页11.7.2.1要通过储备分析来监督项目中应急储备和管理储备的使用情况,从而判断是否还需要这些储备,或者是否需要增加额外的储备。

52、 [单选] 在确定高风险、中风险和低风险的临界值后,项目经理应该使用什么来查看风险发生的可能性?
After determining the thresholds for high, moderate, and low risks, what should the project manager use to view the risk’s likelihood occurrence?

  •  A:直方图
  •  B:控制图
    Control chart
  •  C:概率分布
    Probability distribution
  •  D:概率和影响矩阵
    Probability and impact matrix

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


61、 [单选] 在规划中,项目团队识别到一个质量不合格风险,并为这个风险准备了一份行动计划。若要避免项目执行过程中的不合格,项目经理应进行下列哪一项?
During the planning process, a project team identifies a risk of quality nonconformance prepares an action plan for this risk. To avoid nonconformance during project execution, the project manager should do which of the following?

  •  A:风险评估
    Risk assessment
  •  B:风险减轻
    Risk mitigation
  •  C:进行风险优先排序
    Risk prioritization
  •  D:风险转移
    Risk transference

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6)P419,识别到风险后,要避免项目执行过程中出现问题,在执行过程组实施风险应对前,应该进行风险评估。

64、 [单选] 项目经理正在执行一个价值200,000美元项目的风险管理计划,该计划中提出的其中一个风险已经出现,项目经理按照风险管理计划执行,但是,他们担心尚未考虑到某些结果。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is following the risk management plan for a $200,000 project. One of the risks proposed in the plan has made realize And The project manager implements the plan as outlined, however,they are concerned that some outcomes have not been considere What should a project manager do?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给相关方以做出决定
    escalate the issue to the stakeholders for a decision
  •  B:使用专家判断来获得其他观点
    Use expert judgment to obtain other perspectives
  •  C:应用头脑风暴技术来选择解决方案
    Employ brainstorming techniques to choose a solution
  •  D:执行敏感性分析以了解风险应对的结果
    Perform a sensitivity analysis to understand the outcome of the risk response

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析: 实施风险应对:工具与技术 专家判断 在确认或修改(如必要)风险应对措施,以及决定如何以最有效率和最有效果的方 式加以实施时,应征求具备相应专业知识的个人或小组的意见。

76、 [单选] 项目经理向所有相关方发送定期状态报告,报告内容包括项目成就列表,即将完成的目标和目前的挑战。但是,一些相关方仍抱怨说他们不了解项目的状态。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager sends out regular status reports to all stakeholders with bulleted lists of project accomplishments, upcoming objectives,and and current challenges. However, some stakeholders still complain that they do not and understand the project’s status, What should the project manager do?

  •  A:联系这些相关方以了解他们担心的问题,并在实施变更之前遵循变更请求过程
    Contact those stakeholders to and understand their concerns, and follow the change request process prior to implementing changes.
  •  B:向这些相关方分发一些新的,更详细的状态报告
    Distribute a new,more-detailed status report to those stakeholders.
  •  C:要求这些相关方审查沟通管理计划并向他们提供最新的状态报告
    Ask those stakeholders to review the communications management plan and provide them with an updated status report.
  •  D:与这些相关方和项目团队开会,以提供更详细的项目状态更新
    Meet with those stakeholders and the project team to provide a more-detailed project status update.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P379沟通问题 ,前半句是让相关方对沟通安排提意见,即了解沟通需求。

77、 [单选] 项目经理正在规划一个新的多公司参与项目,每家公司都有多名项目相关方。项目经理应该使用什么沟通方法?
A project manager is planning a new multi-company project that has several stakeholders per company. What communication method should the project manager use?

  •  A:交互式沟通
  •  B:推式沟通
  •  C:拉式沟通
  •  D:选择性沟通

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P374-多名相关方需要获取信息,最好采用拉式沟通,统一发布信息,让相关方主动从信息源获取信息。多个公司参与,说明地理位置有差异,交互式沟通的成本较高,可行性低,故选C。

82、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在与一个多元化的团队合作一个备受瞩目公共工程项目。项目相关方的公共部门非常担心,因为这个项目直接影响到他们的社区。项目经理应使用什么来与这个项目相关方团体沟通?
A project manager is working on a high-profile public works project with a diverse and engaged group of stakeholders.The public sector of stakeholders is very concerned,as this project directly impacts their community.,What should the project manager use to communicate with this stakeholder group?

  •  A:推式沟通
    Push communication
  •  B:交互式沟通
    Interactive communication
  •  C:项目相关方沟通
    Stakeholder notifications
  •  D:项目报告
    Project reports

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


91、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在领导一位位于三个不同国家的多元文化项目团队。最近,任务延后变得很常见,团队成员经常发生争论而不合作。 若要减少潜在的冲突,并改善团队沟通和交付,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a multi-culture project team based in different countries. Recently, task slippage has become common, and team members often argue rather than collaborate. What should the project manager do to reduce the urperlyin conflicts, and improve team communication and delivery?

  •  A:使用批准的虚拟工具安排每周一次的重新调整会议,以确保团队充分参与
    Set up a weekly realignment meeting with an approved virtual tool to ensure full team participation.
  •  B:与每个团队安排一次电话会议,并进行团队建设练习
    Schedule a conference call with each team, and conduct a team-building exercise.
  •  C:为团队成员发送一封电子邮件,鼓励他们一起工作
    Email team members encouraging them to work together.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the issue to senior management.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析: 虚拟团队 虚拟团队的使用能带来很多好处,例如,使用更多技术熟练的资源、降低成本、减少出差及搬迁费用,以及拉近团队成员与供应商、客户或其他重要相关方的距离。虚拟团队可以利用技术来营造在线团队环境,以供团队存储文件、使用在线对话来讨论问题,以及保存团队日历。BC都是分别进行不解决问题,D还没有必要。

94、 [单选] 一项批准的项目变更将需要一名IT部门的专用资源。该资源的经理没有空提供批准,但马上需要该资源以确保项目保持进度。 项目经理应该怎么做?
An approved project change will require dedicated resources from an IT department. The resource’s manager is unavailable to provide approval, but the resource is needed immediately to ensure that the project stays on schedule. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将新工作分配给现有团队成员
    Assign the new work to existing team members.
  •  B:寻求项目发起人的指导
    Seek guidance from the project sponsor.
  •  C:告诉该资源开始工作,并在经理有空时获得批准
    Tell the resource to start working and get approval when the manager is available.
  •  D:查阅变更管理计划
    Refer to the change management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的318页9.1.3.1资源管理计划-获取资源;项目经理目为获取资源,首先应用到沟通,如果承诺的资源无法满足,且超出项目经理能力范围的,应选择上报。

99、 [单选] 项目经理需要从不同职能经理招募团队成员,项目经理应使用什么?
A project manager needs to acquire team members from various functional managers. What should the project manager use?

  •  A:资源日历
    Resource calendars
  •  B:协商
  •  C:募集
  •  D:技能图
    Skill mapping

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


102、 [单选] 项目经理发现没有关于需要哪些部门资源的信息,应该在哪一份文件中更新该信息?
A project manager discovers that there is no information on what department resources are requirewhat document should be updated with this information?

  •  A:项目章程
    Project charter
  •  B:组织结构图
    Organizational chart
  •  C:项目管理计划
    Project management plan
  •  D:风险管理计划
    Risk management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:9.1 规划资源管理 资源信息应该包含在资源管理计划中,属于项目管理计划一部分。此题容易错选B,组织结构图也是一种资源信息。

104、 [单选] 一位新项目经理负责管理一个处于规划阶段之后的项目。新项目经理应该审查什么以确定团队的角色和职责?
A new project manager assumes a project after its planning phase, what should the new project manager review To identify the team’s roles and responsibilities ?

  •  A:组织结构图
    Organizational chart
  •  B:资源管理计划
    Resource management plan
  •  C:项目章程
    project charter
  •  D:工作分解结构(WBS)
    Work breakdown structure (WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


108、 [单选] 采购部门通知项目经理项目管理软件已更新。团队成员没有使用此更新过的软件经验,但需要此项技能来完成项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A procurement department notifies a project manager that the project management software has been updateTeam members have on experience working with this update,but will need the skills to complete the project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:请求额外的时间来培训资源
    Request additional time to train resources.
  •  B:更新资源管理计划
    Update the resource management plan.
  •  C:聘请熟悉这项更新的外部资源来完成工作
    Hire an external resource familiar with the update to complete the jo
  •  D:要求供应商提供主题专家(SME )来培训团队
    Ask the vendor to supply a subject matter expert(SME)to train the team.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:团队成员能力不够,要临时安排培训,首先要记录在资源管理计划中。 资源管理计划 作为项目管理计划的一部分,资源管理计划提供了关于如何分类、分配、管理和释放项目资源的指南。

119、 [单选] —个大型项目包含将由分包商执行的许多阶段。团队成员各自负责一个阶段。项目经理应该使用什么来执行质量管理计划?
A large project contains many phases that will be performed by subcontractors. Individual team members are each responsible for one phase. What should the project manager use to enforce the quality management plan?

  •  A:质量测量指标
    Quality metrics
  •  B:质量审计
    Quality audits
  •  C:根本原因分析
    Root cause analysis
  •  D:因果分析
    Cause-and-effect analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P288-管理质量-审计。管理质量过程是把组织的质量政策用于项目,将质量管理计划转化为可执行的质量活动的过程。审计用于确定项目活动是否遵循了组织和项目的政策、过程与程序的一种结构化且独立的过程。

123、 [单选] 公司推出一项新产品,预估实施质量控制系统将花费100万美元,预期的故障和潜在维修成本估计为50万美元。项目经理应该提出什么建议?
A company launching a new product estimates that implementing a quality control system will cost $1 million, Expected failures and potential repair costs are estimated at US$500,000. What should the project manager propose?

  •  A:在做出决定之前考虑声誉损失成本
    Factoring in the loss of reputation costs before making A decision
  •  B:实施质量控制系统,因为这是质量成本(COQ)
    Implementing a quality control system, as this is the cost of quality (COQ)
  •  C:不实施质量控制系统,因为非一致性成本较低
    Not implemented a quality control system, as the cost of nonconformance is less
  •  D:实施质量控制系统,因为质量控制是最佳实践
    Implement a quality control system, as quality control is a best practice

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析: 数据分析 成本效益分析是用来估算备选方案优势和劣势的财务分析工具,以确定可以创造最佳效益的备选方案。成本效益分析可帮助项目经理确定规划的质量活动是否有效利用了成本。达到质量要求的主要效益包括减少返工、提高生产率、降低成本、提升相关方满意度及提升赢利能力。对每个质量活动进行成本效益分析,就是要比较其可能成本与预期效益。

124、 [单选] 从事一个直接项目的项目经理收到现场经理关于设计团队施工图纸质量的反复投诉,项目经理希望确定可能的行动,以确保不再发生这个问题,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager working on a straightforward project receives repeated complaints from the site manager about the quality of the design team’s construction drawings. The project manager wants to identify possible actions to ensure that this problem will not recur. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:审查质量报告
    Review the quality reports
  •  B:开展质量审计
    Conduct a quality audit
  •  C:执行根本原因分析
    Perform a root cause analysis
  •  D:创建并分析因果图
    Create and analyze a causal-and-effect diagram

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:8.2.2 管理质量:工具与技术 一个具体问题反复出现,用根本原因分析能彻底解决问题,依据见PMBOK292页最后一段最后一行。 知识点扩充,注意区分“根本原因分析(YYHH图)”和“因果图(YY图)”

125、 [单选] 在项目的质量审查期间,团队讨论了对当前质量管理计划的必要变更,以满足相关方的期望,目前的计划包括产品的特定事项和特征,但缺少一个重要方面。若要完成质量管理计划,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project’s quality review , the team discusses necessary changes to the current quality management plan to meet stakeholder expectations. The current plan includes product-specific items and characteristic, but is missing a vital aspect. What should the project manager do to complete the quality management plan?

  •  A:评估交付团队的绩效
    Evaluate the delivery team’s performance
  •  B:评估产品的性能
    Assess the product’s performance
  •  C:考虑产品等级
    Consider the product grade
  •  D:分析提供给客户的价值
    Analyze the value provided to the customer

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析: 质量管理计划 题意中心思想是制定质量管理计划,且已有产品的质量标准(“包括特定产品的事项和特征”),那么就要开始考虑等级水平了。

126、 [单选] 项目经理正在执行一个项目,该项目中包含简短的任务以及技能非常熟练的人员,在测试阶段,项目经理注意到很高的失败率和许多缺陷,若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A project manager is working on a project with short and simple tasks and very skilled resources. During the testing phase, the project manager notices a high rate of failure and many defects.what should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:实施质量保证计划
    Implement a quality assurance plan
  •  B:要求所有人员都遵循质量保证
    Required that quality assurance was followed by all resources
  •  C:在测试阶段期间执行质量控制任务
    Conducted quality control tasks during the testing phase
  •  D:在所有任务中使用六西格玛程序
    Employed six sigma procedures on all tasks

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


127、 [单选] 项目经理了解到,由于生产过程不稳定,产品的拒收率很高,哪个工具或技术可以帮助项目经理快速分析并确定纠正措施?
A Project managers learns that a product’s rejection rate high due to an unstable production process, what tool or technique will help the project manager to make a quick analysis and decide on corrective measures?

  •  A:因果图
    Cause and effect diagram
  •  B:控制图
    Control chart
  •  C:直方图
  •  D:散点图
    scatter diagram

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


141、 [单选] 一个工厂扩建项目已接近完成50%,这时一群当地居民组成一个维权组织来抗议该项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
An factory expansion project is nearly 50 percent complete,when a group of local residents forms an activist group to protest it.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行相关方分析,并相应调整相关方参与计划
    Perform a stakeholder analysis,and adjust the stakeholder engagement plan accordingly
  •  B:通知项目发起人,该维权组织体现了项目进度的一个风险
    Inform the project sponsor that the activist group represents a risk to the project schedule
  •  C:与该维权组织开会,将其需求添加到该项目中
    Meet with the activist group to add its requirements to:the project
  •  D:教育该维权组织,让其了解该项目将为社区带来的好处
    Educate the activist group on the benefits that the project will bring to the community

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:解析: PMBOK(6)P523-13.3管理相关方参与。相关方的参与度发生变化,需执行相关方分析,以及调整相关方参与计划。选项B,对相关方的管理责任在于项目经理。选项C,未经变更就添加需求是错误的。选项D,“教育”很难实现。

149、 [单选] 在为相关方准备状态报告时,项目经理发现一成本偏差为负数,该项目10%的工作已经完成,在与相关方开会之前,项目经理应该怎么做?
While preparing the status report for stakeholders,the project manager discovers a negative cost variance for a project where 10 percent of their work has been completeWhat should the project manager do prior to meeting with the stakeholders?

  •  A:预测完工估算(EAC)
    Forecast the estimate at completion(EAC).
  •  B:启动变更控制程序
    Initiate change control procedures.
  •  C:搁置项目直到确定应对策略
    Put the project on hold until a response strategy is determine
  •  D:使用应急储备
    Use the contingency reserve.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P268-工作绩效信息。工作绩效信息对于使用挣值分析的项目,CV、CPI、EAC、VAC和TCPI将记录在工作绩效报告中。项目向相关方发布的状态报告不光要有偏差,还要有预测,让相关方能判断情况。选项B在启动变更程序之前,要综合考虑对进度、成本、范围的影响,应先分析,后启动变更。选项C,不应在项目中采取被动消极的策略。

162、 [单选] 在项目执行期间,团队识别到几个变更请求,其中包括项目成功所需的功能,这些功能未能包含在需求跟踪矩阵中。 若要避免这种情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
During project execution, the learn identifies several change requests that include functionality needed for project success. These failed to be included the requirements traceability matrix. To avoid this, what should the project manager do beforehand?

  •  A:创建工作分解结构(WBS)
    Created a work breakdown structure (WBS)
  •  B:定义范围
    defined the scope
  •  C:核实范围
    Validated the scope
  •  D:控制范围
    Contro11ed the scope

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P150-5.3 需求跟踪矩阵是定义范围的输出项。

163、 [单选] 项目经理与相关方一起召开一次引导式研讨会,以收集产品需求并制定需求跟踪矩阵。系统开发人员无法参加该研讨会,但请求一份会议记录以审查和确认输出。看完会议记录后,系统开发人员反馈说列出的功能需求与用户的需求无关。 若要解决这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager facilitate a workshop with stakeholders to gather product requirements and develop a requirements traceability matrix. The system developer was unable to attend the workshop, but requested a copy of the minutes to review and validate the output. The system developer then provides feedback that the listed functional requirements do not make sense when competed against the user requirements. What should the project manager do to address this?

  •  A:建议系统开发人员参与下次审查会议
    Advice the system developer to attend the next review meeting.
  •  B:通知系统开发人员与用户一起审查需求
    Inform the system developer to review the requirements with users.
  •  C:更新需求跟踪矩阵以包含需求的相关关系
    Update the requirements traceability matrix to include the relevant relationships of the requirements.
  •  D:要求系统开发人员提交变更请求
    Ask the system developer to submit a change request.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:C 解析:Pmbok P148 需求跟踪矩阵 需求跟踪矩阵是把产品需求从其来源连接到能满足需求的可交付成果的一种表格。使用需求跟踪矩阵,把每个需求与业务目标或项目目标联系起来,有助于确保每个需求都具有商业价值。

164、 [单选] 一家工程咨询公司的设计师已完成设计开发并发布设计用于生产,在核实可交付成果过程中发现设计标准发生了变化,已生产的可交付成果不符合新标准。 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先实施哪个规划过程?
A designer for an engineering consulting company has completes the design and releases it for production. During the deliverable verification process, it is discovered that the design standard was changed, and that the produced deliverable fails to comply with it. What planning process should the project manager have implemented to avoid this issue?

  •  A:项目整合管理
    Project Integration Management
  •  B:控制质量
    Control Quality
  •  C:规划范围管理
    Plan Scope Management
  •  D:规划质量管理
    Plan Quality Management

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


166、 [单选] —家跨国公司的组织单位有大量的产品增强功能待办事项,这些产品增强功能是暂时保留的用户故事。待批准的预算申请在上周获得批准。作为初始程序的一部分,新指派的项目经理应该做什么?
An organization unit of a multinational corporation has a very large backing of product enhancements described as user stories on hol The pending budget was approved last week. What should the newly assigned project manager do as part of initial procedures?

  •  A:记录项目生命周期和方法讨论需求
    Document the project life cycle and methodology requirements
  •  B:为所有用户故事制定一份进度计划
    Prepare a schedule for all user stories
  •  C:对所有用户故事执行风险评估
    Performa a risk assessment of at user stories
  •  D:根据以前相同产品的项目分配资源
    Assign resource based on previous projects for the same product

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P145,敏捷项目管理先明确生命期类型和开发方法为适应型生命期项目,采用敏捷开发方法。明确第一个迭代的需求、用户故事和待办事项。

171、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理价值300万美元、涉及两个供应商的项目。项目经理为每名供应商创建了一份工作说明书(SOW)。下列哪一项需要SOW的信息?
The project manager is managing a $3 million project involving two vendors.The project manager created a Statement Of Work (SOW) for each supplier. Which of the following requires SOW information?

  •  A:风险管理计划
    Risk management plan
  •  B:合同
  •  C:采购管理计划
    Procurement management plan
  •  D:供应商范围说明书
    Supplier scope statement

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P477-规划采购管理-采购工作说明书。充分详细描述拟采购品的性质、买方需求、或拟采用的合同形式。工作说明书包括规格、所需数量、质量水平、绩效依据、履约时间、工作地点和其他要求,包括合同构成的主要内容。选项A:风险管理计划不需要SOW做输入。选项C:采购工作说明书是规划采购管理过程的输出,采购管理计划包含要在采购过程中开展的各种活动及规定,SOW不是输入。                              选项D:SOW中包括在合同中的部分才进行项目范围定义,供应商的范围说明书中体现包括在合同中的SOW内容,所以选B合适。

179、 [单选] 不确定项目开发时间时,必须避免预算偏差方面的风险。这应该使用哪一个合同类型?
When developing a project during an uncertain times, risks regarding budget deviations must be avoide What type of contract should be used?

  •  A:总价加经济价格调整合同(FP-EPA)
    Fixed price with economic price adjustment contract (FP-EPA)
  •  B:工料合同(T&M)
    Time and Material (T&M)
  •  C:总价加激励费用合同(FPIF)
    Fixed price incentive fee (FPIF)
  •  D:成本加激励费用合同(CPIF)
    Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


181、 [单选] 在为一个有预算限制的项目生成状态报告时,项目经理发现该项目比进度计划落后一周。若要将项目拉回正轨,项目经理应该怎么做?
While generating the status report for a budget-constrained project, the project manager identifies that the project is one week behind schedule. What should the project manager do to bring the project back on track?

  •  A:重新分配关键路径活动的团队成员
    Reallocate team members on critical-path activities.
  •  B:向项目发起人要求额外的时间
    Request additional time from the project sponsor.
  •  C:请求项目管理办公室(PMO)增加团队成员。
    Ask the project management office (PMO) for additional team members.
  •  D:执行资源优化
    Perform resource optimization.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A 解析:时间不够,要赶工或进度压缩。D选项,资源平衡的工期会变长,资源平滑工期不变。

184、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个新项目制定项目进度计划,根据项目经理的经验,该项目需要两年才能完成。然而,公司总监要求该项目在18个月内完成。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager has prepared project schedule for a new project. According to the project manager’s experience, the project will take two years to complete. However, the company director requests that the project is to be completed in 18 months. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:根据总监的要求修订项目进度计划
    Revise the project schedule based on the director’s request.
  •  B:使用资源平衡,来平均项目团队成员的任务
    Use resource leveling to even out project team member tasks.
  •  C:减少项目范围以满足修订的项目进度计划
    Reduce the project scope to meet the revised project schedule.
  •  D:保持项目进度计划不变,但显示这种变更对其他制约因素的影响
    Keep the project schedule unchanged, but show the impact this change would have on other constraints.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P207-制定进度计划-项目文件-假设日志。记录的假设条件和制约因素可能造成影响项目进度的单个风险等。

185、 [单选] 在一次迭代结束时,一位团队成员告诉项目经理,由于几天前出现了无法解决的问题, 一个计划任务未完成。若要在将来避免这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
At the end of an iteration, a team member tells the project manager that a planned task is unfinished because of an issue that appeared several days ago but unable to be resolved. What should the project manager do to prevent this type of situation in the future?

  •  A:在回顾总结会议上讨论该问题
    Discuss the issue during the retrospective
  •  B:在演示中说明该问题
    Address the issue in the demo
  •  C:在下一次迭代规划会上讨论该问题
    Discuss the issue during the next iteration planning meeting
  •  D:在下一次迭代每日站立会上审查该问题
    Review the issue in the next daily standup meeting

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:pmbok6的230页6.6.3.5项目文件更新:避免未来发生,要总结经验教训并更新到组织过程资产中。A 是总结经验教训。

191、 [单选] 一个项目遇到困难,且项目状态报告到期。但是,项目发起人正在休假。项目经理应该做什么?
A project is experiencing difficulties and the project status report is due.However,the project sponsor is on leave.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求团队成员直接将项目进度传达给他们的业务联系人
    Ask team members to directly communicate the project's progress to theirbusiness contact
  •  B:将状态报告发送到项目管理办公室(PMO),并要求PMO经理分发摘要
    Send the status report to the project management office(PMO),and ask the PMO manager to distribute a summary.
  •  C:按计划发送状态报告
    Send the status report as planned
  •  D:暂停分发状态报告,直到项目发起人休假回来
    Hold distribution of the status report until the project sponsor returns.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


193、 [单选] 一个新的政府法规将要求对一个处于开发阶段的产品进行变更。项目团队在项目开始时修订项目管理计划以实施新的需求,而非在后期添加需求。这应该使用什么类型的变更请求?
A new government regulation will require changes to a product under development. The project team revises the project management plan at the start of the project to implement new requirements rather than add requirements later. What type of change request should be used?

  •  A:纠正措施
    Corrective action
  •  B:主动措施
    Active action
  •  C:预防措施
    Preventive action
  •  D:更新措施
    Update action

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:D 解析:直接更新项目管理计划,调整范围基准,属于更新的变更策略,D选项最准确。

196、 [单选] 项目经理向所有相关方发送定期状态报告,报告内容包括项目成就列表,即将完成的目标和目前的挑战。但是,一些相关方仍抱怨说他们不了解项目的状态。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager sends out regular status reports to all stakeholders with bulleted lists of project accomplishments,upcoming objectives,and current challenges.However,some stakeholders still complain that they do not understand the project's status.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:联系这些相关方以了解他们担心的问题,并在实施变更之前遵循变更请求过程
    Contact those stakeholders to understand their concerns, and follow the change request process prior to implementing changes
  •  B:向这些相关方分布一些新的,更详细的状态报告
    Distribute a new,more-detailed status report to those stakeholders
  •  C:要求这些相关方审查沟通管理计划并向他们提供最新的状态报告
    Ask those stakeholders to review the communications management plan and provide them with an updated status report
  •  D:与这些相关方和项目团队开会,以提供更详细的项目状态更新
    Meet with those stakeholders and the project team to provide a more-detailed project status update

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


199、 [单选] 涉及一家全球公司10家分公司的项目即将完成,项目经理正在安排召开一次经验教训总结会议,项目经理应该邀请谁来参加会议?
A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?

  •  A:所有相关方
    A1l stakeholders
  •  B:项目经理的业务部门主管
    Head of the business unit of the project manager
  •  C:项目团队的所有成员
    All members of the project team
  •  D:高级管理层
    Senior management

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


200、 [单选] 项目经理已经完成识别相关方的工作。之前,由于没有对项目经理和相关方的影响力或职权方面规定区别,项目经理在管理相关方方面有困难,在相关方登记册中需要包含哪一些信息?
A project manager has completed the identification of stakeholders.Previously,the project manager had difficulty managing stakeholders because no distinctions were made among them regarding influence or authority. What information needs to be included in the stakeholder register?

  •  A:新相关方的变更请求
    Change requests for new stakeholders
  •  B:相关方效益管理计划
    Stakeholder benefits management plan
  •  C:相关方参与计划
    Stakeholder engagement plan
  •  D:相关方分类
    Stakeholder classification

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P514-识别相关方-相关方登记册。包括相关方分类。选项A:新相关方的变更请求不包括在相关方登记册中。选项B:相关方效益管理计划不包括在相关方登记册中。 选项C:相关方参与计划确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的策略和行动,不包括在相关方登记册中。


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    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 2


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


