Windows Store应用程序的Unity 4 Early Access

It is an honor for me to announce the Windows Store apps early access program. Starting with Unity 4.2 you will be able to develop games for PCs and tablets running Windows 8* and Windows RT and publish them to the Windows Store. This opens up a new global platform for you to reach even more people eager to play great Unity-authored games and interactive content.

我很荣幸宣布Windows Store应用程序的抢先体验计划。 从Unity 4.2开始,您将能够为运行Windows 8 *和Windows RT的PC和平板电脑开发游戏,并将其发布到Windows应用商店。 这为您打开了一个新的全球平台,可以吸引更多渴望玩Unity创作的出色游戏和交互式内容的人们。

If you feel brave enough to be an early adopter and play with technology still in development, then enroll in our Windows Store apps early access program. If you are an intermediate or advanced Unity user, WE WANT YOU! As a participant of our beta, you get to test our new platform, report bugs and provide relevant feedback that will help Unity create a great product and jump start your Windows Store plans. We do ask for your patience though; depending on the number of people who register for the program it could take time for us to process the requests and send you the link to the beta site.

如果您有足够的勇气成为一名早期采用者并使用仍在开发中的技术,请注册我们的Windows Store应用程序早期访问计划 。 如果您是Unity的中级或高级用户,我们希望您! 作为我们测试版的参与者,您可以测试我们的新平台,报告错误并提供相关的反馈,这些信息将帮助Unity创建出色的产品并Swift启动Windows Store计划。 不过,我们确实请您耐心等待; 根据注册程序的人数而定,我们可能需要一些时间来处理请求并将链接发送给Beta网站。

Is it ready for my team?


We’ve been working on the support of Windows Store apps for a while now. The below Unity-authored games have already been published in the Windows Store:

我们一直致力于Windows Store应用程序的支持已有一段时间。 以下由Unity创作的游戏已经在Windows应用商店中发布:

Orcs Must Survive Drift Mania Championship 2 Pettson’s Inventions Gunpowder Rumpelstiltskin 3D Snow White Prequel Razor Salvation,  Siegecraft Qbism Hungry MonstR Fling Theory Experiment HD,  Big Buck Hunter Living Stories: Das Verlorene Herz.

兽人必须生存狂热冠军2佩特森的发明火药Rumpelstiltskin 3D白雪公主前传剃刀救赎, SiegecraftQbism饥饿的MonstR逃避 理论实验高清大雄鹿猎人生存故事:达斯·韦洛琳·赫兹

Unity 4 Windows Store apps support is still in development. It is not feature complete nor fully optimized so there may be some bugs lurking. By joining our beta testing program you can help us accelerate development, ensuring this is a great product for all of our developers.

Unity 4 Windows Store应用程序支持仍在开发中。 它的功能不完整,也没有完全优化,因此可能存在一些错误。 通过加入我们的Beta测试计划,您可以帮助我们加快开发速度,确保这对我们所有开发人员来说都是一款不错的产品。

What hardware is supported?


With Unity 4.2 you will be able to publish games as Windows Store apps targeting x86 and ARM systems. The minimum DirectX version supported is DirectX 11 Feature level 9.1, so your games will run on almost any PC and tablet that is running on Windows 8 or Windows RT.

使用Unity 4.2,您将能够将游戏发布为针对x86和ARM系统的Windows应用商店应用。 支持的最低DirectX版本是DirectX 11功能级别9.1,因此您的游戏几乎可以在Windows 8或Windows RT上运行的任何PC和平板电脑上运行。

How can I publish my games to Windows Store?

如何将我的游戏发布到Windows Store?

You will be able to port your existing games to the Windows Store apps platform using the Unity 4.2 alpha/beta builds. We will provide a two month trial license key for all registered beta participants that will unlock Windows Store app platform support in the Unity toolset.

您将能够使用Unity 4.2 alpha / beta版本将现有游戏移植到Windows Store应用程序平台。 我们将为所有注册的Beta参与者提供两个月的试用许可证密钥,这些密钥将在Unity工具集中解锁Windows Store应用程序平台支持。

Please note that any project deployed with a trial license will be watermarked and not for commercial release. Developers who wish to publish their games on Windows Store using our alpha/beta builds should contact the Unity Sales Department.

请注意,任何部署有试用许可证的项目都将加水印,不得用于商业发行。 希望使用我们的alpha / beta版本在Windows Store上发布游戏的开发人员,应联系Unity销售部门



Please do not enter this early access program if you have any time sensitive dependencies to release your Unity product in the Windows Store. This Unity Beta product will not be fully functional nor contain a full commercial feature locked set of tools. New users to Unity should wait to develop in Unity for Windows Store until after the public commercial release.

如果您有任何时间敏感的依赖关系要在Windows应用商店中发布Unity产品,请不要输入此抢先体验程序。 此Unity Beta产品将无法完全发挥作用,也不会包含具有完整商业功能锁定的工具集。 Unity的新用户应该等到公共商业发布之后,才能在Unity for Windows Store中进行开发。

We appreciate you carefully understanding what your expectations are and not depending on this Beta Product for any of your deadlines. We’re excited to progress this product with the help of you, your team, and our incredible Pro user community. Depending on the number of people who register for the program, it could take time for us to process the requests and send you the link to the beta site. Thanks for your help and patience in advance.

感谢您仔细了解自己的期望,并且在任何期限内都不依赖于此Beta产品。 我们很高兴在您,您的团队以及我们令人难以置信的Pro用户社区的帮助下改进该产品。 根据注册该程序的人数,我们可能需要一些时间来处理请求并将链接发送给您Beta版网站。 感谢您的帮助和耐心等待。

*Regular desktop application development for Windows was, is and will be a part of existing Unity product. The ability to develop a new Windows Store app based on Windows Runtime will be introduced in 4.2.

*用于Windows的常规桌面应用程序开发曾经是,并将是现有Unity产品的一部分。 在4.2中将引入基于Windows运行时开发新的Windows Store应用程序的功能。






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