适用于Windows Phone 8.1应用程序的Unity 4 Beta

Unity is proud to announce the Unity 4 beta program for Windows Phone 8.1 apps. We have been working on Windows Phone 8.1 support for Unity 4 for a long time and it feels great to finally be able to share this technology with the game development community.

Unity自豪地宣布Windows Phone 8.1应用程序的Unity 4 beta程序。 我们一直致力于Windows Phone 8.1对Unity 4的支持,很高兴最终能够与游戏开发社区共享该技术。

The initial beta program has limited capacity, and is only open to experienced Unity developers who have had Unity Windows Phone 8 or Windows Store apps games published. If that sounds like you, you’re very welcome to apply for the Windows Phone 8.1 apps beta program. As a beta participant, you’ll test new technology, report bugs and help us to make it better.

最初的Beta程序容量有限,并且仅对已发布Unity Windows Phone 8或Windows Store应用程序游戏的有经验的Unity开发人员开放。 如果听起来像您,我们非常欢迎您申请Windows Phone 8.1应用程序beta版程序。 作为测试版参与者,您将测试新技术,报告错误并帮助我们使其变得更好。

我的团队如何申请Beta版计划? (How can my team apply for the beta program ?)

To participate in the beta program, please send an email to unityforwindowsphone81@unity3d.com. Include a short introduction to your team and provide links to published games on Windows Store or Windows Phone Store.

要参与测试版计划,请发送电子邮件至unityforwindowsphone81@unity3d.com 。 包括对团队的简短介绍,并提供指向Windows Store或Windows Phone Store上已发布游戏的链接。

Existing participants in the Windows Phone 8 beta program will gain access to Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1 apps beta builds automatically.

Windows Phone 8 beta程序的现有参与者将自动访问Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1应用程序beta版本的构建。

The beta consists of two parts:


  • The beta site hosts Windows Phone 8.1 beta builds, info on how to get started and all other relevant information.

    该Beta网站托管Windows Phone 8.1 beta版本,有关如何入门的信息以及所有其他相关信息。

We promise to answer your application within 72 hours. Please note that not all applicants will gain access to the beta program at this time.

我们承诺在72小时内回答您的申请。 请注意,目前并非所有申请人都可以使用Beta版计划。

到底是什么东西? (What’s under the hood ?)

Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1 apps support is almost feature complete, but a lot of bug fixes and polishing are needed. This is our first beta build, so it’s going to take time for us to reach rock solid stability. However, we feel experienced developers can take advantage of this early-stage technology and ship games on Windows Phone 8.1 right now.

Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1应用程序的支持几乎已经完成,但是还需要大量错误修复和完善。 这是我们的第一个Beta版本,因此要达到坚如磐石的稳定性将需要一些时间。 但是,我们认为经验丰富的开发人员可以利用这一早期技术,并立即在Windows Phone 8.1上发布游戏。

At this point we really need feedback from you, the game creators working on real games. By joining our beta testing program, you can help us accelerate development to ensure this is a great product for all Unity users.

在这一点上,我们真的需要您(从事真实游戏的游戏创建者)的反馈。 通过加入我们的Beta测试计划,您可以帮助我们加快开发速度,以确保这对所有Unity用户来说都是一个很好的产品。

In a nutshell, Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1 apps has the following features:

简而言之,Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1应用程序具有以下功能:

          我可以将我的游戏发布到Windows Phone Store吗? (Can I publish my games to Windows Phone Store?)

          Yes, absolutely. However, Microsoft have yet to announce when Windows Phone 8.1 apps will be accepted on Windows Phone Store. To publish content built with Unity, you will, of course, also need a valid Unity 4 or Unity 5 license.

          是的,一点没错。 但是,Microsoft尚未宣布Windows Phone Store将何时接受Windows Phone 8.1应用程序。 要发布使用Unity构建的内容,您当然还需要有效的Unity 4或Unity 5许可证。

          Windows Phone 8.1应用程序支持何时发布? (When will Windows Phone 8.1 apps support be released?)

          Windows Phone 8.1 apps support in Unity 4 will be released this summer. We are working very hard to make that it’s of the highest quality, and we will take the time it takes to polish it. Of course, this does not prevent you from publishing awesome games with our beta builds!

          Unity 4中的Windows Phone 8.1应用程序支持将于今年夏天发布。 我们正在努力使它具有最高的质量,我们将花一些时间来抛光它。 当然,这并不妨碍您使用我们的Beta版发布超赞的游戏!

          一句警告 (A word of warning)

          Please do not enter this open beta program if the release of your Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1 product is subject to any time-sensitive dependencies. This Unity Beta product is not fully functional nor does it contain a full commercial set of locked tools. New Unity users should wait to develop in Unity for Windows Phone 8.1 until after the public commercial release or use the existing Unity 4 Windows Phone 8 apps product.

          如果Unity 4 Windows Phone 8.1产品的发行版受任何对时间敏感的依赖关系,请不要输入此公开测试版程序。 此Unity Beta产品功能不完全,也不包含完整的商业锁定工具集。 新的Unity用户应该等到公开商业发布之后再使用Unity for Windows Phone 8.1进行开发,或者使用现有的Unity 4 Windows Phone 8应用产品。

          We appreciate you carefully considering what your expectations are of this beta product and not depending on it for any of your deadlines. We’re really looking forward to taking it to maturity with your help!

          感谢您仔细考虑此Beta产品的期望,而不是在任何截止日期之前都依赖它。 我们非常期待在您的帮助下使其成熟!

          翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/04/02/unity-4-beta-for-windows-phone-8-1-apps/





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