vc模拟 tabletpc_业力和TabletPC笔

vc模拟 tabletpc

vc模拟 tabletpc

If you hung out with me at all you no doubt heard me complain that I had lost my TabletPC pen literally an hour after I arrive in San Diego. 


I had all these images of me in "Slate Mode" with my famed Toshiba m205, taking notes in OneNote 2003 SP1. (I was most excited about this feature: "Simultaneously view and edit the same pages of notes with multiple users in different locations."

我用著名的东芝m205在“平板模式”下拍摄了所有这些图像,并在OneNote 2003 SP1中做笔记。 (我对这个功能感到非常兴奋:“与不同位置的多个用户同时查看和编辑相同页面的笔记。

But, alas it was not to be, and my convertible TabletPC was immediately rendered flacid by the loss of it's magnetic member. (Remember, you can't just use ANY stylus with a TabletPC, the screen isn't pressure sensitive.  You have to use a special Wacom-style stylus with charged pixie dust)  So, I used the keyboard.  Sigh.  I felt so 2001.

但是,可惜不是这样,我的可转换TabletTablet因失去磁性部件而立即变得狂躁。 (请记住,您不能仅将任何手写笔与TabletPC一起使用,屏幕也不会对压力敏感。您必须使用带有带电小精灵灰尘的特殊Wacom风格的手写笔)因此,我使用了键盘。 叹。 我觉得2001。

Then someone mentioned that there was a hidden reserve pen literally buried underneath the main battery.  Egads!  It was like discovering a new directory on a computer I'd owned for years.  How could I not have known about this feature!

然后有人提到有一个隐藏的备用笔,字面意思是埋在主电池下方。 哎呀! 这就像在我拥有多年的计算机上发现新目录一样。 我怎么可能不知道这个功能!

I immediately ripped my battery off and was presented with...SHOCK...AMAZEMENT.  There was only a chalk outline of a replacement stylus.  Had it been murdered?  Stolen?  Gasp...sucide?  Why would Toshiba go to the effort of actually drawing an outline of a pen but NOT INCLUDING IT.

我立即撕下电池,看到...电击...令人惊讶。 只有替换笔的粉笔轮廓。 它被谋杀了吗? 偷了? 喘气...自杀? 东芝为什么要花力气画出笔的轮廓而不包含它的轮廓。

Cheapness.  Stingyness.  Turns out a little Googling explained that the Toshiba TabletPC m205 ships everywhere else in the world with a backup stylus.  Americans, however, are screwed.  Gotta save that 10 cents, eh?

廉价。 ing。 事实证明,谷歌略有解释,东芝TabletPC m205带有备用触控笔,可在世界其他任何地方发货。 然而,美国人被搞砸了。 要节省那10美分,是吗?

A light in the tunnel...


So, dejected, I went online to the Toshba store and shelled out $50 to get a kit that includes a replacement stylus, a backup stylus (to cover up the chalk outline in my battery compartment) and a tether (yes, a tether) to keep my pen, well, tethered.  But, as things go, it was Saturday and they wouldn't be able to ship it until Monday.  Sigh.

因此,沮丧的是,我上网去了Toshba商店,花了50美元买了一个工具包,其中包括一个替换笔,一个备用笔(用来遮盖电池盒中的粉笔轮廓)和一个系绳(是,系绳)保持我的笔,好,系住。 但是,随着时间的推移,现在是星期六,他们要等到星期一才能发货。 叹。

I complained.  Bitterly.  To anyone at TechEd who would listen to my woes.  Then, someone (I think it was John Bristowe) said one day, "Is this your pen?" and handed me a pen that someone else had lost! (I'd lost mine at UCSD.)  Joy!  I was back in business!

我抱怨了辛苦了对于TechEd中任何会听我的忧虑的人。 然后,有人(我想是约翰·布里斯托(John Bristowe))有一天说:“这是你的笔吗?” 递给我一支别人丢了的钢笔 (我在UCSD迷路了。)欢乐! 我又回来了!

I arrived back home with my newly found (someone else's) pen to a package from Toshiba with my ordered replacement and backup.  I secured my tiny reserve pen in it's cubby and moved on.  Then, a few hours ago, Michele emailed me with the news that someone at UCSD had actually found my originally lost pen.  Glory be, it's on the way in a envelope. 

我带着刚发现的(别人的)笔回到东芝,回到了东芝的包裹,并订购了替换件和备用件。 我将我的备用小笔固定在小房间里,然后继续前进。 然后,几个小时前,米歇尔(Michele)向我发送了一封电子邮件,通知我UCSD的某人实际上找到了我最初丢失的钢笔。 荣耀归来,它正在信封中。

I left a man without a pen, now, I am a man with three pens and one in reserve.



vc模拟 tabletpc

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