4.0中的Adobe Flash Player导出

It’s been quite a while since we took a step back from our work here to give you all an update on how the Adobe Flash Player deployment add-on has been progressing. The good news is that things have been going great! We’ve had the chance to add in a lot of stuff that we initially didn’t think would be possible for the release of 4.0.

自从我们在这里的工作后退一步以来,已经有一段时间了,我们为您提供了有关Adobe Flash Player部署附件的最新进展的最新信息。 好消息是事情进展顺利! 我们有机会添加了很多我们最初认为对于4.0发行版而言是不可能的内容。

At the beginning of the year, we provided a glimpse of the Flash export functionality as a preview that shipped with the Unity 3.5 update. The release version of the tool is now shipping with Unity 4.0 ! We’re extremely proud of the work we’ve done making our engine the most powerful development pathway to Adobe Flash Player.

在今年年初,我们简要介绍了Flash导出功能,这是Unity 3.5更新附带的预览。 该工具的发行版本现在随Unity 4.0一起提供! 我们为使引擎成为Adobe Flash Player的最强大开发途径而所做的工作感到非常自豪。

The strength of the Unity editor and engine enables a smooth workflow to publish to Flash; with the release out of the door, we wanted to highlight some of the big Adobe Flash Player export tool features that are included for 4.0, many of which have never before been readily available for Flash developers:

Unity编辑器和引擎的强大功能使流畅的工作流可以发布到Flash; 对于即将发布的版本,我们希望重点介绍4.0中包含的一些主要Adobe Flash Player导出工具功能,其中许多以前从未为Flash开发人员所用:

MecanimThe power in the new suite of animation tools for Unity 4.0 is unprecedented in integrated development environments. It will prove to be a powerful tool in the creation of fluid and realistic animation for 3D Flash games.

梅卡尼姆 在集成开发环境中,用于Unity 4.0的新动画工具套件中的功能是空前的。 在为3D Flash游戏创建流畅逼真的动画中,它将被证明是强大的工具。

Shuriken We have made scripting access available to the powerful Shuriken particle effects system, first introduced to Unity in the 3.5 update. Everything that’s improved with 4.0, including the environmental collisions for particles, is supported for Flash Player.

Shuriken我们已经为强大的Shuriken粒子效果系统提供了脚本访问权限,该功能在3.5更新中首次引入Unity。 Flash Player支持4.0改进的所有功能,包括粒子的环境碰撞。

Navmesh The excellent AI pathfinding solution will allow developers to create dynamic character navigation through complex environments without worry.


PhysX Nvidia’s physics solution is one of the most pervasive and high quality on the market. Not only does it offer up an incredible way to increase immersion, but opens up the doors to a wealth of physics based gameplay mechanics. If your project does not need physics, you can strip it from the build.

PhysX Nvidia的物理解决方案是市场上最普及,最优质的解决方案之一。 它不仅提供了一种令人难以置信的增强沉浸感的方法,而且为大量基于物理的游戏机制打开了大门。 如果您的项目不需要物理学,则可以从构建中删除它。

Umbra Occlusion culling is an important tool in creating richly detailed and complex environments while keeping performance levels high. Umbra’s OC solution is the best in the business.

“本影遮挡剔除”是在创建丰富详细且复杂的环境同时保持较高性能水平的重要工具。 Umbra的OC解决方案是业内最好的。

Static and Dynamic Batching Flash Export supports batching; where possible, this greatly reduces the amount of draw-calls and thus rendering speed. Overall the rendering speed, with and without batching is greatly improved by reducing the amount of calls to Flash’s Stage3D APIs.

静态和动态批处理 Flash Export支持批处理。 在可能的情况下,这会大大减少绘制调用的次数,从而降低渲染速度。 通过减少对Flash的Stage3D API的调用次数,可以显着提高带有或不带有批处理的总体渲染速度。

Hardware cursors A much requested feature included in 4.0, working out of the box in Flash Export on 4.0. Keeps your custom cursors smooth.

硬件游标 4.0中包含了许多急需的功能,可以在4.0上的Flash Export中立即使用。 保持自定义光标流畅。

WWW & Assetbundles Flash supports WWW and AssetBundles for the streaming of scenes. Note; when targeting Flash Player 11.4, a fast decompression path for the Assetbundles will be used.

WWW和Assetbundles Flash支持WWW和AssetBundles用于场景流。 注意; 在定位Flash Player 11.4时,将使用Assetbundle的快速解压缩路径。

Dynamic fonts Unity 4.0 adds full support for dynamic fonts to all platforms, including Flash.

动态字体 Unity 4.0为所有平台(包括Flash)添加了对动态字体的完全支持。

Scripting support & Validation Unity Flash Export does automatic C# conversion. Under the hood all your scripts are automatically converted to ActionScript. In the time since the release of the 3.5 preview, we added support for more .NET API’s and constructs, with much improved generics support. Overall, scripting support is much improved since the 3.5 preview. There are still unsupported APIs left, such as LINQ and other .NET features.

脚本支持和验证 Unity Flash Export会自动进行C#转换。 在后台,所有脚本都会自动转换为ActionScript。 自3.5预览版发布以来,我们添加了对更多.NET API和构造的支持,并大大改进了泛型支持。 总体而言,自3.5预览版以来,脚本支持得到了很大的改善。 仍然有不支持的API,例如LINQ和其他.NET功能。

Not everything will convert right out of the box; we have added script validation & messaging to help you find and replace the usages of unsupported APIs. It is also possible to drop in ActionScript files and SWCs to add Flash specific functionality, such as networking and video playback, and use the UnityEngine.Flash.ActionScript API, to directly bridge from C# to ActionScript functionality.

并非所有内容都可以立即转换。 我们添加了脚本验证和消息传递功能,以帮助您查找和替换不受支持的API的用法。 也可以放入ActionScript文件和SWC来添加Flash特定功能,例如网络和视频播放,并使用UnityEngine.Flash.ActionScript API直接将C#与ActionScript功能桥接。

Automatic conversion of shaders to agal As with our automatic script conversion, shaders will automatically be converted to Adobe Flash’s AGAL format.

着色器自动转换为agal与我们的自动脚本转换一样,着色器将自动转换为Adobe Flash的AGAL格式。

We wanted to highlight a subset of things available for Flash Export, but there is much more; see the feature comparison on our license matrix: http://unity3d.com/unity/licenses

我们想重点介绍可用于Flash导出的部分内容,但还有更多内容; 请参阅我们的许可矩阵上的功能比较: http : //unity3d.com/unity/licenses

What about Flash on 3.5 ?While the developer preview version of Flash Export on 3.5 has been unsupported and un-updated for a while, it’s currently still available. Keep in mind that this is an unsupported preview version and many conversion issues & bugs are likely to occur; as Flash export with 4.0 is now released, the preview version will be removed from 3.5 in an update.

那Flash on 3.5呢? 虽然Flash导出3.5的开发人员预览版已有一段时间不受支持和更新,但仍可使用。 请记住,这是不受支持的预览版本,很可能会发生许多转换问题和错误; 随着现在发布带有4.0的Flash导出,预览版本将从3.5中删除。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/11/16/adobe-flash-player-export-in-4-0/





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