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Google Alerts lets you receive email notifications regarding topics you care most about on the internet, without having to actively search for them. Set up an alert for every time a topic, word, or phrase shows up in Google Search.

Google快讯可以让您接收有关互联网上您最关心的主题的电子邮件通知,而无需主动搜索它们。 每当主题,单词或短语出现在Google搜索中时,设置一个提醒。

什么是Google快讯? (What Is Google Alerts?)

Google Alerts is a way to stay on top of things that matter most to you, without having to do any of the legwork of searching around the internet.


Whenever a webpage that contains the search term you created an alert for shows up in Google Search, you’ll receive an email containing a list of the mentions. For example, if you set an alert for “Pixelbook,” any time someone writes an article or mentions a Pixelbook, you’ll get a Google Alert sent to you.

每当包含您创建警报的搜索词的网页出现在Google搜索中时,您都会收到一封包含提及列表的电子邮件。 例如,如果您为“ Pixelbook”设置了警报,则无论何时有人写文章或提及Pixelbook,您都会收到一条Google警报发送给您。

You can create an alert for almost anything on the internet. Want to know if someone is talking about you? Want customized alerts on jobs in your area? Set up an alert and let Google do the rest.

您可以为互联网上的几乎所有内容创建警报。 想知道是否有人在谈论你吗? 想要有关您所在地区的工作的自定义警报吗? 设置警报,然后让Google完成其余工作。

Note: You will need a Google Account to use Google Alerts.


如何设置Google快讯 (How to Set Up a Google Alert)

Fire up your browser and head on over to Google Alerts, ensuring that you’re signed in to your Google account. In the text filed provided, type the word or phrase you want to create an alert for and then click the “Create Alert” button.

启动浏览器,然后转到Google警报 ,确保您已登录Google帐户。 在提供的文本中,键入您要为其创建警报的单词或短语,然后单击“创建警报”按钮。

Enter a topic to search for, and then click "Create Alert."

The text box works just like it does when you search Google. To get a more refined search, try to be as specific as possible. Otherwise, you may end up with thousands of irrelevant notifications.

文本框的工作方式与您搜索Google时一样。 为了获得更精确的搜索,请尝试尽可能具体。 否则,您可能会收到数千个不相关的通知。

Alternatively, scroll down to see a list of some suggested topics to follow. Click the “+” sign to add an alert for each specific topic.

或者,向下滚动以查看一些建议主题的列表。 单击“ +”号为每个特定主题添加警报。

Alternatively, choose one of the topics that are listed below.

Click on the “Show Options” button to change how often you receive alerts, source, language, region, number of results, and where to deliver them.


Click "Show Options" to change how and when you recieve an alert.

Scroll down to see a preview of what the alert will look like when it gets sent to your email.


A preview of the Alert that will be sent to your inbox is viewable by scrolling down.

When you finish adjusting these options, click “Create Alert” to finish.


Click "Create Alert" to finish up with this alert.

更改警报的发送方式 (Change How Alerts Are Delivered)

You can change the time of day that you want to receive an alert and whether to send every alert bundled into a single email.


From the Google Alerts website, click the Settings cog at the top of the “My Alerts” section.

Google警报网站上 ,单击“我的警报”部分顶部的“设置”齿轮。

Open the Settings by clicking the Settings cog.

Click the checkbox next to “Delivery Time” and then choose a time to receive the alert.


Change the time of delivery by clicking the checkbox next to "Delivery," and then specifying a time.

Next, click the checkbox next to “Digest,” choose how often you want an alert sent to your inbox, and then click the “Save” button to close Settings.


Want to get all your alerts bundled into one email? Click the checkbox next to "Digest" specify how often it gets sent, and then click "Save."

编辑或删除警报 (Edit or Delete an Alert)

If you accidentally created an alert with the wrong set of options, you don’t need to go and delete it just yet. You can edit and change how alerts are received first.

如果您不小心用一组错误的选项创建了警报,则无需立即删除它。 您可以编辑和更改首先接收警报的方式。

From the Google Alerts website, click on the Pencil icon next to an alert you’ve already set up.

Google警报网站上 ,单击已设置的警报旁边的铅笔图标。

Edit an Alert by clicking the Pencil icon.

Next, update any of the options available, and then click “Update Alert” to save any changes.


Change any of the options you want, and then click "Update alert" to save any changes.

Whether you just want to get rid of it because you put in the wrong search term or no longer want to receive alerts for that topic, that’s just as easy to do. Click the Trash icon next to the alert you want to delete.

无论您是只是因为输入错误的搜索词而只是想摆脱它,还是不想再收到该主题的警报,都可以轻松实现。 单击要删除的警报旁边的垃圾箱图标。

Delete an alert by clicking on the Trash icon.

You won’t be asked to confirm the deletion, but a notification will pop up with a chance to undo it, just in case you deleted the alert by accident.


You won't be asked to confirm the delete. However, you will have the option to undo it if done by accident.

进一步完善您的警报 (Refine Your Alerts Even Further)

Remember, the Google Alerts search box works just as if you were searching the internet using Google. Don’t be afraid to get creative with these Google Search tips to create a more personalized and refined notification system.

请记住,“ Google快讯”搜索框的工作就像您使用Google搜索互联网一样。 不要害怕利用这些Google搜索提示来发挥创意,以创建更加个性化和精致的通知系统。

Stick quotation marks around a word or phrase to search for that exact term.


Use quotation marks to search exact phrases.

Choose a word to exclude from the entire search, only displaying results that don’t contain that word by using the “-” sign.


Exclude certain words from the search results you receive with the minus (-) sign.

Try a few other combinations to get even more complex search queries delivered to your inbox. The possibilities are almost endless when combining the power of a Google Search with Alerts.

尝试其他几种组合,以将更复杂的搜索查询传递到您的收件箱。 将Google搜索的功能与警报功能结合起来,可能性几乎是无限的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/444477/how-to-master-google-alerts/






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