
Introducing Unity to a whole new audience


We recently had a fantastic showing at the VR in the Sky event in New York City. Part of VR Society’s suite of events, VR in the Sky was a 2-day event that brought together content and technology professionals for presentations and demonstrations around VR, AR, 360 and MR. It was here that we unveiled a partnership with Lionsgate to deliver a first-of-its-kind VR ad experience for the film Jigsaw, and Unity’s Head of Cinematics, Adam Myhill, stunned the crowd with our powerful linear sequencing tool, Timeline, and the highly sophisticated camera technology, Cinemachine.

最近,我们在纽约市的Sky in VR活动中进行了精彩的表演 。 部分VR学会” 小号套件事件,VR天空是带来周边的VR,AR,360和MR演讲和演示内容和技术的专业人士一起为期2天的活动。 在这里,我们宣布了与Lionsgate的合作关系,以为电影Jigsaw提供首创的VR广告体验,而Unity的电影学负责人Adam Myhill用我们强大的线性排序工具Timeline和高度复杂的相机技术Cinemachine

虚拟房间为VR广告提供了一种新方法 (Virtual Room offers a new approach to VR advertising)

From the 5th floor of the Time Inc building, we announced our partnership with Lionsgate to create a first-of-its-kind VR ad experience for the upcoming release of Jigsaw, the newest film in Lionsgate’s blockbuster Saw horror film series. This immersive heart-pumping Virtual Room will give players the ability to interact with objects as they learn more about the new film, and ultimately decide how to save themselves from impending doom. The Jigsaw shortform VR ad experience will launch this fall, prior to the theatrical release on October 27th. You can read the full press release.

在Time Inc大楼的5楼,我们宣布了与Lionsgate的合作伙伴关系,旨在为即将发行的Lionsgate轰动一时的Saw恐怖电影系列中的最新电影Jigsaw创造首创的VR广告体验。 身临其境般令人心动的虚拟房间将使玩家能够在了解更多有关新电影的内容时与对象进行互动,并最终决定如何避免即将来临的厄运。 Jigsaw简短版VR广告体验将于今年秋天开始,在10月27日发布戏剧之前。 您可以阅读完整的新闻稿

The Virtual Room will be integrated with Unity Analytics, providing standard ad metrics, heat mapping of the users engagement, and in collaboration with Isobar, advertisers will also be able to measure the emotional response of users. Created within the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) emerging ad experience guidelines, the Virtual Room is built to provide an engaging experience for the user and distributed within existing VR apps made with Unity. A sandbox environment for brands to build their stories within our developers out-of-this-world content, and will include objects and interactions that reflect the brand and drive user engagement for developers. Imagine you’re in your favorite VR app and you come upon an entrance that presents additional content for you. You choose to enter and like Alice in Wonderland, drop into the rabbit hole.

虚拟室将与Unity Analytics集成在一起,提供标准广告指标,用户参与度的热图,并且与Isobar合作,广告客户还将能够衡量用户的情感React。 Virtual Room是根据互动广告局(IAB)新兴广告体验指南创建的,旨在为用户提供引人入胜的体验,并在使用Unity制作的现有VR应用程序中分发。 品牌的沙盒环境,可以在我们的开发人员来自世界各地的内容中构建故事,并将包括反映品牌并推动开发人员与用户互动的对象和交互。 想象一下,您正在使用自己喜欢的VR应用程序,并且遇到了一个为您提供其他内容的入口。 您选择进入并像爱丽丝梦游仙境一样,掉进兔子洞。

You can find out more about our plans for advertising in VR, or by watching a previous session from Unite Europe.

您可以找到更多关于我们在VR中投放广告的计划的信息,或者通过观看Unite Europe的上一届会议了解更多信息。

实时渲染使人群震撼 (Stunning the crowd with real-time rendering)

Unity’s Head of Cinematics Adam Myhill showcased Timeline and Cinemachine for creators telling linear stories in CG (like animated films). Typically, creative decisions must be made early, and get locked in. Different teams working on layout, lighting, animation, environment, or VFX usually can’t work on the same thing at the same time, or see one another’s work and get inspired to evolve their own. But we’re helping to drive a CG revolution among these creators.

Unity的电影学负责人亚当·迈希尔(Adam Myhill)展示了时间轴和电影机,以帮助创作者讲解 CG中的线性故事(例如动画电影)。 通常,必须尽早做出创意决定,并将其锁定。从事布局,照明,动画,环境或VFX的不同团队通常无法同时处理同一件事情,也无法看到彼此的工作并获得启发自己发展。 但是我们正在帮助推动这些创作者中的CG革命。

To demonstrate what real-time can mean for linear CG storytellers, he loaded up the Adam short film executable. Pausing during playback in almost any spot reveals that Unity is still rendering in real-time despite the pause state: birds are still flying, grass is still blowing in the wind, and even a gun is still firing. You can also move the lighting around, and it’s not only fun to play with, but a great way to clearly see just how powerful real-time technology can be for those used to tradition CG/VFX pipelines. Finally, he showed some demos including procedural composition, shot evaluation (with our new Clear Shot feature), and our new Post-Processing Stack. All of these make film-quality cinematography possible in any Unity experience, whether it’s a game, film, or VR project.

为了演示线性CG故事讲述者的实时性,他加载了Adam短片可执行文件 。 在播放过程中几乎任何地方暂停都可以显示,尽管处于暂停状态,但Unity仍在实时渲染:鸟儿仍在飞翔,草丛仍在随风飞舞,甚至还开着枪。 您还可以移动照明,这不仅很有趣,而且是一种清晰的方法,可以清楚地看到传统CG / VFX管道技术的实时技术有多么强大。 最后,他展示了一些演示,包括程序组成,镜头评估(具有我们的新“清晰镜头”功能)和我们的新后处理堆栈。 所有这些使任何Unity体验(无论是游戏,电影还是VR项目)都可以实现电影品质的摄影。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/22/unitys-future-of-vr-ads-and-how-cinemachine-and-timeline-will-change-storytelling-as-we-know-it/

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