unite_通过Unite Now的新演示项目和会议来发展您的图形


When it comes to graphics, you need to be able to push your visuals and have the control to be able to decide what matters to you most. That’s why we created the Graphics sessions for Unite Now, our digital programming series of inspiring talks, demos, Q&As and stories – to level up your Unity skills and knowledge. 

当涉及图形时,您需要能够推动视觉效果并具有控制权,以便能够决定对您而言最重要的事情。 这就是为什么我们 为 Unite Now (我们的数字编程系列,鼓舞人心的演讲,演示,问答和故事) 创建了Graphics会话 的原因,目的 是 提高您的Unity技能和知识。

In this blog, we rounded up Unite Now sessions, demos, projects, and other resources to help you take your graphics to the next level. Dive into sessions and demo projects available for the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), VFX Graph, Lighting, Unity’s short film – The Heretic, and more.

在此博客中,我们汇总了 Unite Now会话 ,演示,项目和其他资源,以帮助您将图形提升到一个新的水平。 深入探讨适用于通用渲染管线(URP),高清渲染管线(HDRP),VFX图形,照明,Unity的短片– The Heretic等的会议和演示项目。

Unite Now Session and demo projects for the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)


Delivers state-of-the-art graphics on high-end platforms and is best to use if your goal is more targeted – pushing graphics on high-end hardware, delivering performant powerful high-fidelity visuals.


Achieving High Fidelity Graphics for games with the HDRP


Artists, designers, or engineers, can use this tutorial to learn how to get the most out of HDRP, which is purpose-built for creating AAA-quality visuals for current and next-gen games.



Other HDRP resources:


The Heretic short film: Demo projects for download, sessions, and blog articles – rounded up for you.


The Heretic short film uses every aspect of Unity’s High Definition Rendering Pipeline, and features advanced effects created with the VFX Graph, and showcases the Demo Team’s first realistic digital human.

这部异端短片使用了Unity 高清晰度渲染管线的 各个方面 ,并具有使用 VFX Graph 创建的高级效果 ,并展示了演示团队的第一个现实数字人。

We’re happy to tell you that one of the most requested elements of this production – the Digital Human Character and Technology stack – is now available for you to download

我们很高兴地告诉您,该作品中最受要求的元素之一-数字人物和技术堆栈-现在可供您 下载

We introduce Morgan, a VFX-based character created with the help of Visual Effect Graph. We’ve recently released it as a project on the Unity Asset Store, so you can see for yourselves how we have approached the design of this complex character, and manipulate it directly in the Unity Editor.

我们介绍Morgan,它是在视觉效果图的帮助下创建的基于VFX的角色。 我们最近在 Unity Asset Store 上将其作为项目发布了 ,因此您可以亲自了解我们如何处理此复杂角色的设计,并直接在Unity Editor中对其进行操作。


Dive into these other resources for The Heretic:

深入了解The Heretic的其他资源

Unite Now Sessions and demo projects for the Universal Render Pipeline


The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) does not replace or encompass the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). URP is designed for optimized real-time performance and scalability to low and high end devices. It supports the latest artist tools, and it’s suitable for 2D, 3D, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR).

通用渲染管道(URP)不会替代或包含高清渲染管道(HDRP)。 URP旨在优化低端和高端设备的实时性能和可扩展性。 它支持最新的美术工具,并且适用于2D,3D,虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)。

Evolving game graphics with the Universal Render Pipeline 


This webinar included an in-Editor demonstration of the Boat Attack demo project and recently released graphics features and artist tools in the Universal Render Pipeline which will improve your game. There is an overview of URP and then we cover highly-requested tools such as Scriptable Render Features for custom render pass visuals, Camera Stacking for HUD UI, and more. 

该网络研讨会包括在Boat Editor演示项目中的编辑器演示,以及Universal Render Pipeline中最近发布的图形功能和美术工具,这些将改善您的游戏。 对URP进行了概述,然后我们介绍了一些需求量很大的工具,例如用于自定义渲染过程视觉效果的可脚本化渲染功能,用于HUD UI的Camera Stacking等。


Other resources on how Boat Attack was made using the Universal Render Pipeline

有关如何使用Universal Render Pipeline进行Boat Attack的其他资源

2D Graphics with the Universal Render Pipeline


The 2D Renderer is now available in Universal Render Pipeline, it brings the graphics capabilities and authoring tools to 2D projects. We put our new 2D tools through their paces to create a 2D side scroller demo called Lost Crypt. You can download it from the Unity Asset Store compatible with 2019 LTS or 2020.1.

现在,Universal Render Pipeline中提供了2D Renderer,它将图形功能和创作工具引入了2D项目。 我们利用新的 2D工具 开发了称为Lost Crypt的2D侧面滚动器演示。 您可以从 与2019 LTS或2020.1兼容 的 Unity Asset Store中 下载它 。


Other 2D Graphics resources:


Visual Effect Graph – Building VFX in the Spaceship demo project


This session dives into the Spaceship Demo project to show how the team created and integrated visual effects, lighting and sound into Timeline sequences. You’ll also learn some cool scripting techniques to make the effects react to gameplay. The demo project can be downloaded here.

本课程将深入探讨“太空船演示”项目,以展示该团队如何创建视觉效果,灯光和声音并将其集成到时间轴序列中。 您还将学习一些很棒的脚本技术,以使效果对游戏玩法产生React。 演示项目可以在这里下载。


Other resources for VFX Graph

VFX Graph的其他资源

The Heretic: VFX Character Available Now To Download


We’re excited to see your own take on Morgan, and how far you can take the VFX Graph with this character, as well as how you will use it for your own projects. Download it from the Unity Asset Store or Github.

我们很高兴看到您自己对Morgan的看法,以及可以使用此字符进行VFX图表的距离以及如何将其用于自己的项目。 从 Unity Asset StoreGithub下载


Learn how to Harnessing Light with URP, GPU Lightmapper, and Open Image Denoise

了解如何利用URP,GPU Lightmapper和Open Image Denoise来利用光

In this video, you’ll gain an understanding of how lights and shadows work in the Universal Render Pipeline, as well as how to set up a scenario with a mix of real-time shadows, Light Probes, and baked GI.



Supercharge CPU light baking speeds with Open Image Denoise 


Depending on your scene’s complexity, light baking can take anything from minutes to days. By limiting the number of lighting passes you can make as you design a scene, creativity is stifled, preventing you from reaching the look you envisioned. In this session, Intel showcases how an integrated Open Image Denoise library allows you to leverage the post-processing stack, giving you high fidelity baked lighting with fewer samples, in faster time, all on the CPU. 

根据场景的复杂程度,光烘焙可能需要几分钟到几天的时间。 通过限制您在设计场景时可以进行的照明通行次数,扼杀了创造力,使您无法达到预期的外观。 在本次会议中,英特尔展示了集成的Open Image Denoise库如何使您能够利用后处理堆栈,从而以更快的时间在CPU上以更少的样本为您提供高保真烘焙照明。


Other lighting resources:


There is much more Unite Now content to watch!

还有更多的Unite Now内容可供观看!

These are just a few of the graphics sessions from Unite Now and demo projects that are available for download. Visit the Unite Now homepage to see all of the sessions, webinars, and tutorials that are available and coming soon.

这些只是Unite Now和演示项目中的一些图形会话,可以下载。 访问 Unite Now主页 ,查看所有即将推出的课程,网络研讨会和教程。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/07/17/evolve-your-graphics-with-new-demo-projects-and-sessions-from-unite-now/






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