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原创 DAY40--learning English

dent/- Example: a large dent in the car door (车门上一大块凹陷).- Example: The lawyer's fees will make a dent in our finances (律师费将耗去我们一部分资金)./frɒst//ˈtræʃi/: See also "sleep" [V] (Literary) to sleep (睡;睡眠)./ˈelbəʊ//fəʊm/adv(Formal)[U][U]/snɔːt/[V speech]

2024-03-03 11:57:00 591

原创 DAY39--learning English

Daily Joke:Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts!

2024-03-01 10:18:44 1020

原创 DAY38--learning English

1. [pl.] Chickens, ducks, and geese kept for their meat or eggs - 家禽- to keep poultry - 饲养家禽- poultry farming - 养禽业2. [U] Meat from chickens, ducks, and geese - 禽的肉- Eat plenty of fish and poultry - 要多吃鱼和禽肉。

2024-02-29 10:41:49 1023

原创 DAY37--learning English

淀粉;含淀粉的食物- There's too much starch in your diet.你的日常饮食中淀粉含量太高。- You need to cut down on starches.你有必要少吃些含淀粉的东西。(浆衣服、床单等用的)淀粉浆把(衣服、床单等)浆一浆- a starched white shirt浆过的白衬衫sticky黏的;胶质的•glutinous rice糯米拨…(给);划…(归);分配…(给)今年他们打算给成人学生提供更多的名额。

2024-02-28 11:29:53 1066

原创 DAY36--learning English

a set of instructions that tells you how to cook sth and the ingredients (= items of food) you need for it烹饪法;食谱• a recipe for chicken soup鸡汤的做法• vegetarian recipes素菜食谱• a recipe book烹饪书方法;秘诀;诀窍他的计划后患无穷。她成功的秘诀是什么?

2024-02-28 10:32:39 931

原创 DAY35--learning English

1. (usually disapproving) (of a government, ruler, etc.政府、统治者等) to put an end, often by force, to a group or an activity that is believed to threaten authority镇压;(usually disapproving) (of an answer, a comment, etc.答案、评论等) too quick, easy or simple;

2024-02-27 10:32:51 1069

原创 DAY34--learning English

没有活力的;无精打采的;不热情的那场病使她感到虚弱无力,提不起精神。制裁凡拒签该协议的国家均受到贸易制裁。经济制裁业已取消。(正式)许可,批准这些变更须经法院认可。制裁;约束;处罚最严厉的处罚将是关闭这家餐馆.[VN]许可;准许;准予政府拒绝批准进一步降低利率.2. (technical 术语) to punish sb/sth;惩罚;实施制裁使遭受打击;使吃苦头他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。他们察看了暴风雨造成的损失。敌人遭受了惨重伤亡。(humorous)

2024-02-27 10:25:49 1129

原创 DAY33--learning English

1. ~ (against/for sb) ~ (to/about sth) to make a statement that something happened or that something is true, especially as a witness in court(尤指出庭)作证[V]• She refused to testify against her husband. 她拒绝出庭作证指控丈夫。

2024-02-26 11:18:09 736

原创 DAY32--learing English

a set of instructions that tells you how to cook sth and the ingredients (= items of food) you need for it烹饪法;食谱• a recipe for chicken soup鸡汤的做法• vegetarian recipes素菜食谱• a recipe book烹饪书方法;秘诀;诀窍他的计划后患无穷。她成功的秘诀是什么?

2024-02-26 10:13:09 1005

原创 DAY31--learning English

DIFFICULT TO BEND/MOVE 不易弯曲╱活动1.firm and difficult to bend or move不易弯曲(或活动)的;硬的;挺的•stiff cardboard硬纸板•a stiff brush硬刷子•The windows were stiff and she couldn't get them open.窗户紧,她开不了。MUSCLES 肌肉。

2024-02-25 11:19:54 909

原创 DAY30--learning English

1.[ CU]the money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time预算•a monthly/an annual/a family budget 每月╱年度╱家庭预算。

2024-02-25 10:22:04 1258

原创 DAY29--learning English

1. a page or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, especially one that you hang on a wall - 日历;挂历• a calendar for 2006 - 2006年的日历the book in which you write this down - 日程表;记事本。

2024-02-24 12:29:00 1020

原创 DAY28--learning English

你拉起兜帽为自己遮挡细雨,感激它的保护。当一天接近尾声时,你参加了一场婚礼,一位容光焕发的新娘走过过道,她的喜悦对所有人都是显而易见的。每一个字,每一次经历,都编织出了生活中各种时刻的挂毯,塑造了我们个人的故事和迈向更光明未来的集体旅程。1.[ VN] ~ A (with B)~ B (to A)to add an amount of money to sb's bank account(给银行账户)存入金额;继续你的旅程,你注意到一根磨损的电线悬挂在灯柱上,提醒着我们的世界是相互联系的。

2024-02-24 11:27:33 937

原创 DAY27--learning English

2. unkind;unpleasantSYN: meanIDIOMSthe period of time spent away from work病假;病假期•to be on sick leave休病假潮气;水汽;水分• the skin's natural moisture皮肤的天然水分• a material that is designed to absorb/retain moisture用来吸收╱保持水分的材料。

2024-02-23 15:23:56 611

原创 DAY26--learning English

洗发剂;香波;(洗地毯、家具罩套、汽车等的)洗涤剂- a shampoo for greasy hair 油性头发洗发剂- carpet shampoo 地毯洗涤剂用洗发剂洗头发- a shampoo and set (= an act of washing and styling sb's hair) 洗头发并做发型用洗发剂洗(头发);用洗涤剂洗(地毯等)

2024-02-23 10:21:25 957

原创 Day25--learning English

REMOVE 除去1.to remove sth from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across it刮掉;削去•She scraped the mud off her boots.她刮掉了靴子上的泥。[ VN-ADJ]•The kids had scraped their plates clean.孩子们把自己的盘子擦得干干净净。DAMAGE 损坏。

2024-02-22 10:21:32 1278

原创 Day24--learning English

1. [often passive] ~ sb to sth to give sb the right to have or to do sth 使享有权利;使符合资格[VN]你到65岁就有资格享受养老金。• Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. 人人都有权发表自己的意见。你拿这张票不能坐头等舱。2. [VN-N] [usually passive] to give a title to a book, play, etc. 给…命名(或题名)

2024-02-21 16:19:13 679

原创 Day23--learning English

of stems or other grain plants that have been cut and dried. Straw is used for making wheat, hats, etc., for packing things to protect them, and as food for animals or for them to sleep on. mats(收割后干燥的)禾秆,麦秆,稻草。她注意到柜台前有一个女人,皮肤无瑕,毛孔细小,穿着丝绸长袍,散发出一种毫不费力的时尚感。

2024-02-21 12:28:21 813

原创 Day22--learning English

(羊等的)绒,毛2. long thick thread made from animal's wool, used for knitting毛线;绒线- a ball of wool 一团毛线3. cloth made from animal's wool, used for making clothes, etc.毛料;毛织物- This scarf is 100% wool. 这条披肩是纯毛的。- pure new wool 纯新毛料- a wool blanket 毛毯严厉的;苛刻的。

2024-02-20 15:27:20 856

原创 Day21--learning English

7.( sometimesdisapproving) ( of a person's way of speaking说话的方式 ) quick and confident in a way that suggests that the person is busy or is not being friendly简短干脆的(表明某人忙或不友好)在破败的水泥厂里,托马斯遇到了一群世故的人,他们把这里作为秘密聚会的地点。托马斯被他们的意图震惊了,他意识到他无意中发现了比他想象的要大得多的东西。

2024-02-18 17:44:04 839

原创 Day20 -- learning english

1.gulp2.clog3.artery4.bloat5.kidnap6.groom7.prey8.cargo9. jerk10.treadmill 11.shatter12. acrobatic13. aggravate14.moldy15.curl16.manual17.slay18.sibling19.hatch20.dense1.~ sth (down)to swallow large amounts of food or drink quickly狼吞虎咽;大口吞咽;匆匆吞下He gulped d

2024-02-18 12:34:19 732

原创 DAY19--learning English


2024-01-26 09:00:00 940

原创 DAY18--learning English


2024-01-25 16:13:07 839

原创 DAY17--learning English


2024-01-24 11:14:24 948

原创 DAY16--learning English


2024-01-23 11:11:36 872

原创 DAY15--learning English


2024-01-22 10:34:48 776

原创 DAY14--learning English


2024-01-21 10:22:35 829

原创 DAY13--learning English


2024-01-20 10:14:56 1014

原创 DAY12--learning English


2024-01-19 09:58:45 843

原创 DAY11--learning english

1.[ˈsɒl.ɪ.tər.i] 孤独的 solitary2.[ˈmeɪn.tən.əns] 维持 maintenance。

2024-01-18 10:14:39 854

原创 DAY10--learning english


2024-01-17 09:40:11 813

原创 DAY9--learning english

Translation: The foundation of the building needs to be firm to ensure it doesn't collapse during an earthquake.这位永恒的小贩继续通过他的作品激励他人,提醒他们可以在最简单的事物中找到快乐,比如一种精心制作的香料。

2024-01-16 09:18:48 952

原创 DAY8--learning english

16.降级 demote。她感到尴尬和脆弱,于是买了一顶可爱的假发,在头发长回来的时候戴上。她试图保守秘密,但她的同事很快就注意到了她外表的变化。他们中的一些人在背后窃笑她,还有一些人发表侮辱性的评论。

2024-01-15 08:00:00 943

原创 DAY7--learning english

approach and rigidity when it came to their values, the animals thrived(繁荣). They built a strong community, where every member was valued and respected. Each day, they reminded themselves of the importance of their unity and the strength of their。

2024-01-14 10:33:01 820

原创 DAY6--learning english


2024-01-13 09:16:58 959

原创 DAY5--learning English


2024-01-12 10:32:16 877

原创 DAY4 --English learning


2024-01-11 10:13:32 742

原创 DAY3 -Learning English

标题:回忆 往事如烟,掠过脑海,一点点盐加在心灵的伤口上。如今,在这个动画般的世界里,人们吃饱了也会刷剧,买一送一成为了常态。无论是在药店购物还是进出仓库,我们都要刷卡,切换不同的区域。下降的太多,就需要尝试翻转局面,用漂亮的思维去照耀未来。调料给生活增添了味道,就像一针见血的评论,让人忍不住touche。但是,我们不能忘记谁在乎这一切?因为有些东西已经成为过去,成为水下的桥,只能掀翻一些回忆,让它们化作回忆的尘埃,照射着我们前行的路。

2024-01-10 11:37:40 764

原创 DAY2-English Learning


2024-01-09 21:25:30 984

原创 基于WebSocket实现客户聊天室


2023-12-01 11:14:44 555








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