unity学生demo_Unity Connect学校页面帮助展示新兴学生的才能


Today’s college and university classrooms are home to the next generation of talent that is going to take the industry by storm. How will recruiters find this new Unity talent and snatch it up before anyone else gets a chance? Unity Connect, of course.

今天的大学教室是下一代人才的家园,这些人才将席卷整个行业。 招聘人员将如何找到这种新的Unity人才并在其他人获得机会之前将其抢夺? 当然,Unity Connect。

Since launch, over 1100 companies from the games and VR/AR industries have joined Unity Connect to source talent from a focused pool of over 28k Unity creators that span the gamut of production roles. Now, we are adding another dimension to our growing pool of Unity talent: schools!

自发布以来,来自游戏和VR / AR行业的1100多家公司加入了Unity Connect,从超过28k的Unity创作者的集中资源中选拔人才,这些创作者涵盖了各个生产角色。 现在,我们正在为不断壮大的Unity人才库增加另一个维度:学校!

问题是:将学生的才能与行业雇主联系起来。 (The problem: Connecting student talent with industry employers.)

In building the first talent marketplace for the full spectrum of Unity creators, we quickly realized that we needed to find a way to help emerging talent find their way into the industry.


Currently, recruiters frequently have to call on program directors or educators at the schools they are targeting and ask for recommendations based on their hiring needs. The educator then has the task of playing matchmaker: identifying which students might be the best match for the open positions and then facilitating introductions. Students often have to build their own portfolio sites, which stand isolated and don’t get discovered very easily.

当前,招聘人员经常不得不拜访目标学校的项目主管或教育工作者,并根据他们的招聘需求提出建议。 然后,教育者的任务是扮演媒人:确定哪些学生可能是最适合空缺职位的人,然后为介绍做准备。 学生们经常不得不建立自己的作品集网站,这些网站孤立无援,很难被发现。

学生领袖: (Student leaders:)

We want to talk to you!


Are you a college student in the United States that is leading a VR or Unity club? We want to learn more about what you’re doing! Send us an email with “Student Leader” in the subject line at connect@unity3d.com.

您是在美国领导VR或Unity俱乐部的大学生吗? 我们想更多地了解您在做什么! 给我们发送电子邮件,在主题行 connect@unity3d.com上 包含“学生负责人” 。

解决方案:学校现在可以在Unity Connect上展示学生的才华 (The solution: Schools can now showcase their student talent on Unity Connect)

Now schools can create pages and invite all of the students in their programs to join. The aggregated portfolios and projects of all their students are showcased on their profile page, which recruiters can use as a one-stop shop for student talent. They can zero in on exactly the right profiles using industry-specific skill tags and search filters and visually validate the quality of work without ever leaving the site.

现在,学校可以创建页面并邀请其计划中的所有学生加入。 他们的所有学生的汇总投资组合和项目都显示在其个人资料页面上,招聘人员可以将其用作一站式学习人才的商店。 他们可以使用特定于行业的技能标签和搜索过滤器在正确的配置文件中进行归零,并且无需离开站点即可直观地验证工作质量。

立即创建或加入您的学校页面 (Create or join your school page today)

In this first phase, we are only accepting schools from North America, but will be making this available globally in the very near future. We’re excited that many schools have already joined — including the University of Utah, Carnegie Mellon, Full Sail University, NYU, University of Wisconsin Stout, and more — and are adding more students every day. If you are a student at one of these or the many other schools already on board, be sure to sign in to your Unity Connect account and join your school’s page.

在第一阶段,我们仅接受来自北美的学校,但是将在不久的将来在全球范围内提供。 我们很高兴看到许多学校已经加入,包括犹他大学,卡内基梅隆大学,全帆大学,纽约大学,威斯康星州烈性黑啤酒大学等等,而且每天都在增加学生。 如果您是其中一所或许多其他学校的学生,请确保登录您的Unity Connect帐户并加入学校页面。

我如何加入我的学校? (How do I join my school?)

Simply go to Discover > Schools on Unity Connect. If your school is already listed, you can simply click on the ‘Join School’ button at the top of the page.

只需转到 Unity Connect上的 Discover> Schools 。 如果您的学校已经列出,则只需单击页面顶部的“加入学校”按钮。

Find Your School Page
Join Your School on Unity Connect
如果我的学校还不在那怎么办? (What if my school isn’t on there yet?)

If your school doesn’t have a page yet, you can apply to get one created. Just click on the ‘Create a School’ button, which you will find in the upper right-hand corner of the Discover > Schools page.

如果您的学校还没有页面,则可以申请创建一个页面。 只需单击“ 创建学校 ”按钮,该按钮将在“ 发现”>“学校” 页面的 右上角找到 。

Create Your School Page
Create Your School Page on Unity Connect

If you are outside of North America and interested in creating a school page, you are more than welcome to apply in advance. Our team will follow up with you as soon as we are ready to expand to other regions.

如果您不在北美,并且有兴趣创建学校页面,欢迎您提前申请。 一旦我们准备扩展到其他地区,我们的团队就会与您联系。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/03/24/unity-connect-school-pages-help-showcase-emerging-student-talent/






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