unity live2d_借助合格的专家为您提供的帮助,Unity Live Help使学习变得轻松

unity live2d

We’re excited to announce Unity Live Help (Beta), our new platform for one-on-one lessons. Read on to learn how Unity Live Help can help you find solutions for your toughest development questions.

我们很高兴宣布Unity Live Help(Beta),这是我们用于一对一课程的新平台。 继续阅读以了解Unity Live Help如何帮助您找到最棘手的开发问题的解决方案。

Enabling the success of creators like you is important to us. Unity Answers, forums, and other resources in our vast library are helpful to address your questions on certain Unity topics. However, many of you have asked for an additional solution– one that can address your specific questions in real-time.

使像您这样的创作者获得成功对我们至关重要。 我们庞大的图书馆中的Unity解答,论坛和其他资源有助于解决您对某些Unity主题的疑问。 但是,你们中的许多人都要求一种额外的解决方案,该解决方案可以实时解决您的特定问题。

With your requests in mind, we are excited to launch Unity Live Help (beta), a platform that connects Unity creators to community experts for one-on-one lessons on any Unity topic of your choice.

考虑到您的要求,我们很高兴推出Unity Live Help(测试版),该平台可将Unity创建者与社区专家联系在一起,以就您选择的任何Unity主题进行一对一的课程。

With screen sharing, video, and text chat capabilities, you can schedule a time to sit down with an expert to discuss a topic you’d like to cover. Unity Live Help also allows you do pair programming, exchange code files, and share screenshots all during your live session. 

借助屏幕共享,视频和文本聊天功能,您可以安排时间与专家坐下来讨论您要讨论的主题。 Unity Live Help还允许您在实时会话期间进行配对编程,交换代码文件以及共享屏幕截图。

We have a wide range of experts on the platform, including programmers, artists, and designers with a variety of experience.


Get started with Unity Live Help 

开始使用Unity Live帮助

Unity Live Help如何工作? (How does Unity Live Help work?)

1.创作者来Unity Live帮助学习有关他们选择的Unity主题的专家指导的课程。 (1. Creators come to Unity Live Help to get expert-led lessons on a Unity topic of their choice.)

If you have a technical question about Unity or want to learn more about game development, Unity Live Help is a paid platform where you can connect with a skilled expert to get the guidance you need to make your learning journey easier.

如果您对Unity有技术问题或想了解有关游戏开发的更多信息,则Unity Live Help是一个付费平台,您可以在该平台上与熟练的专家联系,以获取所需的指导,从而简化学习过程。

2.您可以根据自己的需求及其专业领域安排与首选社区专家的会议。 (2. You schedule your session with your preferred community expert based on your needs and their areas of expertise.)

To begin, you’ll simply select whether you are interested in lessons or troubleshooting. You’ll then share a description of the topic you’d like to learn more about with relevant tags (i.e. Android, Animation, Scripting, etc). We recommend that you provide as much detail as possible so we can match you with the right expert. After submitting your request, you’ll be matched to an expert in minutes.

首先,您只需要选择对课程或疑难解答感兴趣。 然后,您将使用相关标签(例如Android,Animation,Scripting等)分享您想要了解的主题的描述。 我们建议您提供尽可能多的细节,以便我们为您提供合适的专家。 提交请求后,您将在几分钟之内与专家配对。

3.开始在虚拟工作区中进行协作。 (3. Start collaborating in a virtual workspace.)

Once matched, you and your expert will enter a virtual workspace with voice chat, text chat, screen sharing, and a visual code editor to ensure smooth collaboration. All sessions begin with a 5-minute grace period to evaluate whether your expert is the right one for the job. You can post code snippets, collaborate on code together or even share your screen to show your expert exactly what your project looks like in the Unity Editor. 

匹配后,您和您的专家将进入带有语音聊天,文本聊天,屏幕共享和可视代码编辑器的虚拟工作区,以确保流畅的协作。 所有课程均以5分钟的宽限期开始,以评估您的专家是否适合该职位。 您可以发布代码片段,一起进行代码协作,甚至共享屏幕,以向您的专家确切显示项目在Unity Editor中的外观。

If you decide your expert can help, your session will convert to a paid session. If you end the session within the 5-minute grace period, you will leave the virtual workspace and will not be charged.

如果您决定专家可以提供帮助,则您的会话将转换为付费会话。 如果您在5分钟的宽限期内结束会话,则将离开虚拟工作区并且不会收费。

4. 为您的专家留下评论并获得反馈。 (4. Leave a review for your expert and get feedback.)

After your session, you will be asked to review the quality of your expert and your session overall. You’ll be charged for the duration of your session based on the price you set during your search. If your session is under five minutes, it’s free.

会议结束后,将要求您检查专家的素质和整个会议。 系统会根据您在搜索期间设置的价格向您收取会话期间的费用。 如果您的会话时间少于五分钟,则免费。

5.查看您的会话记录。 (5. Review your session transcript.)

Once your session has been completed, you have the ability to read through your session chat transcripts, as well as view any attachments shared during your session. This is a great way to review everything you have learned.

会话完成后,您可以阅读会话聊天记录,以及查看会话期间共享的所有附件。 这是查看您学到的一切的好方法。

6.安排另一个会话。 (6. Schedule another session.)

If you enjoyed your session with your expert, you can book another meeting with that expert instantly or at a later time that is convenient for you. You can also click “Connect with an expert” on the homepage to match with another expert on the platform who is available and knowledgeable in that subject area.

如果您喜欢与专家进行会谈,则可以立即或在以后方便的时候与该专家预约另一次会议。 您也可以单击主页上的“与专家联系”,以与该平台上另一位在该主题领域内有经验的专家相匹配。

了解有关Unity Live帮助的更多信息 (Learn more about Unity Live Help)

Unity Live Help (beta) is now available. To learn more, take a look at our web page. If you’re interested in becoming a community expert, please fill out an application and you will be considered for the waitlist. 

现在可以使用Unity Live帮助(测试版)。 要了解更多信息,请访问我们的 网页 。 如果您有兴趣成为社区专家,请 填写一份申请表 ,我们将考虑您的候补名单。

Get started with Unity Live Help 

开始使用Unity Live帮助

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/08/06/with-a-qualified-expert-to-assist-you-unity-live-help-makes-learning-easy/

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