yolov8/yolov10 损失函数代码解析



假设batch_size=4 number_classes=6 输入img_size=640(训练过程中自动转换为[640,640])

class v8DetectionLoss:
    """Criterion class for computing training losses."""

    def __init__(self, model, tal_topk=10):  # model must be de-paralleled
        """Initializes v8DetectionLoss with the model, defining model-related properties and BCE loss function."""
        device = next(model.parameters()).device  # get model device
        h = model.args  # 超参数

        m = model.model[-1]  # Detect() module
        self.bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction="none")
        self.hyp = h
        self.stride = m.stride  # 步长 8 16 32 
        # 假设输入图片640x640 
        # 那么对应anchor就是 [640/8,640/8][640/16,640/16][640/32,640/32]
        # ->[80,80][40,40][20,20]->6400+1600+400=8400这里和yolov5计算相同
        self.nc = m.nc  # 类别数量 假设为6方便计算其他值
        self.no = m.nc + m.reg_max * 4	# 每个anchor输出数量 类别+位置*dfl通道数=6+16*4=
        self.reg_max = m.reg_max	# dfl损失通道数,固定16
        self.device = device

        self.use_dfl = m.reg_max > 1

        self.assigner = TaskAlignedAssigner(topk=tal_topk, num_classes=self.nc, alpha=0.5, beta=6.0)
        self.bbox_loss = BboxLoss(m.reg_max).to(device)
        self.proj = torch.arange(m.reg_max, dtype=torch.float, device=device)	# [0,1,...15]

    def preprocess(self, targets, batch_size, scale_tensor):
        """Preprocesses the target counts and matches with the input batch size to output a tensor."""
        nl, ne = targets.shape	# nl目标数量  ne=6对应真实的坐标xywh+batch中img的id+类别
        if nl == 0:
            out = torch.zeros(batch_size, 0, ne - 1, device=self.device)
            i = targets[:, 0]  # 对应batch['batch_idx'] batch中img的id
            _, counts = i.unique(return_counts=True)	# 统计重复元素个数
            counts = counts.to(dtype=torch.int32)
            out = torch.zeros(batch_size, counts.max(), ne - 1, device=self.device)	# 输出张量
            for j in range(batch_size):
                matches = i == j	# 匹配第j个batch中的img_id目标
                n = matches.sum()	# 统计上述个数
                if n:	# 如果gt有目标 (一张训练的图片中有标注目标)
                    out[j, :n] = targets[matches, 1:]	# 取出对应目标的类别和box
            out[..., 1:5] = xywh2xyxy(out[..., 1:5].mul_(scale_tensor)) # box的真实坐标xyxy
        return out

    def bbox_decode(self, anchor_points, pred_dist):
        """Decode predicted object bounding box coordinates from anchor points and distribution."""
        if self.use_dfl:
            b, a, c = pred_dist.shape  # batch, anchors, channels=m.reg_max*4
            pred_dist = pred_dist.view(b, a, 4, c // 4).softmax(3).matmul(self.proj.type(pred_dist.dtype))
            # 这里假设类别为6 batch_size为4,那么b,a,c=4,8400,64
            # pred_dist.view -> 4,8400,64 -> 4,8400,4,16 最后一维对应dfl通道数
            # softmax(3)对上诉的结果的dim=3(对dfl通道16那维)进行归一化概率(和为1,实际为 e^i/e^(all) )
            # matmul这里直接理解为矩阵乘法  4,4800,4,16 * 16 = 4,4800,4  所以上诉两行代码就是做dfl矩阵乘法
        return dist2bbox(pred_dist, anchor_points, xywh=False)

    def __call__(self, preds, batch):
        """Calculate the sum of the loss for box, cls and dfl multiplied by batch size."""
        loss = torch.zeros(3, device=self.device)  # box, cls, dfl 这里可以看出损失分为box,分类,dfl
        feats = preds[1] if isinstance(preds, tuple) else preds	
        # 相当于 torch.cat((feat[0].view(4,70,-1), (feat[1].view(4,70,-1), (feat[2].view(4,70,-1),).split(16*4,6),1)
        # 说人话就是三种步长的特征值(前向传播结果)连起来再单独把作为分类得分的为一组,其余的为一组  
        pred_distri, pred_scores = torch.cat([xi.view(feats[0].shape[0], self.no, -1) for xi in feats], 2).split(
            (self.reg_max * 4, self.nc), 1

        pred_scores = pred_scores.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()	# 4,6,8400 -> 4,8400,6
        pred_distri = pred_distri.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() # 4,64,8400 -> 4,8400,64

        dtype = pred_scores.dtype
        batch_size = pred_scores.shape[0]	# 4
        # 这里从步长0和anchor往前算图像大小=[80*8, 80*8] = [640,640]
        imgsz = torch.tensor(feats[0].shape[2:], device=self.device, dtype=dtype) * self.stride[0]  # image size (h,w)
        anchor_points, stride_tensor = make_anchors(feats, self.stride, 0.5)	
        # anchor_points[8400,2]  从0.5-79.5(80*80)创造坐标	
        # stride_tensor[8400,1] 80*80的步长8+40*40的步长16+20*20的步长32 = 6400个8 + 1600个16 + 400个32

        # Targets 这里的target就是ground_truth真实的图片id、目标分类、目标框,这里假设该batch_size为X个目标
        # [X,6] = cat( [X,1], [X,1], [X,4] )								
        targets = torch.cat((batch["batch_idx"].view(-1, 1), batch["cls"].view(-1, 1), batch["bboxes"]), 1)
        targets = self.preprocess(targets.to(self.device), batch_size, scale_tensor=imgsz[[1, 0, 1, 0]])
        gt_labels, gt_bboxes = targets.split((1, 4), 2)  # cls, xyxy  这里将真实的gt目标的分类cls和box分开
        mask_gt = gt_bboxes.sum(2, keepdim=True).gt_(0.0)	# 对box最后一维,也就是坐标求和比较大于0为1,否则0  相当于找到有目标的为1

        # Pboxes 预测框,先计算dfl 然后x1y1=anchor-x1y1 x2y2=anchor+x2y2
        pred_bboxes = self.bbox_decode(anchor_points, pred_distri)  # xyxy, (b, h*w, 4)

		# 标签分配
        _, target_bboxes, target_scores, fg_mask, _ = self.assigner(
            (pred_bboxes.detach() * stride_tensor).type(gt_bboxes.dtype),
            anchor_points * stride_tensor,

        target_scores_sum = max(target_scores.sum(), 1)

        # Cls loss
        # loss[1] = self.varifocal_loss(pred_scores, target_scores, target_labels) / target_scores_sum  # VFL way
        loss[1] = self.bce(pred_scores, target_scores.to(dtype)).sum() / target_scores_sum  # BCE

        # Bbox loss
        if fg_mask.sum():
            target_bboxes /= stride_tensor
            loss[0], loss[2] = self.bbox_loss(
                pred_distri, pred_bboxes, anchor_points, target_bboxes, target_scores, target_scores_sum, fg_mask

        loss[0] *= self.hyp.box  # box gain
        loss[1] *= self.hyp.cls  # cls gain
        loss[2] *= self.hyp.dfl  # dfl gain

        return loss.sum() * batch_size, loss.detach()  # loss(box, cls, dfl)



class TaskAlignedAssigner(nn.Module):
    A task-aligned assigner for object detection.

    This class assigns ground-truth (gt) objects to anchors based on the task-aligned metric, which combines both
    classification and localization information.

        topk (int): The number of top candidates to consider.
        num_classes (int): The number of object classes.
        alpha (float): The alpha parameter for the classification component of the task-aligned metric.
        beta (float): The beta parameter for the localization component of the task-aligned metric.
        eps (float): A small value to prevent division by zero.

    def __init__(self, topk=13, num_classes=80, alpha=1.0, beta=6.0, eps=1e-9):
        """Initialize a TaskAlignedAssigner object with customizable hyperparameters."""
        self.topk = topk
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.bg_idx = num_classes
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta
        self.eps = eps

    def forward(self, pd_scores, pd_bboxes, anc_points, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, mask_gt):
        Compute the task-aligned assignment. Reference code is available at

            pd_scores (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors, num_classes)
            pd_bboxes (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors, 4)
            anc_points (Tensor): shape(num_total_anchors, 2)
            gt_labels (Tensor): shape(bs, n_max_boxes, 1)
            gt_bboxes (Tensor): shape(bs, n_max_boxes, 4)
            mask_gt (Tensor): shape(bs, n_max_boxes, 1)

            target_labels (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors)
            target_bboxes (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors, 4)
            target_scores (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors, num_classes)
            fg_mask (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors)
            target_gt_idx (Tensor): shape(bs, num_total_anchors)
        self.bs = pd_scores.shape[0]
        self.n_max_boxes = gt_bboxes.shape[1]

        if self.n_max_boxes == 0:
            device = gt_bboxes.device
            return (
                torch.full_like(pd_scores[..., 0], self.bg_idx).to(device),
                torch.zeros_like(pd_scores[..., 0]).to(device),
                torch.zeros_like(pd_scores[..., 0]).to(device),

        mask_pos, align_metric, overlaps = self.get_pos_mask(
            pd_scores, pd_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, anc_points, mask_gt

        target_gt_idx, fg_mask, mask_pos = self.select_highest_overlaps(mask_pos, overlaps, self.n_max_boxes)

        # Assigned target
        target_labels, target_bboxes, target_scores = self.get_targets(gt_labels, gt_bboxes, target_gt_idx, fg_mask)

        # Normalize
        align_metric *= mask_pos
        pos_align_metrics = align_metric.amax(dim=-1, keepdim=True)  # b, max_num_obj
        pos_overlaps = (overlaps * mask_pos).amax(dim=-1, keepdim=True)  # b, max_num_obj
        norm_align_metric = (align_metric * pos_overlaps / (pos_align_metrics + self.eps)).amax(-2).unsqueeze(-1)
        target_scores = target_scores * norm_align_metric

        return target_labels, target_bboxes, target_scores, fg_mask.bool(), target_gt_idx

    def get_pos_mask(self, pd_scores, pd_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, anc_points, mask_gt):
        """Get in_gts mask, (b, max_num_obj, h*w)."""
        mask_in_gts = self.select_candidates_in_gts(anc_points, gt_bboxes)
        # Get anchor_align metric, (b, max_num_obj, h*w)
        align_metric, overlaps = self.get_box_metrics(pd_scores, pd_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, mask_in_gts * mask_gt)
        # Get topk_metric mask, (b, max_num_obj, h*w)
        mask_topk = self.select_topk_candidates(align_metric, topk_mask=mask_gt.expand(-1, -1, self.topk).bool())
        # Merge all mask to a final mask, (b, max_num_obj, h*w)
        mask_pos = mask_topk * mask_in_gts * mask_gt

        return mask_pos, align_metric, overlaps

    def get_box_metrics(self, pd_scores, pd_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, mask_gt):
        """Compute alignment metric given predicted and ground truth bounding boxes."""
        na = pd_bboxes.shape[-2]
        mask_gt = mask_gt.bool()  # b, max_num_obj, h*w
        overlaps = torch.zeros([self.bs, self.n_max_boxes, na], dtype=pd_bboxes.dtype, device=pd_bboxes.device)
        bbox_scores = torch.zeros([self.bs, self.n_max_boxes, na], dtype=pd_scores.dtype, device=pd_scores.device)

        ind = torch.zeros([2, self.bs, self.n_max_boxes], dtype=torch.long)  # 2, b, max_num_obj
        ind[0] = torch.arange(end=self.bs).view(-1, 1).expand(-1, self.n_max_boxes)  # b, max_num_obj
        ind[1] = gt_labels.squeeze(-1)  # b, max_num_obj
        # Get the scores of each grid for each gt cls
        bbox_scores[mask_gt] = pd_scores[ind[0], :, ind[1]][mask_gt]  # b, max_num_obj, h*w

        # (b, max_num_obj, 1, 4), (b, 1, h*w, 4)
        pd_boxes = pd_bboxes.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.n_max_boxes, -1, -1)[mask_gt]
        gt_boxes = gt_bboxes.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, na, -1)[mask_gt]
        overlaps[mask_gt] = self.iou_calculation(gt_boxes, pd_boxes)

        align_metric = bbox_scores.pow(self.alpha) * overlaps.pow(self.beta)
        return align_metric, overlaps

    def iou_calculation(self, gt_bboxes, pd_bboxes):
        """IoU calculation for horizontal bounding boxes."""
        return bbox_iou(gt_bboxes, pd_bboxes, xywh=False, CIoU=True).squeeze(-1).clamp_(0)

    def select_topk_candidates(self, metrics, largest=True, topk_mask=None):
        Select the top-k candidates based on the given metrics.

            metrics (Tensor): A tensor of shape (b, max_num_obj, h*w), where b is the batch size,
                              max_num_obj is the maximum number of objects, and h*w represents the
                              total number of anchor points.
            largest (bool): If True, select the largest values; otherwise, select the smallest values.
            topk_mask (Tensor): An optional boolean tensor of shape (b, max_num_obj, topk), where
                                topk is the number of top candidates to consider. If not provided,
                                the top-k values are automatically computed based on the given metrics.

            (Tensor): A tensor of shape (b, max_num_obj, h*w) containing the selected top-k candidates.
        # (b, max_num_obj, topk)
        topk_metrics, topk_idxs = torch.topk(metrics, self.topk, dim=-1, largest=largest)
        if topk_mask is None:
            topk_mask = (topk_metrics.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0] > self.eps).expand_as(topk_idxs)
        # (b, max_num_obj, topk)
        topk_idxs.masked_fill_(~topk_mask, 0)

        # (b, max_num_obj, topk, h*w) -> (b, max_num_obj, h*w)
        count_tensor = torch.zeros(metrics.shape, dtype=torch.int8, device=topk_idxs.device)
        ones = torch.ones_like(topk_idxs[:, :, :1], dtype=torch.int8, device=topk_idxs.device)
        for k in range(self.topk):
            # Expand topk_idxs for each value of k and add 1 at the specified positions
            count_tensor.scatter_add_(-1, topk_idxs[:, :, k : k + 1], ones)
        # count_tensor.scatter_add_(-1, topk_idxs, torch.ones_like(topk_idxs, dtype=torch.int8, device=topk_idxs.device))
        # Filter invalid bboxes
        count_tensor.masked_fill_(count_tensor > 1, 0)

        return count_tensor.to(metrics.dtype)

    def get_targets(self, gt_labels, gt_bboxes, target_gt_idx, fg_mask):
        Compute target labels, target bounding boxes, and target scores for the positive anchor points.

            gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth labels of shape (b, max_num_obj, 1), where b is the
                                batch size and max_num_obj is the maximum number of objects.
            gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bounding boxes of shape (b, max_num_obj, 4).
            target_gt_idx (Tensor): Indices of the assigned ground truth objects for positive
                                    anchor points, with shape (b, h*w), where h*w is the total
                                    number of anchor points.
            fg_mask (Tensor): A boolean tensor of shape (b, h*w) indicating the positive
                              (foreground) anchor points.

            (Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]): A tuple containing the following tensors:
                - target_labels (Tensor): Shape (b, h*w), containing the target labels for
                                          positive anchor points.
                - target_bboxes (Tensor): Shape (b, h*w, 4), containing the target bounding boxes
                                          for positive anchor points.
                - target_scores (Tensor): Shape (b, h*w, num_classes), containing the target scores
                                          for positive anchor points, where num_classes is the number
                                          of object classes.
        # Assigned target labels, (b, 1)
        batch_ind = torch.arange(end=self.bs, dtype=torch.int64, device=gt_labels.device)[..., None]
        target_gt_idx = target_gt_idx + batch_ind * self.n_max_boxes  # (b, h*w)
        target_labels = gt_labels.long().flatten()[target_gt_idx]  # (b, h*w)

        # Assigned target boxes, (b, max_num_obj, 4) -> (b, h*w, 4)
        target_bboxes = gt_bboxes.view(-1, gt_bboxes.shape[-1])[target_gt_idx]

        # Assigned target scores

        # 10x faster than F.one_hot()
        target_scores = torch.zeros(
            (target_labels.shape[0], target_labels.shape[1], self.num_classes),
        )  # (b, h*w, 80)
        target_scores.scatter_(2, target_labels.unsqueeze(-1), 1)

        fg_scores_mask = fg_mask[:, :, None].repeat(1, 1, self.num_classes)  # (b, h*w, 80)
        target_scores = torch.where(fg_scores_mask > 0, target_scores, 0)

        return target_labels, target_bboxes, target_scores

    def select_candidates_in_gts(xy_centers, gt_bboxes, eps=1e-9):
        Select positive anchor centers within ground truth bounding boxes.

            xy_centers (torch.Tensor): Anchor center coordinates, shape (h*w, 2).
            gt_bboxes (torch.Tensor): Ground truth bounding boxes, shape (b, n_boxes, 4).
            eps (float, optional): Small value for numerical stability. Defaults to 1e-9.

            (torch.Tensor): Boolean mask of positive anchors, shape (b, n_boxes, h*w).

            b: batch size, n_boxes: number of ground truth boxes, h: height, w: width.
            Bounding box format: [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max].
        n_anchors = xy_centers.shape[0]
        bs, n_boxes, _ = gt_bboxes.shape
        lt, rb = gt_bboxes.view(-1, 1, 4).chunk(2, 2)  # left-top, right-bottom
        bbox_deltas = torch.cat((xy_centers[None] - lt, rb - xy_centers[None]), dim=2).view(bs, n_boxes, n_anchors, -1)
        # return (bbox_deltas.min(3)[0] > eps).to(gt_bboxes.dtype)
        return bbox_deltas.amin(3).gt_(eps)

    def select_highest_overlaps(mask_pos, overlaps, n_max_boxes):
        Select anchor boxes with highest IoU when assigned to multiple ground truths.

            mask_pos (torch.Tensor): Positive mask, shape (b, n_max_boxes, h*w).
            overlaps (torch.Tensor): IoU overlaps, shape (b, n_max_boxes, h*w).
            n_max_boxes (int): Maximum number of ground truth boxes.

            target_gt_idx (torch.Tensor): Indices of assigned ground truths, shape (b, h*w).
            fg_mask (torch.Tensor): Foreground mask, shape (b, h*w).
            mask_pos (torch.Tensor): Updated positive mask, shape (b, n_max_boxes, h*w).

            b: batch size, h: height, w: width.
        # Convert (b, n_max_boxes, h*w) -> (b, h*w)
        fg_mask = mask_pos.sum(-2)
        if fg_mask.max() > 1:  # one anchor is assigned to multiple gt_bboxes
            mask_multi_gts = (fg_mask.unsqueeze(1) > 1).expand(-1, n_max_boxes, -1)  # (b, n_max_boxes, h*w)
            max_overlaps_idx = overlaps.argmax(1)  # (b, h*w)

            is_max_overlaps = torch.zeros(mask_pos.shape, dtype=mask_pos.dtype, device=mask_pos.device)
            is_max_overlaps.scatter_(1, max_overlaps_idx.unsqueeze(1), 1)

            mask_pos = torch.where(mask_multi_gts, is_max_overlaps, mask_pos).float()  # (b, n_max_boxes, h*w)
            fg_mask = mask_pos.sum(-2)
        # Find each grid serve which gt(index)
        target_gt_idx = mask_pos.argmax(-2)  # (b, h*w)
        return target_gt_idx, fg_mask, mask_pos
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