Unity Connect开放测试版:加入第一个致力于Unity创作者的人才市场!

When Andrew joined the Open Beta of Unity Connect and posted his Task, he wasn’t expecting to get a response within 20 minutes… but that’s exactly what happened.

当安德鲁加入Unity Connect的开放测试版并发布其任务时,他并不希望在20分钟之内得到答复……但这就是发生的事情。

Andrew, founder of S.F. Bay Studios and a Unity Asset Store publisher, was looking for someone to create some custom, medium-poly gems for his cave environment. Within 20 minutes of hitting “Post” on his Task, he received a response and, within 24 hours, he was connected with a 3D Modeler named Federico and the work was underway. Now, just a week later, the work is complete — Federico has earned some income doing what he does best and Andrew is one step closer to publishing.

SF Bay Studios的 创始人 兼 Unity Asset Store发行商 Andrew 一直在寻找有人为其洞穴环境创建一些定制的,中等多边形的宝石。 在点击“任务”中的20分钟后,他收到了答复,并在24小时内与名为Federico的3D Modeler建立了联系,这项工作正在进行中。 现在,仅一周后,工作就完成了-费德里科(Federico)凭借自己最擅长的工作获得了一些收入,而安德鲁(Andrew)离出版更近了一步。

获取帮助...或接听电话! (Get help… or answer the call!)

Tasks, a sort of “micro-job,” are a way for developers to connect with people who have skills to help them overcome roadblocks and keep their project moving toward the finish line. Like Andrew, if you need help getting something done, you can post a Task on Unity Connect to broadcast a call for help. On the flip side, you can leverage your strengths to respond to Task posts and earn some extra income by helping others.

任务是一种“微型工作”,是开发人员与有技能的人们联系的一种方式,这些技能可以帮助他们克服障碍并保持项目向终点线发展。 与安德鲁一样,如果您需要帮助来完成某件事,则可以在Unity Connect上发布任务以广播求助电话。 另一方面,您可以利用自己的优势来回应“任务”帖子,并通过帮助他人来赚取一些额外的收入。

Post a Task on Unity Connect

Posting Tasks — short-term “micro-jobs” with clearly defined deliverables — allows developers to broadcast a call for help to the community and connect with talented specialists who have the skills to help them keep their project moving forward.


展示您的作品并建立知名度。 (Showcase your work and build your visibility.)

Being part of this new community doesn’t just benefit those who are looking for help. It also allows you to showcase your work and highlight your individual skills. You can build your visibility and reputation in the industry, engage with other creators, and even find creative inspiration. And, being present means you can be found by recruiters who are looking for Unity talent to fill their open positions — over 250 companies, ranging from small shops to large companies like Zynga, have already joined Unity Connect and started posting jobs.

成为这个新社区的一部分,不仅会使寻求帮助的人受益。 它还可以让您展示您的作品并突出您的个人技能。 您可以建立自己在业界的知名度和声誉,与其他创作者互动,甚至找到创意灵感。 而且,在场意味着可以找到正在寻找Unity人才以填补其空缺职位的招聘人员-从小型商店到大型公司(例如Zynga)的250多家公司已经加入Unity Connect并开始发布工作。

Unity Connect portfolio

Add projects to your Unity Connect portfolio to show off your best work to the community and to those looking for talent. You can also find creative inspiration by following other creators’ portfolios and engage with them by liking or commenting on their projects.

将项目添加到您的Unity Connect项目组合中,向社区和正在寻找人才的人们展示您的最佳工作。 您还可以通过关注其他创作者的作品集找到创意灵感,并通过喜欢或评论他们的项目来与他们互动。

Over 230 companies have listed jobs on Unity Connect

Over 250 companies have already joined Unity Connect. You can browse for full-time or part-time employment opportunities by company, or you can also search for positions that match your skill set.

已有250多家公司加入Unity Connect。 您可以浏览公司的全职或兼职工作机会,或者也可以搜索与您的技能相匹配的职位。

充分利用Unity和游戏行业的人才库。 (Tap into a focused pool of Unity and game industry talent.)

If you are a recruiter or hiring manager, you can tap into the Unity Connect talent pool by creating a company page and posting your full-time or part-time jobs. You can also proactively source talent for your open positions using industry- and Unity-specific filters and skill tags. This allows you to zero in on the right people in a focused pool, and saves you the time of searching for needles in the haystacks of general professional networking sites.

如果您是招聘人员或招聘经理,则可以通过创建公司页面并发布全职或兼职工作来进入Unity Connect人才库。 您还可以使用特定于行业和Unity的过滤器和技能标签,主动为您的空缺职位寻找人才。 这样一来,您就可以将注意力集中在合适的人员中,从而节省了在常规专业网络站点的大海捞针中寻找针头的时间。

Tap into the pool of Unity creators and game industry talent

Recruiters and developers seeking help on their projects can browse for talent visually and verify the quality of someone’s work without ever leaving the site.


加入超级容易……而且免费! (Joining is super easy… and free! )

Last week, at the Unite LA keynote, we announced the Open Beta of Unity Connect. Before the end of the show, thousands of Unity creators representing the full spectrum of game development skill sets — technical artists, programmers, level designers, VR specialists — had already signed on and started building their presence in the community.

上周,在Unite LA主题演讲中,我们宣布了Unity Connect的开放测试版。 在演出结束之前,代表各种游戏开发技能的数千名Unity创作者(技术艺术家,程序员,关卡设计师,VR专家)已经签约并开始在社区中建立自己的形象。

Now it’s your turn! Whether you are a creator with great work to show off, looking for help with a project, or a recruiter with positions to fill, our community won’t be complete until you are there!

现在轮到你了! 无论您是要炫耀作品的创造者,在项目上寻求帮助,还是有应聘职位的招聘人员,在您到那里之前,我们的社区都是不完整的!

Just sign in with your Unity ID to activate your account and get started:

只需使用您的Unity ID登录即可激活您的帐户并开始使用:

Join Unity Connect

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/11/07/unity-connect-open-beta-join-the-first-talent-marketplace-dedicated-to-unity-creators/





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