unity 团队协作_使用Unity Connect将课堂协作提升到新的水平

unity 团队协作

This Unity educator is teaching students to build a portfolio and showcase their work while making team collaboration easier with Unity Connect.

这位Unity教育工作者正在教学生建立作品集并展示他们的工作,同时通过Unity Connect简化团队协作。

When Megan “MJ” Johns first heard about Unity Connect at the Unite LA keynote, she immediately signed on to see what the first talent marketplace dedicated to Unity creators would have to offer. She was initially planning to use it to showcase her own projects and to look for contract work. However, MJ, who is Adjunct Faculty at the Art Institute of Austin, soon realized it would be a perfect way for her students to collaborate and submit their in-class work while becoming comfortable presenting their work to the outside world.

当Megan“ MJ” Johns 在Unite LA主题演讲上 首次听说 Unity Connect 时,她立即签约,看看致力于Unity创作者的首个人才市场将提供什么。 她最初计划使用它来展示自己的项目并寻找合同工作。 然而,奥斯汀艺术学院兼职学院的MJ很快意识到,这是让她的学生们协作并提交课堂作业的理想方式,同时又可以轻松地向外界展示自己的作品。

Megan "MJ" Johns, Founder of Aspire Games and Adjunct Faculty at Art Institute of Austin

Megan “MJ” Johns, Founder of Astire Games and Adjunct Faculty at Art Institute of Austin.

奥斯汀艺术学院Astire Games创办人兼兼职教授Megan“ MJ” Johns。

Upon returning from Unite, she decided to implement Unity Connect in the next cycle of her Rapid Prototyping course, where students work through the process of making a working game every two weeks.

从Unite回来后,她决定在她的快速原型制作课程的下一个周期中实施Unity Connect,在此课程中,学生每两周制作一个工作游戏。

MJ instructed her 4 student teams, composed of 4 to 5 students each, to create Unity Connect profiles. The team leader was responsible for creating a project in their portfolio and uploading the requisite one page game design document following MJ’s specified format, which includes an overview, team names, the goal for the player, key gameplay elements, what mechanics they would be using, and art style reference imagery. The other team members and MJ herself would then be added as Contributors to the project.

MJ指示她的4个学生小组(每个小组由4至5个学生组成)创建Unity Connect配置文件。 团队负责人负责在其投资组合中创建一个项目,并按照MJ的指定格式上载必要的一页游戏设计文档,其中包括概述,团队名称,玩家目标,关键游戏元素以及他们将使用的机制,以及艺术风格参考图像。 然后,其他团队成员和MJ本人将被添加为该项目的贡献者。


The student team lead was responsible for creating a project on Unity Connect and adding the other students and their instructor as Contributors.

学生团队负责人负责在Unity Connect上创建一个项目,并将其他学生及其指导老师添加为贡献者。


The students uploaded a game design document detailing key aspects of the game they were proposing to build and reference imagery.


As work on their game progressed, their project expanded to include additional design docs, concept art, gameplay description, screenshots, and finally, videos of the final product. At the end of the two weeks, the teams presented their projects to the class on Unity Connect.

随着他们游戏工作的进行,他们的项目扩展到包括其他设计文档,概念图,游戏说明,屏幕截图,最后是最终产品的视频。 在两周结束时,团队在Unity Connect上向课堂介绍了他们的项目。



At the end of their rapid prototyping cycle, the student teams uploaded videos of their completed project and presented their final work to the class.


“It proved to be really useful for organizational purposes,” said MJ, “As the instructor, it’s much easier to review their work visually on a Unity Connect project page instead of having to look through the school’s network drive folders. For the students, it’s convenient because they are able to keep their work for a project in one place that they can access from school or from home. It also gives them an opportunity to build a public portfolio and get used to presenting their work publicly.”

MJ说:“事实证明,这对于组织工作非常有用。作为指导者,在Unity Connect项目页面上直观地查看他们的工作要容易得多,而不必浏览学校的网络驱动器文件夹。 对于学生来说,这很方便,因为他们能够将项目的工作保存在一个可以从学校或家中访问的地方。 它还为他们提供了建立公共作品集并习惯于公开展示其作品的机会。”

MJ added that some of her students are looking for freelance work while still in school, to help offset the costs of their education, and that she would encourage them to use Unity Connect to leverage their skills to earn some extra income.

MJ补充说,她的一些学生在上学期间正在寻找自由职业者,以帮助抵消他们的教育费用,她还鼓励他们使用Unity Connect来利用自己的技能来赚取额外的收入。

MJ also teaches Advanced Level Design, where students work on a single project for the entire 11 weeks of the course, and intends to use Unity Connect when that course begins in the new year.

MJ还教高级课程设计,该课程的学生将在整个课程的11周内从事一个项目,并打算在新年开始该课程时使用Unity Connect。

“I plan to continue using this tool for my students to present their projects, and I will be encouraging other instructors to do the same.”


您是在教室中使用Unity Connect的教育家吗? (Are you an educator using Unity Connect in your classroom?)

If you are and educator using Unity Connect in the classroom, we’d love to hear about it and possibly share it with the community! Drop us a line at connect_support@unity3d.com and tell us your story!

如果您是在教室中使用Unity Connect的教育者,我们很乐意听到有关它的信息,并可能与社区分享! 给我们 发邮件至connect_support@unity3d.com ,告诉我们您的故事!

还没在Unity Connect上吗? (Not on Unity Connect yet?)

Come join the first talent marketplace dedicated to Unity creators, games, and VR/AR. Simply sign in with your Unity ID to activate your account and start showcasing your work, posting or responding to Tasks, or browsing industry jobs today!

快来加入第一个致力于Unity创作者,游戏和VR / AR的人才市场。 只需使用您的Unity ID登录即可激活您的帐户,并立即开始展示您的作品,发布或响应任务或浏览行业职位!

Join Unity Connect

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/12/06/taking-classroom-collaboration-to-the-next-level-with-unity-connect/

unity 团队协作





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