
Do you want to move your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org? Many beginners often start with WordPress.com soon realize its limitations and want to switch to the self-hosted WordPress.org platform. In this step by step guide, we will show you how to properly move your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.

您要将博客从WordPress.com移至WordPress.org吗? 许多初学者经常从WordPress.com开始,很快意识到其局限性,并希望切换到自托管的WordPress.org平台。 在本逐步指南中,我们将向您展示如何正确地将博客从WordPress.com移至WordPress.org。

Moving from WordPress.com to WordPress.org
为什么从WordPress.com移至WordPress.org (Why Move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org)

WordPress.com allows anyone to start a blog by creating an account. However, beginners soon realize that there are a lot of limitations on their free WordPress.com blog like limited ability to monetize, can’t install plugins, third-party ads on your users, etc.

WordPress.com允许任何人通过创建帐户来创建博客。 但是,初学者很快意识到,免费的WordPress.com博客存在很多局限性,例如获利能力有限,无法在用户上安装插件,第三方广告等。

This is why users soon switch to the more powerful and popular self-hosted WordPress.org platform.


To understand the differences between the two platforms, see our full comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.


We recommend using WordPress.org, because it gives you complete ownership of your website and freedom to control all its features. To learn more about all these features, see our complete WordPress review with pros and cons.

我们建议您使用WordPress.org,因为它可以为您提供网站的完全所有权以及控制其所有功能的自由。 要了解有关所有这些功能的更多信息,请参阅我们完整的WordPress审查,带有正反两面。

That being said let’s take a look at how to properly migrate your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.


开始之前需要的东西 (Things You Need Before You Start)

To start with self-hosted WordPress.org, you’ll need a WordPress hosting account and a domain name.


We recommend using Bluehost because they are one of the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.


They are also offering WPBeginner users a free domain name and 60% discount on web hosting. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 / month (and this also includes free SSL).

他们还为WPBeginner用户提供了免费域名和网络托管60%的折扣。 基本上,您可以每月2.75美元的价格开始使用(这还包括免费的SSL)。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


If your WordPress site already has a custom domain name, then you will still need web hosting. Go ahead and signup with Bluehost and under the domain step, add your blog domain. We will show you how to keep the same domain while transferring from WordPress.com to WordPress.org without losing search rankings in the later steps.

如果您的WordPress网站已经具有自定义域名,那么您仍将需要网络托管。 继续并使用Bluehost注册,然后在“域”步骤下添加您的博客域。 我们将向您展示如何在从WordPress.com转移到WordPress.org的同时保持相同的域,而在后续步骤中不会丢失搜索排名。

Aside from the hosting account, you will of course need access to your WordPress.com account, so you can easily move all of your posts, pages, images, comments, and other data over to your self-hosted WordPress site.


Bonus Free Offer: Since a lot of you asked for this, we are now offering free migration service from WordPress.com to WordPress.org as part of our free WordPress blog setup service. This means one of our expert team member will do the entire migration for you (100% free). This means you can switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org without any risk.

免费赠金:由于很多人都要求这样做,因此我们现在提供从WordPress.com到WordPress.org的免费迁移服务,这是我们免费的WordPress博客设置服务的一部分。 这意味着我们的专家团队成员之一将为您完成整个迁移(100%免费)。 这意味着您可以从WordPress.com切换到WordPress.org,没有任何风险。

However if you are someone who likes learning and doing things yourself, then you can follow our step by step tutorial below.


步骤1:从WordPress.com导出数据 (Step 1: Exporting Data from WordPress.com)

First you need to sign in to your WordPress.com account and go to your blog’s dashboard. From the left column, you will need to click on the WP Admin link to open your blog’s admin area.

首先,您需要登录WordPress.com帐户并转到博客的仪表板。 在左列中,您需要单击WP Admin链接以打开博客的管理区域。

Getting to admin area in WordPress.com

Next, you need to visit the Tools » Export page.


Export tool

Clicking on the Export tool will take you to a new page where you will be asked to choose between Free or Guided Transfer. You need to choose the free option by clicking on the ‘Start Export’ button.

单击“导出”工具将带您进入一个新页面,在该页面中,将要求您在“免费”或“引导式传输”之间进行选择。 您需要通过单击“开始导出”按钮来选择免费选项。

Start export

On the next screen, you will be asked which data you want to export. Select “All Content” and press the Download Export File button.

在下一个屏幕上,将询问您要导出哪些数据。 选择“所有内容”,然后按“下载导出文件”按钮。

Select all content to export

The exporter will now download an XML file in your computer. This file will have all of your posts, pages, images, comments, custom fields, categories, tags, navigation menus, and other information.

现在,导出器将在您的计算机中下载XML文件。 该文件将包含您的所有帖子,页面,图像,评论,自定义字段,类别,标签,导航菜单和其他信息。

步骤2:设定WordPress (Step 2: Setting up WordPress)

Now that you have exported your WordPress.com data, the next step is to set up a fresh WordPress install on your web hosting.


WordPress is very easy to install, and it only takes a few clicks. If you signed up with Bluehost like we mentioned above, then WordPress will be automatically installed for you.

WordPress非常易于安装,只需单击几下。 如果您像我们上面提到的那样使用Bluehost注册 ,那么WordPress将自动为您安装。

Alternatively, you can follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to install WordPress within 5 minutes.


Once you have installed WordPress, it is time to import your content into your new self-hosted WordPress website.


步骤3:将内容导入自托管WordPress网站 (Step 3: Importing Content into Self Hosted WordPress Site)

To import your old content from WordPress.com to your new WordPress.org site, you will need to login to your freshly installed WordPress website’s admin area. From here you need to visit the Tools » Import page and click on the ‘Install Now’ button below WordPress.

要将旧内容从WordPress.com导入到新的WordPress.org网站,您需要登录到新安装的WordPress网站的管理区域 。 从这里,您需要访问工具»导入页面,然后单击WordPress下面的“立即安装”按钮。

Install WordPress importer

WordPress will now install the WordPress importer for you. Once it’s done, you need to click on the ‘Run importer’ link to continue.

WordPress现在将为您安装WordPress导入程序。 完成后,您需要点击“运行导入程序”链接以继续。

Run importer

It will take you to a screen where you will be asked to upload your WordPress.com XML file that you downloaded in step 1 of this tutorial.

它将带您到一个屏幕,在该屏幕上,您将被要求上传在本教程的步骤1中下载的WordPress.com XML文件。

Upload import file

Note: if your file size is larger than 2MB, then you have two options. One is to ask your web hosting company to increase that limit temporarily, so you can get on with the process. The other option would be to split your file by using a WXR file splitter.

注意:如果文件大小大于2MB,则有两个选择。 一种是要求您的网络托管公司临时增加该限制,以便您可以继续进行此过程。 另一个选择是使用WXR文件拆分器拆分文件

When you start importing, you will have the option of assigning imported content to a current user or create a new user. You’ll also have the option of importing your old attachments. It is very important that you check this box, so your image files are imported properly.

开始导入时,您可以选择将导入的内容分配给当前用户或创建新用户。 您还可以选择导入旧附件。 选中此框非常重要,这样可以正确导入图像文件。

Import options
步骤4:导入Blogroll链接 (Step 4: Importing Your Blogroll Links)

If you had been using the Links feature on your WordPress.com blog to store blogroll or other links, then you need to follow these instructions to import them. Users who were not using this feature can skip to Step 5.

如果您一直在使用WordPress.com博客上的“链接”功能来存储Blogroll或其他链接,那么您需要按照以下说明进行导入。 未使用此功能的用户可以跳至步骤5。

Blogroll links are exported in OPML format. It is an XML format which allows you to export and import your links and link categories. Your WordPress.com links have an OPML file located at an address like this:

Blogroll链接以OPML格式导出。 它是一种XML格式,允许您导出和导入链接以及链接类别。 您的WordPress.com链接的OPML文件位于以下地址:



Replace example with your WordPress.com blog’s subdomain. If you are using a custom domain with your WordPress.com blog, then your OPML file can be accessed by visiting a URL like this:

将示例替换为WordPress.com博客的子域。 如果您在WordPress.com博客上使用自定义域,则可以通过访问如下URL来访问OPML文件:



Your OPML file will open in your browser window, and you need to save it to your desktop. Press CTRL+S (Command+S on Mac) to save the file on your computer.

您的OPML文件将在浏览器窗口中打开,您需要将其保存到桌面。 按CTRL + S(在Mac上为Command + S)将文件保存在计算机上。

Now that you have a backup of your WordPress.com links, the next step is to import them into WordPress. However, self hosted WordPress does not have a link manager enabled by default.

现在您已经备份了WordPress.com链接,下一步就是将它们导入WordPress。 但是,自托管的WordPress默认没有启用链接管理器。

You will need to install and activate the Link Manager plugin. The plugin’s page says that it hasn’t been updated in last two years. That’s because it didn’t need updating, and you can confidently install this plugin.

您将需要安装并激活链接管理器插件。 该插件的页面上说,它在过去两年中没有更新。 那是因为它不需要更新,您可以放心地安装此插件。

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item in your WordPress admin bar labeled ‘Links’.


Links manager in WordPress

Your WordPress site is now capable of managing blogrolls, and you can safely import them. Visit Tools » Import and click on Blogroll to install the OPML importer.

您的WordPress网站现在可以管理Blogroll,并且可以安全地导入它们。 访问工具»导入 ,然后单击Blogroll以安装OPML导入器。

Blogroll Importer

Upon installation, you will be redirected to the importer. Where you need to upload the OPML file you saved earlier and click on import OPML file button.

安装后,您将被重定向到导入器。 您需要上传先前保存的OPML文件的位置,然后单击导入OPML文件按钮。

Importing an OPML file in WordPress

WordPress will now import your links and link categories from the OPML file. You will be able to see the progress and on completion you will see the success message.

WordPress现在将从OPML文件中导入您的链接和链接类别。 您将能够看到进度,完成后将看到成功消息。

Successful completion of blogroll link import
第5步:将WordPress.com博客设置为私有 (Step 5: Setting your WordPress.com blog to private)

Now if you don’t want to redirect your old users to your new site, then this will be your final step.


You need to go to the Settings » Reading page on your WordPress.com blog’s admin area. Under the ‘Site Visibility’ section, select the last option “I would like my blog to be private, visible only to users I choose”.

您需要转到WordPress.com博客管理区域的“设置”»“阅读”页面。 在“网站可见性”部分下,选择最后一个选项“我希望我的博客是私有的,仅对我选择的用户可见”

Making a WordPress.com Blog Private

Attention: If you have been writing for some time, and you have a loyal audience, then it does not make sense to leave them hanging.


Furthermore, if your blog has been out there for a while, then chances are that it is indexed in Google and other search engines. You can keep all the search engine rankings and easily redirect your old users to your new blog by following Step 6 (highly recommended if your site is established).

此外,如果您的博客已经存在了一段时间,那么很有可能在Google和其他搜索引擎中将其编入索引。 您可以保留所有搜索引擎排名,并可以按照步骤6(强烈建议您建立网站)轻松地将您的旧用户重定向到新博客。

第6步:重定向访问者并保留SEO (Step 6: Redirecting Visitors and Preserving SEO)

Redirecting users to new location with the 301 header is a standard solution to keep search rankings while moving a site from one location to another. Since you don’t have access to .htaccess on WordPress.com, you cannot make any changes by yourself to retain search engine rankings. However, WordPress.com offers a paid upgrade feature called, Site Redirect, which provides this functionality.

使用301标头将用户重定向到新位置是一种标准解决方案,可在将网站从一个位置移动到另一个位置时保持搜索排名。 由于您无权访问WordPress.com上的.htaccess,因此您无法自行进行任何更改以保持搜索引擎排名。 但是,WordPress.com提供了称为站点重定向的付费升级功能,该功能提供了此功能。

Simply go to WordPress.com blog’s dashboard and click on the Settings menu item. Under the ‘Site Address’ option, click on the ‘redirect’ link.

只需转到WordPress.com博客的仪表板,然后单击“设置”菜单项。 在“站点地址”选项下,单击“重定向”链接。

Site redirect link

On the next screen, you will be asked to provide the domain name where you want visitors to be redirected. Enter your new WordPress.org site’s domain name and click on the go button.

在下一个屏幕上,将要求您提供要将访客重定向到的域名。 输入新的WordPress.org网站的域名,然后单击“执行”按钮。

Note: Site redirect is a paid upgrade and costs $13 per year. It will add a 301 redirect which redirects your WordPress.com blog’s visitors and search engines to your new site.

注意:网站重定向是一项付费升级,每年收费13美元。 它将添加301重定向,它将WordPress.com博客的访问者和搜索引擎重定向到您的新站点。

Purchase site redirect from WordPress.com to WordPress.org

Some of you will ask how long should I keep paying for this Offsite redirect feature? The answer is for as long as you want to. However, we personally think that 2 years would be enough time for your old users to memorize your new domain name.

你们中有些人会问,我应该为这项异地重定向功能支付多长时间? 答案是只要您想要的时间。 但是,我们个人认为2年时间足以让您的老用户记住您的新域名。

If you are changing domains, then another thing you want to do is update all in-post URLs. If you ever inter-linked your posts, then those links have to be updated. You can use our article on how to update URLs when moving your WordPress site.

如果要更改域,那么您要做的另一件事是更新所有发布后的URL。 如果您曾相互链接过您的帖子,则必须更新这些链接。 您可以使用有关如何在移动WordPress网站时更新URL的文章。

If you had a custom domain on WordPress.com, then you don’t have to worry about anything. Simply change the DNS record to your host, and you will retain all the SEO benefits.

如果您在WordPress.com上拥有一个自定义域,则不必担心任何事情。 只需将DNS记录更改为您的主机,您将保留所有SEO好处。

常见问题(FAQ) (Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))

We wrote the first version of this article in January 2013. Since then we’ve received tons of great questions. A lot of which we’ve answered via email or in comments, so we thought it would be nice to compile the popular ones at one place where everyone can see them.

我们在2013年1月撰写了本文的第一版。自那时以来,我们收到了很多很棒的问题。 我们已经通过电子邮件或评论的方式回答了很多问题,因此我们认为最好在一个每个人都可以看到它们的地方编译流行的问题。

What happens with my WordPress.com Subscribers?


Thankfully, WordPress.com allows you to migrate your subscribers with one condition. You must use their Jetpack plugin which adds the same subscriber functionality that you had at WordPress.com. Once you install and activate the Jetpack plugin, you would need to contact the WordPress.com team and ask them to migrate the subscribers for you. Our hope is that in the later versions of Jetpack, this will become easier and users will be able to do it themselves.

幸运的是,WordPress.com允许您以一种条件迁移订户。 您必须使用其Jetpack插件来添加与WordPress.com相同的订户功能。 安装并激活Jetpack插件后,您需要联系WordPress.com团队,并要求他们为您迁移订户。 我们的希望是,在更高版本的Jetpack中,这将变得更加容易,并且用户将能够自己进行操作。

Can you help me transfer from WordPress.com to WordPress.org for FREE?


Absolutely. We offer migration from WordPress.com as part of our free WordPress blog setup service. If you need our assistance, then simply signup. It’s free


绝对。 作为免费的WordPress博客设置服务的一部分,我们提供了从WordPress.com迁移的功能。 如果您需要我们的帮助,只需注册即可。 免费

What are the costs of switching to WordPress.org?


WordPress is free. However, there are some minimal web hosting costs. We recommend that you read this article on: Why is WordPress free? What are the costs and what is the catch?

WordPress是免费的。 但是,有一些最低的虚拟主机费用。 我们建议您阅读以下文章: 为什么WordPress免费? 费用是多少,收获是什么?

I already paid WordPress.com, can I get a refund?


Yes, you can. If you recently purchased a custom domain or a paid plan from WordPress.com, then you can ask them for a full refund.

是的你可以。 如果您最近从WordPress.com购买了自定义域或付费计划,则可以要求他们全额退款。

Note: Domain registrations can be canceled within 48 hours of registration. Plans and other purchases can be canceled within 30 days of purchasing.

注意:域名注册可以在注册后48小时内取消。 计划和其他购买可以在购买后30天内取消。

Will my images break?


No they will not. When you transfer using the import file, all attached images are downloaded and the link is updated. However there is one caveat that we noticed. If your image URL starts with files.wordpress.com, then they will not be converted. If you notice that the image URL has not changed and still points to WordPress.com, then we recommend that you use import external images plugin, and it will take care of that.

不,他们不会。 使用导入文件进行传输时,将下载所有附加的图像并更新链接。 但是,我们注意到了一个警告。 如果您的图片网址以files.wordpress.com开头,则不会进行转换。 如果您注意到图像URL仍未更改,但仍指向WordPress.com,则建议您使用导入外部图像插件,它将解决这一问题。

I registered my domain through WordPress.com, can I still move?


Yes you can. WordPress believe in empowering users and giving them full control of their content. If you already have a domain name through WordPress.com, then all you need is a web hosting account. We recommend that you setup with Bluehost or any of these other WordPress hosting providers. During the signup phase, you will be asked do you have a domain or want to register a new one. Simply select the option that I have a domain name, and insert the domain that you registered at WordPress.com. Next thing you would have to do is change the nameservers to point to the hosting provider. We’re able to assist with this as part of our free setups service. You can also ask your web hosting provider for support.

是的你可以。 WordPress相信赋予用户权力并给予他们对其内容的完全控制权。 如果您已经通过WordPress.com获得了域名,那么您只需要一个虚拟主机帐户即可。 我们建议您使用Bluehost或其他任何WordPress托管提供商进行设置。 在注册阶段,系统会询问您您是否拥有域或要注册一个新域。 只需选择我拥有域名的选项,然后插入您在WordPress.com上注册的域即可。 接下来,您需要更改名称服务器,使其指向托管服务提供商。 作为免费设置服务的一部分,我们能够提供帮助。 您也可以向您的网络托管提供商寻求支持。

Will my website go down when I switch?


If you do it correctly, then NO. The method we’ve suggested above will ensure that your website never goes down. If you’re worried, then know that we are here to help. You’re welcome to use our free setups service at anytime.

如果操作正确,则不会。 我们上面建议的方法将确保您的网站永不中断。 如果您担心,请知道我们在这里为您提供帮助。 欢迎您随时使用我们的免费设置服务

We hope this article helped you properly move your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. You may also want to see our checklist of the most important things you need to do after installing WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您正确地将博客从WordPress.com移至WordPress.org。 您可能还想查看我们的清单,了解安装WordPress之后需要做最重要的事情

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-move-your-blog-from-wordpress-com-to-wordpress-org/

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