Unity Connect Messenger简介:实时,实时访问Unity社区

‘Community’ is one of the first things we hear when we ask why people chose to create with Unity in the first place. Extremely enthusiastic, passionate, and supportive, the Unity community is truly unique.

当我们问为什么人们首先选择使用Unity进行创建时,“社区”是我们首先听到的内容之一。 Unity社区极其热情,热情和支持,是真正独一无二的。

With Unity Connect, we took an important step toward bringing creators closer together by creating a dedicated space for them to showcase their skills, find help on their projects, and get discovered by talent seekers and employers. However, up to this point, members were only able to connect over a job or task post, and we were frequently receiving feedback requesting the ability to network more freely.

借助Unity Connect,我们迈出了重要的一步,通过为创作者创建专用的空间来展示他们的技能,为他们的项目寻求帮助以及被求职者和雇主发现,使创作者更加紧密地联系在一起。 但是,到目前为止,成员只能通过工作或任务发布进行连接,并且我们经常收到反馈,要求能够更自由地联网。

真正的Unity创建者专业网络 (A true professional network for Unity creators)

Unity Connect started as a talent marketplace, centered around helping Unity creators find work: you could connect with a prospective employer or an applicant over a job or task post and use the in-app messaging system to exchange messages and determine a good fit for moving forward. Now, you can connect with someone without being tied to a job or task post. This gives you the ability to build your network and start identifying potential collaborators in advance, so your crew can be ready to hit the ground running when a work opportunity presents itself.

Unity Connect最初是一个人才市场,其重点是帮助Unity创作者找到工作:您可以在工作或任务职位上与准雇主或申请人联系,并使用应用内消息传递系统交换消息并确定是否适合搬迁前锋。 现在,您可以与某人联系,而不必局限于工作或任务职位。 这使您能够建立网络并提前确定潜在的合作者,因此当工作机会出现时,您的工作人员可以随时投入工作。

With the new Unity Connect Messenger, you can now collaborate and chat live, in real-time, with your connections from our rapidly growing community in a dedicated space for Unity creators across the globe to discuss topics of interest, collaborate, or support each other.

借助新的Unity Connect Messenger,您现在可以与我们快速增长的社区中的人进行实时协作和实时聊天,在专用空间中供全球Unity创作者讨论感兴趣的主题,相互协作或相互支持。

Now you can chat directly with your connections in either private or group chats using Unity Connect Messenger.

现在,您可以使用Unity Connect Messenger在私人聊天或群聊中直接与您的连接聊天。

一对一聊天和私人聊天 (1-on-1 and private group chat)

This first release of the Unity Connect Messenger lets you chat 1-on-1 or in private group chats/channels with your connections, so you can have discussions and collaborate in real-time. The messenger will send you notifications via email if messages come in while you are away, so you don’t miss a beat in the conversation.

Unity Connect Messenger的第一个版本使您可以与连接进行一对一聊天或在私人小组聊天/频道中进行聊天,因此您可以进行讨论并进行实时协作。 如果在您外出时收到消息,则Messenger会通过电子邮件向您发送通知,因此您不会错过任何谈话。

The first time you use the new messenger, you will be placed in a universal welcome chat ‘lobby’ — take this opportunity to say ‘Hello World’ and let people know a little bit about you and what you are working on. Make sure to take some time to check out the interesting projects others have shared and feel free to reach out individually to creators. You are free to leave the lobby at any time, simply click on the gear icon and select ‘leave’ to remove yourself.

第一次使用新的Messenger时,您将进入通用的“聊天室”“大厅”,借此机会说“ Hello World”,并让人们对您和您的工作有所了解。 确保花一些时间检查其他人共享的有趣项目,并随时与创作者单独联系。 您可以随时离开大厅,只需单击齿轮图标并选择“离开”即可离开自己。

We plan to add public channels to allow the community to hold discussions over popular topics as an open group in the near future, so keep an eye out.


If you have any suggestions or feedback that you’d like to provide to the team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the Unity Connect forum or at connect_support@unity3d.com.

如果您有任何建议或反馈想要提供给团队,请随时通过Unity Connect论坛或connect_support@unity3d.com与我们联系。

开始连接! (Start connecting!)

Whether you are a creator looking to showcase your upcoming project, need some quick Unity advice, or are looking to team up with a talented artist, designer, or programmer, chatting with other creators using Unity Connect Messenger is easy! Just sign in with your Unity ID to activate your account, click the messenger icon on the top right of your dashboard, and start chatting!

无论您是想要展示即将到来的项目的创建者,需要一些快速的Unity建议,还是希望与才华横溢的艺术家,设计师或程序员合作,使用Unity Connect Messenger与其他创建者聊天都是很容易的! 只需使用您的Unity ID登录即可激活您的帐户,点击信息中心右上角的Messenger图标,然后开始聊天!

加入对话 (Join the Conversation )

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/08/introducing-unity-connect-messenger-live-real-time-access-to-the-unity-community/





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