Unity 5.3中的GGX

In Unity 5.3 Standard Shader, we have switched to GGX as the BRDF of choice for both analytical lights, such as point/directional light, but also for image based lighting. Furthermore, a complete overhaul has been performed on our implementation for convolution of cube maps to achieve both accurate and noiseless results at low execution time (latter part is in Unity 5.4). The most characteristic difference between GGX and normalized Phong is that the microfacet distribution profiles associated with GGX has a higher and more narrow spike, followed by a prevailing tail as we see here.

在Unity 5.3 Standard Shader中,我们已将GGX用作分析光(如点/定向光)以及基于图像的照明的首选BRDF。 此外,我们已经对立方体贴图的卷积进行了全面的检修,以在较低的执行时间上获得准确且无噪音的结果(后者在Unity 5.4中)。 GGX和归一化的Phong之间最显着的区别是,与GGX相关的微面分布轮廓具有更高和更窄的尖峰,随后是一条盛行的尾部,正如我们在此处看到的那样。

The impact of this on the final lit result is that GGX has a brighter highlight, followed by a trailing halo as shown below, which gives a more realistic appearance.


跨行业兼容材料 (Cross-industry Compatible Materials)

In academics, physically based BRDFs use roughness as the parameter to control the microfacet distribution function. Academic roughness is defined as the root mean square slope of the profile. A common misunderstanding is that roughness maps in CG are the same as academic roughness, which is not the case. The reason academic roughness is not used for texture maps or sliders is because the “blur levels” are not evenly distributed, which is both very difficult to work with, but also leverages the limited bit precision of a texture map poorly. To avoid confusion, Unity uses smoothness instead of roughness maps, where smoothness is converted into academic roughness in the shader, using the formula (1-smoothness)^2. Distribution wise this is equivalent to Burley’s roughness, but reversed such that the most blurry response maps to 0.0 and perfect mirror reflection maps to 1.0, which we find more intuitive.

在学术界,基于物理的BRDF使用粗糙度作为控制微面分布函数的参数。 学术粗糙度定义为轮廓的均方根斜率。 一个常见的误解是CG中的粗糙度图与学术粗糙度相同,事实并非如此。 学术粗糙度不用于纹理贴图或滑块的原因是“模糊级别”分布不均匀,这既很难处理,又无法充分利用纹理贴图的有限位精度。 为避免混淆,Unity使用平滑度而不是粗糙度图,在该图中,使用公式(1-smoothness)^ 2将平滑度转换为着色器中的学术粗糙度。 在分布方面,这等效于Burley的粗糙度,但在相反的方向上,最模糊的响应映射为0.0,而完美的镜面反射映射为1.0,我们发现这更加直观。

The significance to such a standardized distribution is that it allows you to import content into Unity made with external tools and achieve similar results. Most CG painting tools today support smoothness maps. To be clear, an identical match is not guaranteed, but proportionality between diffuse, specular brightness and overall blurriness of the specular reflection should be close. The following comparison shot between Unity 5 and Substance Painter, was kindly provided by Wes McDermott from Allegorithmic.

这种标准化分发的意义在于,它允许您将内容导入到使用外部工具制作的Unity中,并获得相似的结果。 如今,大多数CG绘画工具都支持平滑度贴图。 需要明确的是,不能保证完全相同的匹配,但是漫反射,镜面反射亮度和镜面反射的整体模糊度之间的比例应接近。 以下是Allegorithmic的Wes McDermott提供的Unity 5和Substance Painter之间的比较镜头。

As we see the visuals are very similar. I would also like to thank Wes and Allegorithmic for their collaboration and helpful iteration on this. For more details on the subject people are encouraged to check out their detailed course on PBR and Unity 5.

如我们所见,视觉效果非常相似。 我还要感谢Wes和Allegorithmic在此方面的合作和有益的迭代。 有关该主题的更多详细信息,鼓励人们查看有关PBR和Unity 5的详细课程。

即将加入Unity 5.4 (Coming in Unity 5.4)

In Unity 5.4 we have focused on improving the speed of cube map convolution and getting exceptionally clean visuals for the image based lighting (IBL). Below we see a comparison between a sphere lit in Unity 5.4 vs. a conventional path tracer at 50000 rays per pixel.

在Unity 5.4中,我们专注于提高立方体贴图卷积的速度,并为基于图像的照明(IBL)获得异常清晰的视觉效果。 下面我们看到在Unity 5.4中照亮的球体与常规路径跟踪器(每像素50000射线)之间的比较。

As we see, there is a significant amount of noise using the conventional path tracer on the right, even at 50000 rays per pixel. The reason for this is because a basic path tracer (BRDF importance sampling) struggles with environment maps, which contain hot singularities such as a sun at physically proportional intensity. Unity 5.4 is now resilient to this problem and the off-line cube map convolution is roughly 2 times faster than Unity 5.2.

如我们所见,即使使用每像素50000射线,在右侧使用常规路径跟踪器也会产生大量噪声。 其原因是因为基本路径跟踪器(BRDF重要性采样)与环境贴图斗争,环境贴图包含热奇异点,例如物理强度成正比的太阳。 现在,Unity 5.4可以解决此问题,离线多维数据集映射卷积大约比Unity 5.2快2倍。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/03/11/ggx-in-unity-5-3-2/





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