
本次给大家整理的是《Landscape and Urban Planning杂志2024年8月第248期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括23篇SCI论文!



More than a canopy cover metric: Influence of canopy quality, water-use strategies and site climate on urban forest cooling potential


亮 点】

Urban tree canopy cover is a promising solution for mitigating heat island Data-driven guidance on tree selection and planting locations is still limited. Four research priorities are proposed, requiring a collaborative research effort. Cross-climate morphological and physiological characteristics are desired. Integration with atmospheric boundary layer models is suggested.


城市树木树冠覆盖是缓解热岛效应的一个有希望的解决方案。 关于树木选择和种植地点的数据驱动指导仍然有限。 提出了四个研究重点,需要进行协作研究。 需要跨气候的形态和生理特征。 建议与大气边界层模型整合




Mohammad A. Rahman



Stefan Arndt


Felipe Bravo



Connecting through nature: A systematic review of the effectiveness of nature-based social prescribing practices to combat loneliness


【亮 点】

We reviewed 38 articles on how nature-based group interventions affect loneliness.

Quantitative studies had small sample sizes and small or moderate effects.

Qualitative studies showed more clearly how these interventions reduce loneliness.

Group-based activities including natural elements cultivate connectedness and belonging.

Longer interventions showed greater promise in reducing loneliness.

Linking landscape with public health promotes and amplifies the value of urban nature.

我们审阅了38篇关于自然基础团体干预如何影响孤独感的文章。 定量研究的样本量小,效果小到中等。 定性研究更清楚地显示了这些干预措施如何减少孤独感。 包含自然元素的团体活动培养了联系和归属感。 较长时间的干预在减少孤独感方面显示出更大的希望。 将景观与公共卫生相结合,提升并扩大了城市自然的价值。



A shby Lavelle Sachs   巴塞罗那全球健康研究所(ISGlobal),巴塞罗那生物医学研究园区(PRBB),艾古阿德医生街88号,08003 巴塞罗那,西班牙 Annika Kolster 赫尔辛基大学,全科医学系,邮政信箱20,00014,芬兰 Jordan Wrigley 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,普莱森特街1720号,80309,博尔德,科罗拉多州,美国


Exploring environmental equity and visitation disparities in peri-urban parks: A mobile phone data-driven analysis in Tokyo


【摘 要】

Peri-urban parks play a crucial role in enhancing urban living conditions and promoting contact with nature. However, assessing environmental equity and visitor disparities in peri-urban parks requires a thorough understanding of visitation patterns, which has been lacking in previous research. To bridge the gap, this study utilizes mobile phone big data from over 40,000 visitors to peri-urban parks in Tokyo. We applied Local Moran's I, Lorenz Curve, Gini coefficient, and K-means clustering methods to scrutinize accessibility and disparities among residents of Tokyo's 23 special wards and within distinct visitor groups. The findings reveal significant insights: Firstly, mobile-based indicators expose disparities, underscoring the relevance of human activities in assessing peri-urban park accessibility, variations in these indicators highlight the need for a multi-dimensional approach. Secondly, Gini coefficient analysis of mobile-based and two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) indicators suggest that extending the service radius beyond 10 km could mitigate environmental inequity. Furthermore, visitation disparities are more distinctly illustrated through mobile-derived visitor subgroups compared to age-demographic groups. These findings offer valuable insights for decision-makers in park planning policy, enabling the development of strategies that address accessibility inequity while establishing effective classifications for peri-urban park visitor groups. 


郊区公园在提升城市生活条件和促进与自然接触方面发挥着至关重要的作用。然而,评估郊区公园的环境公平和访客差异需要对访问模式有透彻的了解,这在之前的研究中一直缺失。为了弥补这一缺口,本研究利用来自东京郊区公园超过40,000名访客的手机大数据。我们应用了Local Moran's I、洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数和K-means聚类方法来审视东京23个特别区居民及不同访客群体中的可达性和差异。研究发现提供了重要见解:首先,基于移动的指标揭示了差异,强调了在评估郊区公园可达性时人类活动的相关性,这些指标的变化突出了需要多维度方法的必要性。其次,对基于移动和两步浮动服务区(2SFCA)指标的基尼系数分析表明,将服务半径扩展到10公里以外可能会缓解环境不公平。此外,与年龄-人口统计组相比,通过移动衍生的访客子群体更清晰地显示了访问差异。这些发现为公园规划政策中的决策者提供了宝贵的见解,使他们能够制定解决可达性不公平的策略,同时为郊区公园访客群体建立有效的分类



ChengHe Guan  上海市城市设计与城市科学重点实验室,纽约大学上海分校,上海,中国 Yichun Zhou 上海市城市设计与城市科学重点实验室,纽约大学上海分校,上海,中国


Bent by the market or driven by the policy? Cracking the code of plastic-mulched farmland expansion in peri-urban Hangzhou, China


摘 要

An interactive confluence of top-down state interventions and bottom-up market forces has driven a surge of plastic-mulched farmland (PMF), especially in dynamic peri-urban agricultural landscapes, with significant implications for global food security. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of literature regarding the comprehensive policy-market mechanisms on the diffusion of plastic greenhouses. We combine the strength of spatial lag Tobit and BRT models to examine respective roles of policy and market as well as their intrinsic interactions in facilitating PMF growth. Our analysis reveals that both state promotion of food localization policies and spatial proximity to markets increase the intensity of PMF, and market-driven forces are confirmed to be the preponderant determinant. State investments in city-region vegetable production bases exert moderating effect on market-PMF linkages by alleviating market constraints on greenhouses adoption in remote farming regions, while direct policy effects show heterogeneity with different road accessibility, signaling a complex interplay in the interaction mechanism. The counterfactual simulation further emphasize a synergistic effect of policy-market confluence on PMF expansion, suggesting a robust combination of state interventions and market mechanisms. We conclude with insights for planning strategies of greenhouse agriculture and peri-urban farmland use, which shed light on the spatial management framework for regional food systems.




Yingnan Zhang 浙江大学公共事务学院,杭州,310058,中国 Lan Wu 浙江大学公共事务学院,杭州,310058,中国 Li Mamal 重庆大学公共政策与管理学院,重庆,400044,中国 Sensen Wang 浙江大学公共事务学院,杭州,310058,中国 Mingyang Shen 浙江大学公共事务学院,杭州,310058,中国 上海市城市设计与城市科学重点实验室,纽约大学上海分校,上海,中国


Enhancing ecological network establishment with explicit species information and spatially coordinated optimization for supporting urban landscape planning and management


【摘 要】

While insightful, ecological networks (ENs) incorporated in landscape planning and management may not provide a sufficient reference for maintaining biodiversity without explicit species information and coordinated actions, particularly in urban agglomeration areas. To address this gap, we conducted a study in Southern Jiangsu to refine the habitat ranges of 25 target species within the current ecological spaces by integrating explicit species information and diversified environmental variables using the MaxEnt model. Subsequently, an eco-space network and a habitat network were established for the region with identified connectivity hotspots as strategic areas for optimizing ENs. To assess the potential impacts of divergent actions during implementation, we developed four decision-making criteria from global and local views to simulate multiple optimization scenarios. These scenarios were quantitatively evaluated based on connectivity performance using cohesive metrics derived from complex network theory. Our findings demonstrated that incorporating species distribution and their interactions with the environment into ENs establishment can strengthen biodiversity conservation planning schemes within a limited range of regional ecological spaces. Furthermore, it highlighted shortcomings such as lack of focus on landscape priorities, discrepancies in corridors, and underestimation of landscape fragmentation caused by solely relying on an eco-space network-based approach. During optimization efforts, our results revealed that adopting a criterion focused on maximizing the number of strategic areas while adhering to a total area threshold can lead to a more connected and effective habitat network strategy when coordinating individual cities from a global view. This study provides valuable insights into prioritized landscapes and offers practical contributions toward mitigating biodiversity loss and improving urban sustainability.




Zhou Shen  南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,南京,210093,中国 Haiwei Yin  南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,南京,210093,中国 Fanhua Kong  南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,南京,210023,中国


When mitigation is not “just mitigation”: Defining (and diffusing) tensions between climate mitigation, adaptation, and justice


【摘 要】

Using the case of wetlands in California, USA, this paper defines (and assesses strategies for advancing) an understudied corollary of maladaptation and “just adaptation”: “just mitigation.” Wetlands sequester carbon, making their conservation and restoration important for climate mitigation. They also offer co-benefits for climate adaptation, such as greenspace that mitigates the urban heat island and improves local environmental health. However, if such co-benefits are concentrated in the least vulnerable communities, the result would be “unjust mitigation.” This analysis uses a distributive justice lens to compare environmental justice indicators between areas of past and potential investment in wetlands conservation and restoration. On average, areas with greater pollution burden and social vulnerability and less greenspace have received less investment in wetlands conservation and restoration and contain fewer wetlands that could receive investment earmarked for wetlands in the future. This begs the question of what degree of such inequality is acceptable in exchange for reducing overall carbon emissions. Advancing “just mitigation” requires prioritizing wetlands near environmentally burdened communities. However, if such wetlands have reduced sequestration potential due to ecological damage, the goals of mitigation, adaptation, and environmental justice may be in tension.

本文以美国加利福尼亚州的湿地为例,定义(并评估促进)一个研究不足的适应不良和“公正适应”的推论:“公正缓解”。湿地固碳,使其保护和恢复对气候缓解至关重要。它们还为气候适应提供共同益处,例如缓解城市热岛效应并改善当地环境健康的绿地。然而,如果这些共同益处集中在最不脆弱的社区,结果将是“不公正的缓解”。本分析使用分配正义视角比较过去和潜在的湿地保护和恢复投资区域之间的环境正义指标。平均而言,污染负担大、社会脆弱性高且绿地较少的区域获得的湿地保护和恢复投资较少,且包含的湿地较少,这些湿地未来可能获得专门用于湿地的投资。这引发了一个问题:为了减少整体碳排放,这种不平等程度在多大程度上是可以接受的。推进“公正缓解”需要优先考虑靠近环境负担社区的湿地。然而,如果这些 湿地由于生态损害而减少了固碳潜力,那么缓解、适应和环境正义的目标可能存在紧张关系。




Jessica Debats Garrison

美国加州尔湾,社会生态学I 232D,邮编92697-7075

Stephanie Martinez



Does gentrification precede and follow greening? Evidence about the green gentrification cycle in Los Angeles and Chicago


【摘 要】
The health benefits of green space have led to calls for equitable access to parks. When new green spaces are built in low-income communities, however, gentrification often ensues. The “green gentrification” literature has paid little attention to gentrification that might occur before greening. In this paper, we explore whether and under which circumstances gentrification might precede and follow greening, a process known as the “green gentrification cycle.” Focusing on Los Angeles and Chicago, we build hedonic models focused on single-family homes sold in 2010–2021 and run post-hoc pairwise comparison tests to assess price changes over time for homes within a half-mile of new parks (treatment) and farther (control). When considering all new parks, we find that gentrification is associated with subsequent greening and, to some extent, that greening is associated with ensuing gentrification in Los Angeles. In Chicago, gentrification is associated with subsequent greening, but new parks are not associated with ensuing gentrification. Models distinguishing larger regional from smaller non-regional parks show evidence of gentrification before and after non-regional parks were built in Los Angeles, but not for regional parks. In Los Angeles, we identify stronger evidence of gentrification preceding greening farther from downtown than closer to downtown, and signals of gentrification after greening near downtown but not farther away. Models focusing on new parks built near transit stations show inconclusive results. Despite methodological limitations (e.g., examining a single measure of gentrification and different park types together), our findings shed light on the complex spatiotemporal relationships between greening and gentrification.





Alessandro Rigolon


Timothy Collins


Junsik Kim




Do environmental attitudes and personal characteristics influence how people perceive their exposure to green spaces?

摘 要

This study explores the relationship between perceived and objective greenspace exposure, and how sociodemographic traits and environmental attitudes influence peoples’ perceptions of greenspace. We leveraged a cross-sectional survey on greenspace exposure among residents of Denver, CO that ran from November 2019 through April 2021. We measured objective greenspace using the average NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index), average percent vegetation, and median GVI (green view index) within 300, 500, and 1,000 m of participants’ residences, and in participant-drawn polygons representing their neighborhoods. We measured perceived greenspace exposure using survey responses from questions about greenspace abundance, visibility, access, usage, and quality near participants’ homes. We assessed relationships between perceived and objective greenspace measures using linear models. Then, we used latent class analysis to create perceived greenspace exposure classes, and used linear models to evaluate the relationship between these classes and sociodemographic and environmental attitude variables.

We found that the relationship between perceived and objective measures (NDVI in the 300-meter buffer) was strongest for abundance (OR: 5.14, [4.0, 6.28]) and visibility (OR: 3.71, [2.58, 4.84]) compared to perceived access (OR: 2.17, [1.02, 3.32]), usage (OR: 2.28, [1.19, 3.37]), and quality (OR: 2.33, [1.25, 3.41]). In fully adjusted models, objective greenspace exposure and environmental attitudes predicted perceived greenspace exposure classes, but sociodemographic variables—other than age—did not.

Our work suggests that objective greenspace exposure is only one factor influencing peoples’ perceived greenspace exposure, and that environmental attitude variables may play an additional role in shaping peoples’ perceptions.



我们发现感知和客观测量之间的关系(300米缓冲区内的NDVI)在丰富度(OR: 5.14, [4.0, 6.28])和可见性(OR: 3.71, [2.58, 4.84])方面最强,相比之下,感知的可接近性(OR: 2.17, [1.02, 3.32])、使用情况(OR: 2.28, [1.19, 3.37])和质量(OR: 2.33, [1.25, 3.41])。在完全调整模型中,客观绿地接触和环境态度预测了感知绿地接触类,但社会人口学变量—除了年龄—没有。





Emma S. Rieves

罗拉多大学,地理学系,美国科罗拉多州博尔德  科罗拉多大学,行为科学研究所,美国科罗拉多州博尔德 Colleen E. Reid 科罗拉多大学,地理学系,美国科罗拉多州博尔德  科罗拉多大学,行为科学研究所,美国科罗拉多州博尔德 Kate Carlson 科罗拉多大学,地理学系,美国科罗拉多州博尔德 Xiaojiang Li 天普大学,地理与城市研究系,美国宾夕法尼亚州费城


Seeing through their eyes: Revealing recreationists’ landscape preferences through viewshed analysis and machine learning

【摘 要】
Planning for outdoor recreation requires knowledge about the needs and preferences of recreationists. While previous research has mainly relied on stated preferences, recent advances in spatial data collection and analysis have enabled the assessments of actual usage patterns. In this study, we explored how landscape characteristics interact with the attributes of recreationists to determine their area choice for recreation. Using a public participation GIS (PPGIS) approach we asked residents of a Swedish city in the boreal region to draw typical recreational routes and identify favourite places for recreatio n on a digital online map (1389 routes, 385 individuals). We employed a novel methodology, where LiDAR data was used to calculate what was visible along all routes and at favourite places (viewsheds) in order to more realistically capture the landscape that each recreationist had experienced. Using machine learning modelling, we compared landscape characteristics of experienced areas with areas available to each recreationist. Our novel approach yielded accurate models that revealed that water environments, recreational infrastructure and deciduous forests increased the probability of choosing an area for recreation, while urban environments, noise, forest clearcuts and young forests had the opposite effect. Characteristics of the recreationists such as age, gender, level of education, or of the activity, such as type of activity performed, did not meaningfully influence area choice. Our findings suggest that it is possible to improve the conditions for recreation by developing recreational infrastructure, maintaining re creation opportunities close to waters, and adapting forest management in areas important for recreation.





C arl Lehto


Marcus Hedblom


Anna Filyushkina


Thomas Ranius



'Blossom Buddies' − How do flower colour combinations affect emotional response and influence therapeutic landscape design?

“花朵伙伴” − 花卉颜色组合如何影响情感反应并影响治疗性景观设计?

【摘 要】
Natural landscapes are linked to health and well-being outcomes. This research investigated emotional responses to colour in the landscape. An online questionnaire (with 715 respondents) was employed to capture participants' preferences and positive psychological reactions to key flower colours and combinations. Images were created using combinations of pansy flowers in various colours. Flower combinations explored the effects of complementary, analogous and warm/cool colour harmonies. Orange flowers (a warm colour) provided a strong uplifting emotion in participants: an emotional response that was maintained even when up to 50 % of the orange flowers were replaced by the complementary (and cool) colour of blue. In contrast, the relaxing effect of 100 % blue flowers was lost when 25 % or more of the flowers were replaced by orange. Using analogous cool colours, it was evident blue provided more feelings of relaxation than purple, and adding purple to a blue combination (50:50) reduced the capacity of the floral composition to promote relaxation. The colour found to be most relaxing, however, was white; but again mixing this colour with either blue or purple tended to reduce its capacity to relax. Thus, the study suggests that certain patterns of colours and combinations provide a generic response in enhancing emotional well-being of individuals; a point that can be exploited in designed therapeutic landscapes. The data also indicated, however, that cool colours scored quite highly for positive uplifting emotion (mean score > 6.5) and people’s favourite cool colour/combination was often described as uplifting (7.4), indicating the subjective nature of colour preference and emotional response. Thus, whilst understanding key principles about colour and therapeutic responses, designers also need to take account of personal preference and should provide some variety of colours/colour combinations in different parts of a garden/park. These findings provide valuable insights for horticultural design practices, emphasizing the importance of colour selection and user preferences in creating supportive environments for mental well-being.





Liwen Zhang 

谢菲尔德大学,景观建筑系,艺术塔楼12楼,英国谢菲尔德,S10 2TN

Nicola Dempsey 

谢菲尔德大学,景观建筑系,艺术塔楼12楼,英国谢菲尔德,S10 2TN

Ross Cameron 

谢菲尔德大学,景观建筑系,艺术塔楼12楼,英国谢菲尔德,S10 2TN


Urbanization alters the geographic patterns of passerine plumage color in China


摘 要

Urbanization has altered natural landscapes and serves as an environmental filter that selects species with specific traits. Coloration is an important trait associated with biotic interactions and thermoregulation, enabling species’ survival and reproductive success. However, few studies have focused on how species coloration changes in response to urbanization. Here, we used 547 passerine bird species from 42 cities and their corresponding non-urban communities in China to test whether urban species are darker and if they have duller plumage colors than their non-urban counterparts. Furthermore, we examined whether and how urbanization influences avian plumage color homogenization and the extent to which urbanization has altered the strength of the color–latitude geographic pattern in passerine birds across China. We found a 3.2% loss in the coloration space of birds after urbanization, although there were no significant differences in the individual dimensions of colorfulness and lightness between urban and non-urban birds. Avian communities in cities exhibited more plumage color homogenization than those in non-urban communities. There were significant latitudinal gradients in plumage colorfulness and lightness in non-urban communities, but these correlations were weaker in urban communities. Non-urban communities that were more colorful and lighter tended to be duller and darker in urban environments, and vice versa. Our results provide national-scale evidence that urbanization has led to reduced color diversity, increased color-based community similarity, and altered geographic patterns of avian plumage color gradients in China. These findings provide new insights into how rapid human-induced environmental changes have affected animal coloration during the Anthropocene.





Jiehua Yu


Haoting Duan


Baoming Zhang


Ludan Zhang


Jiekun He



Financing climate adaptation in Flemish cities: Unpacking financial strategies and policy dynamics for nature-based solutions融资弗拉芒城市的气候适应:解析基于自然的解决方案的财务策略和政策动态

摘 要

As climate change continues to impact cities, nature-based solutions (NBS) are being advanced as important adaptation strategies for mitigating these negative effects. As is the case throughout Europe, Flemish cities have enacted adaptation policies and plans outlining the importance of NBS. Nevertheless, the implementation of NBS has been slow. Local governments identify financing as an important barrier. Although private financing is often proposed as a solution, few studies have applied a public-financing perspective to generate insight into and remedies for such issues. In this article, we examine how four Flemish cities are financing NBS implemented in public spaces as climate adaptation strategies. Based on a multiple case study approach, our results uncover that different financing strategies are employed during the design, implementation and maintenance phase of developing NBS projects. Additionally, we learn that the interplay between policy and financing becomes an important catalyst for investments in public NBS. We identified three approaches administrations use to secure (public) resources. During the design phase, support is developed within the administration and politically through (1) fostering internal collaboration by developing integrated spatial NBS designs. In the implementation phase resources are attracted by (2) putting the developed spatial designs to work and seizing available funding opportunities. During the maintenance phase (3) strategic partnerships are established with NBS beneficiaries to alleviate costs for municipalities. We conclude that, in the absence of more long-term forms of public financing, these approaches offer smaller cities tools to overcome the financial barrier.





Tara Op de Beeck

安特卫普大学,设计科学学院,Mutsaardstraat 31,2000 安特卫普,比利时

Chris den Heijer

安特卫普大学,设计科学学院,Mutsaardstraat 31,2000 安特卫普,比利时

Tom Coppens

安特卫普大学,设计科学学院,Mutsaardstraat 31,2000 安特卫普,比利时


Urban spatial growth and driving mechanisms under different urban morphologies: An empirical analysis of 287 Chinese cities


摘 要

Different urban morphologies significantly influence urban spatial growth, yet existing studies seldom directly address this issue. To fill this gap, we develop a novel methodology to analyze the processes and intrinsic mechanisms of urban spatial growth under varying urban morphologies. This study initially identifies urban morphologies through multisource data fusion, then examines urban spatial growth processes based on Morphological Center Indices, and finally analyzes the mechanisms driving urban spatial growth across different urban morphologies. The results indicate, firstly, that among the newly defined six urban morphologies in China, monocentric–dispersed is predominant, with the polycentric urban morphology not developing as anticipated. Secondly, the process of urban spatial growth varies across different urban morphologies, with higher polycentricity correlating with more infilling development, leading to more intensive land use and less influence from the infilling growth model. Conversely, lower polycentricity results in more edge-expansion and spontaneous growth, causing more dispersed land use. Thirdly, the growth patterns and influencing factors differ among various urban morphologies, but overall, urban growth is driven by a complex interplay of multiple factors, which significantly intensifies when these factors interact. This study enriches the theoretical understanding of urban morphology and spatial growth, offering practical insights for differentiated urban development planning in urban spatial growth.






Xiong He


Yuquan Zhou

南加州大学普莱斯公共政策学院,城市规划与空间分析系,洛杉矶,CA 90089,美国


Park lighting after dark – is it a route or a place? How people feel in park nightscapes (experiment)


【摘 要】

The objective of our study was to verify: (1) whether adding ambient lighting in addition to path lighting has a positive impact on preferences, sense of safety and related feelings experienced by park visitors after dusk (H1) and whether this impact is differentiated by the features of the space (H2); (2) what features of the park space may influence the feelings tested (RQ1).

For this purpose, we conducted an experiment in the Botanical Garden in Wrocław, where 114 study participants – randomly divided into two groups (experimental and control) – assessed nightscapes based on 13 variables (feelings). The experimental factor was the addition of ambient lighting (in addition to path lighting also present for the control group). The experiment was based on assessments made in three different places in the park – an open space, semi-open space and non-closed space. Thanks to this, we were able to check whether the features of the space differentiate the effects of the experimental factor and then consider their impact on people's feelings.

The research found that the impact of the experimental factor (ambient light) is not obvious – it was only apparent in some cases. This factor increased preference for corridor landscapes (semi-open and semi-closed space), but lowered preference in the open landscape. The experimental factor had the strongest effects in the semi-closed, least lit space, and enhanced preferences, surprise and fascination.

Moreover, comparison of the ratings of these three places showed that some spaces were rated as the safest while others were assessed as the most attractive. The safest turned out to be the semi-open space with typical park lighting, with the highest path illumination intensity, whereas the least safe was the semi-closed space with the least lighting. When it came to most of the other dimensions related to attractiveness and desire to stay in the area (mystery, contact with the surroundings, willingness to spend time there, surprise, fascination and contemplation), the place with an open view, visually attractive landscape and subtle linear point lighting was rated the highest. The remaining spaces were rated lower.

The findings of the experiment indicate that (1) adding light does not always increase preference for a particular space – sometimes it lowers it, thus indicating the benefits of darkness and natural night light in park landscapes; (2) there are differences between the features of safe nightscapes and attractive and leisurely landscapes.

我们的研究目的是验证:(1)在路径照明之外增加环境照明是否对公园访客在黄昏后的偏好、安全感及相关感受产生积极影响(假设1),以及这种影响是否受空间特征的影响(假设2);(2)哪些公园空间的特征可能影响被测试的感受(研究问题1)。 为此,我们在弗罗茨瓦夫的植物园进行了一项实验,其中114名研究参与者被随机分成两组(实验组和对照组)——基于13个变量(感受)评估夜景。实验因素是增加环境照明(对照组也存在路径照明)。实验基于在公园的三个不同地点(开放空间、半开放空间和非封闭空间)做出的评估。因此,我们能够检查空间特征是否区分实验因素的效果,然后考虑它们对人们感受的影响。 研究发现,实验因素(环境光)的影响并不明显——只在某些情况下才显现。这一因素增加了对走廊景观(半开放和半封闭空间)的偏好,但降低了对开放景观的偏好。实验因素在光线最少的半封闭空间中效果最强,增强了偏好、惊喜和迷醉感。 此外,这三个地点的评分比较显示,有些空间被评为最安全,而其他空间则被评为最有吸引力。半开放空间配备典型的公园照明,路径照明强度最高,被认为是最安全的;而光线最少的半封闭空间被认为是最不安全的。当涉及到其他大部分与吸引力和逗留欲望相关的维度(神秘感、与周围环境的接触、愿意在那里度过时间、惊喜、迷醉和沉思)时,视野开阔、风景视觉吸引力强且具有微妙线性点状照明的地方评分最高。其余空间的评分较低。 实验结果表明:(1)增加照明并不总是增加对特定空间的偏好——有时它会降低偏好,这表明黑暗和自然夜光在公园景观中的好处;(2)安全夜景和吸引力及休闲景观的特征之间存在差异。



Aleksandra Lis


Magdalena Zienowicz


Zygmunt Kącki 



Impacts of irrigation scheduling on urban green space cooling


【摘 要】

The increasing heat stress in cities due to climate change and urbanisation can prevent people from using urban green spaces. Irrigating vegetation is a promising strategy to cool urban green spaces in summer. Irrigation scheduling, such as daytime vs night-time irrigation and the frequency of irrigation in a day, may influence the cooling benefit of irrigation. This study aimed to investigate whether irrigation scheduling can be optimised to increase the cooling benefit and determine how the cooling benefit changes with weather conditions. A field experiment with twelve identical turfgrass plots (three replicates × four irrigation treatments) was set up to measure the afternoon cooling benefits of irrigation. The four treatments included: no irrigation, single night-time irrigation (4 mm d–1), single daytime irrigation (4 mm d–1) and multiple daytime irrigation (4 x 1 mm d–1). The cooling benefit was defined as the air temperature difference measured at 1.1 m above the turfgrass between the irrigated and unirrigated treatments (air temperature sensor accuracy ± 0.2 °C). The afternoon (12:00–15:59) mean cooling benefit of multiple daytime irrigation (–0.9 °C) which was significantly stronger than that of single night-time irrigation (–0.6 °C) and single daytime irrigation (–0.5 °C). Regardless of irrigation scheduling, the afternoon mean cooling benefits of irrigation were greater for days when background air temperature, vapour pressure deficit and incoming shortwave radiation were greater. The findings suggested that irrigation scheduling can be optimised to increase the cooling benefit of urban green space irrigation without increasing overall water use.


由于气候变化和城市化的影响,城市中的热应力增加可能会阻止人们使用城市绿地。在夏季,给植被浇水是一种可行的降温策略。浇灌计划,如白天与夜间浇灌以及每日浇灌频率,可能会影响浇灌的降温效果。本研究旨在探讨是否可以通过优化浇灌计划来增加降温效果,并确定降温效果随天气条件的变化。我们设置了一个实地实验,包括十二块相同的草坪地块(三次重复× 四种浇灌处理),以测量浇灌的午后降温效果。四种处理包括:不浇水,单次夜间浇灌(每天4毫米),单次白天浇灌(每天4毫米)和多次白天浇灌(每天4次,每次1毫米)。降温效果定义为在草坪上方1.1米处测量的灌溉与未灌溉处理之间的空气温度差(空气温度传感器的精度为±0.2°C)。多次白天浇灌的平均午后降温效果(-0.9°C)显著高于单次夜间浇灌(-0.6°C)和单次 白天浇灌(-0.5 °C)。此外,无论浇灌计划如何,当背景空气温度、水汽压差和入射短波辐射量较大时,浇灌的平均午后降温效果更佳。这些发现表明,可以优化浇灌计划,以增加城市绿地灌溉的降温效果,而不增加总体用水量。



Pui Kwan Cheung 墨尔本大学,农业、食品与生态系统科学学院,Burnley校区,500 Yarra Boulevard, Richmond, VIC 3121,澳大利亚 Kerry A. Nice 墨尔本大学,建筑、建设与规划学院,交通健康与城市系统研究实验室,Parkville, VIC 3010,澳大利亚 Stephen J. Livesley 墨尔本大学,农业、食品与生态系统科学学院,Burnley校区,500 Yarra Boulevard, Richmond, VIC


Association of urban green space with metabolic syndrome and the role of air pollution



Higher exposure to urban green space was associated with a lower prevalence of MetS.

We found associations between green space and all MetS components, especially obesity.

The effects of green space were stronger in males and young- and middle-aged populations.

Increasing green space in regions with higher air pollution may bring more benefits.



我们发现绿地与所有代谢综合症组分之间存在关联,尤其是肥胖。 绿地的效果在男性以及年轻和中年人群中更为显著。 在空气污染较高的地区增加绿地可能带来更多益处。


Yi Sun 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院医学信息研究所,北京,中国 Yunli Chen


Yuanyuan Huang


Bo Wang


Liming Li


Hui Liu



Trends in the future evolution of rural settlements in oasis-desert areas under water use simulation scenarios: Take the Hexi Corridor region of China as an example


【摘 要】
The uncontrolled expansion of rural settlements caused by the imbalance in the matching of land and water resources has hindered the realization of the goal of sustainable rural development in the oasis-desert area. In this study, “water resources-land resources-oasis rural settlements” are integrated into the same framework of symbiosis development, and the evolution of rural settlements in the context of water and land resources constraints is predicted. We used the coupled “SD-SOS-FLUS” (“system dynamics-suitable oasis structure-future land use simulation”) model to predict the differences in rural settlement sizes and their spatial distribution under the inertial development water use scenario (ID) and sustainable development water use scenario (SD) in the northeast part of the Hexi Corridor in China. In addition, we explored differences in oasis circle structure and land use structure under different water allocation scenarios. Compared with a single model, the coupled model “SD-SOS-FLUS” can better simulate the symbiosis relationship between “water resources-land resources- oasis rural settlements”. Through the prediction, the proportion of water used for production in the ID scenario is still as high as 86.30 %, while the proportion of ecological water use is only 11.50 %, and the continuous imbalance of the water use structure results in the area of arable land and rural settlements will be increased to 7,473.21 km2 and 487.16 km2. It increased by 115.63 km2 and 41.28 km2 respectively compared to 2020, which in turn made the oasis area expanding outward, and the radius R of the oasis also increased from 53.65 km in 2020 to 54.79 km in 2030. The area of arable land and rural settlements under water and land resource constraints in the SD scenario decreased to 5223.56 km2 and 105.04 km2. The contraction of the oasis increases the transition zone circle width B2 from 19.88 km in 2020 to 24.58 km in 2030, an increase of 5 km compared to the ID scenario. As a result of the spatial reconfiguration, the number of rural settlement patches decreased from 1.04 × 104 to 0.15 × 104 in 2020, saving 3.41 × 104 ha of land after optimization.


由于土地与水资源不匹配导致的农村聚落无控制扩张已阻碍了绿洲-沙漠地区可持续农村发展的目标实现。本研究将“水资源-土地资源-绿洲农村聚落”整合到同一共生发展框架中,并预测了在水土资源约束背景下农村聚落的演变。我们使用耦合的“SD-SOS-FLUS”(系统动力学-适宜绿洲结构-未来土地使用模拟)模型,预测了中国河西走廊东北部在惯性发展水资源利用情景(ID)与可持续发展水资源利用情景(SD)下农村聚落大小及其空间分布的差异。此外,我们还探讨了不同水分配情景下绿洲圈结构和土地使用结构的差异。与单一模型相比,耦合模型“SD-SOS-FLUS”能更好地模拟“水资源-土地资源-绿洲农村聚落”的共生关系。通过预测,ID情景下用于生产的水分比例仍高达86.30%,而生态用水比例仅为11.50%,持续的水使用结构不平衡导致耕地和农村聚落面积增至7473.21平方公里和487.16平方公里。与2020年相比,分别增加了115.63平方公里和41.28平方公里,进而使绿洲区域向外扩张,绿洲半径R从2020年的53.65公里增至2030年的54.79公里。在SD情景下,水土资源限制下的耕地和农村聚落面积减少至5223.56平方公里和105.04平方公里。绿洲的收缩使过渡带圈宽度B2从2020年的19.88公里增至2030年的24.58公里,较ID情景增加了5公里。由于空间重组,农村聚落斑块数量从2020年的1.04 × 104减少至0.15 × 104,优化后节约了3.41 × 104公顷土地。



Wenbo Zhang

西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,兰州 730070,中国

Libang Ma

西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,兰州 730070,中国

Hongbo Li


Xiang Wang

西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,兰州 730070,中国


Floral abundance and corolla length predict the importance of species in connecting urban green areas


【摘 要】

Despite the growing urbanization rate and its consequences on biodiversity and species interactions worldwide, the connection among urban green areas, performed by interacting species, is still poorly understood. We evaluated how plant and hummingbird species vary across the urban landscape of a tropical city in Brazil, identifying traits of species taking part in shared interactions between areas. We recorded plant-hummingbird interactions in five green spaces and two remnants of native vegetation, and: (1) contrasted species traits and species-level indices of both plants and hummingbirds; (2) evaluated how species and interactions vary among pairs of areas; (3) used a meta-network approach to identify which pairs of interacting species are more important in connecting areas. Species turnover was the component that better explained the beta-diversity of interactions among sites. In green spaces, plant species presented greater centrality and longer corollas than in remnants. However, both plants and hummingbirds were similarly specialized regardless of the type of area. Trees with large floral displays and with longer corollas shared more interactions and were present in more networks. Most interactions recorded in remnants are unique to them, due to the exclusiveness of some hummingbirds and plant species in such native habitat and are, thus, more sensitive to habitat conversion. Our findings support the importance of preserving remnants and using mass flowering native species in urban afforestation to maintain plant-hummingbird interactions and promote urban biodiversity. We evidenced that few interactions (16.6%) were redundant across areas, indicating a highly susceptible and fragmented system in the urban space.





Andréa Cardoso Araujo


Camila Silveira Souza


VivAndréa Cardoso Araujo


Camila Silveia Souza


Vivian Akemi Nakamura



Integrating habitat risk and landscape resilience in forest protection and restoration planning for biodiversity conservation


【摘 要】
Forests, which harbor most of Earth's terrestrial biodiversity, have been and continue to be impacted by significant threats from human activities. Improving biodiversity conservation outcomes requires proactive and effective management actions to address the increasing risks, rather than merely maintaining forest cover. However, few studies have explored how to spatially inform diversified management actions by incorporating risk information into forest protection and restoration planning. Here, we propose an integrated framework for planning forest protection and restoration that integrates landscape resilience and habitat risk assessment, aiming to identify priority areas for diversified management actions, including active protection (AP), passive protection (PP), active restoration (AR), and passive restoration (PR). This framework consists of three key steps: i) evaluating landscape resilience based on forest amount and functional connectivity, ii) assessing habitat risk using the InVEST model, and iii) identifying priority areas and corresponding management actions by spatial overlap analysis between landscape resilience and habitat risk. Using the central region of the Wuhan Metropolitan Area as a case study, we divided it into 3307 planning units, referred to as Focal Landscapes (FLs). The results indicate that there are 636 FLs in the AP zone, 498 in the PP zone, 508 in the AR zone, and 13 in the PR zone. This research demonstrates how effectively integrating risk considerations can enhance the planning process and outcomes. This study also underscores the potential to improve the outcome and cost-effectiveness of biodiversity conservation through the formulation of differentiated management actions and comprehensive planning for protection and restoration.


森林包含了地球上大部分的陆地生物多样性,一直以来都受到人类活动的重大威胁。改善生物多样性保护的成果需要采取积极有效的管理措施来应对日益增加的风险,而不仅仅是维持森林覆盖。然而,很少有研究探讨如何通过将风险信息纳入森林保护和恢复规划来空间上指导多样化的管理行动。在这里,我们提出了一个整合性框架,用于规划森林保护和恢复,该框架整合了景观恢复力和栖息地风险评估,旨在识别需要多样化管理措施的优先区域,包括积极保护(AP)、被动保护(PP)、积极恢复(AR)和被动恢复(PR)。这个框架包括三个关键步骤:i) 基于森林面积和功能连通性评估景观恢复力,ii) 使用InVEST模型评估栖息地风险,iii) 通过景观恢复力和栖息地风险之间的空间重叠分析来识别优先区域和相应的管理措施。以武汉市中心区域为案例研究,我们将其划分为3307个规划单元,称为焦点景观(FLs)。结果表明,AP区有636个FLs,PP区有498个FLs,AR区有508个FLs,PR区有13个FLs。这项研究展示了有效整合风险考虑因素可以如何增强规划过程和成果。这项研究还强调了通过制定差异化管理措施和全面规划保护与恢复,改善生物多样性保护成果和成本效益的潜力。




Chuandong Tan

华中农业大学园艺与林学学院园林建筑系,武汉 430070,中国

Bo Xu

华中农业大学园艺与林学学院园林建筑系,武汉 430070,中国

Ge Hong

华中农业大学园艺与林学学院园林建筑系,武汉 430070,中国

Xuefei Wu



Managing urban trees through storms in three United States cities通过风暴管理美国三个城市的城市树木

摘 要

The benefits and functions of urban trees are well-studied, and stewardship groups, non-governmental organizations, tree professionals, and municipal leaders aim to increase canopy cover and expand planting programs. However, urban trees also present variable risks to human safety and infrastructure based on tree species, size, age, health, and maintenance history. Furthermore, changing global climate conditions and increased storm frequency and intensity make it imperative for urban forestry professionals to mitigate risk and collaborate with stakeholders. In this qualitative study, we provide insights about urban forestry professionals’ (1) perceptions related to risk, management, and storm impacts, (2) preparation for and response to storms, (3) perceptions about community vulnerability and working with the public, and (4) perceptions about collaboration and conflict during storm management. Seventeen semi-structured interviews were conducted with urban tree professionals working with municipalities, managers of non-profit or volunteer-based groups, utility managers, and emergency managers from three cities in the United States: Jacksonville, Philadelphia, and Minneapolis. Across these cities, managers described direct and indirect ways that storms influenced tree planting, species selection, and removals while acknowledging aging infrastructure, limited resources, and multi-stakeholder coordination as recurring challenges. Results show that socio-demographic factors, neighborhood characteristics, historical legacies, and urban tree and canopy conditions increased perceived risk from trees during storms. Overall, participants agreed that collaboration across organizations and scales of management contributed positively to tree management in the context of storm events and the need for more collaboration among managers and with the public on storm preparation activities.






Stephanie Cadaval 

佛罗里达大学森林、渔业和地理科学学院, PO Box 110410, 盖恩斯维尔, FL 32611, 阿拉楚阿, 美国

Mysha Clarke 

佛罗里达大学森林、渔业和地理科学学院, 美国

Lara A. Roman  

美国农业部森林服务局太平洋西南研究站 & 北部研究站, 美国


The socio-spatial response to environmentally mitigated channelization in Southeast Asia. A longitudinal landscape pattern analysis 东南亚环境缓解渠道化的社会空间响应:一项纵向景观模式分析

【摘 要】

Rural-to-urban transformation in Southeast Asia must be discussed as a vicious cycle of hydrologic alteration, environmental degradation, and destructive land use changes that collectively jeopardize millions of lives. Particularly, top-down flood control schemes have been linked to significant degradation of the socioeconomic and biophysical features of rural landscapes and increasingly faster agricultural decline and environmental degradation.

In recent years, growing awareness has focused on ecosystem fragility and the need for a water-sensitive approach in planning. Water management and stream renaturation are expanding and rapidly developing disciplines that have produced radical advancements in ecological, geomorphological, and hydrologic areas. Despite such progress, however, these disciplines have failed to offer major advancements in socially related fields. A paucity of scientific research exists on the association between hydrologic alteration and the transformation of the landscape—which is a socially constructed phenomenon. As a result, the socio-cultural response to the morphological transformations of water regimes in peri-urban and desakota areas remains under-investigated.

The current study questions whether a specific morphological transformation of water streams, namely channelization cum environmental mitigation, can catalyze socio-cultural reactions and thus shape peculiar land use patterns. To examine that impact, we conducted a study on the Sheung Yue River in the New Territories of Hong Kong. Longitudinal data on the morphological change of the landscape at the catchment level from 1994 to 2022 were interpreted from aerial photographs and high-resolution satellite imagery, controlling for external factors. Alongside that data, 20 semi-structured interviews with local farmers provided in-depth knowledge of societal responses to the landscape mutation. Eleven interviews with knowledgeable informants also enhanced the understanding of river management and agricultural conservation. The overall findings revealed that integrating environmental mitigation strategies in channelization can moderate the negative impacts of the engineering-driven fluvial morphological transformation. Based on these findings, the study stresses the significance of socio-environmental responsive river management and integrated urban planning strategies for policymaking in Southeast Asia.








Xuewen Lu 香港城市大学建筑与土木工程系,中国香港 Gianni Talamini 香港九龙达之路83号,香港城市大学建筑与土木工程系,中国香港


Exploring the implementation of rewilding in a British local authority: Overcoming challenges and maximising opportunities for landscape-scale management


【摘 要】

Rewilding is increasingly viewed as a process-driven approach to land management that offers an alternative to traditional nature conservation, supports nature recovery, and responds to climate change. However, implementing rewilding in British local authorities can be challenging. This qualitative study explores the challenges and opportunities of implementing rewilding in a British local authority setting, focusing on a local authority in Hampshire. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professional officers and councillors who influence land management in the council, to understand their understanding of rewilding and the opportunities and barriers to implementing it.

The study found that the local authority favored rewilding as an option for land management. However, there was a need to develop greater consistency in definition and research-based understanding. The study presents a framework outlining how rewilding could contribute to the delivery of ecosystem services, including combating climate change, positive carbon sequestration, connecting spaces, and increasing the functional and biological quality of land through the adoption of twelve key principles. The research outcomes provide insights into how rewilding could be embraced by other local authorities and offer recommendations for further research at a policy and practice level, with a focus on site-based interpretation.

野化越来越被视为一种过程驱动的土地管理方式,它提供了一种传统自然保护的替代方案,支持自然恢复,并应对气候变化。然而,在英国地方政府中实施野化可能具有挑战性。本定性研究探讨了在英国地方政府环境中实施野化的挑战和机会,重点研究位于汉普郡的一个地方政府。与影响委员会土地管理的专业官员和议员进行了半结构化访谈,以了解他们对野化的理解以及实施它的机会和障碍。 研究发现,地方政府偏爱将野化作为土地管理的一个选项。然而,需要在定义和基于研究的理解方面发展更大的一致性。研究提出了一个框架,概述了野化如何有助于提供生态系统服务,包括对抗气候变化、积极的碳固存、连接空间以及通过采用十二个关键原则提高土地的功能性和生物质量。研究成果提供了关于其他地方政府如何接受野化的见解,并为进一步在政策和实践层面进行研究提供了建议,重点是基于现场的解释。


Kevin Harrington 格洛斯特郡大学艺术学院,弗朗西斯克洛斯霍尔校区,英国切尔滕纳姆 GL50 4AZ Alessio Russo 昆士兰科技大学工程学院建筑与建成环境学院,澳大利亚布里斯班


Mapping the climate risk to urban forests at city scale


摘 要

Climate change represents a threat to the performance and persistence of urban forests and the multiple benefits they provide to city dwellers. Here, we use a novel approach to identify species and areas at high risk of climate change using the city of Melbourne, Australia, as a case study. We derive a safety margin, calculated based on climatic tolerance to two extreme climate variables (maximum temperature of the warmest month, MTWM; precipitation of the driest quarter, PDQ), for 474 tree species recorded in Melbourne for baseline (average for 2011–2020) and future (2041–2070) climatic conditions. For MTWM, 218 species (46%) are exceeding baseline climatic safety margins; this number is predicted to increase to 322 species (68%) by 2055 under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5–8.5. For PDQ, 255 and 257 species (54%) are identified as at risk for baseline and future climates, respectively. Using georeferenced locations of trees and high-resolution climate data, we map spatial patterns in climate risk, showing high risk areas across the city. We demonstrate how using urban tree inventories and climate risk metrics can aid in the identification of vulnerable species and locations at high climate risk to prioritise areas for monitoring and assist urban planning.





Manuel Esperon-Rodriguez



Rachael V. Gallagher


Niels Souverijns







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