效果报告现在是Cloud Diagnostics

Better name, new features, and now accessible to Unity Personal Edition users! If you’re familiar with Performance Reporting, then Unity Cloud Diagnostics is everything you knew about it, but better. It has more tools to help you find and respond to user issues fast and in real time, and it’s now accessible to everyone!

更好的名称,新功能,现在可供Unity Personal Edition用户使用! 如果您熟悉Performance Reporting,那么Unity Cloud Diagnostics就是您所了解的一切,但是更好。 它具有更多工具来帮助您快速实时地发现并响应用户问题,并且现在每个人都可以使用它!

为什么要改名字? (Why the name change?)

The Performance Reporting name was confusing because it didn’t do “performance reporting” the way most people thought of it. The name implied that it would monitor factors like memory usage and frames-per-second, which is not the purpose of the service.

绩效报告名称之所以令人困惑,是因为它没有像大多数人所想的那样进行“绩效报告”。 该名称暗示它将监视诸如内存使用率和每秒帧数之类的因素,这不是服务的目的。

Cloud Diagnostics better represents what we help you measure – discrete technical issues. Furthermore, the types of issues that we track have expanded since Performance Reporting was initially released. Today, Cloud Diagnostics tracks:

Cloud Diagnostics更好地代表了我们可以帮助您衡量的–离散技术问题。 此外,自绩效报告最初发布以来,我们跟踪的问题类型已经扩展。 今天,Cloud Diagnostics跟踪:

    Some of you may recognize that “User-submitted reports” is the “Bug Report” feature, which was previously available in an open Alpha. Like Cloud Diagnostics, we are renaming the feature User Reporting for more accuracy as it was common for people to report bugs as well as send suggestions.

    你们中的某些人可能会意识到“用户提交的报告”是“错误报告”功能,以前在开放的Alpha中可用。 与Cloud Diagnostics一样,我们正在重命名“用户报告”功能,以提高准确性,因为人们通常会报告错误并发送建议。

    你可以做什么 (What you can do)

    Crash and Exception reports are a window into what is happening under the hood when your players and/or testers are running your game. By enabling the feature, you’ll have access to information to help you debug faster, which includes stack traces, debug logs, device information, and custom metadata that you define.

    崩溃和异常报告是您的玩家和/或测试人员运行您的游戏时幕后发生情况的一个窗口。 通过启用该功能,您将可以访问信息以帮助您更快地进行调试,其中包括堆栈跟踪,调试日志,设备信息以及您定义的自定义元数据。

    User Reporting is a great way to collect and aggregate reports from end users. The key difference is that while Crash and Exception reports are generated automatically, User Reporting can be explicitly generated by an end user, so you receive real human feedback. With this feature, you can get user-provided bug reports and feature requests, which can include screenshots, saved games, videos or anything else you find useful to help improve the user experience. You have the freedom to configure the reports in whatever way is valuable to you – be it the type of attachments you accept, the text information you collect or the custom metadata you track with each report.

    用户报告是一种收集和汇总最终用户报告的好方法。 关键区别在于,虽然崩溃报告和异常报告是自动生成的,但最终用户可以显式生成用户报告,因此您会收到真实的人工反馈。 使用此功能,您可以获得用户提供的错误报告和功能请求,其中包括屏幕截图,保存的游戏,视频或您认为有助于改善用户体验的任何其他内容。 您可以自由地以对您有价值的任何方式配置报告-无论是接受的附件类型,收集的文本信息还是随每个报告跟踪的自定义元数据。

    An important aspect of Unity Cloud Diagnostics is that it helps you react to users in real time. Instead of making you monitor yet another tool, Unity Cloud Diagnostics can work with your communication tools of choice. For example, you can integrate it with Discord, Slack, and Jira.

    Unity Cloud Diagnostics的一个重要方面是,它可以帮助您实时对用户做出React。 Unity Cloud Diagnostics可以与您选择的通信工具一起使用,而不是让您监视其他工具。 例如,您可以将其与Discord,Slack和Jira集成。

    Don’t use Discord, Slack or Jira? You can also build custom integrations using webhooks. Here are the four message events that you can access:

    不要使用Discord,Slack或Jira? 您还可以使用webhooks构建自定义集成。 这是您可以访问的四个消息事件:

    1. New Crash or Exception: Triggered whenever a new type of crash or exception is seen.


    2. New Crash or Exception Version: Triggered when an existing crash or exception is seen for the first time on a new version of your game.


    3. Reopened Crash or Exception: Triggered when a previously closed crash or exception is seen in a new version of your game.


    4. New User Report: Triggered whenever a new user report has been received.


    任何人都可以开始 (Anyone can get started)

    The biggest change for most of you is that features are no longer limited to Unity Plus and Pro users. Unity Personal users can use these features through a new Starter tier. Additional capacity, as well as some sophisticated features, are available to Plus and Pro subscribers through an Advanced tier. Here’s a full breakdown:

    对于大多数人来说,最大的变化是功能不再仅限于Unity Plus和Pro用户。 Unity Personal用户可以通过新的Starter层使用这些功能。 Plus和Pro订户可以通过高级层获得额外的容量以及一些复杂的功能。 这是完整的细分:

    Enabling Cloud Diagnostics in your project is easy! If you want to use the Crash and Exception features, you only need to turn them on using a toggle in the Services window:

    在您的项目中启用Cloud Diagnostics很容易! 如果要使用“崩溃和异常”功能,只需在“服务”窗口中使用切换开关将其打开:

    Since User Reporting is often used for manual feedback, there’s an SDK available that has a prefab you can reskin or use for guidance on setting up your own UI. Documentation for all features can be found here.

    由于“用户报告”通常用于人工反馈,因此有一个可用的SDK,其中包含一个预制件,您可以对其进行重新缩放或用于指导设置自己的UI。 有关所有功能的文档,请参见此处

    User Reporting in Parkasaurus, a WashBear Studio game.

    WashBear Studio游戏Parkasaurus中的用户报告。

    感谢所有Alpha测试人员 (Thanks to all Alpha testers)

    We appreciate all of you who are using User Reporting and have been giving us really useful feedback. As a thank you, we will be giving all projects that used User Reporting during the Alpha access to Advanced Diagnostics! This means that you will not lose access to advanced features or be restricted by Starter-tier limitations for the projects that have been actively using the service. We’d particularly like to call out WashBear Studio, creators of Parkasaurus: thank you for your great feedback about User Reporting!

    感谢所有使用“用户报告”并向我们提供真正有用反馈的人。 谢谢您,我们将为使用Alpha访问期间使用用户报告的所有项目提供高级诊断功能! 这意味着您将不会失去对高级功能的访问权限,也不会受到一直在积极使用该服务的项目的Starter-tier限制的限制。 我们特别希望能够叫出WashBear工作室,创作者Parkasaurus :感谢您对用户报告大回馈!

    有反馈意见或想参与其中? (Have feedback or want to get involved?)

    We are really excited for Unity Cloud Diagnostics and we hope you are as well. If you’d like to request a feature or report an issue, you can reach out to us on the Cloud Diagnostics forum or at clouddiagnostics@unity3d.com.

    我们为Unity Cloud Diagnostics感到非常兴奋,希望您也是如此。 如果您想请求功能或报告问题,可以通过Cloud Diagnostics论坛clouddiagnostics@unity3d.com与我们联系

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/06/performance-reporting-is-now-cloud-diagnostics/





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