unity 适配ipad_Unity和Mobile pt。 2:iPad Cometh

unity 适配ipad


Ok, so the iPad is now officially old news. Let me get something out of the way, first: yes, we will support it. Yes, we are aiming for 0-day support. If we get there or not basically depends whether on if Apple can get us early access to the device.

好的,因此iPad现在正式成为老新闻。 首先让我解决一些问题:是的,我们会支持的。 是的,我们的目标是提供0天支持。 是否到达那里基本上取决于苹果是否可以让我们尽早使用该设备。

With that out of the way, here’s what I actually had in mind – Looking at the event, Apple unveiled pretty much what most of us expected – but it wasn’t until a bit later that it hit me what is so great about this:


I’ve never before seen a computer that is so designed for consumers. It goes straight into the stream of iPod, iPod Touch, etc. Sure, it’s using general-purpose chips behind it, so it’s not like it can’t do “real” apps, but the focus is here 100% on consumers. That means games.

我从未见过为消费者设计的计算机。 它可以直接进入iPod,iPod Touch等产品的流中。当然,它使用了背后的通用芯片,因此,这并不是说它不能执行“真正的”应用程序,而是100%关注消费者。 那就是游戏。

Apple has been taking games more and more seriously – I guess that started happening when they realized games were one of the main movers of iPod Touches. This means that as far as we’re concerned what we’re looking at is the launch of a new console. For indies it’s even better: Apple actually gets the whole “make life sweet for developers” – so it’s a platform that you can make games on and you can even earn money – all major console’s stores are simply embarassing compared to the AppStore. In short, on iPod/Pad/Phone the hoops you have to go through to develop, publish and get paid are crazy low. If you’re one of those people who think the submission process is slow/bad/bloated, just try becoming a registered developer with Sony or Microsoft :)

苹果对游戏的重视程度越来越高–我猜这是从他们意识到游戏是iPod Touch的主要推动者之一开始的。 这意味着就我们而言,我们正在寻找的是新控制台的启动。 对于独立开发者来说,情况甚至更好:Apple实际上使整个过程“为开发人员创造了美好的生活” –因此,它是一个平台,您可以在其中制作游戏,甚至可以赚钱–与AppStore相比,所有主要游戏机商店都简直令人尴尬。 简而言之,在iPod / Pad / Phone上,开发,发布和获得付款所必须经历的速度太快了。 如果您是认为提交过程缓慢/不好//肿的人之一,请尝试成为Sony或Microsoft的注册开发人员:)

Naturally, we want to be there the moment it happens. Whenever new and exciting platforms come out, we want to be there. Our goal is to let our users publish anywhere. We can’t support all platforms instantly, but Apple have had an uncanny ability to produce hits. With the iPad I think they’ve done it again.

自然,我们希望能在发生的那一刻出现。 每当出现新的令人兴奋的平台时,我们都希望在那里。 我们的目标是让我们的用户在任何地方发布。 我们不能立即支持所有平台,但是苹果公​​司具有不可思议的能力来制作热门歌曲。 我认为使用iPad可以再做一次。

So we are scrambling like mad to get support for it. On the iPhone our guys worked round the clock to get it out – hopefully that won’t be neccessary this time, but we’d always rather burn some midnight oil than end up like the large behemoth we’re currently seeing on the sidelines – 18 months after iPhone launch with no shipped support for this platform mumbling OMG! The Net Is Broken ;)

所以,我们都争着拼了命对它的支持。 在iPhone上,我们的家伙们日以继夜地工作以解决这个问题-希望这次不再需要,但我们总是宁愿烧掉一些午夜的油,而不要像我们目前在场边看到的那只庞然大物一样最终- iPhone推出后18个月,该平台没有发货支持,抱怨OMG! 网络被打破 ;)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/02/01/unity-and-mobile-pt-2-the-ipad-cometh/

unity 适配ipad





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