Loop Response Considerations in Peak Current Mode Buck Converter Design

Peak Current Mode (PCM

1 Introduction

The TPS560430 regulator is an easy-to-use synchronous step-down DC/DC converter operating from 4-V to 36-V supply voltage. It is capable of delivering up to 600-mA DC load current in a very small solution size. The family has different versions applicable for different applications, 1.1-MHz and 2.1-MHz switching frequency, PFM and FPWM, adjustable and fixed output voltage. The device is suitable for a wide range of applications from industrial to automotive for power conditioning from an unregulated source. The TPS560430 employs peakcurrent mode control with internal loop compensation, which reduces design time, and requires few external components. 

A lot of PCM loop models are available for system design. The most popular model is provided in [2]. The model predicted the sample and hold effects in the current loop, while using a three-terminal switch model to calculate power stage small signal model. Using this method, a simplified loop model is provided in [3], and an equivalent circuit is obtained to simulate the loop response. However, if all of the models require simulation tools to draw the bode plot, then find a crossover frequency and phase margin based on the bode plot. Besides, the transfer function of inner current loop is quite complex, making it hard to understand how it impacts the whole loop response. In this document, a simple equation is provided to calculate bandwidth. The phase margin is obtained by simplifying the inside current loop as a single pole. The inner current loop stability criteria can be obtained based on the model. Each zero and pole in the model has a clear physical meaning, making it easy to analyze the impact of each component value on the loop response. The inductor and output capacitor design procedure of the internally compensated PCM buck converter is given using the model. The model accuracy is verified by both simulation and bench measurement results.

2 Peak Current Mode Loop Modeling

2.1 Overall Control Block Diagram and Transfer Function Derivation

Figure 2-1 shows the simplified schematic for the PCM buck converter.


 Figure 2-2 shows the overall control block model where:

  • • Gdi(s) is the duty cycle to iL transfer function.
  • • ZO(s) is the transfer function of output impedance.
  • • Gdiv(s) is the gain of the feedback resistor network.
  • • GEA(s) is the transfer function of the error amplifier with certain compensation.
  • • Fm is the gain of PCM PWM comparator.
  • • Ri is the current sensing resistor.
  • • He(s) is the transfer function model of inductor current sampling-hold effect.

Equation 1 shows the transfer function from the inductor current to the output voltage.

 Gdi(s) is the duty cycle to iL transfer function.

The internal loop compensation is designed so that the crossover frequency is much higher than the corner frequency, 1/(2π√LCO). For crossover frequency and higher frequency, Equation 2 can be simplified as Equation 3. 

The sensed inductor current, external ramp, and the output of error amplifier VCOMP are compared, which determines when to turn off the high side MOSFET, hence the duty cycle is determined. Fm is the comparator gain. fSW is the switching frequency. Sn is the on-time slope of the sensed-current waveform and Se is the external ramp slope. 

2.2 Inside Current Loop Model 

Based on Equation 3 to Equation 5 and Figure 2-2, the transfer function from control to inductor current is Gci(s):

For PCM buck converter, the crossover frequency is much smaller than half switching frequency, so around crossover frequency Equation 8 can be simplified as Equation 9. The inside current loop is simplified as a single pole, which is very helpful for the loop response analysis of PCM buck converter. 

If the inside current loop Gci(s) is not stable, subharmonic oscillation occurs. A system is stable as long as each of the poles of the closed loop transfer function lies in the left half plane. The minimum inductor value is calculated to prevent subharmonic oscillation:

2.3 Overall Loop Model 

fZ_EA and fP_EA are zeros and poles introduced by the error amplifier with certain compensation. fZ_OUT and fP_OUT are zeros and poles introduced by the output capacitor and load. fP_ci is the pole introduced by the inside current loop. Based on Equation 1, Equation 6, Equation 7, and Equation 9, the open loop transfer function L(s) around crossover frequency is obtained:

2.4 Inductor and Output Capacitor Design Limits 

Figure 2-3 shows the Bode plot with proper inductor and output capacitor design. fc ≫ fP_OUT, fc ≫ fZ_EA, fc ≪ fP_EA, fc ≪ fP_ci, fc ≪ fZ_OUT

fZ_EA and fP_EA are zeros and poles introduced by the error amplifier with certain compensation.

fZ_OUT and fP_OUT are zeros and poles introduced by the output capacitor and load.

fP_ci is the pole introduced by the inside current loop. 

fC is crossover frequency.

The gain curve must go across 0 dB with a -20 dB/dec slew rate, so that the phase margin is enough. The zero introduced by the compensation network fZ_EA cancels the pole of output impedance fP_OUT, and they are placed far before crossover frequency: fP_OUT ≪ fc , fZ_EA ≪ fc . The parasitic capacitor of error amplifier CO_EA is quite small, so fP_EA ≫ fc .

If L is too large, the pole introduced by the current loop fP_ci is smaller than the crossover frequency fc . The gain curve goes across 0 dB with a -40 dB/dec slew rate, and the phase margin is not enough. Besides, the loop response is influenced by VIN since fP_ci is influenced by VIN. To prevent that from happening, L must be properly designed to ensure fP_ci ≫ fc . Equation 12 calculates the maximum inductor value


 If the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of output capacitor is too large, the zero introduced by the output capacitor fZ_OUT is smaller than the crossover frequency fc . The gain curve has a 0 dB/dec slew rate after fZ_OUT, which makes the crossover frequency too large. Some high frequency poles introduced by the parasitic parameters in the IC influence the phase margin, and the phase margin is not enough. To prevent that, ESR of the output capacitor must be properly designed to ensure fZ_OUT ≫ fc . Equation 13 calculates the maximum ESR.

2.5 The Equation to Calculate Bandwidth and Phase Margin 

 From Equation 11 and considering fc ≫ fP_OUT, fc ≫ fZ_EA, fc ≪ fP_EA, fc ≪ fP_ci, and fc ≪ fZ_OUT, the magnitude of open loop transfer function at crossover frequency fc is shown in Equation 14.

Considering RESR ≪ RO, the crossover frequency fc is obtained: Equation 15 

 Phase margin is the phase of open loop transfer function at fc minus -180°: Equation 16

3 Inductor and Output Capacitor Design

In this section, the inductor and output capacitor is designed in a practical application using TPS560430XF. The loop response is considered during the process. Table 3-1 lists the design specifications. 

3.1 Inductor Design Equation

17 calculates the value of the output conductor. KIND is a coefficient that represents the amount of inductor ripple current relative to the maximum output current of the device. A reasonable value of KIND is 0.2 – 0.4. Since the ripple current increases with the input voltage, the maximum input voltage is used to calculate the minimum inductance LMIN, while KIND = 0.4 is selected. The minimum inductor value is calculated to be 16.3 μH. Choose the nearest standard inductor: L= 18 μH.


From Equation 12, the maximum inductor value is calculated to get enough phase margin. Three times margin is suggested and the limit is Equation 18 with the TPS560430 internal parameter. If you assume the target crossing over frequency fc is about 20 kHz, then the result is L < 40 μH at the minimum VIN. The selected 18-μH inductor meets the requirement.

The TPS560430 is protected from over-current conditions by the cycle-by-cycle current limit. To prevent inductor saturation in case of short circuit conditions, the inductor saturation current must be greater than the device maximum peak current limit, which is 1.4 A for the TPS560430. 

3.2 Output Capacitor Design

The output capacitor is designed based on output ripple and loop response. The output voltage ripple is composed of two parts. One is caused by the inductor current ripple going through the ESR of the output capacitor, see Equation 19. The other is caused by the inductor current ripple charging and discharging the output capacitor, see Equation 20. The target output ripple is 30 mV, so ΔVO_ESR < 30 mV and ΔVO_C < 30 mV, then RESR < 125 mΩ and CO > 0.91 μF.

 From Equation 13, the maximum ESR value is calculated to get a reasonable crossover frequency and enough phase margin. If you assume the target crossing over frequency fc is about 20 kHz, then the result is RESR ≪ 612 mΩ. Three times margin is suggested and the result is RESR < 204 mΩ.

Output capacitor value determines loop response in internally compensated PCM buck converters, as Equation 15 and Equation 16. With TPS560430 internal parameter, the calculation equation is as Equation 21 and Equation 22. The target fc is about 20 kHz, so CO is about 15 μF. Consider of derating, one 22-μF, 16-V ceramic capacitor with 4-mΩ ESR is used. The capacitance after derating is 13 μF: CO = 13 μF, RESR = 4 mΩ. The crossover frequency is fc = 23.4 kHz and the phase margin is calculated as 64.2° at VIN = 12 V, IO = 0.6 A. The equation also indicates that the worst phase margin happens at minimum VIN and minimum IO, while the calculation result is 59.2° at VIN = 7 V, IO = 0.1 A. They meet design specs.

3.3 Simulation and Bench Verification

Figure 3-1 shows the schematic for bench verification. SIMPLIS is used to simulate the loop response as shown in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4 are the loop responses from the SIMPLIS simulation and bench test under VIN = 12 V, VO = 5 V, IO = 0.6 A, and fSW = 1.1 MHz. Table 3-2 compares the calculation results, simulation results, and bench measurement at different VIN. It can be seen that the proposed model in this application report is accurate.




 4 Summary

For an internally compensated, peak current mode buck converter, consider the loop response when designing inductor and output capacitor. This application report simplifies the inside current loop as a single pole, provides the constraint to ensure loop stability, and gives out an equation to calculate bandwidth and phase margin. The inductor and output capacitor is designed step-by-step considering loop response. The theory is verified by simulation and bench measurement results.

 5 References

  1. 1. Texas Instruments, TPS560430 4-V to 36-V, 600-mA Synchronous Step-Down Converter Data Sheet
  2. 2. R.B. Ridley, A New Small-Signal Model for Current-Mode Control, PhD Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, November, 1990.
  3. 3. Texas Instruments, TPS65270 Loop Compensation Design Consideration Application Report
  4. 4. Texas Instruments, How to Evaluate the Maximum Inductor in an Internal Compensation PCM Buck Converter Application Report

DC/DC Book of Knowledge Practical tips for the User

Book of Knowledge by Steve Roberts.pdf (dialogue.sk)

Laplace transform

Differential Equations - The Definition (lamar.edu)


Suppose that f(t)f(t) is a piecewise continuous function. The Laplace transform of f(t)f(t) is denoted L{f(t)}L{f(t)} and defined as

There is an alternate notation for Laplace transforms. For the sake of convenience we will often denote Laplace transforms as,




Closed-loop transfer function


closed-loop transfer function in control theory is a mathematical expression (algorithm) describing the net result of the effects of a closed (feedbackloop on the input signal to the plant under control.



Closed-loop transfer function


If we assume the controller C, the plant P, and the sensor F are linear and time-invariant (i.e., elements of their transfer function C(s)P(s), and F(s) do not depend on time), the systems above can be analysed using the Laplace transform on the variables. This gives the following relations:

The numerator is the forward (open-loop) gain from r to y, and the denominator is one plus the gain in going around the feedback loop, the so-called loop gain. If , i.e., it has a large norm with each value of s, and if  , then Y(s) is approximately equal to R(s) and the output closely tracks the reference input.

The open-loop continuous-time system transfer function

chapter4_BD.pdf (rutgers.edu)

Unity feedback

Following signals in the block diagram in the direction of the arrows,we can find the closed-loop system transfer function from  to  , assuming zero initial conditions



 Nonnity feedback

 The defined closed-loop transfer function is called the closed-loop transfer function with unity feedback. In many applications, in the feedback loop another transfer function is present, see Figure 4.7b. The closed-loop transfer function with non unity feedback is obtained similarly as follows


 Definition 4.1: The closed-loop system transfer function for non unity feedback is defined by

 The cascade connection of open-loop transfer functions is shown in Figure 4.8a.

It is easy to conclude that the equivalent open-loop transfer function is given by the product of elementary open-loop transfer functions

 This formula is called the product rule for elementary open-loop transfer functions.

The parallel connection of the open-loop transfer functions is represented in Figure 4.8b. Its equivalent open-loop transfer function is equal to the sum of elementary open-loop transfer functions, that is

The last formula is called the sum rule for elementary open-loop transfer functions.



Understanding Poles and Zeros

PoleZero.dvi (mit.edu)






 2 Geometric Evaluation of the Transfer Function


 11.5: Poles and Zeros in the S-Plane

11.5: Poles and Zeros in the S-Plane - Engineering LibreTexts

Once the Laplace-transform of a system has been determined, one can use the information contained in function's polynomials to graphically represent the function and easily observe many defining characteristics. The Laplace-transform will have the below structure, based on Rational Functions (Section 12.7):


The two polynomials, P(s)P(s) and Q(s)Q(s), allow us to find the poles and zeros of the Laplace-Transform.

Definition: zeros

  1. The value(s) for ss where P(s)=0.
  2. The complex frequencies that make the overall gain of the filter transfer function zero.

Definition: poles

  1. The value(s) for ss where Q(s)=0.
  2. The complex frequencies that make the overall gain of the filter transfer function infinite.


The S-Plane

Once the poles and zeros have been found for a given Laplace Transform, they can be plotted onto the S-Plane. The S-plane is a complex plane with an imaginary and real axis referring to the complex-valued variable zz. The position on the complex plane is given by rejθrejθ and the angle from the positive, real axis around the plane is denoted by θθ. When mapping poles and zeros onto the plane, poles are denoted by an "x" and zeros by an "o". The below figure shows the S-Plane, and examples of plotting zeros and poles onto the plane can be found in the following section.




### 回答1: PCI Express(简称PCIe)架构是一种用于连接计算机内置设备的高速串行总线标准。在进行PCIe的物理电测试时,需要考虑以下几个方面。 首先,传输速率是PCIe物理电测试的一个重要考虑因素。PCIe标准定义了不同的传输速率,如2.5Gbps、5Gbps和8Gbps等。测试时需要确保信号能以指定的速率进行传输,而不产生数据错误或错误的传输速率。 其次,信号完整性是另一个需要考虑的因素。PCIe信号在传输过程中容易受到干扰,如时钟抖动、串扰和噪声等。在测试中需要检测和分析信号的完整性,确保它们能稳定地传输而不受到干扰。 第三,功耗和电源管理也是PCIe物理电测试中需要关注的方面。PCIe设备在工作期间会产生热量,而不正确的功耗管理可能导致设备过热或不稳定。测试时需要测量设备的功耗和电源管理功能,以确保其在不同工作负载下能够正常运行。 此外,电缆和连接器的质量也是物理电测试中需要考虑的因素之一。PCIe连接器的接触质量和电缆的传输性能直接影响了整个系统的稳定性和可靠性。测试时需要检查连接器和电缆的连接状态,并测试其传输性能以确保其质量。 最后,抗干扰能力也是PCIe物理电测试中一个重要的考虑因素。PCIe设备在实际使用中可能会受到其他电子设备或无线信号的干扰。因此,在测试中需要评估设备的抗干扰能力,确保其在干扰环境下仍能稳定工作。 综上所述,PCIe物理电测试需要考虑传输速率、信号完整性、功耗和电源管理、连接器质量以及抗干扰能力等因素。通过对这些方面的测试和评估,可以确保PCIe设备的可靠性、性能和稳定性。 ### 回答2: PCI Express(PCIe)架构是一种高速串行数据总线标准,用于计算机系统中的外部设备连接。在测试PCIe架构时,需要考虑一些物理电测试的因素。 首先,应该确保传输介质的质量和可靠性。PCIe使用不同版本的传输介质,如铜线缆或光纤。测试人员需要检查传输介质的物理状态,确保其没有损坏或其他问题,以确保数据传输的稳定性和可靠性。 其次,还需考虑电气特性。PCIe架构需要满足特定的电气规范,以确保信号的正确传输和接收。测试时应检查电压、电流和信号波形等电气特性是否符合规范。这包括测试电源电压稳定性、消耗功率以及时钟信号等。 第三,信号完整性也是一个重要的考虑因素。PCIe使用差分信号传输,在测试过程中需要检查信号的完整性。差分信号测试涉及测试信号的振幅、上升时间、下降时间和噪声等。通过测试信号完整性,可以确保数据的正确传输,减少丢失和误码等问题。 此外,还应考虑外部干扰的影响。外部干扰可能会导致信号质量下降,从而影响PCIe架构的性能。测试人员需要测试环境中的干扰情况,以及采取适当的措施来减少干扰对PCIe架构的影响,例如使用屏蔽措施或进行地线和屏蔽的良好连接。 总之,测试PCIe架构时需要考虑传输介质的质量和可靠性、电气特性、信号完整性以及外部干扰等因素。通过进行全面的物理电测试,可以确保PCIe架构在实际应用中的稳定性和性能。 ### 回答3: PCI Express(以下简称PCIe)架构是一种计算机总线标准,用于在计算机内部连接外部设备和其他组件。进行PCIe物理电测试时需要考虑以下几个方面。 首先,受电控制和供电电机应该被充分考虑。在进行物理电测试之前,需要确保PCIe接口和其他相关设备的电源系统能够稳定地工作,并能提供足够的电流和电压。这需要进行电感、阻抗和稳压控制等方面的测试,以确保电源系统的稳定性和可靠性。 其次,信号完整性也是物理电测试的重要考虑因素之一。信号完整性是指在信号从发送器到接收器过程中,保持信号的正确性和可靠性。为了确保信号的完整性,需要对信号传输线路的电阻、电容和传输延迟进行测试。此外,还需要检查信号的波形、噪音和抖动等参数,以评估信号的质量和稳定性。 另外,电磁兼容性(EMC)也是PCIe物理电测试的重要考虑因素之一。EMC测试是为了确保PCIe接口和其他设备在电磁环境中能够正常工作,且不会对其他设备产生干扰。在EMC测试中,需要检查设备的辐射和敏感度,以及接地和屏蔽的效果,以确保PCIe架构在各种电磁环境下都能保持稳定的工作状态。 最后,还需要考虑PCIe接口的机械强度和可靠性。这包括对接口连接器的插拔次数、连接器的保持力和连接器接触性能等方面进行测试,以确保PCIe接口在长时间使用中能够保持稳定的连接和可靠的传输性能。 综上所述,PCIe物理电测试涉及到电源控制、供电电机、信号完整性、电磁兼容性和机械强度等多个方面的考虑因素。通过对这些方面的测试和评估,可以确保PCIe架构在各种环境下都能够提供稳定、可靠的数据传输和设备连接。




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