宣布发布Unity Integrations

Unity Integrations lets you connect key Unity services to popular productivity and communication tools like Slack, Jira, and Discord. It’s a great way to get instantly notified, for example, when a new user report is submitted through Cloud Diagnostics or a teammate has pushed new changes to Collaborate.

Unity Integrations使您可以将关键的Unity服务连接到流行的生产力和通信工具,例如Slack,Jira和Discord。 例如,当通过Cloud Diagnostics提交新的用户报告或队友将新更改推送到Collaborate时,这是立即获得通知的好方法。

As of today, Unity Integrations is moving out of beta and is officially available! You can get access to unlimited integrations if you have a Unity Plus, Unity Pro or Unity Teams Advanced subscription. Don’t have one? No problem – Personal Edition and Unity Teams Basic users can still set up one integration.

从今天起,Unity Integrations即将退出beta版,并且正式可用! 如果您具有Unity Plus,Unity Pro或Unity Teams Advanced订阅,则可以访问无限集成。 没有一个? 没问题– Personal Edition和Unity Teams Basic用户仍然可以设置一个集成。


你可以做什么 (What you can do)

Unity Integrations lets you map Unity’s service events to tools such as Slack, Discord or JIRA, which we found were among the most popular used alongside Unity. If you use another tool, you can create your own integration with webhooks. Here are the service events you can be notified about.

Unity Integrations使您可以将Unity的服务事件映射到Slack,Discord或JIRA之类的工具,我们发现它们是与Unity一起最受欢迎的工具。 如果使用其他工具,则可以使用webhooks创建自己的集成。 这是可以通知您的服务事件。

合作 (Collaborate)

Collaborate provides a built-in UI that makes it easy for teams to share and sync their project with others. With Integrations, you can get notified about the following event:

Collaborate提供了一个内置的UI,使团队可以轻松地与他人共享和同步他们的项目。 通过集成,您可以收到有关以下事件的通知:

  • Publish: Triggered when a new publish is made to the Collaborate project.

    发布 :对Collaborate项目进行新发布时触发。

云诊断 (Cloud Diagnostics)

Cloud Diagnostics (previously Performance Reporting) is a suite of cloud-enabled tools that help you identify, collect, and prioritize feedback. With Integrations, you can get notified about the following events:

Cloud Diagnostics (以前称为Performance Reporting )是一套启用了云的工具,可帮助您识别,收集反馈并确定其优先级。 通过集成,您可以收到有关以下事件的通知:

  • New Crash or Exception: Triggered whenever a new type of crash or exception occurs.


  • New Crash or Exception Version: Triggered when an existing crash or exception occurs for the first time on a new version of your game.


  • Reopened Crash or Exception: Triggered when a previously closed crash or exception occurs in a new version of your game.


  • New User Report: Triggered whenever a new user report is received.


云构建 (Cloud Build)

With Cloud Build, you can automatically compile, deploy, test and share your game with your team. With Integrations, you can get notified about the following events:

借助Cloud Build ,您可以自动编译,部署,测试和与团队共享游戏。 通过集成,您可以收到有关以下事件的通知:

  • Build Queued: A new build has been queued for processing.


  • Build Started: The build process has begun.


  • Build Canceled: A queued or in-progress build has been canceled.


  • Build Success: A build process is successfully completed.


  • Build Failure: A build has not succeeded.


  • Build Restarted: A build process has been restarted.


  • Uploaded Local Build: A new local build has been uploaded for sharing.


如何开始 (How to get started)

Integrations take only a couple of minutes to set up. To create a new integration, go to the Developer Dashboard, select the project that you want and click Settings > Integrations. Follow the instructions to complete the setup.

集成仅需几分钟即可完成设置。 要创建新的集成,请转到开发人员仪表板,选择所需的项目,然后单击设置>集成 。 按照说明完成设置。

Beta版的变化 (Changes from the Beta)

The last few months have been very busy! Not only have we added integration support for Cloud Diagnostics and Cloud Build, we’ve also been revamping the flow on the Developer Dashboard to make setup even easier. You can now configure multiple service events with a single tool rather than having to set up a new integration for every service and tool combination. We’ve also added a toggle for you to set the active state of a configured integration:

最近几个月一直很忙! 我们不仅增加了对Cloud Diagnostics和Cloud Build的集成支持,而且还改进了Developer Dashboard上的流程,以使设置更加容易。 现在,您可以使用一个工具配置多个服务事件,而不必为每个服务和工具组合设置新的集成。 我们还添加了一个切换开关,供您设置已配置集成的活动状态:

We appreciate all of you who have used Unity Integrations and have given us feedback. As a thank-you, all existing integrations, even for projects that are using Unity Personal Edition and Unity Teams Basic, will continue to work.

我们感谢所有使用Unity Integrations并给我们提供反馈的人。 谢谢您,所有现有的集成,即使是使用Unity Personal Edition和Unity Teams Basic的项目,也将继续有效。

接下来会发生什么 (What’s coming next)

We’ve started working on new tooling support to help you work faster. The two main areas that we’ve been getting a lot of requests about are email notifications and Trello support.

我们已经开始研究新的工具支持,以帮助您更快地工作。 我们收到很多请求的两个主要方面是电子邮件通知和Trello支持。

Email Notifications: You’ll have three configuration choices that will let you define if you want to be notified per event, like what you get now with the current tools, or you can set a daily or weekly digest. Exact options will be service-specific. However, Cloud Diagnostics is the first one planned to integrate both per event and digest notifications.

电子邮件通知:您将具有三个配置选项,这些选项可让您定义是否要针对每个事件进行通知,例如使用当前工具现在所获得的信息,或者可以设置每日或每周摘要。 确切的选项将特定于服务。 但是,Cloud Diagnostics是第一个计划集成每个事件和摘要通知的程序。

Trello: With Trello integrations, you’ll be able to create a new card or update an existing one, depending on the service.


有反馈意见或想参与其中? (Have feedback or want to get involved?)

Are you using a tool you’d like us to support, would like a new feature or have an issue to report? We’d love to hear from you! You can email us at integrations@unity3d.com or reach out to us on the forums.

您使用的是您希望我们支持的工具,新功能还是要报告的问题? 我们很乐意听取您的意见! 您可以发送电子邮件到我们integrations@unity3d.com或在论坛上与我们联系。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/12/07/announcing-the-release-of-unity-integrations/





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