WordPress vs. Medium –哪个更好? (优点和缺点)

We are often asked by users why they should use WordPress instead of other free blogging services like Blogger, Ghost, Tumblr, etc? Medium is a fast growing free blogging platform that allows anyone to create stories and have their own personal space on the web. In this article, we will compare WordPress vs Medium with the pros and cons of each platforms.

用户经常问我们为什么他们应该使用WordPress来代替BloggerGhostTumblr等其他免费博客服务? Medium是一个快速增长的免费博客平台,该平台允许任何人创建故事并在网络上拥有自己的个人空间。 在本文中,我们将比较WordPress和Medium与每种平台的优缺点。

WordPress vs Medium - Which one is better?

Important: Please note that this comparison is between self-hosted WordPress.org sites and Medium, not WordPress.com vs Medium. Please see our guide on the difference between self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.

重要提示:请注意,此比较是在自托管的WordPress.org网站和中型网站之间进行的,而不是WordPress.com与中型网站之间的比较。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解自托管WordPress.org与WordPress.com之间的区别

1.您内容的所有权 (1. Ownership of Your Content)

Medium is a free online community where anyone can share their stories. It is easy to use, reliable, and has built-in social networking features.

Medium是一个免费的在线社区,任何人都可以分享他们的故事。 它易于使用,可靠并且具有内置的社交网络功能。

However, you do not own Medium. It is owned by ‘A Medium Corporation’, and they can decide to shut it down, announce new pricing plans, or cancel your account at anytime.

但是,您不拥有Medium。 它归“ A Medium Corporation”所有,他们可以随时决定将其关闭,宣布新的定价计划或取消您的帐户。

On the other hand, WordPress allows you to own your own content. Since you host your own website, you have full control over your data and who you share it with.

另一方面,WordPress允许您拥有自己的内容。 由于您托管自己的网站 ,因此您可以完全控制自己的数据以及与谁共享数据。

2.成长为自己的品牌 (2. Growing into Your Own Brand)

Medium brand displayed on a Medium publication

When you are using Medium, you are promoting their brand along with your stories. You don’t get paid for that. If you are not a famous author, chances are that Medium users would remember reading a story on Medium without even remembering your name.

使用Medium时,您会在推广故事的同时推广他们的品牌。 您不会为此得到报酬。 如果您不是著名作家,那么中型用户很可能会记得在中型网站上读过一个故事,甚至都不记得您的名字。

Medium is also a network which means content from other authors often get displayed as next stories below your own story. Taking your users away to read articles by other brands and authors.

媒介也是一个网络,这意味着其他作者的内容经常在您自己的故事下被显示为下一故事。 带您的用户阅读其他品牌和作者的文章。

On WordPress, you have full control on how you want to promote your brand. As your site grows in popularity, you alone decide how to capitalize on your content and brand recognition. Your content and ideas are recognized by your name alone.

在WordPress上,您可以完全控制想要提升品牌的方式。 随着网站的流行,您独自决定如何利用内容和品牌知名度。 您的内容和想法仅会被您的名字识别。

Since you have full control of your WordPress site, you can do a lot more to increase the time users spend on your site.


3.设计可能性 (3. Design Possibilities)

Medium allows you to choose a layout for your publication. You add your own logo, background color, or image to the header. For layout you can choose grid or stream based layout. This drag and drop editor is very easy to use and offers multiple customization options.

中允许您选择出版物的版式。 您将自己的徽标,背景色或图像添加到标题。 对于布局,您可以选择基于网格或流的布局。 该拖放编辑器非常易于使用,并提供多个自定义选项。

However, still your publications appearance is limited to the choices available in Medium. You cannot choose your own design and layout for your website.

但是,您的出版物外观仍然仅限于“中”中可用的选择。 您不能为网站选择自己的设计和布局。

On the other hand, there are thousands of free and paid WordPress themes available. These themes are designed by professionals with innovative designs and unlimited customization options.

另一方面,有数千个免费和付费的WordPress主题可用。 这些主题是由具有创新设计和无限定制选项的专业人员设计的。

WordPress themes offer unlimited design possibilities

WordPress gives you the flexibility to build a site that looks uniquely yours. If you can spend a little more, then you can hire designers and developers to create any kind of website imaginable.

WordPress使您可以灵活地构建一个看起来独一无二的网站。 如果您可以花更多钱,则可以雇用设计师和开发人员来创建任何可以想象的网站。

4.行动自由 (4. Freedom to Move)

Moving your blog

Medium allows you to export your data in HTML format. This makes it difficult to export your data into other platforms like WordPress. Responses and likes on your articles cannot be exported.

中号允许您以HTML格式导出数据。 这使得很难将数据导出到其他平台(如WordPress)。 您文章的回应和喜欢无法导出。

Setting up redirects from Medium to WordPress is nearly impossible. Even if you are using a custom domain on Medium, you will still have to manually setup a redirect for each story on your new platform.

设置从中型到WordPress的重定向几乎是不可能的。 即使您在Medium上使用自定义域,您仍将必须为新平台上的每个故事手动设置重定向。

As an open source platform, WordPress gives you freedom to move all your content. You can import/export your data from WordPress using importer plugins.

作为一个开源平台,WordPress使您可以自由移动所有内容。 您可以使用导入程序插件从WordPress导入/导出数据。

You can also import/export users and comments. WordPress also comes with amazing backup plugins that allow you to restore and migrate your site to a new host or even a new domain name.

您也可以导入/导出用户和评论。 WordPress还附带了出色的备份插件 ,使您可以将站点还原并迁移到新主机或什至新域名

5.支持选项 (5. Support Options)

Medium comes with extensive documentation and a ticket based support system. Currently, support is free for all users. Answers are provided by Medium staff and their response time depends on the number of support requests they have in pending.

Medium带有大量文档和基于票证的支持系统。 目前,所有用户都可以免费获得支持。 答案由中级员工提供,他们的响应时间取决于他们待处理的支持请求的数量。

WordPress is a community driven project. It powers more than 26% of all websites on the internet. Free community support is available through WordPress.org website. (See: why is WordPress free?)

WordPress是一个社区驱动的项目。 它为互联网上所有网站的26%以上提供动力。 可通过WordPress.org网站获得免费社区支持。 (请参阅: 为什么WordPress免费? )

WordPress.org support

Apart from that, you will find WordPress support on countless third-party platforms like StackExchange, YouTube, SitePoint, etc. See our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it.


WPBeginner itself is the largest WordPress resource site for beginners. We have hundreds of how-tos, tutorials, videos, and step by step guides to create any kind of website with WordPress. See our guide on how to make the most out of free WPBeginner resources.

WPBeginner本身是面向初学者的最大的WordPress资源网站。 我们有数百个使用方法,教程, 视频逐步指南 ,可使用WordPress创建任何类型的网站。 有关如何充分利用免费的WPBeginner资源的信息,请参阅我们的指南。

6.安全性 (6. Security)

Medium is a fully hosted platform, which means you don’t need to worry about the software. Your content is served by highly secure Medium servers. Your private information is kept secure using the industry standard security measures.

Medium是一个完全托管的平台,这意味着您无需担心该软件。 您的内容由高度安全的中型服务器提供。 使用行业标准的安全措施可确保您的私人信息的安全。

WordPress is a self hosted platform. This means that you are responsible for safety and security of your website. WordPress is well-known for its quick response to security issues with immediate updates that are automatically installed on millions of WordPress sites.

WordPress是一个自托管平台。 这意味着您对网站的安全性负责。 WordPress以对安全问题的快速响应而闻名,它具有立即更新,该更新会自动安装在数百万个WordPress网站上。

WordPress security

At WPBeginner, we use Sucuri to protect our site against malicious attacks. Take a look at how Sucuri helped us block 450,000 of attacks in 3 months.

在WPBeginner,我们使用Sucuri保护我们的网站免受恶意攻击。 看看Sucuri如何帮助我们在3个月内阻止了450,000次攻击

7.未来 (7. Future)

Medium is a private company owned by ‘A Medium Corporation’. Currently, the company has limited monetization options offered by partnerships with select brands for fewer publishers. We don’t know for sure what the future holds for Medium. It can survive and make money, or it may disappear like dozens of other free content hosting services before it.

Medium是“ A Medium Corporation”拥有的一家私人公司。 目前,该公司与某些品牌的合作伙伴提供的获利选项有限,发行商较少。 我们不确定中型产品的未来。 它可以生存并赚钱,也可以像其他数十种免费内容托管服务一样消失。

WordPress is an open source project, managed by a community of thousands of independent developers and users. WordPress Foundation protects the legal freedoms of WordPress which ensures that the project will continue even if core developers leave the project.

WordPress是一个开源项目,由成千上万的独立开发人员和用户组成的社区进行管理。 WordPress Foundation保护WordPress的合法自由,即使核心开发人员离开了该项目,该项目也可以确保该项目继续进行。

It has been around for more than 13 years and has grown into the largest content management system in the world. It is safe to say that WordPress is going to be around for years to come.

它已经存在了13年多,已经发展成为世界上最大的内容管理系统。 可以肯定地说WordPress将在未来几年出现。

For more details, see our guide on who owns WordPress and how does WordPress make money?


Ready to get started with WordPress? Follow our step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog.

准备开始使用WordPress了吗? 遵循有关如何启动WordPress博客的分步指南。

We hope this article helped you compare the pros and cons of WordPress vs Medium. You may also want to see our guides on the most common misconceptions about WordPress and Why is WordPress free?

我们希望本文能帮助您比较WordPress与Medium的优缺点。 您可能还希望查看有关WordPress的最常见误解的指南, 以及WordPress 为什么免费?

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/wordpress-vs-medium-which-one-is-better-pros-and-cons/

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