
Unite Austin 2017 has just kicked off in Austin, Texas! Artists, developers, educators, filmmakers, researchers, storytellers have come together to gain valuable insight and inspiration. Hands-on class tutorials, technical sessions, a Made With Unity Showcase, and previews of upcoming technology make our Unite events a one stop shop.

Unite Austin 2017刚刚在得克萨斯州奥斯汀拉开帷幕! 艺术家,开发商,教育家,电影制片人,研究人员,讲故事的人齐聚一堂,以获得宝贵的见识和启发。 动手课堂教程,技术讲座,Made With Unity展示以及即将到来的技术预览使我们的Unite活动成为一站式服务。

We continue to be amazed by all that you create. In the past 12 months, there have been over 20 billion installs of games made with Unity!

我们继续为您创建的一切感到惊讶。 在过去的12个月中,使用Unity开发的游戏已超过200亿!

At Unite Austin, we’re focused on Unity 2017.2, which is releasing later this month. With this release we’re giving creators like you the ability to do more in the world of 2D and XR, and we’re dramatically improving and accelerating the creation workflow. The opening keynote touched on the new features of of 2017.2, such as the latest 2D solutions, an exclusive collaboration with Autodesk, the AR-specific enhancements, and sneak peek at future tech coming to Unity.

在Unite Austin,我们专注于本月晚些时候发布的Unity 2017.2。 在此版本中,我们为像您这样的创作者提供了在2D和XR世界中做更多事情的能力,并且我们正在极大地改善和加快创作流程。 开幕主题演讲谈到了2017.2的新功能,例如最新的2D解决方案,与Autodesk的独家合作,特定于AR的增强功能以​​及对Unity未来技术的窥探。

During the keynote, Neill Blomkamp and OATS Studios debuted ADAM: The Mirror, a film created using Unity technology.

在主题演讲中,尼尔·布隆坎普(Neill Blomkamp)和OATS Studios出道了ADAM:《镜子》 ,这是一部使用Unity技术制作的电影。

You can check out the complete keynote below:



ADAM:镜子 (ADAM: The Mirror)

In 2016, the original ADAM was released as a short film to demonstrate the technical innovations of Unity. Debuted during the keynote, ADAM: The Mirror picks up after the end of the events of ADAM. Created by Academy Award-nominated director, Neill Blomkamp and his team at OATS, the film showcases how Unity tools can enable photorealistic, immersive worlds. During this segment of the keynote, you get a peek at how Neill and his team used breakthrough graphics and techniques in the world of real-time rendering to create a spectacular short film. ADAM: The Mirror was created using a combination of Unity features, such as advanced high-end graphics power, new materials utilizing the Custom Render Texture feature, advanced photogrammetry techniques, Alembic-streamed animations for facial and cloth movement, and Unity’s Timeline feature.

2016年,原始的ADAM作为短片发行,以展示Unity的技术创新。 在主题演讲中首次亮相, ADAM: ADAM事件结束后, 镜子开始拾起。 该影片由奥斯卡奖提名导演尼尔·布隆坎普 ( Neill Blomkamp)及其在OATS的团队创作,展示了Unity工具如何实现照片般逼真的世界。 在主题演讲的这一部分中,您可以窥见尼尔和他的团队如何在实时渲染领域使用突破性的图形和技术来制作一部壮观的短片。 ADAM:“镜子”是使用Unity功能的组合创建的,例如先进的高端图形功能,使用“自定义渲染纹理”功能的新材料,先进的摄影测量技术,用于面部和衣服运动的Alembic流动画以及Unity的时间轴功能。


Unity 2017.2 (Unity 2017.2)

2D创建工具和工作流程 (2D Creation Tools and Workflows)

Unity 2017.2 offers a complete suite of 2D tools, including the new Tilemap tool for fast creation and iteration cycles. Additionally, Cinemachine, our codeless solution for intelligent and automatic composition and tracking, is bringing a new 2D Specific feature (like orthographic projection). This allows you to spend your time creating cameras instead of writing code.

Unity 2017.2提供了一套完整的2D工具,包括用于快速创建和迭代周期的新的Tilemap工具。 此外,Cinemachine是我们用于智能,自动构图和跟踪的无代码解决方案,它带来了新的2D特定功能(如正交投影)。 这使您可以花时间创建相机而不是编写代码。

Together the 2D tools and Cinemachine make it fast and easy to create and iterate on level design cycles right in Unity, so artists and designers can explore their creative ideas.



使用Autodesk工具和F​​BX格式进行直接往返 (Direct Roundtrip With Autodesk Tools & FBX Format)

We also announced a collaboration with Autodesk, making Unity the first creation engine that has source code access to the Autodesk FBX SDK. Our collaboration creates a streamlined process for asset sharing and in-game iteration that greatly improves the capabilities of artists who work between Unity and Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max. This means you can work with the tools you know and love, and can get your content into Unity more quickly.

我们还宣布了与Autodesk的合作,这使Unity成为第一个具有对Autodesk FBX SDK的源代码访问权限的创建引擎。 我们的合作为资产共享和游戏内迭代创建了简化的流程,从而极大地提高了在Unity,Autodesk Maya和3ds Max之间工作的美术师的能力。 这意味着您可以使用自己熟悉和喜爱的工具,并可以更快地将内容导入Unity。

Here’s a quick overview of the new features enabling smooth roundtrip between Unity & Maya (Thanks to the Cybernetic Walrus team for sharing the assets from their Antigraviator amazing game):

以下是对新功能的简要概述,这些新功能使Unity和Maya之间可以顺畅地往返( 感谢控制论Walrus团队分享了他们的Antigraviator惊人游戏的资产 ):


创意原型:Unity Asset Store,后处理堆栈,Cinemachine和Timeline如何帮助艺术家表达自己的才能 (Creative prototyping: How Unity Asset Store, Post Processing Stack, Cinemachine & Timeline helped an artist to express his talent)

During the keynote, we also showcased Neon, a passion project made by Creative Director, Veselin Efremov, over the course of one weekend. This project was created completely using tools from the Unity Asset Store, a massive catalog of free and paid off-the-shelf content created by the community, for the community. Using Asset Store features accelerates time-to-market and decreases production costs. The Asset Store is home to art, models, scripts, sound effects, editor extensions, productivity tools, and more, all of which make development easier and get your project to the finish line faster.

在主题演讲中,我们还展示了Neon,这是创意总监Veselin Efremov在一个周末的过程中完成的一个激情项目。 该项目是完全使用Unity Asset Store中的工具创建的,Unity Asset Store是由社区为社区创建的大量免费和现成的免费内容目录。 使用资产商店功能可加快产品上市时间并降低生产成本。 Asset Store是艺术作品,模型,脚本,声音效果,编辑器扩展,生产力工具等的存放地,所有这些都使开发变得更容易并使您的项目更快地到达终点。

For more information about his process- here’s a full write up.


2017年Unity奖 (Unity Awards 2017)


Congratulations to all of the Unity Awards 2017 winners! You can see the full line up
恭喜所有Unity Unity 2017获奖者! 您可以在 here. 这里看到完整的阵容。

下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

性能改进 (Performance Improvements)

On stage, our CTO, Joachim Ante unveiled a demonstration created by our friends at Nordeus (the studio who make Top Eleven).

在舞台上,我们的首席技术官Joachim Ante在Nordeus (制作Top 11的工作室)上展示了由我们的朋友创建的演示。

Based on Nordeus next title Spellsouls “Duel of Legends”, this demonstration takes advantage of the upcoming C# Job System, Entity Component System, and new compiler technology you can expect to see down the line.

该演示基于Nordeus的下一个标题Spellsouls“ Duel of Legends”,它利用了即将到来的C#作业系统,实体组件系统和新的编译器技术,您可以期待一下。

Joachim walked us through the work Unity has been doing on its new high performance multithreaded system, that will make it possible for your game to fully utilize the multicore processors available today without heavy programming headache.


If you want to be among the first to get your hands on the Technical Preview of the of the C# Job System and experiment on your own projects sign up here: www.unity3d.com/jobsystem

如果您想成为第一个使用C#作业系统技术预览并尝试自己的项目的人,请在此处注册: www.unity3d.com/jobsystem

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/10/04/unite-austin-2017-keynote-recap/





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