

You move carefully, scanning each window for signs of activity as you make your way through the abandoned city. There’s a sudden movement in the doorway ahead. You quickly level your rifle to cover it, mindful of the ammo counter flashing low as you move closer to it, your objective just past it. With a deep breath, you make your move.

您小心翼翼地移动,在穿过废弃的城市时,在每个窗口中扫描活动迹象。 前面的门口突然有动静。 您Swift将步枪调平以掩盖它,当您靠近步枪时,就会注意到弹药计数器低闪,您的目标正好越过它。 深吸一口气,您就采取了行动。

This is the dream of many players— to explore their virtual surroundings; however, developers are facing issues when creating these worlds, from physical limitations of their play area to the feel of the controllers used for interacting with the VR world.

这是许多玩家的梦想-探索他们的虚拟环境; 但是,开发人员在创建这些世界时会遇到问题,从其游戏区域的物理限制到用于与VR世界进行交互的控制器的感觉。

But Zero Latency, an Australian VR gaming company, has found ways around these constraints to achieve near perfection in creating the free-roam virtual gaming experience. Here are three tips they’d like to share with all developers  looking to build their very own virtual worlds.

但是澳大利亚VR游戏公司Zero Latency却找到了解决这些限制的方法,以在创造免费漫游虚拟游戏体验方面取得近乎完美的表现。 他们想与所有希望构建自己的虚拟世界的开发人员分享以下三个技巧。


铺砌不断前进的道路 (Paving a road that goes on and on)

One of the most straightforward methods to create the illusion of a virtual environment larger than what is physically available is the use of perceptual tricks such as “Change Blindness Redirection.” It shifts the virtual environment according to the player’s position subtly through objectives, which act as a distraction. More importantly, it does this without disorienting the player. Scott Vandonkelaar, Chief Technology Officer at Zero Latency shared that while employing these neat perceptual tricks does require large amounts of data and details and multiple iterations to get right, the payoffs are great.

产生比实际物理空间更大的虚拟环境幻觉的最直接方法之一是使用感知技巧,例如“更改盲目重定向”。 它通过目标巧妙地根据玩家的位置改变虚拟环境,从而分散注意力。 更重要的是,它不会使播放器迷惑。 Zero Latency的首席技术官Scott Vandonkelaar表示,尽管采用这些整洁的感知技巧确实需要大量的数据和细节,并且需要多次迭代才能获得成功,但回报却是巨大的。

“(These tricks) really help overcome physical constraints. Players are free to explore large environments even in small play areas, like in their very own living rooms, which can now be used as a decrypt town,” said Vandonkelar.

“(这些技巧)确实有助于克服物理限制。 玩家甚至可以在较小的游乐区自由探索大型环境,例如在自己的起居室中,现在可以用作解密城镇。” Vandonkelar说。

掌握事物 (Getting a grip on things)

To further help get players into the feel of the game, physical objects can be used as alternative controllers to help set the stage. The idea, first made iconic by Nintendo SNES Super Scope, is nothing new nor groundbreaking. But simply holding on to something—even if it’s just a plastic toy—can add a whole new level of depth to a free roam VR experience just through having a physical object players can hold on to. “When we first started developing our world, we strapped the PlayStation’s Move motion controllers to nerf guns to mimic our virtual weapons to help get our testers comfortable,” Vandonkelar added. “It also served as a prototype to develop our dream of functional VR controllers in the shape of blasters and more!”

为了进一步帮助玩家提高游戏的感觉,可以使用物理对象作为替代控制器来帮助搭建舞台。 Nintendo SNES Super Scope首次将其标志性化的想法既无新意也无突破。 但是,只要坚持拥有某种物体(即使只是塑料玩具),就可以为自由漫游VR体验增加全新的深度,而这仅是让玩家能够坚持住的。 Vandonkelar补充说:“刚开始开发世界时,我们将PlayStation的Move运动控制器绑在nerf枪上,以模仿我们的虚拟武器,以使测试人员感到舒适。” “它还充当了原型,使我们梦想成真,具有爆炸性甚至更高的功能性VR控制器!”

踏板到金属 (Pedal to the metal)

One other tip shared by Zero Latency is for developers to not feel restricted in having to churn out realistic visuals and surroundings, but instead focus on the tracking and refinement of the perceptual tricks mentioned before. Whenever it makes financial sense, developers should not be afraid to turn to assets available online to help speed development along.

Zero Latency的另一个秘诀是,开发人员不必局限于生产逼真的视觉效果和周围环境,而可以专注于跟踪和完善前面提到的感知技巧。 只要有经济意义,开发人员就不必害怕转向在线可用资产以帮助加快开发速度。

While Zero Latency did develop their very own assets for their final product, they initially used some of the exportable assets in Unity to act as placeholders to test players interaction with the VR world.


“For prototypes throughout our entire development journey even from conception, the Asset Store has been a life-saver. Assets like a 360-recorder, gave us means to monitor and record movement and videos of our players to better refine our game,” said Vandonkelar.

“对于甚至从构思到整个开发过程中的原型, Asset Store都是救生员。 Vandonkelar说:“像360记录器这样的资产使我们能够监视和记录玩家的动作和视频,从而更好地完善我们的游戏。”

最好的一步 (Best step forward)

Creating a free roam VR experience is certainly no simple task; however, simply by leveraging resources and tricks that others have developed and using them as a basis, you may find that creating a whole new world for your players to get lost inside much simpler than you think.

创建免费的漫游VR体验当然不是一件容易的事。 但是,仅通过利用他人开发的资源和技巧并将其用作基础,您可能会发现,为您的玩家创造一个全新的世界,让他们迷失在比您想象的简单得多的地方。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/11/27/building-a-true-free-roaming-vr-experience/






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