
本次给大家整理的是《Landscape and Urban Planning杂志2024年6月第246期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括8篇SCI论文!



Conservation and development of the historic garden in a landscape context: A systematic literature review



Although there have been numerous studies on the heritage attributes, characteristics, and values of the historic garden as a special category of cultural heritage, the question is why a comprehensive review combining mainstream historic garden conservation with ways of understanding the garden in a landscape context has not been conducted. Landscape is an integrative concept that combines physical features and the diversity of functions with social and ecological processes throughout the scales of time and space. Therefore, this landscape context means applying the landscape approach to explore the organic connection between the scale of evolution and the architectonic elements in relation to each other. To elaborate, instead of viewing the garden as an object in one specific temporal-spatial frame, such an approach focuses on the evolution of the site in order to identify persistent structures and other values. The method used in this study involved paper coding as qualitative analysis combined with bibliometric visualization software. We reviewed 162 studies to explore the interconnections between the historic garden and landscape approach. The result is that there are three correspondences between landscape approaches and different stages of the historic garden’s conservation and development: studies identifying the historic garden’s characteristics using landscape mapping, studies demonstrating historic gardens’ conservation based on landscape planning, and studies exploring the potential of development and reuse through landscape design. Finally, we discuss the research gaps and outline an action framework for the conservation and development of heritage gardens in a landscape context.




Jingsen Lian 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 J.s.Lian@tudelft.nl

Steffen Nijhuis 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 S.Nijhuis@tudelft.nl

Gregory Bracken 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 G.Bracken@tudelft.nl

Xiangyan Wu 中国中央美术学院 wuxiangyan00@126.com

Xiaomin Wu 中国中央美术学院 1092340050@qq.com

Dong Chen 中国中央美术学院 15832421504@163.com


Legacies of redlining lead to unequal cooling effects of urban tree canopy



Redlining—a racially discriminatory policy of systematic disinvestment established by the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) in the 1930s and continued until the late 1960s—still influences the contemporary landscape of cities in the US. While the heterogeneous distribution of land surface temperature and tree canopy cover between neighborhoods with different HOLC grades have been recently examined, the development of long-term and city-specific heat management strategies is still limited. Here, we explored the effect of redlining in Portland, Oregon, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to assess its contemporary impact on climate equity. We performed a change analysis of land surface temperature and tree canopy area over the past and introduced mixed-effects models to test the intra- and inter-city differences in canopy cooling effects between the different HOLC grades. We found that (1) persistent temporal patterns of lower land surface temperatures and larger tree canopy areas are observed in higher HOLC grades, (2) greater green equity was achieved through contrasting temporal changes in tree canopy areas across HOLC grades in Portland and Philadelphia, and (3) opposite patterns exist between these cities, with stronger canopy cooling effects in neighborhoods with a Low HOLC grade in Portland and those with a High HOLC grade in Philadelphia. Differences in tree canopy change between the two cities over the past decade highlight potential influences of city-specific tree planting practices. Local planners should back tree planting initiatives to equitably mitigate urban heat exposure, considering historical redlining contexts and contemporary landscape features.




Meen Chel Jung 韩国首尔延世大学城市规划与工程系 jungmc@yonsei.ac.kr

Michael G. Yost 美国华盛顿大学环境与职业健康科学系 airion@uw.edu

Andrew L. Dannenberg 美国华盛顿大学环境与职业健康科学系 adannen@uw.edu

Karen Dyson 美国树木分析公司 karenldyson@gmail.com

Marina Alberti 美国华盛顿大学城市设计与规划系 malberti@uw.edu


Mapping potential conflicts between wilderness travel and ecological values on a national scale



Human activity has been a significant driving force behind global declines in remaining wilderness areas. Previous assessments of human activity have focused on long-term cumulative human pressure. However, the growing popularity of nature-based tourism has led to increased tourists' footfall in remote wilderness areas. These short-term tourists' activities, if not assessed and properly restricted, may aggregate to form new potential impact zones. This study maps the potential conflicts between tourism pressure and wilderness' ecological value on a national scale across China. By comparing distribution of conflict zones created through persistent human and tourism pressure, we identify wilderness areas threatened by pressures from tourism. Employing a Self Organizing Maps algorithm, we extract distinctive landscape features of wilderness areas, thereby shedding light on their attraction to visitors and subsequent ecological vulnerability. Our results show that, about two-thirds of China's land is identified as wilderness with 12 types of landscape character, among which 8.9% of wilderness areas suffer from some level of tourism pressure. Moreover, 80.3% of HH (high tourism pressure and high ecological values) conflict zones are concentrated in the southeast of China. Finally, 46.1% of HH conflict zones are unaffected by persistent human activities but are threatened by tourist activities. Our findings contribute to future placement and functional zoning of wilderness reserves in China, with potential applicability to conflict governance and wilderness conservation strategies in other developing countries.




Tiantian Xu 3170100590@zju.edu.cn 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院

Running Chen 3190101443@zju.edu.cn 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院

Steve Carver S.J.Carver@leeds.ac.uk 利兹大学地理学院野地研究所

Jiayu Wu wujiayula@gmail.com 浙江大学风景园林学院


Everyday places to get away – Lessons learned from Covid-19 lockdowns



Being able to get away from everyday stressors and demands, even if close to home and just for a few minutes, is important for wellbeing. During the Covid-19 lockdown periods, people’s ability to get away changed significantly. An increase in visits to nearby natural places is well documented. Little is known about other types of places people visited to get away. An online UK survey was conducted in 2020 (N = 850) investigating what places people visited to get away during the pandemic, what they did in those places, how place and activity choices were related to each other and to demographic variables, and to recalled hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing during those visits. Participants visited a rich array of places and engaged in a variety of activities that supported their hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing needs. Responses were grouped into four types of places (at home outdoors, at home indoors, away from home outdoors, and away from home indoors) and seven activity types (cognitive, walks, nature engagement, social activities, technology use, relaxing, and exercise). Place and activity choices were strongly linked. Visiting outdoor places was most beneficial for wellbeing (and most common), especially when it involved mindful engagement with nature (bird watching, gardening) or exercise. Staying indoors, engaging with technologies (computers, television) was least beneficial and more common among those with no degree or job, living in urban areas, and identifying as male. The findings demonstrate the importance of understanding place-activity interactions to support the wellbeing benefits derived from visits to places to get away.


即使是在家附近,哪怕只有几分钟,能够远离日常的压力和需求对于幸福感是非常重要的。在Covid-19封锁期间,人们逃避现实的能力发生了显著变化。增加了对附近自然场所的访问,这一点有充分的记录。关于人们访问其他类型的逃避地点的信息却知之甚少。2020年在英国进行了一项在线调查(N = 850),调查了疫情期间人们访问了哪些地方,他们在这些地方做了什么,地点和活动选择如何相互关联以及与人口统计变量的关系,以及回忆中的享乐性和自我实现性福祉。参与者访问了多种多样的地方,并从事了多种活动,以满足他们的享乐性和自我实现性福祉需求。反应被归纳为四种类型的地点(在家户外、在家室内、在家外户外和在家外室内)和七种活动类型(认知、散步、自然互动、社交活动、使用技术、放松和锻炼)。地点和活动选择之间有很强的联系。访问户外地点对福祉最有益(也是最常见的),尤其是当涉及到与自然的有意识互动(观鸟、园艺)或锻炼时。呆在室内,使用技术(电脑、电视)的益处最少,而且这种情况在无学位或工作、居住在城市地区、以及男性中更为常见。研究结果显示,了解地点与活动之间的互动对于支持从逃避地访问中获得的福祉益处至关重要。


B.Gatersleben 英国萨里大学心理学院

E. White英国萨里大学心理学院

K.J. Wyles 英国普利茅斯大学心理学院

S.E. Golding英国萨里大学心理学院

G. Murrell英国萨里大学心理学院

C. Scarles 英国萨里大学旅游与酒店管理学院

T. Xu 英国萨里大学旅游与酒店管理学院

B.F.T. Brockett 英国自然英格兰组织

C. Willis英国自然英格兰组织


The quality of Swedish adolescents’ outdoor life and its relationship with self-esteem and well-being



This study investigates the relationship between outdoor life and the well-being and self-esteem of Swedish adolescents aged 12–15 years old (n = 320), residing in three different living environments in the south of Sweden. The study employed a questionnaire that was administered twice during a school year that included questions on time spent outdoors, environmental quality and the perceived benefit of the outdoor environment. Additionally, the study used standardized scales to measure life satisfaction, self-esteem and mental microorganism. The results of the study revealed that adolescents who had more positive perceptions of their outdoor environment and being outdoors reported higher life satisfaction and self-esteem, as well as better mental health. Notably, girls’ generally perceived their outdoor environments as lower quality compared to boys across different seasons. Furthermore, variations between living environments and seasons were also observed. Overall, the study underscores the importance of promoting outdoor life and highlights specific areas planners should address to create outdoor environments with possible benefits for the well-being of adolescents of different ages, sexes and living in different communities.




Mark Wales 瑞典农业科学大学人与社会系

Eva Hoff 瑞典隆德大学心理学系

Fredrika Mårtensson 瑞典农业科学大学人与社会系

Jan-Eric Englund 瑞典农业科学大学生物系统与技术系


Exploring nutrient-sensitive landscape configurations for rural communities in southern Mexico



In Mexico, the traditional MILPA polycropping system is giving way to maize monocultures, impacting the nutritional diversity of smallholder farmers and diminishing ecosystem services. This study explores landscape alternatives to enhance nutritional self-sufficiency and environmental performance in rural communities, comparing scenarios without (S1) and with (S2) innovative cropping systems. The innovations, maize-squash and MIAF (a variation of MILPA with fruit trees), were evaluated using the LandscapeIMAGES modeling framework in two Oaxacan municipalities: Santa Catarina Tayata (SCT) and San Cristóbal Amoltepec (SCA). The assessment considered nutritional elements, ecosystem services proxies, labor requirements, and income associated with various land-use options. In scenario S1, nutritional self-sufficiency was achievable in SCT but not in SCA, even with a 17% expansion of agriculture into forest and grassland areas. Scenario S2, incorporating maize-squash and MIAF, facilitated nutritional self-sufficiency in both municipalities, while concurrently boosting incomes, carbon stocks, and reducing soil erosion. This research underscores the potential of reshaping landscapes in small communities to address widespread issues like nutritional gaps and inadequate natural resource conservation. By emphasizing innovative cropping systems, the study provides positive solutions to enhance the wellbeing of smallholder farmers and promote sustainable land use practices in the face of evolving agricultural trends.


在墨西哥,传统的MILPA混作系统正逐渐被玉米单作取代,这影响了小农户的营养多样性并减少了生态系统服务。本研究探索了农村社区增强营养自给和环境表现的景观替代方案,比较了无创新种植系统(S1)和有创新种植系统(S2)的情景。创新种植系统包括玉米-南瓜和MIAF(MILPA的一种变体,加入了果树),使用LandscapeIMAGES建模框架在两个瓦哈卡州的市镇:Santa Catarina Tayata(SCT)和San Cristóbal Amoltepec(SCA)进行评估。评估考虑了营养元素、生态服务代理、劳动需求和与各种土地使用选项相关的收入。在S1情景中,SCT实现了营养自给,但SCA未能实现,即使农业向森林和草原地区扩展了17%。S2情景中,引入玉米-南瓜和MIAF,两个市镇均实现了营养自给,同时增加了收入,提高了碳储量,并减少了土壤侵蚀。这项研究强调了在小社区重塑景观的潜力,以解决营养缺口和自然资源保护不足等广泛问题。通过强调创新种植系统,该研究为增强小农户的福祉和促进可持续土地使用实践提供了积极的解决方案,以应对农业趋势的变化。


Ivan P. Novotny生态系统管理,环境系统科学系,陆地生态系统研究所,苏黎世联邦理工学院

Walter A.H. Rossing 农业系统生态学小组,瓦赫宁根大学与研究中心

Pablo Tittonell 农业生态学、环境与系统小组,巴里洛切林业和农业研究所(IFAB)

Mariela Fuentes-Ponce 动植物生产系,墨西哥城自治大学-索奇米尔科

Jeroen C.J. Groot 农业系统生态学小组,瓦赫宁根大学与研究中心


A typological study of the provision and use of communal outdoor space in Australian apartment developments



There is a consensus that higher-density urban settings need to be accompanied by communal outdoor space (COS) to bolster the well-being of apartment residents. Nonetheless, there is a lack of studies identifying COS types in apartment buildings and systematically assessing the degree to which they provide greenery and are used by residents. In response, this study developed a COS typology for apartment buildings in Australian cities, measured the degree to which each COS type provides access to greenery, and examined which COS types received the most frequent visitation via a resident survey (n = 975). Results show that some dominant COS typologies provide scant access to greenery and are underutilised. For instance, the Podium Terrace and Roof Terrace types only contained 24 and 8 % vegetated area, with the remainder hard surfaces. Moreover, the Podium Terrace and Roof Terrace types averaged no substantial trees. Conversely, ground floor types such as Parks and Setback Gardens contained 51 and 53 % planted area, respectively and significant numbers of trees. Policy requirements that target specific COS types could elevate their naturalness and increase use.


普遍认为,高密度城市环境需要配备公共户外空间(COS),以增强公寓居民的福祉。然而,目前缺乏对公寓建筑中COS类型进行识别以及系统评估其提供绿化程度和居民使用情况的研究。为此,本研究为澳大利亚城市的公寓建筑开发了一套COS类型学,测量了每种COS类型提供绿化的程度,并通过居民调查(n = 975)检查了哪些COS类型的访问频率最高。结果显示,一些主导的COS类型学提供的绿化机会少,且使用不足。例如,平台露台和屋顶露台类型的植被面积仅占24%和8%,其余为硬质表面。此外,平台露台和屋顶露台类型几乎没有大树。相反,底层类型如公园和后退花园的种植面积分别为51%和53%,且有大量树木。针对特定COS类型的政策要求可以提高其自然度并增加使用率。


Julian Bolleter 澳大利亚西部大学澳大利亚城市设计研究中心

Paula Hooper 澳大利亚西部大学澳大利亚城市设计研究中心

Alex Kleeman 城市研究中心,全球城市与社会研究学院,皇家墨尔本理工大学

Nicole Edwards 澳大利亚西部大学澳大利亚城市设计研究中心

Sarah Foster 城市研究中心,全球城市与社会研究学院,皇家墨尔本理工大学


Key connectivity areas in the Llanganates-Sangay Ecological Corridor in Ecuador: A participative multicriteria analysis based on a landscape species



Habitat loss and fragmentation are critical threats to biodiversity decline as they decrease the species occurrence and dispersal probability between natural habitats. Thus, promoting habitat connectivity supports species dispersal and accessibility to vital resources within the landscape, and contributes to long term population persistence. However, decision-making in human dominated landscapes challenges the sustainability of conservation-based land management initiatives. The Llanganates – Sangay Ecological Corridor is located on the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, harbouring high levels of endemism and biodiversity in a human-dominated landscape between two National Parks. We applied circuit analysis to model the habitat connectivity for the Mountain Tapir. We defined the limits of the corridor based on a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and a spatial suitability approach combined with a sub-basin prioritization method. We found that forest and native grasslands contribute the most to the Mountain Tapir’s dispersal movements, while roads constrain them the most. Furthermore, natural vegetation remnants between pastures and crops support habitat connectivity as stepping-stones. We identified threats to biodiversity and distance to conservation areas as the most crucial features of spatial suitability. Our study combined scientific information to identify key areas for providing habitat connectivity of a landscape species and the spatial suitability necessary for sustaining wildlife conservation, while supporting the participation of local stakeholders, conservationists, academia, and NGOs.


生境丧失和破碎化是生物多样性下降的关键威胁,因为它们降低了物种在自然栖息地之间的出现和扩散概率。因此,促进栖息地连通性支持物种扩散和在景观中获取关键资源的能力,并有助于长期种群持续。然而,在人类主导的景观中进行决策挑战了基于保护的土地管理计划的可持续性。Llanganates – Sangay生态走廊位于厄瓜多尔安第斯东坡,介于两个国家公园之间的人类主导景观中,拥有高度特有性和生物多样性。我们应用电路分析模型来模拟山塔皮尔的栖息地连通性。我们根据多标准决策分析和结合子流域优先级方法的空间适宜性方法定义了走廊的界限。我们发现森林和本地草原最大限度地促进了山塔皮尔的扩散移动,而道路对其限制最大。此外,草地和农作物之间的天然植被残留物作为生态步石支持栖息地连通性。我们确定了生物多样性威胁和到保护区的距离是空间适宜性的最关键特征。我们的研究结合了科学信息,以识别为景观物种提供栖息地连通性的关键区域和维持野生动物保护必需的空间适宜性,同时支持地方利益相关者、保护人士、学术界和非政府组织的参与。


Gorky Ríos-Alvear 生物地理学与空间生态学组(BioGeoE2),伊基亚姆亚马逊区域大学

Pablo Meneses生物地理学与空间生态学组(BioGeoE2),伊基亚姆亚马逊区域大学

Mauricio Ortega-Andrade 独立研究员

Cinthya Santos独立研究员

Aymé Muzo独立研究员

Karima G. López 生物学院,拉拉古纳大学

Alexander Griffin Bentley 国家生物多样性研究院,两栖动物学部门

Francisco Villamarín生物地理学与空间生态学组(BioGeoE2),伊基亚姆亚马逊区域大学


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