unity 2017_Unity 2017:感谢您的出色表现

unity 2017

We can’t believe 2017 is almost over! This year brought some major changes to Unity. We started a whole new release cycle. Released new tools that empowered people with all kinds of  skill to make even more amazing projects together. Helped you reach more users on more platforms. Here’s a quick look back at some of the new things that came with Unity 2017.

我们不敢相信2017年快结束了! 今年,Unity发生了一些重大变化。 我们开始了一个全新的发行周期。 发布了新工具,使具有各种技能的人们可以一起进行更出色的项目。 帮助您在更多平台上吸引更多用户。 快速浏览一下Unity 2017附带的一些新功能。

One of our major priorities this year has been empowering creators with powerful new visual tools that let the whole team collaborate efficiently. Timeline, Cinemachine, Unity FBX Exporter and Tilemap, OctaneRender for Unity are all here so that you can get better results faster. At the same time, we’ve been improving Unity Teams, a set of tools that make syncing and sharing your project seamless.

今年,我们的主要优先任务之一就是为创作者提供强大的新型视觉工具,使整个团队得以高效协作。 时间轴,CinemachineUnity FBX导出器 和TilemapUnity的OctaneRender都在这里,以便您更快地获得更好的结果。 同时,我们一直在改进Unity Teams ,这是使无缝同步和共享项目的一组工具。

Getting the hang of these huge new features can be difficult. So we’re doing tutorials, online training sessions, talks at Unite and blog posts full of tips and tricks. And the holiday period is perfect for some learning, so dig in! You can explore worldbuilding in 2D using Tilemap and 2D Cinemachine with Matt Schell. Or take twenty minutes to learn how Unity Teams work from this Unite Austin talk. Tell us what you think about these resources in the comments – especially if there are some areas where you think we should make more content!

掌握这些巨大的新功能可能很困难。 因此,我们正在进行教程,在线培训课程,在Unite进行的演讲以及包含技巧和窍门的博客文章。 假期对于某些学习来说是完美的,所以请深入学习! 您可以使用Tilemap和2D Cinemachine与Matt Schell一起探索2D世界的构建 。 或花20分钟从奥斯丁的演讲中学习团结团队的工作方式 。 在评论中告诉我们您对这些资源的看法-尤其是在某些方面您认为我们应该提供更多的内容时!

And we do enjoy making content, that’s for sure – just take a look at the projects and tools we released on the Asset Store, for your free enjoyment! We love to see what you make with all the assets. But there was one project that we were blown away by this year. OATS Studios used the full capabilities of Unity 2017 to create two short films that continue the world of our demo ADAM. They really gave us a glimpse into the future of real-time rendering. But they’ve also worked with us to explain how they used tools like the Alembic Importer and features like Timeline to work so much faster than a traditional studio and achieve their creative vision. We can’t recommend enough that you read the entire “Making of Adam” series!

当然,我们确实喜欢制作内容– 只看一下我们在Asset Store上发布的项目和工具 ,即可免费享用! 我们很乐意看到您使用所有资产所做的工作。 但是今年有一个项目令我们震惊。 OATS Studios利用Unity 2017的全部功能制作了两部短片,以延续我们的演示ADAM的世界。 他们确实让我们瞥见了实时渲染的未来。 但是他们还与我们合作,说明了他们如何使用像Alembic Importer这样的工具和像Timeline这样的功能来比传统工作室更快地工作,并实现了他们的创造力。 我们不能推荐您阅读整个“亚当之作”系列文章!

We’ve also invested a lot of our time and effort into improving the everyday experience of working in Unity for all of you who are programmers and technical artists. That means a lot of improvements to things like the GI Profiler and texture compression. Or a New Asset Bundle Browser:

我们还投入了大量的时间和精力来改善所有人的程序员和技术美术师在Unity工作的日常体验。 这意味着需要对GI Profiler纹理压缩等进行很多改进。 或新资产捆绑浏览器

We also released the Playable API, allowing you to have precise programmatic control over animation and audio. You can now update your live game in an instant with Remote Settings. And we’re working on upgrading the core scripting runtime to Mono/.NET 4.6.

我们还发布了Playable API ,可让您对动画和音频进行精确的编程控制。 现在,您可以使用“ 远程设置”立即更新实时游戏。 我们正在努力将核心脚本运行时升级到Mono / .NET 4.6。

These updates improve the performance of your games and make scripting and optimization overall easier. And they are a huge priority for us in 2018, with the new C# Job System currently in Technical Preview and upcoming Scriptable Render Pipeline available as an experimental feature. Watch the relevant part of the Unite keynote to get a taste for the upcoming performance optimizations:

这些更新可改善游戏性能,并使脚本编写和优化工作更加容易。 对于我们来说,它们是2018年的重中之重,新的C#作业系统目前在技术预览版中,而即将发布的Scriptable Render Pipeline作为实验性功能可用。 观看Unite主题演讲的相关部分,以了解即将进行的性能优化:

With Unity 2017, things have really started heating up when it comes to mixed reality development. We’ve added support for ARCore and ARKit as well as Vuforia, enabling our community to create cross platform AR experiences. You can get started writing cross-platform code with experimental sample code in this this blog post.

在Unity 2017中,涉及混合现实开发的事情真的开始升温。 我们增加了对ARCoreARKit以及Vuforia的支持 ,使我们的社区能够创建跨平台的AR体验。 您可以在此博客中开始使用实验​​示例代码编写跨平台代码

You often ask how can we progress in all directions at once, working on the big new things while improving all the existing features, while maintaining support for more than 25 platforms. The truth is, we’ve hired loads of super talented new people this year. Using Unity, you now have more than 500 engineers on your team, working all around the globe to provide the technical backbone for your digital creations.

您经常会问我们如何在各个方面都取得进展,在处理重大新事物的同时改进所有现有功能,同时保持对25个以上平台的支持。 事实是,今年我们招聘了许多超级有才华的新人。 使用Unity,您现在团队中有500多名工程师,他们在全球各地工作,为您的数字创作提供技术Struts。

And the quality of projects that you’re already making with Unity 2017 is just awe inspiring. You motivate us to keep improving your tools in the years to come – thank you!

您已经使用Unity 2017进行的项目质量令人振奋 。 您激励我们在未来的几年中不断改进您的工具-谢谢!

A special extra thank you goes to our beta testers, who take the hot off the presses new versions of the engine and run wild with it. You help us improve the stability of every release.

特别要感谢我们的Beta测试人员,他们将新闻界热销的新版本发动机带走了。 您可以帮助我们提高每个版本的稳定性。

If you’re not a Unity beta tester yet, we’d like to invite you to join up and become a part of the future of Unity! Get early access to what’s coming in 2018! Keep an eye on our open beta page.

如果您还不是Unity beta测试人员,我们想邀请您加入并成为Unity未来的一部分! 尽早获得2018年的最新消息! 请随时关注我们的公开测试版页面。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/12/30/unity-2017-thank-you-for-a-year-of-awesome/

unity 2017

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