

Today is July 4th which means WPBeginner is officially 11 years old. We’ve come a long way

今天是7月4日,这意味着WPBeginner正式11岁。 我们走了很长一段路

Like every year, I want to take a few minutes and do a quick recap of all the major things happening in business as well as my personal life.


Bonus: I’m also doing a Website Toolkit giveaway which includes a Macbook Air, Free domain + Hosting, and my favorite premium WordPress plugins.

奖励:我还在做网站工具包赠品,其中包括Macbook Air,免费域+托管以及我最喜欢的高级WordPress插件。

WPBeginner 11th Birthday

Since this is a long article, you can easily skip to the section you’re most interested in:


WPBeginner故事 (WPBeginner Story)

I started using WordPress when I was 16 years old and started WPBeginner at age 19 with a single mission: make WordPress easy for beginners.


Since then WPBeginner has become the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.


For those of you who’re new, you can read the full WPBeginner story on our about page and use the Start Here page to get the most out of WPBeginner.

对于新手,您可以在我们的“关于”页面上阅读完整的WPBeginner故事,并使用“ 从这里开始”页面以充分利用WPBeginner。

个人更新 (Personal Updates)

My son, Solomon, is now 3.5 years old. He’s growing up fast, and he now even suggests keywords that I should mention in my email newsletters to WPBeginner audience.

我的儿子所罗门现年3.5岁。 他成长很快,现在他甚至向我推荐给我在电子邮件时事通讯中提及的关键字。

Since the last WPBeginner anniversary post, we travelled to Turkey, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Pakistan, Mexico, and several places in US.


Balkhi Family Photo Collage

Of course all of our travels came to a stop in February due to COVID-19. We’ve been staying home and spending a lot of family time.

当然,由于COVID-19,我们所有的旅行在2月都停止了。 我们一直待在家里,花很多家庭时间。

I’ve also been working a lot during this lockdown – focusing on creating more content as well as revamping various product features.


If you didn’t get a chance to read my 2019 recap, I highly recommend checking it out on my personal blog where I share lessons learned from last year.

如果您没有机会阅读我的2019年回顾,我强烈建议您在我的个人博客中进行查看, 在其中分享从去年中学到的经验教训。

WPBeginner更新 (WPBeginner Updates)

Thanks to our awesome community, WPBeginner has continued to grow in double-digit (year over year). Aside from tons of amazing WordPress tutorials on our blog, there have been several notable updates from last year, that I’d like to highlight.

由于我们的社区很棒,WPBeginner继续保持两位数的增长(逐年增长)。 除了我们博客上的大量令人惊叹的WordPress教程外 ,我还想强调一下去年的一些重要更新。

1. We launched Three New Free Business Tools


Since last year, we have launched 3 new free business tools to help you do more with WordPress.


The first is a smart business name generator to help you find brandable company name ideas with available domains, so you can start your online business idea.

第一个是一个聪明的企业名称生成器 ,可帮助您找到具有可用域的可品牌化公司名称参考提示,以便您可以启动在线商业参考提示。

The second is a WordPress theme detector that helps you find out what WordPress theme your competitor’s website is using. Simply put, if you have ever wondered what WordPress theme a website is using, this tool can help you find that.

第二个是WordPress主题检测器 ,可帮助您找出竞争对手网站正在使用的WordPress主题。 简而言之,如果您想知道网站正在使用什么WordPress主题,此工具可以帮助您找到。

Last but not least, we launched a free WordPress Call Button plugin to help you easily add a click to call button on your website.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们推出了免费的WordPress通话按钮插件 ,可帮助您轻松在您的网站上添加点击通话按钮。

2. WPBeginner Engage Facebook Group is now Over 48,000 Members

2. WPBeginner Engage Facebook Group现在已有超过48,000名成员

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we launched the WPBeginner Engage Facebook group to offer WordPress help for non-techy users.

为了庆祝我们成立10周年,我们成立了WPBeginner Engage Facebook小组 ,为非技术用户提供WordPress帮助。

This was something that a lot of you had been asking for, and I’m extremely pleased with the progress thus far. We now have over 48,000+ members in our Facebook group, and I believe it’s now the largest WordPress user group on Facebook.

这是很多人一直在要求的东西,到目前为止,我对此感到非常高兴。 现在,我们的Facebook组中有超过48,000多名成员,我相信它现在是Facebook上最大的WordPress用户组。

For those of you who’re not members yet, the goal of this group is to share and learn WordPress tips while getting to know other motivated website owners like yourself.


Aside from peer-to-peer support and knowledge sharing, we also do monthly giveaways, have exclusive video content from myself, and our WPBeginner experts are also there answering questions (for free).



What are you waiting for? Go ahead and join the WPBeginner Facebook Group. I look forward to connecting with you

你在等什么? 继续并加入WPBeginner Facebook组 。 我期待与您建立联系

3. WPBeginner YouTube Channel Now Has 191,000+ subscribers

3. WPBeginner YouTube频道现已拥有191,000多个订阅者

Our WPBeginner YouTube channel passed 191,000+ subscribers, and I believe we will pass 200k goal by end of this year.

我们的WPBeginner YouTube频道吸引了191,000多个订阅者,我相信到今年年底我们将超过20万个目标。

We have hundreds of free WordPress video tutorials, and we have also been creating a lot of YouTube exclusive content.


For example, you can watch our playlists to learn how to Make Money Online, learn WordPress SEO, and more.

例如,您可以观看我们的播放列表,以了解如何在线赚钱,学习WordPress SEO等。

WPBeginner Playlists on YouTube

We are also doing monthly State of WPBeginner videos where we share what’s happening in the WordPress ecosystem, summary of Awesome Motive products, and more.

我们还每月制作WPBeginner视频状态,我们在其中共享WordPress生态系统中正在发生的事情, Awesome Motive产品摘要等。

Also I’m personally making more appearances on the channel in the interview style videos.


If you’ve not subscribed to our YouTube channel yet, it’d mean the world to me if you can subscribe and hit the bell button, so we can pass the 200,000 goal.


4. We switched our WordPress hosting to SiteGround (Google Cloud)

4.我们将WordPress托管切换为SiteGround (Google Cloud)

Last year, I was extremely excited about our private cloud hosting platform that we built, but it led to many complexities.


That’s why earlier this year, we switched WPBeginner hosting to SiteGround Enterprise (which is powered by Google Cloud).

这就是为什么我们在今年早些时候将WPBeginner托管切换到SiteGround Enterprise(由Google Cloud支持)的原因。

I wrote about 6 reasons why we switched to SiteGround.


If you’re looking to switch hosts, I highly recommend SiteGround – their customer service and new tech platform is really robust.

如果您要更换主机,我强烈建议您使用SiteGround –它们的客户服务和新技术平台确实很强大。

5. New Acquisitions & Investments (All in One SEO, Smash Balloon, & more)

5.新的并购和投资(多合一SEO,Smash Balloon等)

As you know, two years ago I created the WPBeginner growth fund to invest in WordPress focused companies.


This past year, I’m proud to welcome the following companies to our family of products:


All in One SEO Pack is the original WordPress SEO plugin used by over 2 million websites. In January, we acquired AIOSEO to bring it under the Awesome Motive umbrella, and I’m working with the team to build tons of amazing SEO features to help you rank higher.

多合一SEO包是超过200万个网站使用的原始WordPress SEO插件。 一月份,我们收购了AIOSEO,将其归入Awesome Motive旗下,我正与团队合作构建大量令人惊叹的SEO功能,以帮助您提高排名。

If you’re looking for a SEO plugin, try AIOSEO – there’s a free version available here as well.


Smash Balloon offers the most popular social media feeds plugin for WordPress. Over 1.3 million websites use Smash Balloon plugins to display their social media content.

Smash Balloon为WordPress提供了最受欢迎的社交媒体供稿插件。 超过130万个网站使用Smash Balloon插件来显示其社交媒体内容。

If you’re looking to create and display custom Instagram photo feeds, Facebook feeds, Twitter feeds, and YouTube feeds, then there’s no better plugin that Smash Balloon. There’s a free version for all four plugins that you can try.

如果您要创建和显示自定义Instagram照片供稿,Facebook供稿,Twitter供稿和YouTube供稿,那么再没有比Smash Balloon更好的插件了。 您可以尝试所有四个插件的免费版本。

I also invested in Rymera Web, the parent company behind Wholesale Suite and Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce. These are extremely useful plugins for WooCommerce store owners.

我还投资了Rymera Web,Rymera Web是WooCommerce 批发套件Advanced Coupons背后的母公司。 对于WooCommerce商店所有者,这些是非常有用的插件。

产品更新 (Product Updates)

One of the questions that I often get asked via our contact form is what is WPBeginner’s income, and how does WPBeginner make money by giving away all WordPress tutorials for free.

我经常通过联系表格被问到的问题之一是WPBeginner的收入是多少 ,以及WPBeginner如何通过免费赠送所有WordPress教程来赚钱。

Well, we make money indirectly through our suite of premium WordPress plugins that are now running on over 15 million websites.




WPForms is our drag & drop WordPress form builder plugin that’s now being used by over 3 million websites.


Since last July, WPForms has launched numerous exciting features including integrations for Authorize.net (payment forms), ActiveCampaign (CRM), WPML (translations), smart access controls (security), and improved Entry management.

自去年7月以来,WPForms推出了许多令人兴奋的功能,包括Authorize.net(付款表格),ActiveCampaign(CRM), WPML (翻译),智能访问控制(安全)和改进的条目管理的集成。

Aside from that, they also added many powerful form fields like multiple file uploads, number slider, text limits, improved reCAPTCHA, etc.


You can download the free version of WPForms or get WPForms Pro to unlock even more powerful features.

您可以下载免费版本的WPForms或获取WPForms Pro来解锁更强大的功能。



MonsterInsights is the most popular WordPress analytics plugin. Over 2 million website owners use MonsterInsights to see the stats that matter right inside the WordPress dashboard.

MonsterInsights是最受欢迎的WordPress分析插件。 超过200万的网站所有者使用MonsterInsights在WordPress仪表板内部查看重要的统计信息。

Since last July, MonsterInsights has added smart analytics features such as Email Summaries, PDF export for reports, smart date range, multi-site network wizard, improved Pretty Links integration, and more.

自去年7月以来,MonsterInsights已添加了智能分析功能,例如电子邮件摘要,报告的PDF导出,智能日期范围,多站点网络向导,改进的Pretty Links集成等等。

You can download the free version of MonsterInsights or get MonsterInsights Pro to unlock more powerful features.

您可以下载免费版本的MonsterInsights或让MonsterInsights Pro解锁更强大的功能。



WP Mail SMTP is the most popular SMTP plugin for WordPress. Now over 1 million website owners use this plugin to fix the WordPress not sending email issue.

WP Mail SMTP是最流行的WordPress SMTP插件。 现在,超过一百万的网站所有者使用此插件来修复WordPress无法发送电子邮件的问题。

It’s a must have plugin on all our websites. Simply put, this plugin fixes WordPress email deliverability issues by letting you send emails using Amazon SES, MailGun, G Suite, and other more reliable email platforms.

这是我们所有网站上必须具有的插件。 简而言之,该插件让您使用Amazon SES,MailGun,G Suite和其他更可靠的电子邮件平台发送电子邮件,从而解决了WordPress电子邮件的可传递性问题。

We launched the premium version last year to add smart features like Email Logs, Email Control, Pro integrations, and a White Glove Setup for business owners.

去年,我们推出了高级版本,以添加智能功能,如电子邮件日志,电子邮件控制,Pro集成以及为企业主提供的White Glove设置。

You can download the free version of WP Mail SMTP or get WP Mail SMTP Pro to unlock more powerful features.

您可以下载WP Mail SMTP免费版本或获取WP Mail SMTP Pro来解锁更强大的功能。



OptinMonster is the best WordPress plugin to convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.


Simply put, it helps you get more email subscribers.


This year we added several exciting features into OptinMonster including: new personalization workflow, A/B testing for campaign types, mobile exit-intent, new integrations for email providers, and more.

今年,我们在OptinMonster中添加了一些激动人心的功能,包括:新的个性化工作流程,针对广告系列类型的A / B测试,移动退出意图,针对电子邮件提供商的新集成等等。

OptinMonster truly is the #1 most powerful conversion optimization toolkit in the world. It will help you instantly boost leads and grow revenue by converting and monetizing your existing website traffic.

OptinMonster确实是全球排名第一的最强大的转换优化工具包。 通过转换现有的网站流量并从中获利,它将帮助您立即增加销售线索并增加收入。

This is my not-so secret website tool that I use on all our websites because it just works!




RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway and contest plugin. It’s a new product that we launched last year to unlock viral growth on our sites.

RafflePress是最好的WordPress赠品和竞赛插件。 这是我们去年推出的新产品,旨在释放我们网站上的病毒式增长。

We’ve been using it on WPBeginner and our products to grow our email list, increase engagement, and generate more sales.


RafflePress helps you turn your visitors into brand ambassadors. As a result, you get more website traffic, email subscribers, and social media engagement FASTER without buying any paid ads!

RafflePress可帮助您将访客变成品牌大使。 这样一来,您无需购买任何付费广告就能获得更多的网站访问量,电子邮件订阅者和社交媒体参与度,从而更快!

You can download the free version of RafflePress or get RafflePress Pro to unlock more powerful features.

您可以下载RafflePress免费版本或获取RafflePress Pro来解锁更强大的功能。

WPBeginner生日赠品 (WPBeginner Birthday Giveaway)

To celebrate the 11th birthday of WPBeginner, we are offering an Ultimate Website Toolkit to one lucky reader.

为庆祝WPBeginner十一岁生日,我们为一位幸运的读者提供了一个Ultimate Website Toolkit。

The prize includes a Macbook Air, free domain + 1 year GoGeek hosting from SiteGround, 1 hour Zoom call with Syed (me), and pro licenses to all our premium WordPress plugins: WPForms, OptinMonster, MonsterInsights, WP Mail SMTP, SeedProd, RafflePress, TrustPulse, All in One SEO, Smash Balloon, MemberPress, Affiliate Royale, Thirsty Affiliates, Pretty Links, Formidable Forms, Wholesale Suite, and Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce.

奖品包括一台MacBook Air,免费域名+1年GoGeek接待来自SiteGround ,1小时变焦调用与赛义德(我)和专业版授权给我们所有的溢价WordPress插件: WPFormsOptinMonsterMonsterInsightsWP邮件SMTPSeedProdRafflePressTrustPulse ,多合一SEOSmash BalloonMemberPressAffiliate RoyaleThirsty AffiliatesPretty Links可怕的表格批发套件和WooCommerce的高级优惠券

Winner will be chosen randomly using a random generator script.


EDIT: The winner has been chosen, congratulations Sarthak Agarwal


All you have to do is enter the giveaway using the widget below:


* No purchase is required to enter this giveaway.


回馈(机会) (Giving Back (Opportunity))

As you know that WPBeginner is a 100% free resource, and I don’t really ask for much in return. Your kindness and generosity in supporting our premium WordPress plugins make this business sustainable for us.

如您所知WPBeginner是100%免费的资源,我并没有要求太多回报。 您对我们的高级WordPress插件的支持的慷慨和慷慨使我们的业务可持续发展。

A big priority for Amanda and I is to help others, and we do a ton through our Balkhi Foundation.


Since it’s our family foundation, we don’t ask for donations there. However if you’ve ever found WPBeginner to be helpful and want to give back, then I would appreciate you supporting some of my favorite charities below:

由于这是我们的家庭基金会,因此我们不要求那里的捐款。 但是,如果您发现WPBeginner会有所帮助并想回馈,那么我将感谢您支持以下我最喜欢的一些慈善机构:

谢谢大家 (Thank You Everyone)

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in this journey. I really do appreciate all of your retweets, personal emails, content suggestions, and the in-person hugs / interactions at the events.

我想对在此旅途中支持我们的每个人表示感谢。 我真的很感谢您的所有转发,个人电子邮件,内容建议以及活动中的亲密拥抱/互动。

You all are AMAZING and without you, there is no WPBeginner.


I look forward to another solid year ahead of us.


Syed Balkhi Founder of WPBeginner

Syed Balkhi WPBeginner创始人

P.S. We’re hiring for several roles as our company grows. If you or someone you know would be interested in being part of our fast-growing team, then please apply here.

PS:随着公司的成长,我们正在招聘多个职位。 如果您或您认识的某个人有兴趣加入我们快速发展的团队, 请在此处申请

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-turns-11-years-old-reflections-and-updates-giveaway/

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