

GDC Europe 2011
We are hosting another Unity Track Day at next week’s GDC Europe conference in Cologne, Germany! The Unity Track Day is being held on Tuesday, August 16th from 9:30am-6:30pm. If you are attending the conference this year, the sessions are located in Nordliches Sitzungszimmer, 4th Level. Check out our schedule:
我们将在下周在德国科隆举行的 GDC欧洲会议上举办另一个 Unity Track DayUnity Track Day将于8月16 (星期二)上午9:30-6:30pm举行。 如果您要参加今年的会议,这些会议位于4层的Nordliches Sitzungszimmer。 查看我们的时间表:

Hand’s demonstration on making cross platform games with Unity, Part 1 Time: 9:30am – 10:20am Speaker: Carl Callewaert

Hand用Unity制作跨平台游戏的演示,第1部分 时间:9:30 am – 10:20 am演讲者:Carl Callewaert

A hands-on demonstration of the development of a multiplatform game starting with prototyping the game to the final version running on Android, iOS, the web, Facebook and as a standalone app. The steps include but are not limited to: programming, art assets import and updating, particles, GUI, AI and building for multiplatform deployment.

亲身演示了多平台游戏的开发,该游戏从将游戏原型制作到最终版本运行,该最终版本可在Android,iOS,Web,Facebook和独立应用程序上运行。 这些步骤包括但不限于:编程,艺术品资源的导入和更新,粒子,GUI,AI和用于多平台部署的构建。

Hand’s demonstration on making cross platform games with Unity: Part 2 Time: 10:50am – 11:40am Speaker: Carl Callewaert

Hand的Unity跨平台游戏演示:第2部分 时间:上午10:50 –上午11:40演讲者:卡尔·卡勒瓦特

A hands-on demonstration of the development of a multiplatform game starting with prototyping the game to the final version running on Android, iOS, the web, Facebook and as a standalone app. In this part more advanced topics will be covered.

亲身演示了多平台游戏的开发,该游戏从将游戏原型制作到最终版本运行,该最终版本可在Android,iOS,Web,Facebook和独立应用程序上运行。 在本部分中,将介绍更高级的主题。

Performance optimization tips and tricks for Unity Time: 12:40pm – 1:30pm Speaker: Jonas Echterhoff

Unity 时间的 性能优化技巧和窍门 :12:40 pm – 1:30 pm演讲者:Jonas Echterhoff

This session will demonstrate optimization techniques on a sample Unity project, show how to use the Unity profiler to find performance bottlenecks, and will show some common pitfalls to avoid for optimal performance in Unity projects.

本次会议将演示一个示例Unity项目的优化技术,展示如何使用Unity Profiler查找性能瓶颈,并展示一些常见的陷阱,以避免在Unity项目中获得最佳性能。

Shader Authoring in Unity Time: 2:00pm –   2:50pm Speaker: Shawn White

Shader在Unity中创作 时间:2:00pm – 2:50 pm演讲者:Shawn White

It’s difficult to make a game today without writing at least one shader. Whether you’re indie, mainstream, or somewhere in the middle, having the ability to write your own shaders will give you what you need to make your game POP! Unity provides a suite of built-in shaders to get you started, but in this talk we’ll get you up to speed on what you need to know about writing your very own shaders in Unity.

如果不编写至少一个着色器,今天很难制作游戏。 无论您是独立的,主流的还是中间的某个人,都有能力编写自己的着色器,这将为您提供制作游戏POP所需的功能! Unity提供了一套内置的着色器来帮助您入门,但是在本讲座中,我们将带您快速了解在Unity中编写自己的着色器所需的知识。

Being Social: How Games Can Leverage Facebook on the Road to Success Time: 3:20pm –   4:10pm Speaker: Tom Higgins

社交:游戏如何在成功道路上充分利用Facebook 时间:3:20pm – 4:10 pm演讲者:Tom Higgins

The explosive growth of social networking is changing the ways in which people of every type interact with each other in some incredible ways. That’s easy to say but it takes a bit more effort to properly understand. What are those changes? Are they limited to those creating browser-based content or do they extend to the desktop and mobile apps as well? And most importantly, how can you and your team take advantage of them in your games? This presentation will discuss some of the most prominent questions facing developers targeting social networking sites and describe how developers can put that information to use right away. The discussion will focus on Facebook and the Unity game engine in particular as they offer developers unique opportunities for success. But in the end the strategies that will be shared can easily be applied anywhere, regardless of what social networking site or game engine is being used. Developers of all types can attend this session and learn how to incorporate social networking features into their own efforts, from the early design phases all the way through to release, giving themselves a much greater chance of success.

社交网络的爆炸性增长正在以各种令人难以置信的方式改变着各种类型的人们相互交流的方式。 这很容易说出来,但是需要更多的努力才能正确理解。 这些变化是什么? 它们是否仅限于创建基于浏览器的内容的用户,还是扩展到台式机和移动应用程序? 最重要的是,您和您的团队如何在游戏中利用它们? 本演讲将讨论面向社交网站的开发人员面临的一些最突出的问题,并描述开发人员如何立即使用这些信息。 讨论将主要针对Facebook和Unity游戏引擎,因为它们为开发人员提供了成功的独特机会。 但是最终,无论使用什么社交网站或游戏引擎,都可以在任何地方轻松应用将共享的策略。 从早期的设计阶段一直到发布,各种类型的开发人员都可以参加本次会议并学习如何将社交网络功能整合到自己的工作中,从而为自己提供了更大的成功机会。

Using and publishing content and extensions on the Unity Asset Store Time: 4:40pm –   5:30pm Speaker: Tom Higgins

在Unity Asset Store上使用和发布内容及扩展程序 时间:4:40 pm – 5:30 pm演讲者:Tom Higgins

This session will start with an introduction to the Asset Store, showing what is available and demonstrate how to search for and use content in your own projects. After that he will go through how to submit your own content and extensions to the store, how it should be formatted and go through common mistakes to avoid and other hints for speeding up the submission process.

本课程将从资产商店的介绍开始,显示可用资源并演示如何在您自己的项目中搜索和使用内容。 之后,他将介绍如何向商店提交您自己的内容和扩展名,应如何设置格式以及遇到的常见错误以避免和其他提示,以加快提交过程。

Distribution with Union Time: 5:40pm –   6:30pm Speaker: Brian Bruning

通过工会分发 时间:5:40 pm – 6:30 pm演讲者:Brian Bruning

There’s never been a better time to be a game developer.  Huge audiences are now reachable without the aid of publishers or retail outlets.  But what are the odds of getting noticed out there today in the new digital landscape?  What tactics are most effective?  What should you be doing to get noticed and find customers?

成为游戏开发人员,再没有比现在更好的时机了。 现在,无需出版商或零售店的帮助,即可吸引大量受众。 但是,今天在新的数字环境中被人们注意的几率是多少? 哪些策略最有效? 您应该怎么做才能引起注意并找到客户?







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