算法训练营 重编码_您在编码训练营期间可能面临的最大挑战

算法训练营 重编码

by Joanna Gaudyn

乔安娜·高登(Joanna Gaudyn)

您在编码训练营期间可能面临的最大挑战 (The biggest struggles you might face during a coding bootcamp)

You think that during a coding bootcamp nothing can be more challenging than learning programming itself, right? Here is my ranking of things that can be just as strenuous, together with ideas on how to handle them.

您认为在编码训练营期间,没有什么比学习编程本身更具挑战性了吧? 这是我对可能同样艰巨的事情的排名,以及有关如何处理它们的想法。

9.事情组织得不好 (9. Things are poorly organized)

The air con doesn’t work with over 40 degrees Celsius outside? The coffee machine is out of beans? The WiFi is breaking off?

空调不能在室外超过40摄氏度下使用吗? 咖啡机里没有咖啡豆吗? WiFi中断了吗?

Things happen. This does not necessarily mean that your bootcamp organizers are not doing their best to make your life smooth. What should you do when faced with logistical issues?

事情发生。 这并不一定意味着您的训练营组织者没有尽最大努力使您的生活顺利。 面对后勤问题该怎么办?

  • Speak up. Just because you failed to get your morning coffee doesn’t mean that whoever could fix it for you is even aware of the problem’s existence.

    快说 仅仅因为您没有得到早晨的咖啡并不意味着任何可以为您解决问题的人甚至都知道问题的存在。
  • Be patient. Some things are just beyond human control. If you see people are working towards getting an issue fixed, repeating your complaint every 10 minutes doesn’t really do much, other than spreading negativity.

    耐心一点。 有些事情是人类无法控制的。 如果您发现人们正在努力解决问题,那么每10分钟重复一次投诉实际上并没有多大作用,除了传播消极情绪。
  • If you know how to fix the problem, do it. It might be the fastest and easiest solution of all.

    如果您知道如何解决问题,请执行此操作。 它可能是所有方法中最快,最简单的解决方案。
8.教师供不应求 (8. Teachers under-deliver)

The teaching staff is a core of every coding bootcamp. They not only need to be technically strong and have pedagogical skills, but also have to be able to empathize with programming beginners.

教学人员是每个编码训练营的核心。 他们不仅需要技术能力强并且具有教学能力,而且还必须能够对编程初学者产生同情。

When you feel one of your teachers under-delivers, ask yourself:


  • Is it only your impression or do other students share your sentiment? One teaching style will rarely accommodate all students’ needs, so it’s possible that even though the teacher is miserable in your eyes, they’re great for others.

    仅仅是您的印象还是其他学生分享您的观点? 一种教学方式几乎无法满足所有学生的需求,因此即使老师在您的眼中很痛苦,也可能对其他人很有帮助。
  • Does the teacher come prepared for the classes they run?

  • What would need to be different for you to change your mind about this teacher? Are these conditions rationally achievable?

    您要改变对这位老师的主意,需要做些什么? 这些条件是否可以合理实现?

The most effective way to address an issue you have with the teaching staff is bringing it up with the bootcamp organizers. Even though they won’t always be able to solve the problem right away, your chances of getting things improved are still higher when you react promptly, rather than waiting with complaints for your bootcamp to be over.

解决与教职员工有关的问题的最有效方法是与训练营组织者一起提出。 即使他们并不总是能够立即解决问题,但如果您Swift做出React,而不是等待投诉使训练营结束,那么改善情况的机会仍然更高。

7.您没有像您希望的那样快地掌握事物 (7. You don’t grasp things as quickly as you have hoped you would)

We all like to think of ourselves as quick-learners. The reality check can be brutal when you’re faced with the extreme working pace of a coding bootcamp.

我们都喜欢将自己视为快速学习者。 当您面对编码训练营的极端工作节奏时,现实检查可能是残酷的。

What to do to overcome this feeling?


  • First of all, when you decide to take a coding bootcamp, don’t set the bar for yourself too high. Keeping your expectations realistic lets you avoid the daunting feeling of underachieving.

    首先,当您决定参加编码训练营时,请不要将自己的门槛设置得太高。 保持期望切合实际,可以避免成就不佳的艰巨感觉。
  • Be prepared to not understand everything at once. An average coding bootcamp will expose you to a vast amount of computer science knowledge in a very short time. Some concepts will be very complex. Not understanding all of them the first time you face them is completely natural, so don’t let it discourage you. Things will fall in place with reiteration.

    准备不立即了解所有内容。 一个普通的编码训练营将在很短的时间内让您了解大量的计算机科学知识。 一些概念将非常复杂。 第一次面对它们时不理解所有这些是完全自然的,因此不要让它灰心。 反复重申,事情将就位。
  • Work hard. Put in some extra effort if deep inside you know that the reason for your slower learning is the fact that you haven’t fully committed.

    努力工作。 如果您内心深处知道您学习缓慢的原因是付出一些额外的努力,那就是您没有完全投入。
6.你没有像别人那样快地掌握事物 (6. You don’t grasp things as quickly as others)

Modern education system trains us to compete with each other at all times. In some cases it might be a great motivator, but when you feel like you’re falling behind, it can get to you in all the wrong ways.

现代教育系统训练我们时刻保持竞争。 在某些情况下,这可能是一个很好的动机,但是当您觉得自己落后时,它可能会以各种错误的方式来帮助您。

If this is happening during a bootcamp:


  • Be aware that most of people tend to think they are doing worse than they actually are. Perhaps you are one of them?

    请注意,大多数人倾向于认为自己的状况比实际情况更糟。 也许你是其中之一?
  • Reevaluate your goal: what do you want to get out of the bootcamp? Are you aiming at becoming a developer? Or perhaps you just need a better understanding of the tech vocabulary in order to collaborate with a dev team in your company?

    重新评估您的目标:您想摆脱训练营的什么? 您的目标是成为开发人员吗? 也许您只是需要更好地了解技术词汇才能与公司中的开发团队合作?
  • Focus on your own progress and achievements as this is the only thing that eventually matters.

5.您不寻求帮助 (5. You don’t ask for help)

Ambition and self-image often stand in the way of our development. Don’t let it happen to you. During a coding bootcamp (or any other intense training program for that matter) asking for help is a crucial element of moving forward.

野心和自我形象经常阻碍我们的发展。 不要让它发生在你身上。 在编码训练营(或与此有关的任何其他强化培训计划)期间,寻求帮助是前进的关键要素。

It doesn’t mean you should get your teachers to solve all of your coding challenges for you. Do your part: focus, try to split the problem into smaller, more approachable chunks, google. Try to at least know what you don’t know before asking for assistance. But don’t wait too long. You’re still a beginner and it’s natural that you get stuck. It will most likely happen regularly. Getting pointed in the right direction can save you a lot of time and frustration, so that you can concentrate on what really matters.

这并不意味着您应该让您的老师为您解决所有的编码难题。 发挥自己的作用:集中精力,尝试将问题分解为更小,更易于接近的Google。 寻求帮助之前,请至少至少了解您不知道的内容。 但是不要等待太久。 您仍然是初学者,很自然会被卡住。 它很可能会定期发生。 指出正确的方向可以节省大量时间和精力,使您可以专注于真正重要的事情。

4.你觉得自己比别人更好 (4. You feel that you are better than others)

So you’ve done some coding before. Maybe even studied computer science or some other related subject. Especially the first days of a bootcamp might feel like you know it all.

因此,您之前已经做过一些编码。 甚至可能学习过计算机科学或其他相关学科。 尤其是在训练营的第一天,您可能会觉得自己很了解。

Don’t fall into this trap.


  • Remember why you joined a bootcamp. It’s most likely because you wanted to learn more, right?

    记住为什么你参加了训练营。 这很可能是因为您想了解更多,对吧?
  • Don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself with others just to feel better about yourself. Most of them will catch up with you before you know it. And when you relax too much they will surely outrun you too.

    不要仅仅为了让自己感觉更好就将自己与他人进行比较。 他们中的大多数人会在不知不觉中赶上您。 当您放松得太多时,他们肯定也会超越您。
  • Concentrate on your own learning curve. Stretch yourself. Set the bar higher if you feel like things are too easy as they are.

    专注于自己的学习曲线。 舒展自己。 如果您觉得事情太简单了,请将其设置得更高一些。
3.您讨厌协作和团队合作 (3. You hate collaboration and teamwork)

Most of coding bootcamps will make you work in pairs (in the dev world it’s called pair-programming) or teams for at least a part of the program duration. The main reason for this is to prepare you for the inevitable teamwork in your professional life.

大多数编码训练营都会使您成对工作(在开发界中称为成对编程)或团队,至少要持续一段时间的计划。 这样做的主要原因是为您在职业生涯中不可避免的团队合作做好准备。

Whether you end up working for a huge consulting company or choose a freelancing path, good communication skills and collaboration mindset are grounds for success. If you’re not willing to work with other people, perhaps you should reconsider your decision of taking a coding bootcamp.

无论您最终是在一家大型咨询公司工作还是选择自由职业道路,良好的沟通能力和协作思维都是成功的基础。 如果您不愿意与其他人一起工作,也许您应该重新考虑参加编码训练营的决定。

2.您必须与之共事的人是个混蛋 (2. The person you have to work with is a jerk)

It doesn’t happen often but surely enough it does happen sometimes. Even the strictest selection processes sometimes fail, leading to mean, unfriendly or arrogant people slipping through the cracks.

它并不经常发生,但可以肯定的是,有时确实发生。 甚至最严格的选择过程有时也会失败,从而导致刻薄,不友好或傲慢的人从裂缝中溜走。

There are two things worth remembering: 1) sooner or later you’ll most likely have to deal with people you don’t necessarily like in your professional life as well, 2) what comes across as arrogance is often a mere attempt at masking one’s own insecurities.


The good news is that most of the time you can just avoid those people. And if you have to work with them (either in a pair or a team):

好消息是,大多数时候您只能避开那些人。 如果您必须与他们合作(成对或成组):

  • Try to be as collaborative as possible

  • Call them out: politely and directly say why you find their attitude challenging

  • If this occurs during pair-programming, find someone else you could work with (don’t turn swapping pairs into a habit though)

  • If nothing seems to work, discuss with your bootcamp organizers — they’ve likely dealt with similar issues before and can help you


The most important thing is not letting other people affect your learning process in a negative way.


一开始你不知道怎么到这里 (1. You don’t know how you got here in the first place)

And the winner is…imposter syndrome!


Self-doubt is often the main and ongoing struggle for many bootcamp students. A lot of them, no matter how well they perform on the technical side, question their own abilities throughout the process. To tackle this one:

自我怀疑通常是许多训练营学生的主要和持续的斗争。 无论他们在技术方面的表现如何,他们中的许多人都在整个过程中质疑自己的能力。 为了解决这个问题:

  • Make sure a coding bootcamp is something for you before you sign up.

    在注册之前, 请确保适合您的编码训练营

  • Do your research before choosing a bootcamp to know what you’re getting yourself into. Read reviews, check what alumni are up to on LinkedIn, try to get in touch with someone who did the bootcamp you’re considering.

    在选择新兵训练营之前进行研究,以了解自己要投入的工作。 阅读评论,查看在LinkedIn上有哪些校友,并尝试与进行过您所考虑的训练营的人保持联系。
  • Do the prep work if the bootcamp you chose requires any. This is an important step that not only lets you understand the basics (which will make your life in the bootcamp much easier) but might give you an idea about what your weaknesses are and what you need to focus on most.

    如果您选择的训练营需要任何准备,请做好准备工作。 这是重要的一步,不仅可以让您了解基础知识(这将使您在训练营中的生活更加轻松),还可以使您了解自己的弱点是什么,以及需要重点关注的方面。
  • Focus during lectures. I often advise students to put their computers away and just concentrate on what the teacher’s doing. This way you can stay involved in what’s happening rather than trying to blindly recreate each step on your machine.

    在讲座中集中精力。 我经常建议学生把计算机放好,只专注于老师的工作。 这样,您可以继续参与正在发生的事情,而不必试图盲目地重新创建计算机上的每个步骤。
  • Make sure you’re doing your best when solving coding challenges but avoid comparing yourself with others at all times.

  • Avoid copying other people’s code just to move on. This will not teach you much. Remember that the goal of a bootcamp is to teach you programming, not to get X solutions onto your computer.

    避免继续复制别人的代码。 这不会教你太多。 请记住,训练营的目的是教您编程,而不是让X解决方案进入您的计算机。
  • Talk to the bootcamp organizers and teachers, ask for feedback and check how they see things — you might just get surprised how distorted the vision of reality is from inside of your head.


A coding bootcamp will not only let you improve your technical knowledge, but work on your soft skills as well. The two make for the desired profile when looking for a job in tech. When faced with challenges, try to see them as an opportunity to grow, rather than mere obstacles. Every problem you tackle — be it a coding challenge or an interpersonal difference — is a chance to learn and draw conclusions, even if it’s hard to see it at once.

编码训练营不仅可以帮助您提高技术知识,还可以提高您的软技能。 两者在寻找技术工作时可提供所需的配置文件。 当面临挑战时,尝试将其视为成长的机会,而不仅仅是障碍。 您解决的每个问题(无论是编码挑战还是人际差异)都是学习和得出结论的机会,即使很难一次看到它。

Have you attended a coding bootcamp yourself? Is there anything else you would add to this list?

您自己参加过编码训练营吗? 您还有什么要添加到此列表中的吗?

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-biggest-struggles-you-might-face-during-a-coding-bootcamp-2b83ee10690/

算法训练营 重编码

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