⛄ 内容介绍
RSSD 方法将信号中不同成分振荡程度的差异性作为分解依据,通过可调品质因子小波变换(Tunable Q-factor wavelettransform,TQWT)分别建立原始信号 的高、低品质因子小波字典S1和S2。再基于形态分量分析方法(Morphological component analysis,MCA)假定信号可表示为信号x1, x2与残余分量之和:
⛄ 部分代码
function [T MKurt f y T_best MKurt_best f_best y_best] = momeda_spectrum(x,filterSize,window,range,plotMode)
% code by Geoff McDonald (glmcdona@gmail.com), 2015
% Used in my research with reference to an unpublished paper.
% momeda_spectrum(x,filterSize,window,range,plotMode)
% Multipoint Optimal Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MOMEDA) computation algorithm. This proposed
% method solves the optmial solution for deconvolving a periodic train of impulses from a signal.
% It is best-suited in application to rotating machine faults from vibration signals, to deconvolve
% the impulse-like vibration associated with many gear and bear faults. This function generates
% a spectrum of how-well impulse-trains can be deconvolved at each period of separation between
% the impulses. Generally, this spectrum will product peaks at periods corresponding to critial
% frequencies, and the resulting magnitudes may be tracked to monitor machine component health.
% This method is derived in the Algorithm Reference section.
% Inputs:
% x:
% Signal to generate the MOMEDA spectrum on. Generally this should be around the range
% of 1000 to 10,000 samples covering at least 5 rotations of the elements in the machine.
% filterSize:
% This is the length of the finite inpulse filter filter to
% design. This must be larger than max(range). Generally a number
% on the order of 500 or 1000 is good, but may depend on the
% dataset length.
% window:
% This is the window that be convolved with the impulse train target. Generally, a
% rectangular window works well, eg [1 1 1 1 1]. Has to be shorter in length
% than min(range).
% range:
% This is the periods to test as the spectrum x-axis. It should be a decimal range, like:
% range = 5:0.1:300;
% plotMode:
% If this value is > 0, plots will be generated of the iterative
% performance and of the resulting signal.
% Outputs:
% T:
% The x-axis of the resulting spectrum, representing the period in samples.
% MKurt:
% The y-axis of the spectrum, representing the Multipoint Kurtosis of the Deconvolution
% result at the corresponding period in T.
% f:
% Optimal filters designed for each period in T.
% y:
% Outputs for each filter designe at each period in T.
% T_best:
% Period T corresponding to the highest MKurt.
% MKurt_best:
% max(MKurt)
% f_best
% Filter corresponding to maximum MKurt in the range provided.
% y_best
% Most-faulty output signal, max(MKurt).
% Example:
% % Simple vibration fault model
% close all
% n = 0:9999;
% h = [-0.05 0.1 -0.4 -0.8 1 -0.8 -0.4 0.1 -0.05];
% faultn = 0.05*(mod(n,50)==0);
% fault = filter(h,1,faultn);
% noise = wgn(1,length(n),-25);
% x = sin(2*pi*n/30) + 0.2*sin(2*pi*n/60) + 0.1*sin(2*pi*n/15) + fault;
% xn = x + noise;
% % No window. A 5-sample recangular window would be ones(5,1)
% window = ones(1,1);
% % 1000-sample FIR filters will be designed
% L = 1000;
% % Plot a spectrum from a period of 10 to 300 (actual fault is at 50)
% range = [10:0.1:300];
% % Plot the spectrum
% [T MKurt f y T_best MKurt_best f_best y_best] = momeda_spectrum(xn,L,window,range,1);
% % Now lets extract the fault signal, assuming we know it has a period between 45 and 55
% window = ones(1,1); % this is no window
% range = [45:0.1:55];
% [T MKurt f y T_best MKurt_best f_best y_best] = momeda_spectrum(xn,L,window,range,0);
% % Plot the resulting fault signal
% figure;
% plot( y_best(1:1000) );
% title(strcat(['Extracted fault signal (period=', num2str(T_best), ')']))
% Assign default values for inputs
if( isempty(filterSize) )
filterSize = 300;
if( isempty(plotMode) )
plotMode = 0;
if( isempty(window) )
window = ones(1,1);
if( isempty(range) )
range = [5:0.05:300];
if( sum( size(x) > 1 ) > 1 )
error('MOMEDA:InvalidInput', 'Input signal x must be 1d.')
elseif( sum(size(plotMode) > 1) ~= 0 )
error('MOMEDA:InvalidInput', 'Input argument plotMode must be a scalar.')
elseif( sum(size(filterSize) > 1) ~= 0 || filterSize <= 0 || mod(filterSize, 1) ~= 0 )
error('MOMEDA:InvalidInput', 'Input argument filterSize must be a positive integer scalar.')
elseif( sum(size(window) > 1) > 1 )
error('MOMEDA:InvalidInput', 'Input argument window must be 1d.')
elseif( min(range) <= length(window) )
error('MOMEDA:InvalidInput', 'Range starting point must be larger than the length of the window.')
elseif( filterSize >= length(x) )
error('MOMEDA:InvalidInput', 'Input argument filterSize must be smaller than the length of input signal x.')
L = filterSize;
x = x(:); % A column vector
%%% Calculte X0 matrix
N = length(x);
X0 = zeros(L,N);
for( l =1:L )
if( l == 1 )
X0(l,1:N) = x(1:N);
X0(l,2:end) = X0(l-1, 1:end-1);
% "valid" region only
X0 = X0(:,L:N-1); % y = f*x where only valid x is used
% y = Xm0'*x to get valid output signal
autocorr = X0*X0';
autocorr_inv = pinv(autocorr);
% Built the array of targets impulse train vectors separated the by periods
T = zeros(length(range),1);
i = 1;
t = zeros(N-L,length(range));
for period = range
points{i} = 1:period:(size(X0,2)-1);
points{i} = round(points{i});
t(points{i},i) = 1;
T(i) = period;
i = i + 1;
% Apply the windowing function to the target vectors
t = filter(window, 1, t);
% Calculate the spectrum of optimal filters
f = autocorr_inv * X0 * t;
% Calculate the spectrum of outputs
y = X0'*f;
% Calculate the spectrum of PKurt values for each output
MKurt = mkurt(y,t);
% Find the best match
[MKurt_best index_max] = max(MKurt);
T_best = T(index_max);
f_best = f(:,index_max);
y_best = y(:,index_max);
% Plot the resulting spectrum
if( plotMode > 0 )
ylabel('Multipoint Kurtosis')
xlabel('Period (samples)');
title('Input signal');
xlabel('Sample number');
title(strcat(['Best output signal (period=', num2str(T_best), ')']));
xlabel('Sample number');
title(strcat(['Best filter (period=', num2str(T_best), ')']));
xlabel('Sample number');
function [result] = mkurt(x,target)
% This function simply calculates the summed kurtosis of the input
% signal, x, according to the target vector positions.
result = zeros(size(x,2),1);
for i = 1:size(x,2)
result(i) = ( (target(:,i).^4)'*(x(:,i).^4) )/(sum(x(:,i).^2)^2) * sum(abs(target(:,i)));
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1]孙环宇, 杨志鹏, 王艺玮,等. 基于自适应参数优化RSSD-CYCBD的行星齿轮箱多故障耦合信号分离及诊断[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022, 48.
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